Naruto In My Hero Academia

Chapter 24 - Unfair world

Seriously, I would rather die than eat your food, or kiss you."

Naruto kept turning his face away from Himiko as she kept trying to lay kisses on him, and he went so far as it nearly break his own neck avoiding her. He wasn't going to allow this twisted girl to kiss him, even if he didn't have a girlfriend. She was just fawning over him at the moment, since she had stabbed him too much for the day. Unable to stab him anymore, she was forced to show her affections the somewhat normal way.

Somewhat, because he was still tied down, and covered in stab wounds, and she was rubbing herself on his blood.

"Oh, don't be like that, nobody is coming, so it's just us here. In our own little world. See, doesn't this make life easier? This world is so cold and unforgiving, but like this, everything is simple. We never have to worry about talking to other people, if you let me take care of you forever, then we can live in this bloody bliss." Himiko spoke as she tried to kiss him. Naruto gripped the pillow with his teeth, before he swung his neck and knocked her face away from his with it.

She giggled at his resistance, which pissed him off even more.

He sighed, before he grinned.

His body started to grow as it stared her down, he kept his transformation as slow as possible so that he didn't slit his own throat instantly.

"I would rather die."

"Stop! Stop! Don't do that! I don't want you to die!" Himiko grabbed the lamp and slammed it into the side of his head to try and make him stop transforming. His transformation reverted, and his head was turned to the side. Blood coming from his forehead, a piece of shattered glass stuck.

Himiko was breathing heavily, her cheeks red with frustration over what Naruto had just attempted to do.

"The world will never be an easy place." Naruto told her with a heavy grin. "Even more so for those of us with Quirks people label as evil." Naruto saw her turn her widened eyes to look at him.

She wanted the world to be simple and easy?

If she wanted to play this perverse game of house with him, then he was going to be the man of this house, and tell her some unpleasant truths.

"I want the world to be easy, and I'm going to make it easy." Himiko denied his statements as harshly as she could.

"The day I was born, both my parents, my little brother, and my little sister both died. My mother, Kushina Uzumaki, lost control of her Quirk in the middle of the hospital and killed people. She lost control, and nobody knows why... but she transformed, and crushed half of the hospital. My father used his Quirk and tried to save everyone... the first and only time my father held me, was to give me to my uncle, before he went to try and calm my mother down-" Naruto started to tell Himiko everything. He was going to break this little illusion that she could make the world an easy place by avoiding everything around her, and becoming obsessed with a twisted love.


"-she killed him in her rage. His body was cut in two, and with the last of his strength... he teleported to my mother's Hoshi no Tama... and he used the last of his strength to break it... just like the Nine Tails in mythology, when those with the Monster Fox manifest their Quirk, the first thing they do is spit out a small ball... and when it breaks..." Naruto explained, and Himiko had to cover her ears to try and avoid hearing his words. She didn't want to hear it, she couldn't hear it.

"I can't hear you!"

"Yes you fuċkɨnġ can! We die! My mother killed my father, and my father didn't want to see her become a MONSTER, so he used the last of his strength to kill her too! My birthday is the day I lost everything! Minato Namikaze, Kushina Uzumaki, Menma Uzumaki, and Naruko Uzumaki! I lost my entire family, because this world is NOT an easy place!" Naruto screamed at her at the top of his lungs. He forced her to listen to him, because he was going to break her.

If he couldn't move his body, he would move his mouth, and he would break he twisted world view with words if he had to.


"My Quirk is Monster Fox! If I ever lose control, I could kill everyone I love! My Quirk is a Quirk that is stained in blood, and everyday I have to try harder than everyone around me to not give in! Everyone who remembers what my mother could do, looks at me with eyes that treat me like a ticking time bomb! Life is HARD, but as humans, it's our job to face this cruel world with everything we have!" Even as she screamed, Naruto just shouted at the top of his lungs to make sure that she was able to hear him.

With her mental state, this had to be devastating to her.

She curled up into a ball and held her head in her hands. She looked towards Naruto, hoping he would take back his words and comfort her. When he didn't, she rubbed her arms together.

"You... you're lying... this is just... a lover's spat... we had to have one eventually..." Himiko smiled as she found a way to justify Naruto's statements in her mind as wrong. She was still breathing heavily, and her cheeks were flushed.

-Outside the Door-

'Oh my god...' Kirishima covered his mouth, tears in his eyes as he heard what had been said.

With Ryuko's nose in her dragon form, locating Naruto had been easy, and they had been able to sneak into the abandoned building without being heard thanks to Toru going ahead of them and pointing out all of the traps. They had been able to sneak around undetected, and just as they located the room Naruto was in... they heard his voice.

'... His strength is unreal...' Shoji couldn't feel anything but respect for Naruto after hearing about the day of his birth.

Hey, your mother killed your siblings in an uncontrollable rage, and then she fatally wounded your father. But don't worry, with his last breath, your father killed your mother to stop her rampage.

Mina looked at Ryuko, who nodded.

She knew all of this.

If I ever lose control like Mom, are you going to kill me?

'... Now isn't the time to get distracted by bad memories.' Ryuko had started to train Naruto in controlling his Quirk, because if he gained control, she would never have to do what was asked of her. It was way Naruto was introduced to all of the strongest fighting members of the Top 10. They had been told by the government that if Naruto ever lost control and killed a person, they were suppose to put him down.

Mina placed her finger against the lock on the door, and made a little acid so that she could burn through it as silently as she could. She was crying like everything, she was biting her free hand to keep from bawling.

Naruto never told her any of this.

Toru, buŧŧ nȧkėd and invisible, slipped through the door as she quickly and quietly opened the door.

Himiko reacted out of instinct, and threw a knife towards the door. Toru let out a shout of pain as the knife stabbed her in the shin. Toru dropped to the ground, the knife still stuck in her.

"Stop what you're doing right now!" Ryuko rushed through the door and stood in front of the students. Himiko reacted as quickly as she could, visibly nervous as she stood before a pro hero from the Top 10. She grabbed one of her knifes, and jumped on top of Naruto, placing the knife next to his neck.

Hostage situation.

"You unmanly coward!" Kirishima burst into the room with Mina, while Shoji picked up Toru from the ground, pulling the knife from her leg.


"Can you walk?" Shoji asked her quietly, and her felt her head move in a nod. Setting her down gently, he noticed that he didn't see any blood, so her blood must have been invisible too.

"Naruto... Naruto, it's going to be okay! I'm here now!" Mina called out to Naruto.

Kirishima blinked.

"You monster! You didn't even break the Kit-Kat bar, you just took a damn bite out of it!" Kirishima looked around and saw the chocolate she had tried to force Naruto to eat. He saw that she had taken a bite out of the entire bar.

Naruto pointed his fingers at Kirishima.

"That's what I said!" Naruto liked having somebody agree with him on this. His emotional outburst over now that his friends were here to save him. "Are you okay Toru?" Naruto asked Toru, having seen her get stabbed, well the floating knife at least.

"I'll be okay!"

'He's been stabbed at least... 13 times, and he still has damage from the explosions he took... The fact he's still alive is amazing.' Ryuko slowly moved her foot into position, to try and rush Himiko before she could use that knife. The girl looked flustered and angry now that they had interrupted her. "If you come quietly, then it will be better for you." Ryuko stated.

Somebody didn't like that.

"I'm going to kick your ȧss!" Mina lost her shit when she saw what state Naruto was in. She gathered her most lethal dose of acid that she had ever produced, so lethal that even her own hands felt like they were burning. She threw it at Himiko's shoulder, she wasn't going to kill the girl, and the girl ducked it. When it hit the wall, it created an easily 3 foot wide hole instantly.

Himiko actually smiled, and pushed the knife against Naruto's throat closer, reminding Mina what position she was in.

"I like you a little more now, that was really dangerous." Having somebody try and kill her had actually put Himiko's mind at ease, now able to see everything more calmly than before.

Kirishima looked at the wire wrapped around Naruto's neck, stopping him from transforming.

He glanced at Shoji, who was silent, and looked where Toru might be.

"God Mina, you nearly hit me with that!" Naruto shouted louder than he needed to.

Get the hint Mina.

"Seems like this is going to have to continue later... Our love will go on Naruto, some other day." Himiko looked down at Naruto. She looked at the small hole in the wall, her only real escape now.

Kirishima nudged Mina's side, and made a point of looking at Naruto's neck. Ryuko was unable to transform in such a cramped room, and Toru couldn't walk, while Shoji's Quirk wasn't going to help here. Mina was the only person who had any power over long range right now.

"I can't." Mina whispered back to him.

She couldn't hit Naruto.

"Mina! I'm telling you, I'm already going to be in for a long visit to Recovery Girl! Trust me, I can handle it!" Naruto snapped at Mina.

If she didn't hurry, Himiko was going to get away.

"What?" Ryuko was a little confused, until Mina gathered acid again and threw it at Himiko. The girl jumped towards the hole in the wall, the acid coming missing her. Everyone watched as Naruto's ċhėst and the side of his neck were splashed with acid.

"I made it as weak as I could!" Mina called out to him.

Naruto transformed, his neck snapping the weakened wire on his neck. Naruto used his strength to snap the ropes holding him down, and he grabbed Himiko's leg. He ripped her out of the hole in the wall, and threw her at the group. She twisted her body in the air to avoid Ryuko and Shoji as they tried to hit her, the girl was surprisingly skilled at close combat. She slashed Shoji with the knife she had hidden away in her pocket, his shoulder getting a deep cut. She swung the knife at Kirishima, and it broke against his skin.

"Stay away from my friend!" Kirishima slugged her as hard as he could right in her cheek.

He wasn't the only one.

"Don't touch my boyfriend!" Mina added her fist to the punishment, and took a shot right at Himiko's stomach. She was knocked onto the floor, her eyes rolled up into her head.

Naruto forced himself to stand up out of the bed.


"I've got you." Ryuko gently spoke as she held him up with her body. Shoji and Kirishima went to Naruto, and they each took an arm, and wrapped it around their shoulders to help him stand. "... Now, take him to Recovery Girl at U.A... I'm going to have a word with your teachers about this after I've taken this girl into custody." Ryuko didn't praise any of them for this.

She wasn't allowed to praise them for what they were doing, she didn't even praise Naruto when he did illegal hero work... at least while she was on duty.

Operation: Rescue Naruto... Success!

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