Naruto In My Hero Academia

Chapter 2 - Monster fox


When Naruto used the word swim or swimming, water was never something he meant when he said it. Swimming through a sea of enemies, or trying not to drown as he pushed himself head over heels in his training. Naruto stood in the middle of a forest, looking at his phone, waiting for a response from anyone that he had texted. He had a slightly eager look on his face, because today he was going to be training in secret with a Pro Hero... that wasn't his Uncle.

'I don't see why everyone likes him so much, he's just my dorky uncle.' Naruto didn't understand everyone's fascination with the man. They wouldn't be nearly as impressed with All Might if they knew what he was like at home. A dorky, pun spewing, excited, guy with a complete lack of skills when it came to training students. 'If he was a half-competent teacher, I wouldn't be going behind his back to train with heroes.' Naruto always felt bad that his uncle didn't know what he was doing, and that he had to lie to the man.

Sure, he was honest with Toshinori about him not being a great teacher, but he had never told the man that he was training with others behind his back.

He didn't want to hurt his only families feelings.


[Where are you?] - Ryukyu

Naruto looked at the text he had gotten, before he looked up at the skies, and around the forest. He had picked a place that was pretty far away from civilization, seeing as it was the best place for him to train his Quirk. Naruto unzipped his orange jacket, tossing it to the ground, before he took a deep breath and clapped his hands together.

His body transformed.

His hair started to change color from blond to orange, and the hair on his head spread to cover his entire body. His bones changed shape, his legs becoming more like the legs of an animal. His torso remained humanoid though, and he kept humanoid hands, claws forming on them. His head changed shape into that of a fox, with elongated ears with black markings extending to cover around his eyes. He grew in height as well, standing over 20 feet tall as 3 tails grew from his tailbone. Amazingly, his pants stretched to fit him, since they were made out of a material designed to grow to fit those with Quirks that increased their sizes. Sadly, his favorite jacket was not made of such materials, so he was always forced to take it off when he transformed.

He opened his eyes, showing that they had changed color, pure red with slit pupils, and his whisker marks transferred to his face, becoming darker sections of fur that resembled the whisker marks.

Naruto roared loudly in response to the text.

Naruto's Quirk.

Monster Fox.

"Raaaaaaaaaah!" Naruto allowed his blood-lust to infuse into the roar, sending all of the nearby forest animals running out of instinct. Birds flying away from the location, and any creature with a self-preservation instinct making the choice to escape from his sight.

Downside of the Quirk.

It was hard to control the animal-instincts of the Quirk, considering the Fox was still a carnivorous creature.

The sounds of wings flapping were heard, and several trees were knocked down when a dragon landed in front of Naruto. Naruto crouched down so that he was standing on all fours, and looked eye to eye with the dragon that landed down. The dragon, visibly female, was roughly the same size as he was now. The two of them were both standing on all fours, looking at each other. She was covered in hard scales, with a more slim body than his muscular body. She had large wings jetting from her back, and on top of her head she had spiked hair. She wore a Chinese dress, designed with a scale pattern, and a scaled headband over her head.

The dragon spoke, and the voice didn't quite sound like it belonged to a dragon.

"I was surprised you sent me a text today. I don't mind helping you train on my day's off, but you always pick the strangest locations." Ryukyu spoke as she bowed her head politely in greeting, her long neck curving. She stopped bowing her head, and locked eyes with him again.

This wasn't their first meeting.

Considering she was great with children, she had actually spent a few of her days off in the past watching Naruto as a favor asked by All Might himself. She didn't know how Naruto and All Might were related, since All Might didn't tell her that information, but she had stopped questioning it. Now that Naruto was 15 though, it had been years since she had babysat him. Now, she only really saw him when he wanted some help training.

"With your scales, you're the best suited for this, but I don't want to force you to break the law, so training needs to be done away from the city." Naruto's voice on the other hand had changed to fit his larger form. It was deeper, darker, far more demonic sounding as it resounded.

Naruto used the tips of his claws to pick his jacket up off the ground, and he removed a small sparkling object from one of the pockets. He extended the object to Ryukyu and showed it off to be small silver pocket watch. It was his thanks for her helping him, since she did enjoy shiny objects. It wasn't really expensive, being a low purity of silver, but it looked nice. The looks were all that were important, it being a shiny metal object.

"Thank you... now-" Ryukyu watched as Naruto placed his jacket in a tree, putting the watch back into it for safe keeping until they were done. "-lets review the basics, and see your mastery over them." Ryukyu raised a clawed hand and motioned for him to attack her.

Attack he did.

The ground cracked underneath his feet as he rushed after her, their two large bodies colliding violently as they uprooted the nearest trees. Naruto grabbed her by the waist and the shoulder, using his fangs to grab onto her neck just hard enough to hold her, without piercing the scales too deeply. She on the other hand, grabbed onto his right leg and left arm, with her fangs sinking into his shoulder as the two of them became locked into a competition of strength.

They were both standing on hind legs, trying to use their footwork to gain the edge over the other. To knock each other off of their balance, with two of Naruto's tails going up and wrapping around her wings. His third tail wrapped around her leg, and her tail was beating against his right side.

The fur on his body was thick, serving as a decent defense against blunt and piercing attacks, cushioning blunt attacks, and reducing piercing damage.


Using his large body to capture enemies without inflicting mortal injuries, judging the right amount of strength to use to counter the enemy. Fighting without killing, and reducing damage to the surrounding area. It was a basic for those with Quirks that increased the size of their bodies.

Her fangs pierced his shoulder, and she gained the upper hand, tossing him to the ground.

"-you." Naruto spoke as he used the hold his tails had on her to throw her to the ground as well. The two of them got to their feet, and charged at each other, slamming their foreheads together. "Texas Smash!" Naruto slammed his fist into her sternum.

Attacking the vitals.

Bringing down villains as quickly as possible, so attacking the vitals after judging how much punishment the villain could take was a basic. Naruto used all of his strength to punch her right between the bȯȯbs, knocking her off of her legs and into the air a little. She flapped her wings, her scales visibly bent out of shape, and flew up into the air.

"The power that you Smashed me with was impressive. I felt that impact through my entire body." Ryukyu praised the strength of the punch. Her tail ripped a tree from the ground, and she tossed it at him.

Naruto didn't look at the tree.

He dodged it without taking his eyes off of her, never taking your eyes from the opponent if possible. Dodge attacks through feeling them out, instead of needing your eyes as your biggest cue for dodging.

"Barely damaged you."

"I'm quite durable, you said it yourself. Feel free to smash me with all of your might. I want to see how the control over your power has grown." Ryukyu wasn't the 9th place hero for nothing. She was one of the most popular, most powerful heroes in the world. She had taken her fair share of beatings before, gotten her ȧss handed to her several times, and grown stronger for it. "Make use of your tails more, you have more ways to attack opponents than just punches." Ryukyu advised him, seeing him not using all of his limbs for attack.

Naruto ripped three trees from the ground using his tails, and threw them all at her together, smashing them together in midair to shatter them.

His body shrank in size as three tails turned into a single tail, his body being only 7 feet tall now. He jumped up into the air, hiding behind the shattered trees, and grabbed onto her long neck. With a firm hold, Naruto's body started to grow in size as he reached his three tailed form again. He tails wrapped around her wings, and the two of them fell out of the sky, slamming into the ground. They were biting and scratching each other, fighting similar to animals as they engaged in extreme close combat.

Submission holds, their bites and scratches were just ways for them to try and put the other into places where they could put them into a strong hold.

Naruto transformed back into a human form, landing on his feet as he ran on top of her body. She reached up and clawed at him, with him putting his hands on her claws, and using them to jump over the next grabbing claw.

He transformed into a two tailed version of his Quirk and grabbed onto her neck with his entire body.


Size wasn't always important, just because the opponent was larger, didn't mean they would always win. Otherwise, those with Quirks that made them huge would be unstoppable. Using the smaller size to the advantage was a basic of combat when fighting those larger than oneself. Naurto snapped his jaws on top of her maw, stopping her from opening her mouth again. She reached up and grabbed him, trying to pry him from her body.

"Gocha." Naruto tried to speak with her mouth in his mouth, but it didn't come out quite right.

She grabbed him by the tail and yanked, getting a yelp from him, and she bent her neck to bite him. She threw him to the ground and mounted him, sitting on top of his waist as she bit down on his neck.

She transformed back into her normal form, sitting on top of his ċhėst.

"Good, you didn't forget the basics. Now, lets practice your martial arts in these forms." Ryukyu got up, helping him to his feet as she licked her hand and wiped the blood from his neck. She had pierced his skin when she bit his neck, and while the wounds were superficial, it still wouldn't be good to let the blood keep flowing freely.

She noted that he was about an inch taller than she was now, wondering if he was about to start another growth spurt soon. She had long since stopped growing, she was a 25 year old woman, but it was always amazing to see the tiny little kid she babysat grow into a man.

Naruto dusted himself off.

Then, out of nowhere he threw the first punch at her stomach, which she side stepped and grabbed onto his forearm. She punched at him with her free hand, and he leaned his head to avoid it, reaching up to grab her wrist.

"Damn, thought I had you."

"That was a well delivered punch. You never know when a fight will start, so it's better to attack the villains before they can act." Ryukyu and Naruto let go of each other's arms, and started to throw and block punches. They carefully and quickly moved their arms to toss aside each other's attacks, use their palms to divert fists, and slapped each other's forearms to knock away punches.

They didn't move their feet up, instead of stepping, they slid their legs into proper positions, tapping their feet together and moving them apart as they tried to get the timing right to throw a kick.

"Figures I can't surprise you... Hmmm?"


"Keep focused." Ryukyu told him, and Naruto waved a hand in response.

He knew that.

"Sorry Ryuko... Ryukyu, sorry..." Naruto grabbed his phone and looked at the text.

[I found my successor] - Uncle


"Seriously, what the hell did I miss?" Naruto asked as he tilted his head in confusion, unsure of what to make of the text. As glad as he was that he didn't need to take the One for All Quirk, he was surprised that his uncle had actually managed to find somebody so quickly.

"Is everything okay?"

"Yeah... Lets continue until you need to leave if it's not too much trouble." Naruto put his fists up.

She wiped the smile from her face, and did the same.

Time to get a little more serious.

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