Naruto In My Hero Academia

Chapter 3 - Busy Day

Naruto had to admit, that he was curious about who it was. His Uncle was very picky about choosing a successor for the power, very picky, Naruto could only list the number of people on a single finger that his uncle had believed worthy of getting to have the Quirk. Of course, that one person being he himself, this list of people only including living people naturally. Naturally, Naruto was very interested in meeting this future One for All successor, the person that his uncle was going to be grooming into the next generation for the Quirk. Surprising though, was the fact that Toshinori, All Might, had decided to keep who the successor was a secret for the last 2 months since finding him. He hadn't budged on the issue, no matter how much Naruto asked him.

I don't want to overwhelm the boy with too much information.

Right, the boy was apparently an All Might super fanboy, so learning that All Might had family would be a real shocker. Considering that Naruto knew a ton of personal information about his uncle, it was best to allow the boy to get used to being around his hero for awhile. Adjusting him to the shock of everything too soon would be detrimental to his training.

'He has to be frustrated... finding a successor, but their body not being strong enough to handle One for All.' Naruto thought to himself, walking down the sidewalk with his hands in his pockets.

One for All was a powerful Quirk, and the strength it granted the body was immense. It took a body that had extensive training to use the Quirk, most people die the second they tried to use the Quirk. So selecting somebody to inherit it was a challenge in the first place, it took hard work and determination to become strong enough to handle the power. It was part of the reason why his uncle had been so eager to pass it onto him, because his body had been trained since he was a child for the purpose of becoming a hero. Then, when he turned 8, his uncle had started to train him for the purpose of becoming the One for All inheritor, though that plan backfired when he realized that Naruto didn't want the power. So he had to keep looking, while trying to convince him to take the Quirk, for somebody that he believed had the potential for becoming a symbol for the people, somebody to bring peace to their hearts.


Naruto's head jerked to the sound of the scream, and saw a small child was sitting in the middle of the road, her lower body frozen to the ground. The little girl couldn't be more than 4 or 5 years old, and a large portion of the road around her was frozen as well. The girl had awakened her Quirk, and had no control over it, in the worst possible place. Naruto glanced at the street, and saw on one side of the road that hadn't frozen, the cars had all stopped for the girl. Sadly, on the frozen side... it wasn't easy for a truck to stop on a frozen road with no warning. Naruto, without even thinking, ran towards the little girl and used his Quirk to transform into his 1-Tail Form, and rushed towards her. The truck was trying it's best to turn away from the girl, but it just wasn't working. Thankfully, Naruto's legs were much more stable on the ice, and he reached the girl first. Grabbing onto her, he pulled her out of the ice, and jumped out of the way of the truck.


Naruto's roar reached the drivers on the other end of the road, with many of the cars going in reverse and hauling backwards. They were able to avoid getting run over as the truck flipped onto it's side and slammed into the side of a building. Naruto covered the girl's head and protected her from the loud sound of the building getting penetrated by the large truck.

The little girl started crying, from either fear or relief, but she didn't let go of the fur protecting her.

'The driver is knocked out... but doesn't seem dead... The building isn't in great shape though...' Naruto glanced over towards the truck, gently lowering the girl to the ground. 'Doesn't look like the truck is going to blow either...' Naruto sighed in relief when it looked like everything was going to be okay. The girl refused to let go of him, so he had to give his best smile as he removed her hands from his body.


The truck didn't explode, Naruto was right about that. People screamed though when something inside of the building, something hit by the truck, exploded instead. Naruto looked around for any hero that was available in the area to try and protect people. Naruto took a deep breath, before he stood up and started to storm towards the building, a large part of which was starting to collapse.

"Yuki!" The mother of the girl he saved ran over to her daughter, tears in her eyes, and hugged the young girl.

Naruto took charge.

Buildings had people in them.

Right away, Naruto saw close to 5 people in the first room he was in, 4 of them knocked out cold and injured, and one of them pinned underneath a bookshelf. Naruto tossed the bookshelf to the side, before he picked up the man. He moved to each of the people in the room, and stacked them on top of his right arm, carrying them towards the hole in the building and jumping over the truck. Naruto ran to the street, which had police cars starting to gather and set up blocks to prevent people from getting in the way of the rescue efforts.

No heroes yet.

So, placing all of the injured down on the ground, Naruto ran back into the building once more and avoided as many of the flames as he could. The explosion, Naruto guessed, seemed to have been some kind of radiator or a gas powered heater. The flames were spreading very quickly, and they were burning with great heat. Naruto made his way into the next room, and didn't see anyone there. A chunk of flaming wood fell on top of his shoulder, and he knocked it off of him and continued on his path through the building.

'It's getting harder to breath.' Naruto took off his unzipped jacket, the zipper had exploded when he transformed, and wrapped the jacket around his mouth to filter the smoke as best he could. It wasn't making it easier to breath, but it would provide some protection against losing to a loss of oxygen. Running upstairs, the building looked like it was about tree stories tall or so from the outside, Naruto was thankful when he saw a strong jet of water shooting into a window from outside.

It would seem either the firefighters had arrived, or a hero with a water Quirk was helping from the outside.


He ran to the call for helping the fastest way he could... by busting through the wall keeping them apart. Naruto saw the room had several people in it like before... people that were being trapped where they were thanks to a massive hole in the middle of the floor, and spreading flames.

"I am here!" Naruto jumped over the hole in the floor, landing on all fours in front of the people. he skid over to them, shielding them from the flames with his body, his tail stopping the... family from being crushed when part of the increasingly unstable building fell down. Naruto gave a smile as he did so, nodding to the family. It would seem that the building was a home for a family. Naruto saw 4 elderly, and 5 very young children, huddled together. "Are any of you injured?" Naruto questioned them as he leaned his head over them and took a chuck of the roof to his face. A large gash appearing over his face as he knocked it to the side, but he refused to show weakness. He just turned his face so that they couldn't see his injury.

"Thank you... thank you so much." The oldest of the elderly spoke, a man, to him as they started to gather on his back. Two old folks on the front, two on the back, and the children being safe guarded between them. Naruto took his jacket from his face, and tossed it over the heads of the children.

Naruto looked around.

"I saved 5 downstairs... is there anyone else here?" Naruto asked as he tried to listen for anyone.

Naruto jumped back when flames rushed up from the hole in the middle of the room, and water came through the window and started to put out some of the flames.


"I've already saved them... everyone lower your heads, I'm going to jump." Naruto ordered them as he glanced back at them. The ones in the back forced the children, crying children, to take cover. Thankfully, nobody was offering him too much trouble as he started to run at the window. Slamming his head against the small window, Naruto shattered the wall around it and jumped from the building. Landing roughly on the ground, Naruto skid on the ice as he landed on the street, coming to a halt with a sigh of relief.

"Everyone, back away from the building!"

'Finally, the heroes...' Naruto allowed the people he rescued to get off of his back, and looked over to see two heroes.

One of them was putting out the fires on the bottom floor by opening up the fire hydrant nearby and controlling the water into the building. The second one shooting water out of his body into the windows on the upper floor.

Manual, and Backdraft.

"Thank you... thank you so much for saving my little girl." The mother from earlier had seen Naruto, and rushed over to thank him. Naruto was rather instantly the center of attention as he stood up straight and looked down at most of the crowd. There were a few people he could stare eye to eye with, with large bodies like he had at the moment.

Naruto waved her off.

"No need to thank me, when I saw her in danger, my body just moved naturally. Anyway, now that the pros are here-" Naruto's statement was met with surprise when he started to transform back. His body shrinking in size until everyone was able to see that he was only a teenager. "-I'm late for something important." Naruto spoke as he started to make his way through the crowd that had gathered around him.

With the pros on the scene, he wasn't needed anymore, and he had saved everyone in the building.

Also, considering he wasn't a pro hero, he could get into some trouble if he stayed too long and got questioned for it.

Naruto hissed in pain.

He had several burns across his torso, and he had a gash on his forehead. Naruto took his jacket from the children as he passed them, and put it on over his body. With the burns covered up, he would attend to them later. He pulled the hood on his jacket up, and increased the speed he was walking with to try and escape unnoticed. He wasn't able to leave without getting praise from the crowd he walked through though.

-Several Hours Later-

Naruto surprised his uncle by walking up behind him, though Naruto was surprised to see his uncle was standing with the next successor... in his true form.

"You're bleeding." Toshinori changed the subject when he saw dried blood on Naruto's face. He showed worry for his nephew as he tried to take a look at the injury, though Naruto waved him off. "Did something happen?" Toshinori asked as he insisted on looking at the cut.

It was a nasty gash.

"Yeah, something fell on my head earlier. I'm fine though, so this is him?" Naruto asked as he looked at a boy hauling garbage across the beach. Well, hauling was the wrong word, since the boy was struggling to move most of the stuff. The bigger stuff at least.

He was pretty plain looking, though distinctive in his own right.

Now really muscly in appearance, with light skin and freckles on his face, unruly green hair. The boy was sweating up a storm, his body only starting to show signs of attaining real muscle. He was trying his hardest though, his thin body being pushed to it's limits to get stronger.

"Izuku Midoriya... he's Quirkless right now, but in 8 months his body will be ready... Not going to say anything to that?" Toshinori spoke quietly so that Izuku didn't hear them talking about him.

Naruto shrugged.

"Its your choice, and I'll support you, and him. So what did you need me for?" Naruto asked the older man.

He was giving a sheet of paper.

"This is my 10 month plan for young Midoriya, tailor made to his body. At the end of it, he should be able to handle my Quirk without dying. I would like you to look-" Toshinori was surprised when Naruto ripped it in half.

"10 months... with 8 more to go huh? That gives just enough time to get into U.A. right? I'm going to go home, and rewrite this schedule... lets make his body ready for One for All in 7 more months. That way, you can actually TEACH him how to use it." Naruto stated as he turned around and started to walk away. Naruto wasn't... well, he was an idiot, but he knew his uncle well. The man was trying to make this as close to the edge as possible.

Then, he was going to let the boy discover how to use the Quirk the day of the U.A. entrance exams.

As funny as that would be, it would be better to give Midoriya a month to start to adjust to having the Quirk.

Naruto didn't expect he would be doing so much work today.

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