Naruto In My Hero Academia

Chapter 26 - Class president ? or not


Waking up at 1 Am in the morning to move into the dorms, after having no real sleep since his kidnapping, and being forced to go through an extremely stamina draining thing such as Recovery Girl healing had taken a lot out of him. So, practically the second Shota had gotten into class for the morning and called attendance, Naruto's head hit the desk and he went to sleep. Since the other students weren't going to learn that they were going to be asked, not forced, to move into the dorms during the weekend, Naruto was just going to go along with everything quietly until then.

'This sucks... got detention with Aizawa this afternoon... Naruto looks tired as hell.' Kirishima glanced back at Naruto, and grinned.

He was just happy Naruto was safe with them.


'... I'll let it slide this time... but next time, he's getting a week's worth of detentions for that.' Shota had noticed Naruto sleeping as well, but instead of let this get in the way of class, he could sympathize with Naruto's need for sleep after his long few days he's had. He would hate to have to wake Naruto up, just as much as he would hate it if somebody woke him up from a nice nap.

Thankfully, Naruto put his homework on his desk, already finished, and he had a recorder next to his head, to record the day's lesson, so Naruto actually seemed pretty well prepared to learn while sleeping.

He would allow the sleep this one time.

-Five Minutes Later-

Naruto Uzumaki - 7 Votes

Momo Yaororozu - 2 Votes

"I'm not waking him up to tell him he's Class President." Kirishima raised his hands up in surrender. He wasn't stepping on that landmine, no matter what anyone said to him. Last time he woke up a tired Naruto, he got punched in the face for it. Naruto's first response to getting rudely woken up was to hit whatever woke him up, anyone who had seen it happen knew this much.

"Nope." Mina crossed her arms with a grin.

She had been there when Kirishima got punched, and it had been hilarious. It was Mina and Kirishima's reactions to waking Naruto that got the rest of the class pale and sweating over the idea of what was going to happen to them. Everyone also remembered how Naruto treated All Might, and suddenly, even Bakugo didn't feel like being the one to wake Naruto up.

"Vice President, if you will." Shota was having none of their irrational fear, so he orodered Momo to take care of it. If she was going to be the Vice President, then she was going to need to work with Naruto a lot to make the class run smoothly for the teachers. The girl nodded her head and started to walk towards Naruto, placing her hand on top of his shoulder. Kirishima and Mina winced, waiting for the punch that Momo was going to get for it. Naruto just ġrȯȧnėd and rolled his head to the side, opening a single eye to look at her.

She froze.

"Oh, Momo... whatcha want?" Naruto yawned and sat back up.

She pointed at the chalkboard.

"You are the Class President, and I'm the Vice President. We were voted by the class, so I hope to get along-"

"What the hell Naruto! When I woke you up, you punched me out of a window!?" Kirishima felt a little pissed, so Naruto stood up and walked up to the front of class with Momo. Usually, Class President was reserved for those who had the potential to be a top hero. Naruto could guess that since everyone knew he did illegal hero work sometimes, that they believed he was the most heroic of them, and deserved the position.

He gestured to Momo.

"You woke me up by coming into my room, and screaming at me... of course I'm going to hit you. Anyway... I don't want it... you, glasses... Tenya right? You look like you follow the rules... Class President is yours." Naruto went back to his seat after giving away his position. He left Tenya in shock when he was just given such an important position. Naruto's head touched the table again, and he was out like a light.

For five seconds.

"Thank you so much! I will do my best to-"

"Shut up!" Naruto shouted as he snapped awake again, punched Tenya across the classroom, and out of the window, before he slumped his head on the desk again. Funny enough, Tokoyama had opened the window just as Naruto punched Tenya out of it. He had enough sense to do it the second the glasses boy had started to scream at Naruto his thanks.

Kirishima felt vindicated.


"Dude... that's gross... and I'm surprised your joining us Shoji." Kirishima saw Shoji drinking an energy drink, no lunch, through his mask. Sitting at their small lunch table now was Toru, Mina, Naruto, Kirishima, Shoji, and Momo had been added to their small little group. Naruto just had his face in a bowl of ramen, literally, eating and sleeping at the same time. He was slurping the noodles, drinking the broth, and snoring all at the same time. It was gross, but Mina was having fun with it, pulling Naruto's head out of the ramen, and switching him to another bowl of noodles, just for him to do a repeat of it all.

Shoji nodded to him and raised his energy drink.

They had kind of bonded over the Naruto Rescue Mission, so it made sense for them to sit at a lunch table together.

"I just wanted to ask... why did you all skip class yesterday?" Momo asked them curiously, the real reason she sat with them actually was to find that out. They had missed the entire school day, so it made sense for her to try and find out why.

Food vanished into Toru's mouth.

"We were totes saving Naruto from a freaky yandere girl! It was super scary, but it really made me feel like a hero when Naruto thanked us!" Toru couldn't help but almost shout that too loudly. She yelped when Naruto opened an eye and glanced at her, before he closed his eye and fell unconscious again. "We got in a lot of trouble." Toru mentioned with rub of her head, that nobody could see.

Mina grabbed Naruto's wallet and walked up towards the Pro Hero in charge of lunch, before she used his money to buy another two cheap bowls of ramen. Coming back to the table, she sat one down in front of Naruto and dunked his head in it. She put the next in front of herself and dug into her own lunch. Naruto had offered to allow them all to use his wallet to get themselves lunch today, since some of them needed to recover their stamina after getting burned or stabbed saving him.

"I see... that explains why U.A. is in some legal trouble..." Momo whispered to herself.

She had heard the news mentioning parents wanting to pull their kids from U.A., since apparently a super strong student had been kidnapped and tortured to near-death. She had been curious who could have been kidnapped, and it would explain why Naruto was so tired. Actually, if it happened after Naruto fought the guy that tried to blow himself up, then Naruto could have been captured when he was already half-dead.

There was silence for a moment.

"So... what made all of you want to be heroes?" Toru asked to try and restart a conversation.

"I want to be like Crimson Riot, the fearless hero!" Kirishima proudly proclaimed almost instantly. Crimson Riot was the hero he had looked up to since he was a kid, and he had always tried to style himself after the man. Crimson Riot was why Kirishima chose to dye his hair red, and spike it up like he did. "He's the coolest!" Kirishima stood up and howled out.

He got some looks for that.

"Retro! I've always been athletic, and I have flashy looks, and a strong Quirk. It only makes sense that I try to become a hero, right?" Mina didn't really so much choose to become a hero, so much as becoming a hero just felt right to her. She didn't really know what she wanted to do, so becoming a hero had just made sense, and she liked helping people a lot. "You Shoji?" Mina asked their quiet giant.

"I never thought on it, it was expected of me I guess... my father was a hero-"

"Who is your father?" Toru spoke up over him, and Shoji didn't seem to have a problem answering the question.

"My father is Kakashi... my Quirk is actually a mutation of his Quirk, and my other's Quirk. He's not a very well known hero, he retired from hero work to raise me." Shoji didn't have much to say. His parents never married, but they stayed together. His mother was a grocery store worker, while his father had retired from hero work and got an office job, so that they could raise him without his life being in danger.

"Oh! You mean Copy-Wheel! He's an old-school hero, his Quirk let him predict and copy martial arts and how villains move." Momo was a little excited to here about that one. She actually had a signed picture of Copy-Wheel, when she was taken to a hero convention by her mother as a child. "I wanted to be a hero, so I could put my Quirk to good use." Momo used her Quirk when she noticed that Mina had forgotten chopsticks, and she made a pair for her. "With my Quirk, I can help people in almost any situation. It doesn't make sense for me not to become a hero." Momo furthered her own explaination.

With a Quirk like her Quirk, she would be wasting her potential by doing anything else but being a hero.


"Words Naruto, words." Mina corrected him with a nudge to the side. He pulled his head out of the bowl, before he looked up at all of them.

"I just want to help people, so that when they see me, they feel like everything is all right. I wouldn't be at this school if having a license wasn't required by law for heroes nowadays." Naruto then put his head back in the ramen bowl, and forced himself back asleep while eating. Kirishima got up, and grabbed Naruto's wallet, before he went back up to get something more to eat as well.

Naruto was paying for all of them.

"How about you To-"

"Speaking of food, I noticed the other day, but you eat a lot Yaororozu." Toru pointed out as she looked at Momo's plate, which had more food that Mina and Toru combined. Momo didn't seem to mind being interrupted by the girl, and just nodded.

She showed off her arm and pinched it, showing a small amount of fat there.

"I want to be a hero, so I need to stay in shape, but my Quirk requires I eat a lot. The more I eat, the more material I can produce with my Quirk. I try and stay athletic, and keep a good figure so that I can fight and keep my flexibility, but I also try to maintain a little body fat." Momo's arms were slim, but they had muscle to them. She also had a small layer of fat to them, but it was hard to notice if you weren't looking. The same applied to most of her body, but thankfully, her Quirk condensed the fat on her body and allowed her to multiply the fat she did have to a certain degree as she transformed it. "If I was like Ashido, and had no fat, then I would become malnourished by my own Quirk." Momo looked at Mina's body.

The girl didn't have any visible, non-boob, fat on her body that wasn't needed. She was a purely athletic girl, and because of that with her balanced diet, her physical conditioning was amazing.

"Way better than my Quirk, all I do is get hard." Kirishima hardened his arm to show off. He was jealous of those with useful and flashy Quirks, since they usually blew his Quirk out of the water in appeal. He was okay in a fight, but he wasn't useful in a bunch of other situations.

Mina covered her mouth.

'Dude... phrasing.' - Mina

'Does he realize...?' - Momo

'He said that at a table with women.' - Shoji

"That's what she said!" Toru shouted, unable to resist anymore with all the talk of getting hard. She rolled onto the floor, giggling her head off at her own joke, and Kirishima's face became as red as his hair when he realized what he had said.

A security alarm started to go off.

Instantly, students started to freak out and try and run towards the exits. Several students were knocked out of their seats, and were swept up in the rush of students, then again most of the students were with the General Courses and Business Courses, so they weren't trained in stuff like hero work. U.A. wasn't just a hero school after all.

"All of you, shut up and calm down!"

Instantly, a giant fox appeared appeared in the middle of the students, a fox whose head reached up to the ceiling. Naruto, having been knocked out of his seat, transformed and towered over the students around him. His deep and booming voice taking command over the cafeteria instantly, his annoyance reaching all of them quickly.

'Ow... ow... ow...'

Toru, Momo, Shoji, Kirishima, and Mina were all on Naruto's head, being pressed up against the ceiling while Naruto made his anger known to everyone.

"It's just the news reporters breaking into the school, look out the windows, the teachers have it handled... all of you get back to your damn seats." Naruto watched as the students fearfully went back to their seats, threats from a giant fox weren't something to be taken lightly. Naruto sighed and lowered his size, transforming back, and dropping his friends onto back onto their feet.


Whoops, didn't realize they were on his head when he transformed, since he had been knocked to the ground, transforming must had put them on his head, and thus pushed them into the ceiling.

Maybe now he could get some sleep.

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