Naruto In My Hero Academia

Chapter 27 - A Taste of Fear

The bus.

"Not tired anymore?" Mina asked Naruto teasingly as she sat next to him. Both of them were in costume, most of the class was in their various costumes actually, except for Izuku surprisingly. Apparently, in his battle training with Bakugo, his costume had gotten heavily damaged. Naruto actually wished he had seen that fight, since it sounded like it had gotten pretty intense. Naruto was awake and alert now, something that hadn't been the case an hour ago when he had been sound asleep in class. "Feeling better, big baby boo?" Mina teased him.


Mina pouted and held her hurting cranium in pain, since Naruto had given her a swift bonk to the head for her teasing. He smiled down at her though, nodding his head as he looked at everyone, and he nodded at Momo.

"Sorry Yaororozu, Uzumaki, from now on neither of you will be placed together on teams. After going over your abilities and the results of your testing, the two of you are far too good together."

'It doesn't matter what training we do together now, the two of us aren't going to be on a team.' Momo thought as she nodded back to Naruto. Getting ready for Rescue Training had been something that had reminded her of what Shota had told them near the beginning of class when they were boarding the bus originally. Apparently, their stats were just too good for them to be placed together for team trials. '... Honestly, that makes me want to form a Hero Team with him when we graduate, if even teachers think we are an unfair match-up.' She could imagine it in her head, kind of, how well they could team up. The results their teaming would create, and how effective they would be against villains, would just make the match up make sense.

Naruto didn't think on that though.

He didn't like this.

'... I've got a bad feeling about this training...' Naruto felt something was off about the air. Something in his head was going off, an animal instinct telling him that danger was approaching? He didn't know, but he didn't like it.

This was the first time in his life, despite the number of times he had been in danger, that he had actually felt something horrible was coming.

"What'd you say frog-face!?"

"Hey, don't insult frogs jackass! Frogs and toads are apart of the same family, and I won't have you using frog as an insult!" Naruto stood up and pointed at Bakugo with a frown. He used to have a pet toad before it died, and he just had never gotten around to getting another one. Naruto looked at Tsuyu, who seemed unphased by the comment from Bakugo in general. "You're absolutely adorable Tsuyu." Naruto looked at the smallest girl in class, the only one who was sitting on all fours in her seat at the moment as she got the compliment.

Toru nudged Mina.

"What, he's just telling the truth?" Mina had no issues with Naruto complimenting a cute girl when it was true, and he wasn't trying to flirt. Tsuyu didn't blush or anything, and she didn't seem offended of pleased. She just accepted the compliment with grace.

"You wanna fight fuċktard!?"

"Why bother?" Naruto seemed a little confused why Bakugo wanted to start a fight. The guy's Quirk was Explosion, he sweat an explosive liquid from his palms, and his explosions so far had been weaker than what was usually required to do any real damage to him. Naruto's fur was highly flame resistant in his stronger forms, so flames usually didn't do a ton of damage to him at their lower heats. The guy wasn't stupid, he was high up in the classroom, so there was no way that he wasn't aware of the difference in their strengths and weaknesses.

"Stop fighting."

Bakugo was forced to sit back down when Shota turned around and glared at the two of them. Naruto shrugged and sat down too, not really angry to begin when. He just didn't like it when people were insulted because of things they couldn't help, even more if that thing made you look like a cute frog. Naruto glanced at Mina, before he thinned his lips. Suddenly, the lump in his ċhėst, and the one in his pocket, felt a whole lot heavier.

'... I hope I don't regret bringing it here to train.' Naruto thought to himself, patting his side.

-At the USJ-

"Holy crap, this is amazing!"

It was, the USJ was filled with multiple biomes that were host to different type of disaster relief situations. Visible from their current location, their was a Landslide Zone, a Flood Zone, Fire Zone, and multiple other places that would train heroes on dealing with different types of rescue scenario's. Standing in front of it all was their guess lecturer for the day, a hero wearing a fully body space suit, a very bulky one, the Space Hero Thirteen. Naruto had never actually been to this place before, so this was even a new experience for him as well.

'I hope I don't get sent to... that feeling... it's getting worse.' Naruto didn't like it. The hairs on the back of his neck were raising up, he felt a pit in his stomach, and he didn't know why he felt something really bad was coming their way.

Even against villains, his danger senses never went haywire like this, so why now?

Naruto felt his heartbeat pounding in his ears, he wasn't able to hear the teachers anymore. Something was wrong, terribly wrong, and he wished he could pinpoint it. It couldn't be Thirteen, despite the fact that his Quirk was-

"-Black Hole, it can suck up and tear apart nearly anything."

"-and you've used it to save people all over." Izuku commented, and suddenly, the heartbeat in Naruto's ears stopped. The world returned to him, but instead, he had a voice in his ear. Ochaco was nodding her head in obvious excitement to see Thirteen in person, the happiest smile on her face.


A voice spoke to Naruto, and he looked for the source, but nobody was saying anything to him.

"My powers could easily kill, and for some of you, that's true too. In our world full of superpowers, we regulate the uses of Quirks, and it might seem that is good enough, but one mistake, one uncontrollable Quirk, and people die." Thirteen explained, and silence fell over the students as they listened to the morbid words. The words struck a cord with Naruto, and several others with Quirks that could easily kill, but for once Naruto didn't think about his mother.

Run, it's coming.

The voice spoke again.

'What is this voice... and this what happens when I'm about to lose control? Am I losing control of my... no, it has to be something else.' Naruto forced the thought he was losing control out of his mind.

Why wasn't anyone else noticing something was wrong?

"During Aizawa's fitness test, you learned your own hidden potential. With All Might's battle training, you learned how dangerous your Quirks are to others. This class will show you a new point of view, how you can save lifes. Because your powers aren't meant to hurt, they are meant to help people." Thirteen gave them a short bow. "That is all, thank you for listening."

"He's awesome!"

It's here!

"What... what is that?" Naruto looked down towards the ground far below them, and he saw a spiralling black mist forming in front of the fountain. Naruto's statement brought attention to it, and others started to notice it to. The only person who noticed it at the same time as Naruto, was Shota himself. He saw the mist become large enough to form a portal, and people started to come out. At first, a man covered in hands came out, then it happened.


A large figure, even larger and bulkier than All Might, appeared out of the portal with other villains. he had scars on his arms, and his brain was completely exposed, with his mouth being a sharp beak with rock-jagged teeth, and a jet-black body. The voice went absolutely haywire, screaming at him to run away, the second Naruto layed eyes on that one villain.

"Those are villains!" Shota got ready for battle.

"... Everyone run! Get out of here as fast as you can, that big one is dangerous!" Naruto shouted at his fellow students.


'I'm going to die...' Naruto transformed up to his 2-Tailed form as jumped over the edge of the platform, sailing down towards the one who was setting his instincts off. Naruto ignored literally everyone of the villains as they ran up the hill towards him. Naruto upped his size all the way up to his 4-Tail form, and curled up into a ball, rolling down the hill and running over as many villains as he could. Naruto ignored the thought that he was going to die, and charged straight towards the dangerous one. 'That thing... it's a monster... if anyone fights it... they're going to die. I need to take it down, even if it kills me.' Naruto glanced out of the side of his eye, and saw that Shota had joined in on the battle.

When he got to the bottom of the hill, Naruto saw that a large black mist had formed at the top, where he had been, but he forced himself to believe that the others were safe, if it was just a portal then they were being sent somewhere else.

"Well, looks like the first dead kid is coming to us all on his own. Maybe a dead fox will bring out the Symbol of Peace."

Naruto transformed back to the 2-Tail form and slammed fist as hard as he physically could into the black thing's body, and he wasn't even knocked back by the blow. His body got a little bigger as he absorbed the shock of the attack. Naruto felt the attack before it could connect, and he dodged a flurry of close to ten fists. He had to transform back to his normal form just to become small enough to dodge all of them. Naruto ignored the blue haired bastard, though he wasn't being ignored in return. He didn't pay attention, but the one covered in hands looked at Naruto wearing his costume with a look of genuine surprise.

'Shock Absorbing Quirk?' Naruto transformed back and slashed him across the ċhėst with his claws. If his fists weren't going to work, then he was going to have to use his claws to make this monster bleed. Surprisingly, Naruto's face had blood splash on it when the creature stepped back for a moment, claw marks slashing down it's ċhėst. Only moments later though, the marks healed and it looked right back at Naruto. 'And a Regeneration Quirk!?'

Naruto took a fist to the stomach, and blood came from his mouth. He was sent flying through, so fast that his body broke the ground when he hit it, and he continued to fly.

"You can't beat Nomu, not only does he had Shock Absoption, and you would have to really rip him apart to beat his Hyper Regeneration. He was made to kill All Might after all, you can't beat him Naruto-kun."

"Gack." Naruto puked blood and undid his own transformation. 'He hits are hard as uncle does... he's got Strength Quirks too? This guy... the only way to have multiple Quirks is...' Naruto continued to puke blood, before standing up and wiping the blood from his lips.

That guy just said his name?


"Nomu, this guy has the Monster Fox Quirk, don't hold back even an ounce of strength." The seeming leader spoke as he pointed at Naruto.

"I'm not letting you touch my classmates, and I'm not letting you even think of fighting All Might. I'm going to-" Naruto shouted out as he heard the voice try it's hardest to stop him.


"Fight to my last breath!" Naruto transformed, and he took one calming breath.

He was fighting an enemy on par with his uncle.

"Foolish student! You need to leave the-" Shota arrived on the scene, and Naruto's eyes widened with joy.

"This guy is as strong as All Might, even if you erase his Quirk, your body isn't strong enough to fight him... HELP ME!" Naruto shouted as he ran at Nomu. Naruto had an ally now, even if his ally was pissed at him. Shota was surprised at Naruto's statement, but ran after Naruto.

Fists collided with faces.

Shota's eyes glowed red as Naruto was sent flying by the punch, and he erased Nomu's Quirk a split second late. Throwing his scarf out, Naruto powered down and grabbed it, being flung towards Nomu.

"You need to run, this is too high level for you." Shota said, as Naruto kicked Nomu off of his feet. He was grabbed by his own though and slammed into the ground.

"A real hero puts their life on the line, even when they can't win! Just erase his Quirk as long as you can!" Naruto started to trade blows with Nomu as fast and hard as he could.

The leader of the villains glared at Shota and rushed towards him, distracting him long enough for Nomu to punch Naruto with his full strength.

"No cheating, this is one on one!"

'He really is as strong as my uncle, this feels just like a 100% punch!' Naruto nearly had his lights knocked out of him.

Naruto took five more punches as he was still flying from the last one. Getting slammed into the ground by a sixth punch, Naruto was pretty sure every bone in his body was broken now. Nomu grabbed Naruto's arm, and yanked on it, gripping it with all of his might.


"Fuck!" Naruto shouted in pain as his arm was crushed. He was then picked up, and slammed into the concrete again.

Then again.


"Looks like that is one student dead... brings a lot of shame on the Symbol of Peace, huh?" The villain leader jumped back and avoided Shota, while Nomu stood up and started to punch Naruto more. "He's just rubbing salt into the wound now. I really expected more from a monster fox... What?"

Nomu was blasted as massive amounts of blue flames rushed out of the hole in the ground, roasting him and sending him flying.

A massive figure started to grow out of the hole.

"That's... one... two... three... four... five..." Shota's eyes saw a number of tails continue to grow and grow, as a large, bloody orange fox came out of the hole and continued to grow larger. His size didn't stop growing, and the number of tails didn't stop. "... six... seven... eight... nine... he's lost control." Shota didn't like the looks of the situation.

This Nomu had just beaten Naruto into losing complete control.

Standing taller than ever before, giant red eyes looked down at all of them. Easily over 100 feet tall now, a giant fox with the aura of a demon, glared death down everywhere.

"Fox..." Blue flames gathered in Naruto's mouth, and he leaned down so that he was looking over Nomu. "... Fire!" Naruto spewed the flames down. The flames consumed everything in their path, burning all that they touched to ash.

The villain leader's eyes widened.

Nomu wasn't immune to fire, since that wasn't an ability All Might had, so he wasn't given a power to make him immune to it.

Nomu was turned to ashes.

"Raaaaaaaaah!" Naruto slammed his hand into the ceiling, and broke a hole in it. His fist then swung and smashed a building to pieces. He spewed flames at the ceiling, burning a massive hole in it. Naruto glared everywhere, looking everywhere for the being that hurt him so much. Red eyes took delight in the destruction that his body caused moments later.

Naruto's transformation ended when Shota turned his eyes on Naruto, and erased his Quirk as quickly as he could.

'The Monster Fox Quirk was born when the Gigantification Quirk and Nine Tails Quirks fused... and it's been passed down... but his mother didn't use Fox Fire... she used Illusions when she rampaged...' Shota saw the leader of the villains running away from him. He was scratching his neck while running, right towards the villain who had created the portals.

"Nomu is dead, it's game over for us this time!"

Shota had to keep his eyes on Naruto though, Naruto waking up and rampaging again was now the worst case scenario. That villain, Nomu, had been created to kill All Might... and had beaten Naruto so badly to the point that his Quirk had forcefully rampaged?

"There are still dozens of other villains everywhere... and students battling them..." Shota had to defeat all the villains around them, before he could go and help the other students.

The biggest threat was gone, but all of the students were still in danger.

Shota saw a small white ball fall out of Naruto's pocket, and roll on the ground next to him, but he didn't pay it any attention. Instead, he just went to work.

There were villains to beat.

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