Naruto In My Hero Academia

Chapter 28 - Critical


A lot of blood.

That was what Thirteen saw when he was finished taking down most of the villains in the area he had been in, and went to help Shota deal with the most dangerous threats that had been in the middle of the building. He had seen the giant fox that had appeared very shortly, and while it had been frightening to see that, he had tried to finish what he was doing as quickly as he could to join. Since he was a rescue hero, it had taken him a lot longer to defeat his villains than it would have taken Shota to do it, but thankfully he had the help of several students who left the building to go get as much help as possible.

"What happened here?" Thirteen asked his fellow teacher.

The man didn't look happy.

"... The villains created a hero that could defeat All Might, they came here with a plan... they were organized. The thing was a monster, and had multiple Quirks... while Naruto fought that monster, I was distracted by their leader..." Shota explained what he knew. He had captured all of the villains that had been in the area, and had tried to get as much information out of them as possible. He was also trying to keep Naruto's vitals stable without moving him, since he wasn't in a fit condition to be moved right now. With what happened, his internal damage had to be severe, no doubt he had head trauma, and all of his bones were broken. Not to mention his arm was crushed and bent out of shape.

It took everything he had to keep Naruto stable, and he wasn't a hero that was very good with medical skills, so this was a little bit of a challenge for him to try and do.

What he wouldn't give to have Recovery Girl's power right now.

"He controlled his Quirk?" Thirteen had seen the giant fox appear and shrink down. That was a good sign that Naruto had taken control of his previously believed, uncontrollable Quirk, and tamed it to defeat an impossible villain.

"... He rampaged... Nomu, the monster, beat him to near-death... and it pushed him over the edge. I'm afraid of what would have happened if I hadn't been here... everyone could have died." Shota had been picked as Naruto's teacher for this very reason. To end any rampages that could happen as early as possible while Naruto learned to control his Quirk. "The villain's leader, and the portal guy, both got away... I should expel him." Shota knew that was something he had the power to do, and something he had done many times before.

Yet, it wasn't right.

He had seen the fear on Naruto's face when he charged into battle, before it had been replaced by acceptance. This student, this boy, had charged into this fight with the full knowledge that he was running to his death. He had done what many heroes weren't capable of doing, and while completely foolish, he had placed the lives of others before his own.

"... You won't?"

"No, I'm not going to praise him for risking his life... but the only reason he did it was so his classmates could run away. His actions were those of a true hero... and he might not have ended up like this if I had fought alongside him." Shota thought on it some. Naruto had a point, if the two of them had teamed up, then Naruto could have beaten Nomu without risking so much in the process. Shota used his scarf to wrap around Naruto's torso, and tied it tight enough to stop the flow of blood. He himself, Shota, would have lost to Nomu in a fight, Quirk or no Quirk. But if the two of them had worked together, Naruto's powerful body, and him erasing Nomu's Quirks, could have been the key to a quicker, less bloody, victory.

Thirteen went to Naruto's other side, and he looked at the white ball on the ground for a moment.

"This is his?" Thirteen asked, and he got a nod in return.

"Damn Naruto! Those villains must have been hardcore, I've never seen you bust out a that many tails before, or breath fire!" Kirishima, with Bakugo behind him, both started to run towards their direction. They weren't the only ones though, several other students with minor injuries started to show up towards them as well. So far, the only ones who were showing up were Todoroki, Izuku, and Tsuyu. Izuku and Tsuyu having been sent to the flood area, while Bakugo and Kirishima had been sent to an area together, so all of them had been rather close to the middle when it went down. Todoroki had just finished the cannon fodder villains sent his way quickly, and rushed to help with the middle area.

Shota cursed under his breath, the sight of their injured classmate wasn't something they needed right now, and considering U.A. was on thin ice, the fact that villains got into the school and a student was placed near-death... again wasn't going to be great for them.

Thankfully, since Naruto was in a small crater, they hadn't seen him just yet.

"Students, everyone quickly go and help your classmates. Help should be arriving soon, Eraserhead and I have this area-"

"Naruto!" Kirishima had seen into the crater, and he jumped into it without a second thought. "Naruto! Dude, you're okay right, these wounds won't keep you down!" Kirishima cheered Naruto on as he landed next to him. He was about to shake Naruto awake, but he was stopped by Shota before he could touch Naruto.

This wasn't a joke.

"Go help the other students, Naruto is in critical condition. If he's moved carelessly, it could put his life in more danger. Here, your his friend, protect this for him." Shota grabbed the Hoshi no Tama and gave it to Kirishima. The boy looked at his friend laying on the ground, before he regretfully nodded his head. Naruto would have trusted Kirishima with guarding it for sure.

Tsuyu hopped into the crater, and she looked at Naruto's condition like Kirishima.

"Todoroki... can you make a stretcher out of ice?" Tsuyu asked the boy, and he looked a little surprised to be addressed directly like that. He nodded though, and placed his hand on the ground, making a flat chunk of ice in the general shape of a stretcher. Shota looked at it, before he figured out what Tsuyu was thinking of doing, and he nodded in approval.

They could safely move him on a stretcher.

"Eraserhead, lets move him onto it." Thirteen gently moved Naruto's head and shoulders, while Shota moved his lower back and legs. The two of them worked together to gently move him onto the ice, ice that would slow his bleeding and help him. 'This girl... she has a calm head on her shoulders.' Thirteen thought as he looked at the frog girl with some appreciation.

She would be a good rescue hero.

"Deku, Kirishima, can you two carry Naruto? I know it's a lot to ask, but I can carry that ball Kirishima. Todoroki, you're strong, if you'll protect us while we carry Naruto, and Bakugo-"

"Shut it frog-face, I'm strong, so I'm going to protect the front! Icy-Hot can guard the back!" Bakugo shouted at her, and she took it in stride. Kirishima looked at the small ball, before he handed it over the Tsuyu. Opening her mouth, she swallowed it whole, seeing as she could spit out her stomach later to get it out, she was the best suited to hiding something that seemed so important. Everyone got into position and they started to move out, with Tsuyu running next to the stretcher.

"I'm going to help in the mountain rescue area, a lot of villains looked like they were over there." Thirteen knew where he was going to go, and Shota nodded his head.

He would go to another hurricane area, and find any students who were teleported there.

-With Naruto-

"What kind of opponent was he fighting?" Kirishima whispered as he looked at Naruto's horrible condition. Even when Naruto took an explosion to the ċhėst, and spent a full day getting stabbed repeatedly, he didn't look as bad as he did. He had never seen somebody beat his friend in a straight fight either, so he had just ȧssumed that Naruto had won the fight and somehow knocked himself out by losing too much stamina. "How far are we away?" Kirishima wasn't in the lead, so he wasn't privy to that knowledge just yet.


"All these villains are damn cannon fodder!" Bakugo blasted two villains who were running at them away, completely clearing their path towards the exit doors. "Open the doors losers!" Bakugo shouted at the few classmates who hadn't been teleported from where they started. Mina and Ochaco were the only ones left, the others having gone to get help, or help the other students with their villains.

'Shit!' Kirishima couldn't let Mina see Naruto in this condition, she would freak out. He wasn't the only person who had this thought though, because Ochaco had glanced and saw Naruto, and she looked at Mina before the girl could see her boyfriend. Ochaco covered her mouth in shock when she was able to lay eyes on how bad of a condition their strongest classmate was, but she quickly blocked Mina's view.

"Uraraka?" Mina asked in confusion when Ochaco made sure to block her view of Naruto as much as possible, as the rescue team ran by them and out of the exit doors. "Who was that they were carrying? It's okay, I know Naruto is accident prone. He must have just broken his legs or something. I'm a hero too, I can handle seeing him get hurt." Mina pushed her aside with a forced smile.

Ochaco stood in her way again, making sure she didn't see it.

"Lets go help the others, I'm sure Naruto will be... fine." Ochaco didn't sound sure, and that worried even Mina. She frowned, but she nodded her head and forced herself to turn around and prepare to go and help the other students. Before they could though, most of the pro hero teachers rushed through the doors and started to run towards the different areas as well.

Leading them was an angry All Might.

All Might wasn't smiling, the fury on his face was palpable.

"Who did that to one of my students!?" All Might shouted as he jumped, and knocked the girls over with the shockwave from his powerful legs. Neither of them had ever seen him so angry, nobody had, and suddenly, Mina looked towards where they were carrying Naruto.

"You two, take this chance to get out of here. We'll finish up with the villains here, and rescue your classmates. We'll have the police talk with everyone later to get your stories on what happened." Nezu spoke as he hopped down from a hero's shoulder, and motioned to the girls to get moving. "As hurt as the young man looked to be passing him, he must have been in a tough fight." Nezu gave credit where it was due. Then again, even before Tenya had gotten to the teachers, they had seen the massive blue flames shooting into the sky.

It was hard to miss that to be honest.

They had students to save.

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