Naruto In My Hero Academia

Chapter 29 - Heroes Menagerie Teaser!

Gotta hurry and check on the others."

Tsuyu hopped, her fastest way of running, out of the main school building so that she could go back to the USJ, and continue to help out with anything that they could have her do. After seeing the others off, when dropping Naruto off for emergency healing, she instantly made herself scarce. The others were strong enough to protect Naruto from further danger, but she was needed elsewhere. She wasn't sure what help that she could be, but it didn't hurt to go and find out from the pro heroes if they had anything from her.

She didn't want anyone else to be hurt.

Her body froze, and her eyes dulled when she felt control of her own body give way. She hit the ground roughly, and though she wanted to wince in pain, her bodies controls were no longer her own. She couldn't even twitch her eyes to see who was behind her, all she heard was the tapping of a cane against the ground.

A villain!

"Child... in your stomach, you have something very important to me, something that is very useful for my plans... come with me child." The male voice, she decided, spoke to her calmly, calculated. Tsuyu couldn't turn around and see him, but she felt his hand on her shoulder. Somehow, he had been able to sneak onto the school grounds without an alarm going off... or he was one of the villains who had joined on the USJ raid. She tried to open her mouth, but her body moved against her will as she walked with the man. The man tossed a small coin-like device on the ground in front of them, and it exploded into a small portal. "Don't worry, you won't be harmed, as long as you don't fight. Of course, your mind might not be strong enough to fight my control." The man walked her towards the portal.

He wanted what was in her stomach?

Naruto's ball thing she promised Kirishima she would protect!

'No... have to fight... have to...'

Tsuyu was led through the portal.

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