Naruto In My Hero Academia

Chapter 37 - Mina's Bad Week

"Naruto, lets take our relationship to the next level!"

Kirishima blinked and looked towards Mina as she burst through the door to Naruto's room. He had no clue what to make of what she had just screamed into his ear. She had actually surprised him to the point that he had jumped out of Naruto's bed, dropping the martial arts magazine that he was reading. Mina had closed her eyes when she entered the room, so she didn't know it... but it was just him, Kirishima, in the room at the moment.

There was a heavy silence.

"... Naruto isn't here, he's out training right now. He asked me to watch his new pet." Kirishima pointed to the tank in the room, that had a toad sitting in the middle of it, the toad croaking as it made itself comfortable in it's new home. "Also... weren't you two already screwing?" Kirishima was always under the impression that Naruto and Mina had been screwing already, and just didn't make a big deal out of it since they never really made a big deal out of their relationship. Until Mina had confessed her love for Naruto, most people in the class hadn't really known about their relationship... those that didn't pay close attention. They kept their affection for each other pretty tame in public, it was in private that they really showed their feelings.

He had just ȧssumed Mina had already put the moves on Naruto before now.

"... Damnit..."

-With Naruto-

"Yes! Now THIS is the perfect way to get ready!"

Naruto blocked a bear claw, not using his Quirk, before he grabbed a firm hold on it, and he threw the shark over his shoulder that had thrown the punch, pulling it off of it's spider legs, and slamming it onto the ground.

There was no mistake in that sentence.

The Shark with the Quirk, that Naruto had originally believed he killed until it saved his life, had made itself known to him again. So, since the shark could fly, Naruto had taken it hunting in the forest to find it the best animal stuff to work with. The Shark seemed to have eaten some kind of intelligent animal, maybe a dog, and had gained the mental abilities of such an animal. When Naruto had beaten the Shark, he had set himself firmly as it's master, and it had actually been showing him some affection. Now, the Shark had evolved even further with it's Quirk, and had become able to manifest more animal parts out of it's body. It had 8 large spider legs coming from it's body, complimented by the large bird wings coming from it's back. It's left arm was a large bear arm, while it had a massive crap claw for a right arm. It seemed his Shark could only only manifest a max of 5 different animal traits at the same time.

This Shark would make an amazing sparring partner!

-Mina (Day 2)-

She was going to do it, only a few days until the Sports Festival, and she was going to get this done before then. She knocked on Kirishima's door, and when he opened it up, she sighed in relief at the fact he was in there, and Naruto was not.

"You, say here, no matter what you here come from Naruto's room, you stay here." Mina threatened him as she let a small amount of acid pool into the palm of her hand.

His Hardness would offer him NO protection from her Acid, and he nodded his head very quickly.

Nodding her head, she went over towards Naruto's room, and she didn't even knock as she went right in. She was about to open her mouth, before she closed it when she saw that Naruto had company. She was very surprised when she saw Momo was sitting with Naruto by his desk, a book in her hands, while Naruto was doing some kind of work with her watching him.

"You got this wrong."

"Damnit... Thanks." Naruto erased and corrected the mistake. Since he was lousy at studying, and he had lousy teachers growing up... and most of his time at U.A. was spend severely injured, he was way far behind in his studies. Academics-wise, he was at the bottom of the class, even though he was at the top of the class in the physical and battle aspect. Momo had noticed his low scores in class, and had actually offered to come to his room and tutor him in the subjects that he was behind in.

Basically, everything except English, which he was at the surprisingly top of the class in... mostly because his uncle loved all things American, so he had been to the country quite a few times himself, and had been forced by his uncle to learn the language.

"Sorry Mina, can you leave? Naruto can't have any distractions from his studies." Momo looked towards Mina, and she placed her hand on the back of Naruto's head, forcing him to keep looking at his work.

Mina pouted.


-Mina (Day 3)-

Thankfully, Momo and Naruto were just going to study together once a week, which meant today was the day, for sure.

She had checked up on Momo, who was training for the Sports Festival, she had locked Kirishima in his room. Those two, the ones closest to Naruto were out of her way, so with that in mind, she was free to seduce Naruto.

She opened the door.

"Ribbit, I didn't know you knew so much about toads."

There was Tsuyu, with Naruto as she helped him feed his new pet toad. They were placing crickets in the cage, and watching as the toad ate them quickly, once he actually noticed that they were around him. She shouldn't be surprised to see Tsuyu in Naruto's room one day since he got a new pet, considering that Toads and Frogs were apart of the same animal family.

"This is Gamakichi, I named him after my last one, Gamabunta... I'm going to get him a brother, since he seems a little lonely. I know a ton about toads and frogs, and I even developed my own martial arts style based around them. I call it Frog Kata." Naruto explained to Tsuyu as he took his toad out of it's tank, and passed it to Tsuyu gently. She took it and looked at it, before she looked up at Naruto.

Frog Kata? That souned interesting.

"I've never seen you use it." Tsuyu pointed out, since whenever he used his Quirk, he used a strange form of boxing that she didn't recognize. She had no clue what it was called, but it seemed like a strange mix of several different styles of combat, with Naruto's own unique flair to it. "... Nevermind... I've seen it... can you teach me? I want to be even more Froggy." Tsuyu poked a finger to her chin in thought.

Naruto leaned down at Gamakicki at her ċhėst level, and grinned at the toad, not noticing Mina behind him.

"Sure thing, lets start after the Sports Festival. You can ask Kirishima and Deku, my training will leave you hurting." Naruto let his toad jump back into his hands, and placed it back into his tank.

Mina pouted.


-Mina (Day 4)-

Those three, the only ones that made sense to visit Naruto and get in her way, were out of the way. She had threatened Kirishima, checked up on Momo, watched as Tsuyu rejected a person's offer to hang out. Those were the only three people who would interrupt her, to her knowledge. Naruto was in his room, seeing as she could hear the music coming from his room at the moment.


Female scream, rushing into Naruto's room, her jaw dropped as she dropped to her knees.

There was Kyoka, laying on her ċhėst, with Naruto sitting on her back. Naruto was sitting cross legged, and holding Kyoka's arms behind her back. The girl was covered in sweat to the point that it was showing through her clothes, of which she was thankfully wearing her gym clothes. She was using her Quirk, not her hands, to push herself off the ground with Naruto's added weight. The girl was also training to keep her back as straight as possible while carrying a larger man on her, in the situation that she would ever have to lift a man's weight.

'What the hell? Why is SHE asking for... she went onto the fortress with him... she must have wanted his help.' Mina hated that her boyfriend was strong and kind right now, since if somebody wanted training from him, he would give it to them if he didn't have a reason to say no.

"That was 47... just 203 more to go."

"You're a demon!" Kyoka shouted, almost regretting the... actually regretting the fact that she had asked for Naruto's help to grow stronger.

"Don't worry, after this you can sit on my back as I do 2,500 push-ups with one arm, if it makes you feel better." Naruto told her with a shrug of his shoulders. She wouldn't weight a ton, but she would add to his work out.

Mina dropped to her side with a twitching eye.

-Mina (Day 5)-

Kirishima was in detention with Bakugo, Momo was training alone, Tsuyu was training for the Sports Festival, Kyoka was in her bed asleep after the nightmare Naruto put her through yesterday.

She could do this!

Looking at Naruto's door, she twitched.

Do Not Disturb.

Putting her ear up to the door, she could hear him asleep, more than likely on the floor or something. She sighed to herself, and rubbed the back of her head. She wanted to wake Naruto up, but she wouldn't do that to him. Not when he wanted to sleep. She wouldn't deprive him of his sleep, since he seemed to be having trouble sleeping lately, and he sounded pretty sound asleep.

She needed to be supportive.


-Mina (Day 6, Day Before Sports Festival)-


Mina let loose a scream of fear when she opened Naruto's door, and what greeted her was the teeth of a shark. She nearly got her head bitten off, before Naruto pulled the shark back into the room and looked at her.

"No, bad, no eating people!" Naruto punched his shark on the nose. Mina's jaw just dropped, sitting on her ȧss in the hallway, hand over her heart as she looked at the shark that was trying to escape Naruto. "No, bad, down... sit!" Naruto shouted at the shark, and the spider legs it was using started to take a sitting position, and it glared towards Mina with it's shark tail showing aggression.

'... I peed a little...'

"Sup Mina, need something? Sorry about this guy, I brought him here to see about training this guy to be more obedient. He hasn't been handling the forest really well, poor guy." Naruto rubbed the shark under the jaw, and it was soothed by this action.

What the fuċk!?

Mina stood up, and she looked down at her legs... thankfully, it wasn't visible that she wet herself from that surprise. Bad news, now that she had wet herself, she was not really in the mood to have sėx herself. Her heart was hammering in her ċhėst, and her pink skin had gone paler... not to mention there was a Quirk-wielding Shark in Naruto's room right now. It was kind of a mood killer to be honest.

"Nothing... just wanted to say hi... hi..." Naruto looked at her in confusion as she spoke, but she continued as she turned around and started to walk away, the door starting to close behind her as she used her foot to close it. "... I'm going to go take a shower... and then go to bed... good luck tomorrow." Mina finished off as she leaned forward, depressed.

Naruto stopped the door from closing.

"You know, we've been dating for almost a year now... and you've gotten a real handle on your Quirk. With everything going on, I never got to suggest this to you... but want to have sėx? I mean, not right now, but next chance we get... maybe on your birthday? We can make a date out of it?" Naruto asked her as he held his shark back from trying to escape.

"... I seriously love you... I'll be looking forward to it." Mina smiled again when she heard that.

Wait... she hadn't trained even a little for the Sports Festival.


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