Naruto In My Hero Academia

Chapter 38 - Family Issues

General Studies, Business Studies, Support Studies, and Hero Studies.

The 4 types of classes at U.A., and the four types that would be allowed to partake in the yearly Sports Festival, for U.A., an event that was broacasted across the entire nation, and watched by many civilians and pro hero agencies in the nation. It was the biggest place to make a statement, show off your ability, start gathering up a fan base, and begin making the connections that you would take with you to the top. Not only was it broadcasted nationwide, but the event itself took place in a massive stadium, where THOUSANDS were watching in person as well. For many, it would be a nerve destroying time, for those wanting to get into the Hero Course, it was even more so. Usually, the only class with nothing on the line were the Business Courses, and they were usually only there to make connections in the Business world.


"Sup?" Naruto looked as who was speaking to him as Class A walked into the stadium, and the audience roared their approval towards the class. The honest favorites to win overall, and make the best showing. "Oh, you." Naruto saw it was Todoroki that was getting his attention.

"I'm going for you, and I want to beat you at your best. You better give it-"

"Sorry, but I'm not going to use my Quirk, so better aim for me another day. This is just going to be a chance to train for me." Naruto didn't care about the results of this dumb festival. He just wanted to grow stronger, so he was challenging himself by not using his Quirk. He was going to try to win of course, but this was more about taking himself to a new level, than it was about caring for these games. "Honestly, go after somebody else, I'm not going to be the outlet for your Daddy issues." Naruto could see that look in Todoroki's eyes pretty easily, and he could tell that either Todoroki was doing this for his father, or he was doing this to spite his father.

Either way, Naruto didn't want any part of it.

Todoroki went silent.

"Oh thank god... By the way Naruto, if there is any fighting, and we have to fight, can you take it easy-" Mina started, before Naruto placed his hand on her head.

"Mina... you're my girlfriend, and I love you... but if we have to fight, I'm kicking the shit out of you. This and that are two different things." Naruto wasn't going to go easy on anyone, he wasn't going to use his Quirk, but he wasn't going to go easy. He hoped he didn't have to fight Mina, but if he did have to, he was going to punch her for sure. "You want to become a Hero too, so don't hold back on me either." Naruto told her with a grin.

She held her horns.

"Just don't break them, I don't know if they grow back." She prayed that he didn't bust her horns if they fought. She had never broken them before, other than the occasional crack on them. The cracks would heal, but she had never broken one off, and she didn't want her head to look weirder with one broken horn.

They all walked to their spots as Class A, and stood with the other classes as they walked in.

Naruto looked at the other Hero Course, Class B... the only real threats he could see among any of the other students showing up. Those who were also trained in combat by pro heroes as well. At least, known of them seemed like they were any real threat towards him personally, Quirk or no Quirk.

-With the Pro Heroes-

"So, who is your favorite to win this?"

"Either Endeavor's son, or Thunder God's son. I feel sorry for the rest, but I don't think it's going to be a competition." Death Arms stated as he looked at the TV screen with Mt. Lady and Kamui Woods. He had been lucky, and had not been one of the Heroes who had been targeted by the freak of a villain not long ago. It hurt his pride a little, but he had been able to help control the flow of crime outbreaks as one of the few untargeted pros. "Monster Fox and Half-Hot Half-Cold, those two Quirks won't lose to a lot in combat, and I heard rumor that this year, there will be a tournament at the end." Death Arms walked towards the betting booth.

This one of the very few forms of legal gambling that was allowed at the moment.

He was going to make some money on this.

"I think that kid with the shadow has a good chance..." Mt. Lady figured she would bet as well. She didn't know who she was going to bet on though. She got in line with Death Arms. "Who are you betting on?" Mt. Lady asked with a raised eyebrow.


"... I think I'll bet on that Tokoyama boy." Mt. Lady had seen his power up close, so she might as well place her vote for him then.

"Wow, both of you are so stupid then... I'm going to bet on Naruto Uzumaki." They both looked and saw a girl standing in front of them in line, as the line got shorter and shorter. The girl was a tall one, standing around 180cm tall. She had long blond hair that was tied up in side ponytails, and she whore an orange hoodie, with black pants. Her blue eyes shined with malice, and she had a wicked grin on her face as she looked at the television screens showing all around. "He's dangerous, a real monster, I wonder if he's going to rampage? I wonder what he looks like when he does." The girl's cheeks spread out into a wide smile, showing off the three whisker marks she had on each cheek.

"Rude." Mt. Lady stated, before she saw the girl get hit on the head.

"Quiet, we're not here to start a fight... we're here to watch this." A boy spoke this time, standing at also 180 cm in height. His hair was blond, extremely spiky, and long enough to cover his eyes, and go to his shoulders. He wore pure black, a black tuxedo with a red tie. His cheeks were decorated with three whisker marks as well. On his right hand, he had a X-Mark, with the same thing being reflected on his other hand. "I'm betting 30,000 yen on Naruto Uzumaki to win... without his Quirk." The boy placed his bet, and put down the money in cash and passed it to the betting manager.

"I'm betting 25,000 yen on Naruto Uzumaki to win, all three events... without his Quirk." She upped the stakes of her bet. "I'd bet 30,000 too, but I want to enjoy eating all the delicious food here!" She spoke with a more cheery tone.

She followed after him moments later.

"Weird kids... 1,500 ten on Todoroki to win at least one event." Death Arms wasn't a big spender for betting. He wasn't going to lower his odds of winning anything, but he wasn't going to win a lot either with the way he bet. The less likely the odds, the higher the earnings.

-With the Weird Kids-

"Come on Brother, you're just as interested in watching our Elder Brother win as I am... considering he killed Nomu, Cousin Tomura has been itching to add Elder Brother to our ranks. To think, we can have two Monster Foxes on our side if he joins us! Me and Elder Brother, and you with your Teleport, we'll cause so much chaos!" The girl spoke with a wide smile, her sharp canines showing as she whispered her menacing words.

"Naruko... we're here to spy on hero candidates, and earn money..."

"Oh come on Menma, don't tell me you're not the least bit interested in how Naruto has grown after being raised by Father's Mortal Enemy... come on... you know your curious." Naruko pushed her forehead against him. He pushed her off, and he scowled at the TV screen, seeing the members of Class A and Class B, the Hero Courses. "After experiencing his first Rampage, the darkness inside of Naruto has started growing, and his Quirk will get stronger and stronger... Hahaha... Ahahahahaha!" Naruko laughed loudly as she ignored all of the odd looks that she was getting.

This was an amazing day!

Menma was more wary of who was paying attention to them, though most people seemed to be willing to ȧssume they were just kids who were in their own little world of delusions.

"Can you beat him?" Menma asked quietly.

"Don't know, doesn't that make it fun though?" Naruko just grinned wider, her eyes turning blood red as her teeth started to sharpen. She was so excited, that she actually started to transform. She calmed herself down though.

Soon enough... she would unleash chaos.

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