Naruto In My Hero Academia

Chapter 5 - Pink fox

Everywhere Naruto went, people were talking about the new hero that was in the news. The large "fox man" that was spreading, and people were just so happening to pull up pictures that they had taken of him years previously when he would do something good for others in his 1-Tailed Form. This wasn't the first time that Naruto had saved somebody, or done something heroic, but usually they were such small matters that the news never made a big deal out of it.

Guess saving a family from a burning building, saving the truck driver, and saving a child from getting hit by a truck, at the same time was considered news worthy.

'I wouldn't have this problem if my Quirk wasn't so flashy... makes me wonder what life would be like if I had my Dad's Quirk...' Naruto thought as he grinned to himself as he imagined himself teleporting all over the place. He shook his head though, since that style of fighting didn't fit his body well. He was built for brute force for the most part.

The peanuts from Chiba were delicious.

Considering the "Fox-Man" craze that was going around in his home town, he decided to take a small break and travel to a different area of Japan. Sure, the few hours he was on the train suċkėd, but it was nice to not hear people raving about their new local vigilante.

"I'm not a vigilante... I was just doing the right thing, because nobody else was there to do it." Naruto muttered to himself bitterly. The labels the news were sticking to him were really annoying.

Really, Fox-Man, they couldn't have come up with anything better than that?

"Did you here about those strange Instant-Villains that have been popping up lately?"

'Instant-Villains?' Naruto listened in as he walked behind two police officers that were doing patrols. They were on the look out for any suspicious activity no doubt, so they could be the first on the scene and call a Pro Hero if the situation became too serious for them to control.

Knowing his luck, Naruto would happen across an Instant-Villain today, or something similar to it.

"Yeah, apparently, there is some Quirk-Enhancing drug that's in distribution. It causes your Quirk to get stronger, make destroys the victim's mental state. Those who use it also have their tongues turn black."

Black tongues... now that was an odd side effect. Then again, this was actually his first time hearing about Instant-Villains and this new drug. He never needed to take a drug to increase his Quirk's power, so that might be the reason for his ignorance. Not everyone had a flashy, heroic Quirk.

Quirk Envy.

As more impressive Quirks appeared, those with weak or lacking Quirks were come to resent those with impressive Quirks. It was the source for many conflicts between people, and friendships were often ruined because of it.

"Trigger isn't it? Not like we can be much use. If we see an Instant-Villain, all we can do is call a Pro Hero. Did you see that new hero on TV?"

"Oh, you mean the Hauler?" Naruto asked with a grin on his face, buŧŧing into the conversation. He actually knew about this subject a little, since cops weren't likely to be talking about some vigilante in the streets. It was very common for the police to be talking about rookie heroes and unpopular heroes to make themselves feel better about their lack of authority.

Pro Heroes and Police did similar things, but on different scales, and nowadays the police force was usually just around to keep things calm until a hero appeared. Becoming an officer was something of a joke to those who wanted to be heroes.

Police 2 nodded, though Naruto rolled his eyes.

"No, Fox-Man, man my son was really excited to see a Fox-Quirk in the news. He and my wife have the Fox Quirk, so they've got fox heads instead of normal ones. It really made him happy to see somebody like him become a hero." Police 2 added with a smile. He rubbed the back of his head with red cheeks, a little embarrassed to admit that his son's hero was somebody that he just saw once on the news. "I'm surprise Fox-Man-"

Naruto sighed and walked off in a hurry, not wanting to hear their praises. He would think that the police would have enough sense not to praise his actions in public like that. He had broken the law, so cops praising him as a hero was very inappropriate. He enjoyed the praise, but not when it came from people who should not be praising him for his illegal actions.


"Ah... you're super cute little kitty." Naruto smiled when he saw a cat rubbing up against his leg. The cat had two tails sticking where one should be. Naruto picked it up and cradled the tame cat in his arms. "... You even have a Quirk. It's so rare to see animals with Quirks." Naruto scratched the little cat behind the ears. It purred in his arms, eating peanuts from his paper bag as Naruto pet him.

Wow, he expected something meowing at him to be some large creature, one of those Instant-Villains.

That seemed like his luck.

It didn't matter what he was doing, but something bad was going to happen in his general area. He just had really bad situational luck, and while his luck was good for the lives he saved, it wasn't exactly great for his reputation.

"Ah, a MASSIVE bee!"


The girl had super pink skin, with her hair being about the same shade of pink. She was a few inches shorter than he himself was. Her appearance was FAR from human, other than being human in shape. She had a rather sturdy, attractive looking body, but her body was fully pink. The whites of her eyes were pitch black, and her irises were bright yellow. She even had two jagged yellow horns coming from her super messy pink hair. She had a very athletic body actually, and with her unique appearance, sėx appeal, and acid Quirk Naruto could tell that she had future prospects as a hero.

Her friends looked like your average middle school student, their normal appearances far less noticeable compared to pinky.

"It's just a bee, see, scared it away."

"Ah, it's flying away..." Naruto stated as he looked towards the strange bee as it flew away towards the other side of the street. Naruto stopped looking at it, and he gave a startled sound when he saw his new kitty had eaten ALL of his peanuts. "Of you little stinker, those were mine... meh." Naruto got over it as he tossed the empty bag into the trash.

A loud roar.

Naruto blinked when he heard a super loud roar come from across the street. He looked and saw a man wearing a nice business suit, screaming as his suit stretched and ripped. His body started to get larger and larger, sharp spikes growing out of his body as he grew from about 6 feet, to 7, to 14, to 27, and all the way to 40 feet tall. His skin turned sandy brown, hard in appearance, and his clothes had fully ripped off.

"... This is your fault little kitty." Naruto lifted his cat up and looked at it in the eyes, just needing something to blame.

"It's a Villain!"

"Everyone evacuate the area! My partner has called a hero!" Police 2 started to direct the civilians away from the monster villain. Just in time for the villain to punch a building, and shove his arm through it. The villain gave an angered roar as he swung his arm around.

Naruto sighed and unzipped his jacket, place his cat inside of it as he sat it to the side gently.

'He's getting nȧkėd?' The pink girl watched as the boy her age started to strip his clothes off, though he just seemed to be taking off his jacket. She yelped when she FINALLY noticed the giant villain that had appeared for real. She had been zoned out pretty heavily, and hadn't even noticed the monster roaring until she saw the flash of orange that was this teenager taking his clothes off.

Then, she saw as he transformed.

He became at least 20 feet tall as he stood on two legs, before he crouched down on all fours with three tails behind him. He was only a 4th the size of the Villain, and when she saw him rush into action, she didn't notice when her friends were evacuated from the area by the police officer.

"Fox-Man appeared again!?" Police 2 shouted in surprise, having not seen Naruto transform.

"Hey ASSHOLE! You got some issues you need to work out, do it away from the city!" Naruto shouted as he grabbed onto the arm of the villain, and slammed him into the ground. Naruto looked around, making sure that he didn't throw him into anyone, before he picked the villain up again and slammed him back into the middle of the street.

Seriously, if he kept doing hero work like this, he was going to get a really bad reputation! People were going to only know him as a vigilante, instead of a person who just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

His response was a roar.

He was going to save her... but she saved herself surprisingly. She took off her shoes really quickly, and skated out of the way by releasing acid from her feet.

"Don't worry Fox-Man, you can do it!"

"My name isn't Fox-Man Pinky..." Naruto got up and rushed towards the villain, grabbing his arms and pulled him away from the buildings, into the middle of the road. Naruto was punched in the face by a spiked fist for his efforts, and Naruto returned by punching the man in his armored stomach. "... damn... those spikes hurt..." Naruto looked at his bleeding fist, having been torn up by the many spikes that were sticking out all over his body.

Explaining this to his uncle was going to suck, oh, and the pain of having his flesh torn apart was pretty damn nasty too.

Naruto was thrown to the ground.

The pink girl from earlier grabbed onto his fur on his face, and when he got back up, she was pulled along for the ride. She climbed up so that she was sitting on his snout, between his eyes.

"Looks like he's covered in a lot of spikes and armor... Let me help you out!" The girl was breaking out into a sweat, she was clearly extremely frightened by the situation she was in, but was still putting forth effort. Naruto jumped back when the villain tried punching him, with the girl being thrown off of him. He grabbed her out of the air, holding her by the entirety of her legs, before he put her on top of his head, letting her ride him.

Fine, her acid would be useful.

"His face is the most heavily armored... think you can throw acid at his jaw?" Naruto asked her as he nimbly avoided getting punched by the rampaging villain. The villain was mindlessly trying to attack everything around him. The girl held onto Naruto for dear life, she didn't think this through very well when she grabbed onto the large fox man.

"Not on my head you aren't! Can you cover his chin in acid or not!?" Naruto roared at her as he ducked under a kick.

She was NOT throwing up on his head!

He glanced up at her, and saw her giving a thumbs up. Seeing that, Naruto stood up at his full height again and rushed at the villain.

Naruto transformed.

He gained a 4 Tail, and with it his body grew even larger than before. Now standing at 25 feet tall, he slammed his body into the villain. With more strength, ignoring the spikes stabbing him with as much willpower as he could manage, he gave the girl the chance she had. She started to throw ball after ball or acid at the villain, she had to throw close to 15 balls of acid at the villain to cover his chin. The villain didn't make it easy for them, as he struggled against Naruto the entire time his chin armor was melted off.


"Good! Now, Texas Smash!" Naruto screamed as he slammed his fist into the chin of the villain, knocking him close to 150 feet down the road. When he hit the ground and rolled, his body started to heavily shrink the second he was knocked out cold. Naruto started to shrink down as well, losing his 4-Tailed Form and shrinking down to his 1-Tailed Form with the pink girl holding onto his shoulders with her legs. The different in their body sizes now drastically smaller.

Naruto looked at his wounds, before he grunted in pain and got down on all fours, with the girl adjusting herself so that she was sitting up properly.

They needed to escape before more police and heroes showed up.

-15 Minutes Later-

"Uwaaaaaa! That was so scary!"

Naruto stood in an alley as the girl riding him collapsed to her knees and started to sob. The bravery she showed earlier gone now as she was out of danger. Naruto transformed back to his normal form. Naruto winced as he used his jacket to stop the bleeding in his ċhėst and fist.

"Naruto." Naruto stated.

The girl continued to cry for a few, about 20, more seconds. She wiped her eyes and face, both were covered by tears, and looked at him.


"I'm Naruto... since you saw me transform, you know my real looks now. You were really heroic back there helping me... this hurts." Naruto hissed in pain when he looked at his wounds.

Oh... they were not pleasant.

"I'm Mina... Mina Ashido... and thanks... I'm going to be trying out for U.A. when they hold their tests. That was so scary... but it was kind of exciting... You're Fox-Man from the news." Mina introduced herself as well. She would stand up and help him, but her legs were still too shaky. She wasn't sure that she could stand up right now by her own power.

Who knew that doing hero stuff was so terrifying!?

"Fox-Man is a stupid name... I'm going to U.A. next year too. By the way... you're not hurt, are you?" Naruto questioned her. She showed off some burns on her hands, before she shook her head. The burns were so tiny that they wouldn't be a problem for her.

"If I overuse my Quirk, I can hurt myself... I had to make a lot of acid to melt those spikes... I'm okay though! Are you okay?" Mina looked at his wounds as she spoke. She crawled, damn legs not working, and saw his jacket quickly soaking with blood.

He nodded.

"I'm fine, this much won't kill me. Fuck!" Naruto shouted when he ripped a small spike out of his shoulder. Great, he was bleeding out even faster than before. Naruto got his phone from his pocket and tossed it to Mina. "The code is 8008, there is a contact named Sir Asshole... mind giving him a call? I might need some medical treatment." Naruto looked at his wounds.

Yep, he needed treatment.

"Sure, maybe after, we can go to this sweet shop... I planned on going today with my friends, but they kind of ran off. Wanna be friends?" Mina offered the hand of friendship to him.

He looked at her hand.

He didn't shake it.

"My hands are dripping with blood... but sure." Just because he couldn't shake her hand, didn't mean he was turning her down. He just so happened to be covered in his own red juices.

Not a pleasant handshake.

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