Naruto In My Hero Academia

Chapter 6 - Bad Habits

Well, I'm a big enough man to admit when I'm wrong."

Toshinori, in his true form, spoke as he looked at the back of his nephew. Izuku was showing far more results just 5 weeks into Naruto's redone training schedule, but the boy had already puked about 15 times already, and collapsed about 4 times. All stuff that had been planned out in the schedule, and the visits to Recovery Girl were helping his muscles heal back stronger much quicker than letting it happen naturally. The boy wasn't anywhere near close to ready to inherit One for All, but with the rate of progress he was showing, he would actually be ready for it within a month of the exams for U.A. at this point. It really made him appreciate the fact that his nephew was such a training freak, since this was speeding up the process for Izuku's growth, and it would allow him to rest easy knowing he had his nephew supporting him and pointing out areas where he could improve his teaching.

Now, Toshinori was a big man to admit when he was wrong.

Naruto didn't hear a word he said though.

Naruto had headphones on and a glare on his face as he punched a punching bag in his room, a bag that wasn't filled with sand like a normal bag. No, Naruto's punching bag was made of pure iron, hanging from a thick and heavy chain. There was only about an inch of cushion between Naruto's fist and the iron inside, and Naruto had his fists wrapped up in bandages as he trained. Unlike with the burning building, Naruto had been unable to hide his injuries from fighting the Instant-Villain, considering he had multiple stab wounds. Wounds that had fully healed thanks to a few visits to Recovery Girl, though she had requested that Naruto take it easier on his training for a few weeks to compensate for the regular stress he put himself through.

Naruto didn't listen.

'I hurt my fist punching that villain... I need to make my fists stronger to reduce the damage I take from attacking hard bodies.' Naruto thought to himself, not paying attention to anything but the iron he was punching. The bandages on his fists were blood-stained already, but he kept punching the iron-bag with as much strength as he could muster with each punch. The fact that he had trouble with a rampaging villain had showed him areas his body was lacking in, and he just wouldn't allow that to stand. He had to increase the power of his punches more, and strengthen the skin, muscles, and bones in his fists so that he could punch as hard as he wanted without breaking them. "Ow... ow..." Naruto gave winces as he stopped punching the bag for a second.

Naruto added another layer of bandages to his fists, before he started to train again, sweat dripping from his body as he returned to his own training.

"You really have more raw determination to improve yourself than anyone I know... your father would have been very proud of you. I know I am, and it really makes me wish you would have accepted One for All." Toshinori could only imagine himself watching as Naruto used One for All with pride, seeing his young man take the world by storm and become a newer, greater symbol for peace.

Yet, seeing Naruto smash through his limits with raw determination, guts, and an ironclad willpower would be fine too.


"Rah!" Naruto roared as he started to unleash a new shower of blows onto his punching bag. Toshinori stood up straight and left Naruto's room to go and answer the door, no doubt it was another hero coming to ask him to help them with something. Possibly it was going to be a U.A. teacher, since he would be joining that teaching staff soon enough. Either way, he was going to go and see who was ringing his doorbell, seeing as he wasn't expecting any visitors, and Naruto didn't tell him that he invited anyone.

He enjoyed his small moment to contemplate the mystery person at the door, before he reached it and opened it up.

There was a girl he never saw before... no, he saw her riding on top of Naruto's head in the news story covering the Instant-Villain incident. The girl saw him and smiled, waving her hand happily at him with a wide grin that showed off her absolutely flawless smile. Her pink skin and black eyes making the white of her smile just pop out all the more.


"Hello, is Naruto home? Sorry for coming unannounced, I'm Mina Ashido, a friend of his." Mina bowed to Toshinori, not recognizing him as the hero All Might. He wasn't exactly eager to tell her, so he just humbly stepped aside and gestured for her to come in. There was really nothing in the house, outside of the stuff in his room, that would really inform her of his secret.

It was nice Naruto had a friend... which surprised him.

She smiled.

"Milk would be awesome... but I don't want to impose."

"Any friend of Narutos is welcome to impose here." Toshinori took a glass from the counter and poured her the milk. Coming back into the living room, the two rooms were connected, only seperated by a counter, he placed the drink on the coffee table. She picked it up and smiled as she chugged down half of the glass with a very happy sigh. Toshinori pointed to his face, and got her attention on the milk mustache that she had given herself. "So, what brings you here? Naruto didn't tell me you were coming." Toshinori asked when she was finished ŀɨċkɨnġ her mustache away.

Her had to admit, as happy as he was Naruto had a friend, having somebody coming over to the house randomly could prove... a little worrying for his secret identity as All Might, and the secret behind his appearance.

She looked away from his gaze for a few seconds.

"Well, even though we became friends over a month ago, me and Naruto really haven't hung out... so I wanted to see if wanted to have fun." Mina didn't mention that she got the address when she used Naruto's phone to call "Sir Asshole", and when they were riding in the car to drop them both off at their homes, she memorized his address. She didn't want to come off as creepy, though she didn't purposely try and memorize his address or anything. "Is he here?" Mina asked as she looked around for any sign that Naruto was in the building.

She was surprised he didn't answer the door.

Toshinori pointed to the door with orange trim around the door.

"His room is right there, but he's working out. You're welcome to interrupt him, this could be a good chance for him to take a break." Toshinori smiled at her gently, and looked at Naruto's room dead seriously.

"Thank you!" Mina hopped up onto her feet in the most peppy way possible, before she walked with a skip in her step towards Naruto's room. She politely knocked on the door, before she didn't wait for any response before she opened the door and walked in. "Wow... didn't expect this." Mina looked at the type of room that Naruto had and was a little surprised.

She expected... something different.

Naruto's room had some of the basics she would expect, a TV, a computer, a bookshelf, and a bed (his bed looked SUPER comfy). The stuff all looked really nice, with his bookshelf being mostly filled with books on martial arts, training, Quirks, and the rest of it being filled with different manga. Above his bed though, she saw two "Hero Costumes" hanging above it in glass cases.

She saw a male costume, a bright yellow hero suit with black markings going around it, that formed lightning bolts that pointed towards the Japanese Kanji for "Thunder God" in the middle of the ċhėst. It had a utility belt that was carrying several daggers with markings on them, and nailed to the wall above the glass case was a helmet with a black visor to keep an identity concealed.

It was the costume of the "Ex-Number 2 Hero" Thunder God.

Then she saw the next one, a woman's costume, though she didn't recognize any hero that wore that costume. It was a skin tight black jacket with a red strip going down the front, and a red turtleneck latex suit that went underneath the jacket. Followed up with black pants made of what looked like a stretchy material for those with growth Quirks. There was a white mask that looked like it would cover the top half of somebodies face, and black arm warmers.

She honestly didn't know what hero that costume belonged to.

"Wow... that punching bag looks really heavy!" Mina shook her head, getting her fill of his room. She noticed that he had a small bonsai tree sitting on his window, but decided to save that for later as she slapped him on the back. "Eeeep!" Mina yelped when Naruto jerked around and pulled his fist back to punch her in the face. She had heard him let out his own startled noise, before he stopped his fist and grabbed his heart.

He took his headphones off.

She had nearly gotten punched.

She carefully jumped on his bed and kept her skirt from flipping up, didn't want to flash him her pȧntɨės, and she leaned down and grinned at him comfortably.

"Your uncle let me in, not happy to see me?" Mina asked, and Naruto rubbed the back of his head.

He was happy.

"Well, I mean, I'm happy you're here... but why are you here?" Naruto continued as she jumped up and started to dance with her arms and waist. Deciding to go with it, he did his own lazy dance moves. "Here to dance?" Naruto tried to guess.

She shrugged.

"We can, I'm just here to hang with you. Want to go to the mall with me, or even play video games here? Honestly, I just wanna hang with my buddy, doesn't matter what we do. As long as you take a shower first." Mina mentioned as she covered her nose with one hand, yet she never stopped dancing as she did. Naruto rolled his eyes and grabbed a change of clothes, and his jacket, from his bed. "You stink... and are your fists bleeding?" Mina asked him, as she looked at the punching bag.

She saw blood on the bandages AND the punching bag.

"Yeah yeah, I'm fine. I get injured a lot when I train, so this much is nothing. Make yourself at home I guess." Naruto didn't know what to say when a friend was in his room. This was the first time he ever had a friend at his house in the first place. He opened the window to let the post-training smell out of the room for her. He saw her pull her fist back and take a swing at his punching bag.

"Ow! Ow ow ow!"

What the HELL was in his punching bag, they weren't suppose to hurt so badly when you punched them! She felt like she had straight up punched a metal wall, and she was thankful she had not decided to punch the bag with all her strength. She might have broken her hand if she had done that, though it explained why Naruto's knuckles were bleeding so much.

Naruto's uncle was right.

Naruto needed to take a break from training, if this was how he trained.

She was so going to take him to the mall to find him a hobby.

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