Naruto In My Hero Academia

Chapter 54 - Naruto-sense?


Surprisingly, Naruto didn't suck at it. Considering he had to be good at hiding his tracks when he escaped from news reporters, it was common for him to know how to avoid being seen when he didn't want to be. Sneaking through the alleys, Naruto was heading towards the location where he would create the first diversion. The alley he was inside of led right to the right side of the hideout that Eri was being kept in. He would do something that would attract attention, before he quickly backtracked and went to the right location to enter the hideout from.

"There was a figure over there!"

Naruto blinked in surprise when he saw the guards ran away and called in some back up, and they passed right by him and went into a different alley. Unsure of what just happened, but not really caring to be honest, Naruto made the coincidence work for him. He looked towards the cameras, before he ran towards the wall in the blindspot, and jumped over the wall and landed on the other side, where there was another camera blind spot. For Eri's sake, he wanted to avoid any and all fighting that didn't have to happen.

'Now, I have to find Eri... she should be on the lowest levels.' Naruto moved from shadow to shadow as he approached the mansion's outsides.

He hated stealth so much.

With a sigh, Naruto created a small blue flame in his hand. Tossing it into another bush, it instantly burst into flames. Quickly running as far away from the fire as possible, Naruto grinned to himself when he got into the building just as several men ran out of the building upon seeing the brightness of the flames. Their attraction to the flames diverted their attention away from him, at the perfect moment for him to get into the building. There were no cameras inside of the mansion that Naruto could see, but he knew they were there. Pulling his orange hoodie over his head, he transformed back into a human form, and let the shadows cover his face. It had been awhile since he had done illegal hero work, technically what he was doing right now fell within a gray zone, since he had a pro heroes temporary status. Still, it had been awhile since he saved anyone while wearing his hoodie.

A door opened unexpectedly.

Naruto grabbed the man that came out of the door, before he could see him, and slammed him into the wall head first. Shattering his black mask, and pushing his skill through the wall. Grabbing him, Naruto lifted the man over his shoulder and ran with him. If somebody saw the man, and woke him up, then they would know there was an intruder in the mansion. Naruto looked around, before he saw a closet and quickly and quietly stowed the villain away inside of it. The knocked out man would wake up eventually, but Naruto had bigger concerns.

"How the hell am I so stealthy in orange?" Naruto whispered under his breath as he jumped up to the ceiling and grabbed onto it, just as two men in plague masks passed by underneath him. It was amazing to him how he was able to steath his way around all of these people with orange being his main color. Naruto flipped down onto his feet behind the men, before he turned the corner before either of them could turn around.

For the Yakuza, these men did not know much about home defense.

Then again, as the Yakuza, not a lot of people tried to break into their house. Naruto reached into his hoodie, and he pulled out the blueprints to the place. He didn't have it all memorized, so Naruto continued moving as he looked at prints. He could feel a small, nervous sweat, on his brow as he ducked behind a corner and looked around it. He frowned when he saw that there wasn't a viable way around this guard, easily that was. That would make it harder to get to Eri, but wiping the nervous sweat away, Naruto shook himself of his nerves. He couldn't afford to fail, not when somebody else's life was on the line. He slapped his cheeks lightly, before he forced a smile on his face.

He needed to be fearless for her.

-In Another Location-

"Nightly patrols are a major part of being a hero, though, you should always save these types of patrols to only a couple of times a week. Try and set up a schedule with other local heroes, so that you can fairly divide the night work." Native spoke as he walked in front of Kyoka. He wasn't exactly happy that she was the student that he got, but when he got a letter from Class A's number one fighter, he had to accept her.

They were about to turn into an alley.

"I don't think that is a smart idea, my Naruto-sense is going off." Kyoka spoke as she looked at the alleyway with a critical eye. Pointing her jacks at the alley, she could hear light footsteps in it.

Native raised an eyebrow.

"Naruto-sense? What in the world is that?"

"A few of us in Class A have developed a sense for when something really stupid, and dangerous is going to happen. After hanging out with Naruto, we named this sense after him since dangerous situations are attracted to him... this alley is setting my Naruto-sense into overdrive." Kyoka pointed her fingers at it. Her Naruto-sense was telling her that if she wanted to live, she needed to avoid going into that alley.

Native looked at her with a raised eyebrow.

"... Well... while I think you're full of it, there are plenty of other places to look." Native decided that he wouldn't argue.

If this girl wanted to make stories up, then he would at least humor her a little. He continued to walk, with Kyoka walking after him, making sure to avoid getting too close to the alley. She felt a really dangerous aura there, and it reminded her of Naruto when something weird happened.

-In The Alley-

"That girl... she knows that boy... the real hero." A figure spoke with a smile, grinning from ear to ear. His clothes tattered, and he sheathed his sword and put his dagger away. He tightened the clothes around his eyes and where his nose would be, and he rolled his neck.

The Hero Killer, Stain.

Funny, he had planned on murdering that false hero Native when he turned into the alley, but it would seem that girl had inherited something called a Naruto-sense... from the true hero.

That boy, Fox-Man or All Right, it didn't matter what they called him. He was one of the two people that Stain knew of, that deserved the title of a true hero. That boy, even before he would have started school at U.A., had been doing illegal hero work for years. He never sought out fame or recognition, and many times, he would get extremely hurt from his rescues to the point that most would die from it. But he just continued on, and continued to do what was right, and save lives. The boy who had saved the entire world from that supervillain now long ago.

The boy who held an ideology so similar to his own.

The ideology that heroes nowadays didn't deserve the title of heroes, and that only those who wanted to become heroes for the sake of others and not themselves deserved the title. That being a hero was about the challenges that came with it, and you needed the determination to keep on fighting through those challenges. Yes, he had watched the tournament, and he seen that boy fight the entire time without his Quirk, challenging himself and his own convictions, to test himself.

"... There are so many false heroes to purge in this city... but All Right... he is in another city right now-"

"Stain, I've come to talk with you." Menma appeared behind Stain, teleporting to Stain's location. Stain stood up straight, and drew his sword once more.


Like that, his sword was at Menma's throat, just a hair away from slitting his throat. Menma just placed his hand on the sword, and teleported it away.

"I'll return that to you once I'm done here. The last hero you attacked, he didn't die, he's paralyzed in the hospital." Menma simply reported what happened to the last attack victim. Stain showed displeasure that the information, but he didn't seem overly emotional about it either.

He wanted to kill the man.

Well, paralyzed was pretty punishing.

"You came just to say that?"

"No, I came to make a request. Just killing heroes won't be enough to change them. If you want to change heros in general, you need to pressure them. You need to provide them with stronger villains, and it will breed stronger heroes to fight them... which will in turn breed even stronger villains. I would like you to keep doing what you're doing, but I've written up a list of heroes who all have Quirks too weak to further the progression of strength." Menma pulled a rolled up piece of paper from his sleeve.

"Increase the strength of heroes... that isn't something I expected from the League of Villains..." Stain accepted the paper and looked over the names.

Menma gave a smirk.

"I don't wish to destroy heroes, my goals are similar to yours in a way. I want a world where heroes and villains are at their strongest. Those without the strength to climb to the top of the ladder, need to stay at the bottom. There are simply too many heroes in the world for my ideals... the sheer number of heroes is preventing the growth of villains." Menma passed by Stain and crossed his arms. A displeased frown when he thought about it.

The world was so stagnant as it was now.

With two many heroes, the villains were suppressed to the point that they were unable to produce any real number of significant villains.

"How do you benefit from this?" Stain questioned as he drew his daggers and prepared to slay this teen if need be.

Menma raised an eyebrow.

"Humanity will always seek stability, I intent to create peace, by creating a world where the Strongest will be born to take command. If a villain takes the place as the strongest, the chaos will rule. If a hero is the strongest, then peace will rule... that is all I want. I want to see the Symbol of Evil and the Symbol of Peace at their strongest, and fight to the death." Menma spoke as he avoided the trash in the alley with a disgusted look.

Stain thought about it, and he sheathed his daggers.

"Our goals are different, but this list will help me." Stain looked over the list he was given again.

Menma vanished in the blink of an eye, before he appeared once more with Stain's sword in hand. He stabbed it into the ground, before he used hand sanitizer to clean his hands.

"Then use it, either way, your actions help me. Just keep doing what you're doing, but make sure you don't leave survivor's from now on... if you show any of those 'false heroes' of yours any mercy, then you'll lose your value to the League of Villains." Menma left his threat vague. Death would be too much of a kindness for what he had planned for Stain, if he lost his value. "I wonder how you'll slay heroes without your Quirk, for example?" Menma asked with a growing grin on his face.

He had a dream to work towards.

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