Naruto In My Hero Academia

Chapter 55 - Drugs Are Bad


For over 30 minutes easily, Naruto had spent his time skulking around the underground layers trying to find any of the stuff that he had seen in his blueprints. While he had found several of their research rooms, and stuff that was pretty damn incriminating against them, he had also found 4 or 5 pretty powerful villains so far. Nothing he couldn't handle, each of them were rather easy to take down with a good sneak attack.

"Can't believe that fuċker took a bite out of me." Naruto looked at his chunk of flesh that was missing from his arm. One of the villains that he had unleashed a sneak attack on, had been able to react in just enough time to get in one attack on him. He had ripped the sleeve off of his hoodie, why were his hoodies so hated by destiny, and tied it around his arm to stop the bleeding. The once orange cloth was already stained scarlet with his blood, meaning he had failed part of his mission, he had left some evidence behind that the villains would be able to use to realize who he was. Thankfully, thankfully, thanks to his being a Transformation-type Quirk, his blood wasn't exactly easy to read for DNA scanners and the like.

Naruto so wanted to snap the necks of every person he found, and it took all of his willpower to just knock them out, even though he had started to take pictures of their faces and IDs with his phone to send their information to the police and label them criminals. He had loaded his hoodie up with some weird bullets that they were making, he didn't know what it was for but he didn't like it.

How much longer would it take to find her!?


"Fuck OFF!" Naruto was sick of these people, and the more of them he saw, the angrier they made him. This time, he slammed his fist into the man's face so hard he broke his mask into pieces, and knocked him into the metal wall hard enough to dent it. "I hate this stupid stealth shit so much... calm down, calm down, don't let it get to you Naruto... you've got to smile." Naruto used his fingers to push his lips into a smile. With his smile in place, he focused his efforts on thinking about something positive.

Something positive.


"Hard to do that right now! What the fuck!?" Naurto shouted as he activated his Quirk and turned around.

"The bullets didn't destroy his Quirk Factor!?"

Naruto rushed towards the man and shoulder slammed him into the wall, unkindly at that, before pushed him deeper into the now dented wall. Naruto had heard what that guy said loud and clear, and he reached behind himself and pulled the bullet out of his neck. He looked at it, and he glanced to the gun the man was holding. Ripping it out of his hands, Naruto slugged the man in the face, before dropping him to the floor. Naruto saw two more men come around the corner, both holding the same guns, and firing at him. Charging towards them, and taking the bullets head on, he smashed his way through them. Since it would seem that stealth was no longer an option, time to do things the way he truly wanted to.

"Power Idiot coming through, if you know what is good for you, point me to Eri!" Naruto roared as he upped his power to his 2-Tail Form and charged down the two men. The bullets hitting him doing nothing other than feeling like pricks to his skin.

"She's down that hallway on the left, and take 4 rights, and another left, can't miss it!" The man on the right shouted as he pointed, fear in his eyes.

Naruto passed them.

"Thank you!"

"Dude... why did you tell him that?" The Left-Man asked with a shocked look as Naruto ran by them without punching them.

"That dude is somehow immune to having his Quirk erased by the proto-type Drug, meaning his Quirk factor isn't inside of his body... all we have are these guns, and I don't want to die. At least, if we report him to Chisaki and collect these blood samples he left everywhere, we have a chance." The Right-Man collapsed on his ȧss, holding his ċhėst as the heart attack he thought he was going to have didn't come. Seeing that giant fox man rushing him down had been absolutely terrifying for him.

-With Naruto-

"I heard that." Naruto whispered to himself, his fox ears picking up their words easily even from a distance. Naruto reached into his hoodie, and pulled out his Hoshi no Tama, something he had brought with him for the pure sake of saving Eri.

His Quirk Factor.

Unlike other Quirks, where the Quirk Factor was inside of the body, Naruto's Quirk Factor was outside of his body. It existed away from his body, so if the bullets were filled with drugs that attacked the Quirk Factor, then it wouldn't work on him. Seeing as his Quirk wasn't actually inside his body itself, other than being in his DNA. He had always known that Monster Fox had been one of the Quirks that All for One wasn't able to steal, because of the existence of his Hoshi no Tama being outside of his body. He also know that Erasure, Shota's ability, worked on him by severing his link to his Hoshi no Tama. He would have never expected the existence of his weakness would be a great strength against drugs used to destroy Quirks. Monster Fox, like One for All, being one of the few Quirks that couldn't be stolen by All for One had been something that Naruto had planned on using to fight said man one day. That thought, Naruto looked at the bullets and gave it a smell.

It smelled like blood and human flesh.

'Being in contact with this thing is making my mood swing.' Naruto hated being in contact with what made him stronger, since it made him more likely to lose control of himself. If he wanted to be strong enough to save Eri, he needed it, so he had to have it.

Here was there.

Naruto saw two guards outside of Eri's secure room, both of them with guns, and the second they saw him. There were no words, no warnings, they open fired on him. This time, the bullets were actual bullets. Naruto raised his arms to cover his face, without much space to move and dodge he was peppered by them. Body slamming the first man into the door, no doubt waking Eri up (though the gunfire might have done that first), Naruto picked the man up by his face and slammed the back of his head into the second man's face.

"Gah! He's too-"

"Now, I'll just-" Naruto pulled back his fist, before he smashed the door open. Walking into the dark room, he could see a large bed, and sitting up with fearful eyes was Eri, just like she had appeared in his dreams. "-knock a little harder than I meant to." Naruto walked into the room and found the light switch. He pulled down his hood, before he transformed back to his normal size.

He was smiling.

'He's not the usual...' Eri thought as she closed her eyes, gritting her teeth, and not looking at Naruto.

Naruto sat down on the bed next to her.

"We don't exactly have a ton of time, before those guys come here to stop me. Still, introductions are in order, I'm Naruto Uzumaki, you can call me that, or my hero name All Right, or anything you want to really." Naruto placed his hand on top of her head, and he gently rubbed it. His anger faded away when saw her open her eyes in confusion.

Abused children, they were the ones who could feel kindness the most. A child who only knew hurt, was one of the few beings who were able to tell the difference between genuine kindness and fake kindness. It was ironic that those who experienced the most hurt, were the ones that could appreciate a simple head pat the most. The way Eri was able to look at his smile with a look that bordered on shock was sickening.

"You're not with them?" Eri asked softly, unwilling to raise her voice.

"Nope, want to come with me?" Naruto asked Eri as he extended his hand to her.

There wasn't any hesitation when she wrapped her arms around his neck, and he used an arm to cradle her. The girl wasn't crying, laughing, or smiling, but her actions spoke louder than any answer could have. She nodded her head into his neck, and he lifted her up so that he was carrying her with one arm. Standing up, Naruto reached into his pocket and pulled out his Hoshi no Tama. Gently pushing it into her arms, he smiled at her with confidence.

"This is..." Eri didn't know how to describe it.

"That right there, is my life. If it breaks, I die, so be sure to hold onto that really tight. You've been fighting for too long alone, well, you're not alone anymore, and you won't be alone. Now, lets get out of here." Naruto created a fox fire in his hand as he transformed. Pointing it at the ceiling, Naruto shot a line of flames through the ceiling and melted a large hole through it. He continued to shoot flames until he broke through the first layer, and then the second, and he continued to shot his flames until each and every ceiling above them was melted. Naruto felt no more resistance to his fires, so stopping, he looked up and saw the sky in the distance. He would have liked to be able to do this to go down, but that would have been too dangerous, he might have hit Eri with his flames.

"So pretty." Eri whispered when she saw the shining blue flames.

Naruto nodded.

"Yep, now lets get out of here... you ever dream of flying-"

"You think I'll let her or you go?"

"So you're Chisaki, see that man Eri, he thinks he can stop me from saving you. Well, you know what I say to that?" Naruto asked Eri, and she just looked at Chisaki with fear. She tried to struggle out of Naruto's arm to return to the man, but Naruto held her tight, knowing why she was trying to escape. Chisaki saw Naruto not let her go, and Naruto looked towards Chisaki with a grin. "I say-"

"You are not leaving alive!"

Chisaki rushed after Naruto.

"I say, you lose." Naruto jumped and used his free hand to shoot fox fire at the ground, shooting him through the hole in the ceiling before Chisaki could reach him. Naruto grinned when he saw Eri's shocked expression. In no time at all, they reached the top floor, before shooting out of the mansion and into the sky. Naruto didn't mention the fact that this was his first time using his flames to fly alone, was not the time to doubt himself.

Eri breathed.

She tasted the fresh air as Naruto changed directions, and started to fly them at speeds that Chisaki and the Yakuza would be completely unable to follow them. Naruto took them above the clouds for cover, looking up at the stars for his map. He couldn't take her back to Ryuko's office, that was the first place that they would look for her after having seen his Quirk in action. Eri was silent though as she was carried, almost as if she didn't believe what had just happened, and to be honest, he didn't blame her. The pains she must have gone through, her bandaged arms and legs. He might have saved her body, but he hadn't saved her heart yet, and that was a long road before she was truly rescued.

-In the Hideout-

"He got away... he took Eri..." Chisaki's eyes were narrowed in anger as he looked at the melted ceiling that had been used to escape.

"Sir, we got blood samples from him..."

"Gather any and all DNA of that man you find in this base." Chisaki ordered with a growl, he hated losing, and having his weapon stolen from him like this, it left a bitter taste in his mouth.

They needed to create a new weapon.

"Maybe I can be of some ȧssistance?"

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