Naruto In My Hero Academia

Chapter 61 - Heroes Across Time Pt2

It was hard not to smile.

'I can't wait to play this song for him.' Kyoka smiled to herself as she thought on the song she had created just for Naruto, to show her thanks to him, and hopefully make some amends for what she had done. Since it was a Pool Party, she was already adorned in her swimsuit, a rather average one on her at least. Since she lacked the same curved as the other girls, while she looked cute, Kyoka noticed the boys in the class were sending more glances at the others than her.

Even Tsuyu, in her skin covering one-piece stripped suit was getting looks, since the shortest girl in the class had some rather surprising curves on her.

Momo, the girl with the largest bȯȯbs but the most reserved personality, was actually wearing the bikini that covered less than her own.

"Thanks Shoji!" Toru shouted out as she sat on Shoji's shoulders, and hung the streamers on the fence's top. As one of the tallest in the class, it was helpful having him around to set up the higher stuff.

Not everyone was helping though.

'The girls are all so hot...' Denki thought with eyes trained on the girls.

Unlike the other guys, who mostly had their libidos under control, Denki had actually paused what he was doing to watch Mina and Momo as the bent over to pick up inflatable balls. The two of them were setting up blowing up a bunch of pool balls to use in some sort of game.

"Move your ȧss faster idiot!" Bakugo, Bakugo, shouted as even he was trying to give some strange ȧssistance towards the party. He and Denki were simply setting the grills out of any place that could be splashed by water and ruined. "Move your ȧss, or get blown up!"

"Geeze, I thought you hated Naruto after he creamed you." Denki grumbled.

Why was Bakugo even here?

"Of course I hate that fox-faced bastard, but when I blast his ȧss to pieces, I want him to be able to fight at his best! Unstressed! It won't be a win if he is unable to lose at his strongest!" Bakugo's hands exploded as he shouted at out. He blew the grill clear away from them, into many pieces. He looked at what he had done, and simply scoffed. "Hey, Shit-Quirk, make another grill!" Bakugo shouted over to Momo, who blinked.

She was the only one who could make objects, so was he talking to her.

"Sure?" Momo, after a couple of seconds of mental prep, popped a grill out of her body for Bakugo and Denki to replace the broken one.


"So anyway, apparently, after the finals happen, Naruto is taking a week long training trip out of country." Mina continued to conversation she had been having with Momo before Bakugo shouted at them. She blew up an actual balloon this time, and tied it off before she tossed it on the ground. Momo created another balloon with her Quirk for her, and blew up one herself.

"I planned on taking a trip with my parents around that time as well, but it figures Naruto would be going on a training trip, knowing that man." Momo didn't doubt that Naruto was going to be doing that. Finals were a bit away at the moment, but after that they would have a short summer break before school's next semester restarted. "Though, I was also thinking on taking a trip to I-Island, since my father holds a large amount of stock there." Momo casually stated.

Mina's face went flat.

'Is she accidentally bragging about being rich... but she is so bubbly about it, I can't find it in me to be angry.' Mina knew Momo meant nothing about it, but damn, the girl was so rich. She, Tenya, and Naruto were apparently all something of rich kids in the class. Tenya and Naruto came from hero families, while Momo was simply from a high class background.

Yet, all three of them were pretty down to earth, so it was hard to guess they were rich when they didn't let it slip.

"Oh yeah, I'm going with Naruto on that trip, we're going to Island 44, the Forest of Death, for survival training, isn't that right Tsuyu?!" Kirishima called out to the girl, who was in the water, setting up two hoops. She looked towards him, having heard the loud boy's comment.

She nodded.


"Island 44... Isn't that a restricted island? Only the owner of the island can give people permission... the last time I checked, that island was owned by the Clan Uzu... ma... ki..." Momo suddenly felt really stupid when she realized that she had just stated Naruto's last name. While not famous or anything, the Uzumaki family (before people with Quirks became the majority) had been a traditional family that owned their own island.

Now, Island 44, was just an island where Animals with Quirks were dropped off, to prevent them from hurting people. The most dangerous animals in the world lived on that island, called it their home, and their prison.

Island 44 was all that remained of the Uzumaki legacy, so everyone just forgot about the Uzumaki after several generations of Quirk users sprouted up.

"He owns an island!?" Mina shouted out in shock when she heard that her boyfriend, her ever loving boyfriend, owned his own fucking island that he was apparently keeping a secret from her. "He told YOU about it!?" Mina shouted as she pointed at Tsuyu and Kirishima.

Tsuyu raised an hand in defense.

"I overheard him talking with Kirishima, and asked if I could come." Tsuyu made that point rather simple.

"He invited me to train with him, that... shouldn't surprise you." Kirishima pointed out in a deadpan, since he and Naruto trained together all the time since they became friends. Naruto inviting him to train together on an island, that was to be expected. It was also a dangerous island, so it wasn't like it would often come up in conversation, so Naruto never really had the chance to state it.

Seriously, how many times did any of them actually ask Naruto about his family? Everyone would know this stuff if they just bothered to ask Naruto about it.

Mina deflated.

"Okay, fair enough, not mad anymore." Mina grinned when she realized she was getting worked up over nothing.

She and Naruto almost never trained together, it just wasn't something the two of them liked to do together as a couple. It made sense Naruto wouldn't tell her that he was inviting Kirishima to his secret island.

"I wish my costume could show this much skin, it's so easy to make objects like this." Momo stated to herself as she created multiple party poppers from different parts of her body. She started to fill up a small bucket with them, and looked at her bikini.

Mina and Kirishima gave her deadpan looks.

'With your body, you'll make things awkward for the people you save. Your costume is already risque enough.' Kirishima didn't have the heart to say it out loud though. It would ruin the girl's fighting spirit if she heard that if she showed anymore skin, she would just be causing everyone (males at least) problems with her supermodel-like body.

Mina could practically sense his thoughts.

"Yaomomo... I'm going to be completely honest... for a lot of guys who saw you on T.V. in the sports festival... with your bra showing... you're already fap material. If you want to be known as the Fanservice Hero-"

"Did somebody say Team Fanservice!?" Toru came into the conversation with an excited tone.

Was Team Fanservice, her idea, becoming a real thing!?

-With Naruto-

"Fucking DEKU!"

"Ah! He's channeling Kacchan!?" Deku shouted as he ran with Ochaco holding onto his back. The cloak covering them had fallen off in their run, and showed who they were. Instead of Naruto calming down at seeing them, he just went into a deeper anger. Now, he was chasing them fast enough that Deku was pushing himself to his upper limit just to not get caught by Naruto.

Ocahco was holding on with fearful eyes.

"He looks like he's going to kancho us! Run faster Deku, I don't want to be buŧŧ hurt!" Ochaco screamed, before she yelped when she nearly took several fingers to the ȧss. She climbed up higher on Deku and grabbed his hair, pulling it a little to try and make her stead run faster.

Deku was practically crying.

'Why did we have to be the distraction!?'

-At the Party-

"Fucking Deku... I feel like something bad is going to happen to him." Bakugo couldn't help this slightly happy feeling he felt. "Also, who is the skinny fuċk?" Bakugo looked over at the oldest person at the pool, some skeletal looking blond man with oversized clothes.

The guy was wearing an oversized one piece, similar to Tsuyu's in design.

"Naruto's uncle, apparently... Yagi something." Denki had heard Mina talking with the man when he arrived at the party. He had never really seen the man, so he didn't know what to say about him, other than he was Naruto's family or something.

Everyone stopped what they were doing when a bright light appeared in the middle of the pool, bright enough to blind all of them.


"Oh come on, Murphy, why can't we have ONE special event like this, without you flipping us off with a villain!?" Mina dropped to her knees and shouted to the heavens. Once the bright lights in her eyes calmed down, she was sure she was going to come face to face with a super villain who wanted to conquer the world. The Naruto Factor was way to strong, they were throwing a party for Naruto, and had attracted some kind of villain to it.

Thankfully, they had Todoroki and Bakugo, two strong guys with them right now.

Bakugo didn't need to wait, the second he heard the word villain, he jumped into action and exploded towards the figure that emerged out of the water. He aimed both of his hands at the source of the splash as a blond head of hair came out of the water.

"Attacking me like this... seriously Bakugo... Guess the Rewinding Smash and Fast Forward Flash did this when they combined."


"Wow, attacking me with an explosion right off the bat, and a strong one... too bad I'm All Right, huh?" All Right spoke as he used the back of his hand and knocked away the explosion, by redirecting his hands into the air. All Right took a few steps out of the pool and he shook the water out of the fur that covered his body, before patting himself down. Before Bakugo could do anything, All Right flicked him in the forehead and sent him flying right into the pool himself. "Hmmm? Well, well, well... looks like this is really the past then... calm down everyone." All Right spoke as he raised his hands up.

Toshinori looked at the scene with a dropped jaw, and wide eyes.

All Right transformed back.

It was an ȧduŀt Naruto, his body had filled out and mȧturėd to full ȧduŀthood. His hair was shorter to keep out of his eyes, and he had some scruff on his face (he had forgotten to shave that morning), as well as his body's muscles more developed a little if that was possible. His jawline was more pronounced then before, and his eyes showed the same playfulness as always, but with even more experience behind them.

All jaws dropped.

-With Naruto-

"Oh crap, I'll make you All Better like me!"

All Better shouted when she looked at who she had crushed, she had dropped out of the air, and landed right dab on top of her own father figure. Naruto was laying on the ground, face first, as All Better placed her hands together and tried to plead forgiveness. Even as the wound on Naruto's forehead healed up, and both Izuku and Ochaco stopped running, they all looked at the costumed girl that was healing Naruto's wounds.

"Uh... Who are you?" Izuku questioned her with some appropriate caution.

Naruto attracted danger to him... this girl could be dangerous.

She smiled and stood up proudly.

"I'm the hero who heals the body and heart with a smile on her face! I'm the future successor to my father, the apprentice hero All Better!" All Better took up a pose, bending forward with a stuck out tongue. Instead of a heroic pose, she chose a far more cute one.


All... Better?

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