Naruto In My Hero Academia

Chapter 62 - Heroes Across Time Pt3

"How are you an ȧduŀt already!?"

'I forgot how stupid she is...' All Right (Adult Naruto) thought to himself as he cleaned out his ear, hearing Mina shouting at him in shock. He was surrounded by all of his friends in their teenage bodies, so it hadn't been hard for him to figure out that Fast Forward and Rewind had counteracted each other in a way that caused a small break in Time/Space. Two Time Quirks interacting like that violently was to be expected, the Quirks would have naturally tried to rip each other apart.

Forward and Rewind couldn't happen at the same time, naturally, so Time couldn't handle the stress of it, and simply broke.


'Wow... I guess at this point, he hasn't been healed to his prime yet...' All Right looked up and down Toshinori, who was in his true form... which was different than what All Right was used to. He didn't mention it though, since if Toshinori had this as his true form, then the world didn't know that he was All Might yet. It would be better to mention this in private. "Time Travel, about 10 years from now, my intern used her Rewind Quirk and it interacted badly with a villain who had a Fast Forward Quirk." Naruto explained the situation to Mina to answer her question.

Everyone who heard that seemed to kind of accept it.

"Is this like a Paradox Timeline, where everything you do and tell us is predestined, or is this like a Branching Timeline, where your actions will create a new future." Momo was the smartest for a reason. She wanted to know if it was safe to interact with Naruto as he was, or if they needed to avoid him for the safety of their own timeline.

With a Paradox Timeline, nothing Adult Naruto did would change his past, so everything he told them was pre-destined to happen. In that case, it would be horrible to hear something that would be nasty for them. Hearing of one of their deaths, or a horrible injury, would be heart breaking.

In a Branching Timeline, nothing Adult Naruto did would change his future... meaning that he couldn't change his future, but he would be able to change their own future. His influence could change the rivers of time for the better or worse, depending completely on how they all reacted to his changes.

Mina just poked All Right in the stomach, not listening to anything.

'I can't help but look at him, and feel this sense of pride.' Toshinori stayed silent and smiled.

His nephew seemed like a fine ȧduŀt, a true pro hero.

"It doesn't matter, I don't plan on staying in the past long. The world is in danger-"

"Oh come on!" Mina screamed when she heard that line.

"-... you done?" All Right asked when he stopped for her outburst. He could understand her frustration, but she didn't need to shout in his ear. Most of the class were palming their faces.

It was like every time the world was in danger, Naruto was somehow in the middle of it all.

"... I think we all deserve an explaination." Toshinori stepped forward and tried to take control of the situation.

All Right wasn't having it.

"The man who sent us to the past has a device that can amplify Quirks, and no doubt, with my luck he's going to find a way to get multiple Quirks."

-With Menma-

"Now this is certainly interesting... this device is still being developed on I-Island... how strange for a completed version to exist. Here I thought only David Shield was smart enough to make this. How fortunate I found you... not to mention Fast Forward is quite the unique Quirk." Menma spoke as he looked at the invention that Naruko was holding in her hands. A man had teleported into the middle of their base, so it was only natural that he get punished accordingly for his trespassing.

Naruko was just smiling to herself as she watched the blood on her hand drip onto the floor, having clawed the man across the ċhėst after he hit her with one of those weird attacks.

"How... you're Quirk... how..."

The man was quickly aging, having his own Quirk turned against him as he grew older against his will. His aging slowed down, before he stopped when he was close to 70 or so years old. Menma looked impassive the entire time, but not without a keen glance downwards.

"Hahahaa! Brother is a genius, there isn't a Quirk on this world that he can't find the weakness of! His brains, and my monster strength, makes us unstoppable!" Naruko giggled out, drunk on the pŀėȧsurė of being on a fresh hunt. The man had been far too easy for her to take down, but blood was blood.

Menma leaned down and stared him in the eyes.

"You're weak, far too weak to make proper use of this brilliant invention... but don't worry... I'm sure that you'll make a fine Nomu... Father might even allow you to use this Quirk Amplifier... you'll be the strongest Nomu he's ever created." Menma looked at the man with nothing short of disdain. The man had been so arrogant as to ȧssume that just because they were teenagers, that he could beat them with his amplified Quirk.


Only picking a fight with those he was certain he could beat, those who looked or acted weaker than him.

"I can't kill him?" Naruko seemed sad when she heard that.

She wanted to kill again.

"Patience, soon an opponent strong enough to fight you will appear. Fast Forward sounds like a strong Quirk... sad it is in the hands of a weak coward." Menma dusted himself off and stood up straight. He didn't want to dirty his hands with the blood of somebody so beneath him. The man was useful as a Nomu, a Nomu that could be unleashed on the city.

Better idea.

"Spare me, I'm begging you... I don't want to die."

"As weak as you are, you do serve a use, so I intend on sparing your life. I'll make sure you become the strongest Nomu, even stronger than All Might himself... far stronger than the old strongest Nomu." Menma sighed as he placed a finger on the man's head, and teleported him to have his body modified. He was useless if his body couldn't hold at least 4 or 5 Quirks in it. Even he and Naruko both had 3 Quirks inside of their bodies, their original Quirks, and both of them had two additional Quirks that were given to them by their Father.

Naruko seemed bored, now that her fight was over, and the blood was drying on her hands she was once more bored with what was going on.

Menma was the smart one, with their Father having given him a Quirk that boosted his IQ up to nearly 500, she was just the strong one, with three Quirks made for pure combat. He was the planner, not her, she just went where he told her to do and did what he wanted.

'I want to fight again.' Naruko pouted to herself as kicked a pebble across the floor.

"Naruko... I'm going to Teleport you..." Menma spoke as he walked towards her. "I'm going to speak with Father, but I think it's time that the League of Villains showed that we aren't just a threat to Japan... we need to make a statement that we plan on spreading our villainly worldwide." Menma placed a hand on her head, and she just tilted her head in confusion for a moment.

Okay, so shouldn't he ask the new guy Dabi, or Himiko, to go to another country and make a statement, not her? Those two were way smarter than she was, so it was natural that they went on these stealth kill missions.


"... Rampage... Reduce the entire city to nothing, erase all traces of the heroes in the city. Killing Kamui Woods makes a statement, destroying a city will show that we can get results. So..." Menma spoke, and every word he spoke just made the smile on Naruko's face grow and grow. All she was good for was murder and violence, so he was telling her something extremely good for her right now. When she saw him show her a kind smile, his care for her evident, she let him rub the top of her head and purred at his touch. "... I want the blood of heroes and innocent alike to spill. Show this world that the beauty is fading, that their beautiful peace can come crumbling down... show them they need to grow stronger. This world belongs to the strong... and if-"

"-Teleport me already! I want to rampage!" Naruko insisted as she pushed her forehead into his hand.

He was preventing he from fighting while he was talking!

She vanished into thin air.

Menma teleported himself.

"... Father... I have come with news..." Menma walked up to his father figure.

All for One.

A tall, muscular man wearing a pinstripe black suit. His face was uncovered by his usual black mask, showing that his eyes were covered by skin, and he had no hair, only scar tissue for the top half of his head. He was a largely well built man, and gave off a thoughtful, intimidating aura about him. He was strapped down to a chair for the most part, cords in his mouth and a life support system. He took a knee before All for One, and bowed his head to the older man, who simply looked like he was looking in his direction.

"You've been acting on your own again." All for One pointed out with a knowing tone.

He knew.

"I've been acting for the sake of my own goals, for a world where the strong get to live the way they want. I can promise you, my loyalty is to the League of Villains... Tomura might be my elder, but he has the mentality of a child. My actions-"

"I was just stating a fact, you're not being questions. I trusted you with the High Intelligence Quirk, so that once my time is over, you will replace me and support the League of Villains from the shadows. I have faith in your actions, but give me forewarning in the future." All for One spoke with a smirk. He had full faith in Menma's skills in acting the part of the villain. Menma was supporting Tomura, without Tomura being any the wiser to it. In the end, it was for the best, since Tomura wasn't yet ready to become the true leader of the League of Villains. He had much growing up to do before he was ready, and while he was growing, Menma would do what he could from the shadows. "Your sister, she isn't with you?" All for One didn't usually see one without another.

Menma closed his eyes.

"I deployed her... I sent her to a small city in the UK far enough away from other cities that help will not arrive in time. Once she has laid waste to the city, the world will know of the threat we possess... and they will suspect that our base is in the UK. We will be able to mask our movements, and remain in the shadows with more efficiency if they are unable to track the location of our base." Menma explained where she was. He also explained what she was doing, his reasons behind it, and he gave reason for why it was worth the risk.

All for One considered it.

"Very well, do what you will... a child should be allowed to experiment after all."

-With Naruko-

Music: Evangelion 3.0 Ost - Ultimate Soldier

"Rampage... rampage... this is going to be... a blood bath."

Naruko chanted to herself as she looked around, having been teleported to wherever Menma's marker was. Her eyes turned blood red as she looked to see herself in the middle of a city. Everyone that was nearby was looking at her in shock, since she had appeared there out of nowhere. Naruko took a deep breath of the ocean air, the clear blue skies above, the smells of thousands upon thousands of human scents in the air.

Raising her arms into the air, clouds started to gather in the sky as the winds started to rage with more fury. The clouds swirled and started to descend as a tornado began to form, coming down towards her on the ground. When people saw it, it was instant, they started to flee as Naruko began to transform, growing larger... and larger... more and more tails forming behind her as she destroyed the clothes she was wearing. Several tornadoes touched down the ground and ripped apart the closest buildings to her, and her giant fists touched the ground gently as she sat down. Alarms all over the city were already blaring, but the tornadoes started to spread out and rushed towards the edges of the city. She would block all possible escape routes from the city... her mind started to go completely blank as she gave complete control of her body to the beastly dėsɨrės inside of her.


The ocean's waves surged towards the city as she waved her tails, commanding the forces of nature and bringing forth natural disasters. Tidal waves destroyed completely the eastern side of the city that she had arrived in, and tornadoes started to destroy all parts of the city they touched.

Naruko smashed her large hands into the sides of buildings, smashed them and sent them flying all across the city. The shockwaves of her building smashes destroying the surrounding buildings as well. The ground shook with each attack, and she started to walk on all fours around the city, destroying all things that were in front of her.

Destroy it all!

Each of her punches destroy massive portions of the city, and created earthquakes that took countless lives. Opening her mouth, she unleashed a powerful torrent of shredding winds that traveled in a straight line, destroying more than 10% of the entire city, leaving nothing but debris in it's wake.

A large flame hit the side of her ċhėst.

She crushed the hero who attacked her without a second thought, and she summoned forth a wave to wash away more of the city. As many heroes with long range attacks were firing their attacks at her uselessly. All long range heroes were crushed before her might, all close range power fighters were swept away by her waves, and ripped to shreds by her winds.

It would be minutes before the city was fully destroyed.

"You won't get any further!"

A hero with a Quirk that allowed him to grow to massive sizes appeared in front of her.

He died, she lunged forward and snapped her jaws around his neck without any hesitation, jerking her head from side to side to snap his neck and rip the ribbons of life out from his body.

Naruko let loose a roar of victory.

In minutes, a city of with many thousands... was reduced to a state of complete ruin.

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