Naruto In My Hero Academia

Chapter 67 - The Coming Disaster

"Rampage, rampage, how I want to rampage."

Covered from head to toe in blood, buŧŧ nȧkėd, and skipping through the Leage of Villains base on her way to the shower, Naruko was just as happy as she could be. She had gotten in one of the best rampages of her life, she had been allowed to fully succumb to her power and go full force on an entire city. The death count was in the literal thousands, though she didn't remember most of it other than short flashes of her bigger kills. She kind of remembered a couple of heroes trying to fight, and then her absolutely crushing them like the insects that they were.

"Ooooh, blood!" Himiko shouted as she rushed towards Naruko with an excited smile on her face.

A cute girl covered in blood? Sign her up for some of that!

"Which one are you again?" Naruko asked as she stopped with her face confused, not remembering most people. She remembered her brothers faces, they had the exact same damn face, her father, herself, and her genetic parents... though she didn't feel anything for those two dead people. Most other people just sort of escaped her mind, or were pushed to the side as unimportant, future victims of her Quirk. "... Vampire Slut..." Naruko tilted her head to the right, trying to remember her.

She sort of did.

Himiko pouted.

"Call me Sister-in-Law, one day I'll marry Naruto, and we'll be family." Himiko wanted to get along with her future family members.

"... Elder Brother... Brother, can I go and fight Elder Brother!?" Naruko ignored Himiko and shouted out loudly. She was sure that her brother was around somewhere, and was able to hear her.

'Annoying little cousin... she rampaged... Menma...' Tomura, scratching his neck, frowned when he realized that Menma was going behind his back again. The teenager had been doing this for years now, manipulating things behind the scenes. Yes, he was fully aware that what was happening, and it was useful to him most of the time, so he allowed it to happen. Well, All for One told him that he needed to allow it, since Menma was a planner by nature, able to manipulate those around him into doing exactly what he wanted them to do. '... It doesn't matter, so long as All Might dies, and society realizes his failures.' Tomura had a wide-spreading grin at that thought.

The League of Villains was growing.

Thanks to Stain making it more known that he was 'with' them, villains everywhere that identified with Stain were coming to them to join. They had a very fair amount of good villains with them now, not a huge number, but each villain was able to hold their own. Good villains, with capable Quirks able to get the job done, though most of their forces were out at the moment scouting.

Menma entered the room from the back.

'He's like Naruto, but with longer hair...' Himiko looked at Menma, and thought that like always, before she felt her hand want to go to her dagger. She gulped though, slight fear, when Menma turned his cold eyes to her and saw through her.

Menma didn't look at you... he saw through your very soul.

It freaked her out more than if he was seeing her nȧkėd.

"Himiko, Naruko, I have a mission for the two of you to take... together." Menma stated coldly, taking the part of brains once more. "St. Lavender Academy has gained a very interesting scientist... one who is researching the Monster Fox Quirk right now." Menma's eyes narrowed in cold anger. How dare anyone think themselves allowed to just break into his powerful mother's grave, and steal her body? He didn't love her or anything, but to disrespect somebody so strong wasn't to be allowed.

He would not stand it.

"Ah, Naruto's Quirk!"

"Why should we care?" Tomura chimed in with a hiss to his voice, like he was speaking with sandpaper in his throat.

"Kushina Uzumaki, Quirk: Monster Fox, special Monster Fox ability, Illusion... Mito Uzumaki, Quirk: Monster Fox, special Monster Fox ability, Omniscience." Menma pointed out with a scowl on his face. It was an ability that was far too great to be allowed to be so easily revived, not when it could be used by the good guys to get in the way of his plans. "If the heroes gain that power to their side, then that is it for the league of villains. All our plans will be ended, and our location will be instantly known. Nothing we do will amount to anything, and our time as villains will be over." Menma reminded everyone in the room what was at stake.

Tomura scowled deeper and scratched harder.

So annoying.

"Just makes it more fun, means I don't have to hide." Naruko smiled wider.

"St. Lavender Academy is an all girls school, and you two are going to go there, find the man responsible, and secretely locate the corpses." Menma gave them their mission, in plain and simple words. It was very important that they get those corpses and destroy them once and for all, so that their powerful secrets could never be used against them. Menma was actually nervous, since it didn't matter how smart he was, if his opponents knew every move he was going to make, then with their greater numbers and many great Quirks, the League of Villains was done for.

They were in a very dangerous situation for them, a first to be honest, and he didn't enjoy being put in this situation. Now when he was suppose to always be twenty steps ahead, and able to get his opponents to play the way he wanted them to. Being on defense, it was sickening that he was having to do such a thing.

"School... boring." Himiko complained, nobody pointed out that she was a fake high school girl, who only wore school girl clothes.

Menma glared at her.

"Thank you Naruto!"

"What are you doing?" Shoto asked Kirishima as the boy bowed forward, and shouted what they were all going to shout ahead of time. After the strange, but honestly not too strange, appearance of a future Naruto, they had all sort of gotten back to setting up the party without Momo. Seeing as the girl was taken away by Nezu, he had decided to put more work into the party. '... I want to talk with Naruto in private soon... I want to move forward...' Shoto thought to himself as he looked at Izuku and Ochaco, with the little girl that he had seen around the dorms with Naruto, walking towards the pool without Naruto with them.

They lost him?

"I'm practicing, I don't want to ruin it. Naruto's done a ton for me, I'm way stronger than I was when I met him, because of him." Kirishima flexed his arms to prove a point. Naruto had helped him create and perfect his Super Move in secret, and they even created their own combination move. He wanted to reveal it the next time he and Naruto got to team up for a group training, so he didn't mention it out loud.

'Rock guy...' Eri thought when she heard Kirishima's familiar loud voice.

He had dropped by Naruto's room by surprise several times, and she had seen him. She didn't know his name really well, but she remembered that his Quirk made him look like a really jagged rock.

"Or... just say thank you, like a normal human being." Mina pointed out as she got out of the pool, for she had been swimming to take some of the heat off. Just standing around and waiting wasn't really her style after all.

Eri looked between her and Izuku.

'... Hair twins... they have the same hair...' Eri looked between the green haired boy, and pink haired girl, and saw they had the exact same hair style, down to the near exact size and shape as well. The only difference was that Mina had horns that parted part of her hair a little, but otherwise they had truly exact hair. She didn't want to be rude, so she didn't say any of her comments out loud. '... kitty face...' Eri thought as she looked at Shoto, whose red stained face made him look like a half-and-half cat with a spotted eye.

She had seen everyone, but usually when she saw them in the dorms, she was hiding behind Naruto's legs so she didn't get the greatest looks at them, and she had only been seeing them for a few days after Naruto saved her. Now, she was getting a forceful view of everyone, since Naruto had told her to go with Izuku and Ochaco.

"Wow, I half-expected you two to die."

"Seeing as they planned to take a bite of a Kit-Kat bar, I fully expected them to die." Kyoka pointed out as she relaxed in a pool floatie, seeing as Ojiro had a good point, but not good enough.

"I was hoping they would die." Bakugo ended up pointing out his end of the thoughts. Everyone close to him backed away from the not-that-angry teenager, he wasn't angry just yet, just started to chop vegetables that were going to go on the grill.

"Hey Kyoka... if you had to name your child, and it had your Quirk, what would you name them?" Ochaco came right up to Kyoka, ignoring the talks of her death, and Kyoka tilted her head as she looked up at the nervous girl.


"Oooooh, Sara is a really pretty name, I love it... can I steal it?" Mina excitedly asked Kyoka as she jumped up and down near the pool. Seeing future Naruto got her thinking about her own future, and Sara was the perfect name for a future kid. Short, sweet, and it rolled off the tongue very well. "If I have a kid first, if you have one first, it's yours." Mina waved her hands gently to make a deal out of it.

Kyoka shrugged.

"Deal, I guess... did you two see a future person too?" Kyoka asked Izuku, since Ochaco had drifted off into her own world, trying to piece together the mystery of who Naruto ended up with in the future.

Izuku looked at Toshinori.

"... Can I talk to you in private Yagi-san?" Izuku went up to the thoughtful Toshinori, who was pulled from his own thoughts, and nodded his head. He was a little surprised, at first, at Izuku talking to him in public in his current form, but he had the time to talk. Bakugo looked at them suspiciously, before he turned away with a scoff, deciding not to waste his time thinking on it. 'I have to know if it's possible for multiple people to have One for All...' Izuku followed after his favorite hero, the new of them leaving the immediate area to have a private talk.

He had to know.

"So... what did future Naruto look like?" Ochaco whispered to Mina, leaning closer to her.

She had to know.

"Naruto is like a 10 out of 10... future Naruto-"

"Future Naruto is like what?" Naruto asked as he appeared in the middle of the group, with a raised eyebrow with Momo next to him. She had cleared away the puffiness from her eyes. He had mostly come to get Eri, since he was going to have to help her pack her few possessions away, seeing as the dorms weren't going to be her home anymore. He wanted to break the news to her gently, and he just so happened to track her scent coming from the pool area.


Practice did not help Kirishima.

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