Naruto In My Hero Academia

Chapter 68 - Truth Comes to Light

"Not telling them is going to come back to haunt us."

"I know... but I don't think I could handle... their reaction would only make me feel worse than I already do." Momo spoke silently as she boarded a ship that would take her to Saint Lavender Academy. Thankfully, while Shrinking Ray's Speed-Jet had been delayed due to storm warnings, the man had been able to make it only a little late thanks to the fact he was able to get the help of Tele-Porter, the Teleporting Rescue Hero. With his help, Shrinking Ray had been able to get to them, and help them start their mission once they had been filled in on all of the details.

All of them.

Currently, Naruto was posing as a stuffed animal, Shrinking Ray had given Naruto a "Shrinking Ring" that caused his body to become 1/10th his actual size. It was just a size decrease thankfully, so Naruto's strength and speed stayed the same, so it was easy for Momo to carry him around and act like he was a stuffed toy. If anyone asked her, then she would just tell them that she used her Quirk best when she had her "All Right" plush toy. That way, nobody would question why she was carrying him around, and since All Right had gained vast popularity in a short amount of time, it wasn't odd for him to have a plushy... which she was pretty sure already existed anyway.

"I'm going to be so stiff at the end of this." Naruto whispered, not moving his lips in the slightest, and making sure only she could hear him.

He hated this almost as much as he hated leaving U.A., and he hated that a lot. He wasn't allowed to move any part of his body that Momo wasn't moving, whenever she left him in the Lavender Academy dorm room for class, he was going to be sneaking around the school while remaining stealthy. He hated stealth anything, since it went against his style as a strong fighter. He could be stealthy if he wanted to be, he just really did hate it.

Also, he was leaving Eri alone with Recovery Girl until he was done with this job ȧssignment, which made him feel worse on the inside than anything else. He was sure that she would be well taken care of, and he gave the elderly woman a list of things that Eri enjoyed, but knowing he wasn't going to be there when she woke up with a nightmare just made him feel terrible. He was going to feel horrible, inside and out, by the time that this job ȧssignment was over with, he really was.

"You're stiffness aside... this is our first job as real heroes." Momo took a deep breath, the ocean air calmed down some of her worries a little, before she opened her eyes. "... Lets do a good job. Maybe, if we do good enough, we can appeal to the government ourselves and have them adjust the reward." Momo knew that she wasn't ready for being a hero, not by herself anyway. She knew that the only reason she was considered ready, was because everyone always saw her at her best when she was with Naruto. Without him, she couldn't be a hero by herself.


One day, she was going to be ready for the title, and that was the day she would be a hero with a smile. She had no doubts that Naruto was already ready for the title, he had been ready since the day she met him, and even before that point.

"This is soooooo... boring... this uniform is barely even cute."

'I know that voice... Oh... oh no...' Naruto thought to himself when he heard a very familiar voice that had plagued his dreams many times. The voice of the woman that had kidnapped him, strapped him to a bed, and then tortured him for a decent amount of time.

There she was.

Wearing the same disguise uniform that Momo was, he saw her standing with another girl... a girl version of... him? Naruto, give him credit, didn't break disguise for a moment and show his shock. The terror of his dreams was in the Saint Lavender Uniform with a girl that looked like she was the perfect female version of him. She was even tossing a Hoshi no Tama up into the air like it was nothing important, like it was a baseball or something.

"What the hell?" Momo questioned when she saw what caused Naruto's body to freeze against her.

Female Naruto?

'She is suppose to be dead...' Naruto's brain shut down completely when he laid eyes on Naruko... his sister. The sister that was suppose to be dead, killed by their mother, years ago. Naruto couldn't process it, he didn't know how to process this information.

His sister was alive... meaning his brother might be alive too?

Hoshi no Tama... meaning she had the same Quirk as he had to. Naruto wanted to drop his disguise, go over to her, and ask her everything in his mind. Starters, how did she survive years ago, and who had she been living with.

Why did she smell like blood?

"Saint Lavender Academy... how boring... I could be with Menma right now... but noooo, I have to be with you, doing stealth work." Naruko complained to Himiko, the two blond girls leaning over the railing.

"Aaaaah, don't you want to spend time with me? When I marry Naruto, we'll be real sisters... We should totally get to know each other." Himiko got close to Naruko, physically. The boat started to rock as some rough waters hit it, but nobody on board even cared.

Naruto was still just... shut down.

"Himiko is ȧssociated with the League of Villains... meaning that girl... that girl Naruto is with them... she has the same ball thing as him. That means she has the Monster Fox quirk... if she's Naruto's sister, then she must train as hard as he does... that makes her as strong as Naruto... not good." Momo whispered under her breath. Unlike Naruto, who was just shocked, Momo was still able to think properly. A female Naruto, a villain Naruto, was a horrible thought to her.

Naruto defeated her without even using his Quirk in the Exams, so if this girl was as strong as he was, but as a villain... then this girl was a huge threat. Personality usually ran in the family to some degree, so she must be a training fanatic like Naruto, and have strength equal to his own.

This mission... it just went downhill.

"Oooooooh, is that an All Right plushy! Where did you get it, can I get one too!?"

"Woah..." Momo was surprised when Himiko noticed her, and ran at her questioning her the second she saw the 'stuffed toy' that she was carrying. Himiko was looking with starstruck eyes at Naruto, knowing instantly who the toy was based off of. "... I'm sorry, I had this one made special with my Quirk... having it helps me use my Quirk... it lets me focus." Momo spoke with a false tone of confidence.

She was scared shitless right now.

Himiko bought it.

'She fought Elder Brother in that tournament... what is a student hero doing on this... ooooh... she turned evil and...' Naruko smiled widely when something very interesting came up in front of her. "Hi! I'm Naruko Uzumaki, and I remember you... so you turned villain and got sent to Saint Lavender eh? Nice to meet another powerful villain." Naruko introduced herself with her smile showing all of her dangerous teeth.

She was always happy to meet a true villain woman like herself. Not like the stalker girl Himiko, or the transgender woman that was back at the League of Villains base. A real woman, a strong woman, a woman who could put up a good fight to her if she decided to kill her.

Momo hesitated.

"... Right, you guessed it... I was caught using my Quirk to create nuclear bombs. They decided that I needed to be rehabilitated and sent me here." Momo went with it. She was given a very convenient excuse for why she was going to the school, that apparently was the host of many villainous women.

Naruko's eyes sparkled.

"Nukes! That is really cool, when I saw you, I thought you had potential, but I didn't even realize you could create weapons of mass destruction! Make one, do it, make a nuke and blow up Saint Lavender Academy!" Naruko was shaking Momo's hand rapidly, highly excited about the extremely powerful Quirk user that she was talking to.

The student spy that they had at U.A. had told them about her Quirk, Creation, how she could create any non-living material from her fat cells. The idea that this girl could create nukes... this girl needed to be recruited to the League of Villains. She was now near the top of the list of people that Naruko wanted to join them.

Right underneath her Elder Brother.

"While I would love to blow Saint Lavender Academy up, seeing as I don't wish to die, I believe that using a nuke would be... overkill and suicidal." Momo quickly found a reason to not do it. Realizing that she had just painted a massive target on her back, her mind started to go through any way that she could get the target off of herself.

Himiko didn't care about any of that.

"Well... can you make me one of those too?" Himiko poked Naruto, who made sure he stayed silent and still.

He wanted to punch this girl so bad right now.

"Oh... okay?" Momo lifted up her shirt a little, and created a plush replica of Naruto. If Naruto could look at her right now, she had no doubt that he would be glaring holes into her head. She made a near-perfect replica of him, and gave the plush toy to his stalker. 'Sorry Naruto, we have a disguise we can't break.' Momo squeezed him with one arm, to hopefully convey her feelings to him.

Momo took a breath.

She could do this, on their first day of school, she had to pretend to be a villain with Naruto. She could pretend to do this now, it would be easy, she had Naruto with her, giving her the courage to do it.

"Good copy... but a waste... also... I guess you have a point. Anyway, a nuke wouldn't leave any blood behind... it's too fast... gotta enjoy a good kill." Naruko nodded her head at her own wise words. If you killed somebody too fast, or at the very least with no pain, then you couldn't enjoy it.

Mass murder without mass terror, and incredible suffering, was just wasted effort. A nuke was instant, far too quick for anyone to truly be afraid of it, if they didn't see it coming.

Momo was taken aback.

'She's a complete nutcase... What happened to her?' Naruto thought when he started to come to an understanding.

If she was alive, then a lot of things he knew were nothing but lies.

"A couple more hours, and we'll be there... so... tell me Momo... do you have any boys you like... I'm super interested in love affairs." Himiko got closer to Momo physically, and smiled insanely at her. She really wanted to know her new friend's favorite type of guy.

Love was more important than crime after all

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