Naruto In My Hero Academia

Chapter 69 - She Who Steals

"Oh my god... this place..."

Saint Lavender Academy was not a small school.

The school itself was surrounded by a gigantic wall that was upwards of 1000 feet tall easily, and just by looking at it, you could see that the wall had to be made out of pure stone. It was like the wall around the school had been carved by god, and even with how tall the wall to the school was, even taller still was the school inside of it. The highest tower in the school was tall enough that it was twice as tall as the wall, reaching up so high that it was hard for Momo to see the entire thing in detail. Her thought that came to her head, first of all, was the amount of funding that would have gone into this place. Somebody with a lot of money, or many people with a lot of money, had to have put their all into building it. The wall around the school, on the other hand, looked like it could have been created by somebody with the use of a Stone-related Quirk or something similar.

"Well, Momo-chi... make a nuke and blow this place up-" Naruko stated as she pointed at the school, already hating the place. She was forbidden by Menma to use her Quirk, until she had located the corpses of Kushina and Mito Uzumaki, and gotten them back. If Momo blew the entire school up, the corpses would be destroyed, and there would be no need for her to waste anymore of her time.

"We'll die too Naruko-chan." Himiko spoke cutely.

Momo was just sweating bullets, nervous when the iron doors in front of the school started to open up, the boat that took them to the school already long gone.

"Ah, such a destructive student. It's a pŀėȧsurė to meet such spirited girls."

A figure walked out of the opening doors.

It was a tall woman, over 6 feet tall, with long white hair that dragged along the ground. She wore a pure white business suit that framed her thin, though voluptuous body, and her skin was a very odd shade of pale. She glowed with an unearthly beauty, and her eyes were pure white, lacking in pupils of any kind. Stranger than her eyes, were the horns that were sticking out of the top of her head. Her heels clicking against the ground caused Momo to freeze when the woman stopped in front of them, and adjusted her sleeves.

The Founder of Saint Lavender Academy... Otsutsuki Kaguya.

"If you so wish to destroy this school, you're welcome to try it. All students are free to commit any crime they wish here. If you find yourself hating another student, you may kill them... provided you are capable of it. If you hate a teacher, do whatever you want to them, if you think you can. The staff at this school are all highly trained, and more than capable of keeping all of you in line." Kaguya spoke with power and arrogance. Naruko, without any hesitation, transformed up a stage and charged at the woman with bloodlust in her eyes.

Kaguya just smiled.


The horns on her head glowed, and a third eye opened up on her head. When Naruko got close enough to her, Kaguya simply grabbed her fist, and Naruko was forced to transform back to her normal form. Her body glowing yellow, and the yellow glow being suċkėd up into Kaguya's horns as Naruko grew visibly weaker. She collapsed to her knees, gasping in breath when Kaguya let go of her.

"My Quirk is Power Thief... just by touching you, I can steal all of your power, suċkɨnġ up your stamina." Kaguya's horns stopped glowing and her third eye closed, before all of the yellow energy was done entering her body. Naruko was just gasping on the ground, completely out of stamina, and drained of her ability to use her Quirk until she restored her stamina. "Strange, I stole enough energy from you to kill 1000 regular men... and all it did was wind you. You're quite the little power house... most die the second I use my Quirk against them." Kaguya mentioned as she reached out with both of her hands.

Momo was still frozen, until she flinched in fear when Kaguya's right hand touched her head, and Himiko was actually in a similar state of fear as she was.

They were going to-

'-die.' Momo thought as her eyes squeezed shut.

"Now, you two girls don't make the foolish mistake of trying to go against me. Here, on this island, my word is law, and my power is absolute. I hope that your time here is as beneficial to you as it will be for me." Kaguya simply rubbed the top of their heads, before she let go of them and turned around. Momo opened her eyes, and her breath that she had been holding, was released from her lungs. "You'll find a change of clothes waiting for you." Kaguya pointed out as she glanced back at them.

Momo didn't realize it at first, but in her sheer fear of this woman, she had actually wet herself, and looking down passed Naruto (give him credit for not breaking character), she could see that she had an unfortunate accident.

"You... BITCH!"

Naruko, her stamina restored, rushed back at Kaguya as she started to transform completely. Kaguya glanced back at her, before a dark smile came over her face. Snapping her fingers, Naruko collapsed and transformed back to normal once more.

"Well, well, well. The Monster Fox Quirk truly is a miracle, you should have been unable to use your Quirk for the next 24 hours... but you're stamina was restored after a mere moment's rest. I figured you would exceed my expectations, so I'll be taking this-" Kaguya allowed a small white ball to roll out of her sleeve, showing that she had stolen Naruko's Hoshi no Tama, and was currently using her Quirk to pull the energy out of it. With her star ball taken, and the energy being pulled out of it, Naruko was left completely unable to transform, and her stamina was unable to regenerate.

Naruko forced herself to stand, before she raised her hands.

Himiko put a hand on her shoulder.

"Please... stop... this isn't good." Himiko whispered to her, and Naruko growled, before she relented and lowered her hands. Spitting on the ground, Kaguya just lifted her chin up victoriously.


'-got 3 Hoshi no Tama on her person right now...' Naruto could feel the presence of 4 Hoshi no Tama on the island. His own, that was shrunken with him and inside of his mouth. He could feel the one that was stolen from Naruko, and he could feel two more that were in Kaguya's pockets. One of which was impossible for her to have, sense it was a Hoshi no Tama that he knew was broken into pieces.

His Mother's Hoshi no Tama, the one that was shattered... stolen by Orochimaru, retrieved by his friends, and currently safely stored inside of his safe in his room. He knew what it felt like, since he had been guarding it ever since he recovered it from his friends. For two of the same to exist, meant that his mother had to have manifested her Quirk for a second time... which was impossible because she was dead. The Hoshi no Tama was formed when the Quirk was activated for the first time, and the one manifesting it would spit it out of their stomach. His mother's body, for starters, should have been decomposed a lot time ago. Meaning, somebody had stolen her corpse... and somehow managed to restore it to prime condition, so that a second Hoshi no Tama would form.

Naruto's eyes were glowing red with sheer rage, all of his willpower was used to not attack or lose control.

"As I spoke, at this school, we will teach you what you need to learn... to rehabilitate you to fit into normal society." Kaguya started off as the doors closed behind them. Momo hissed in pain when she felt her phone in her pocket shoot out sparks, before she took it out and threw it away from herself. "All non-Saint Lavender Academy communication devices are destroyed once these doors closed. While inside of this school, there is no contact with the outside world. Only students who attain top ranking positions are allowed to leave for school approved trips." Kaguya pointed out when Naruko and Himiko tossed away their phones.

Momo realized something.

Now, she and Naruto had no way to contact anyone for back up, and nobody could contact them either. They were now truly alone on this mission, and help was impossible to ask for.

'For a rehabilitation school, that is pretty suspicious.' Naruto made a mental note of that.

"Now that any electronic recording devices on you three are gone. Welcome to Saint Lavender Academy, where you will be taught how to use your Brains, your Brawn, and your Beauty as weapons. Students will be divided into three seperate categories... those with High Intelligence will take classes as such. Those with powerful bodies will be pushed further in physical might... and those of great beauty will be put into the seduction classes." Kaguya explained as she glanced at the three of the girls. Mentally judging them, she smirked to herself. "Naruko, you will take the Brawn Course... Himiko, you will take the Beauty Course... and Momo, the Brains Course will fit you. Naturally, I will not allow your other classes to fall behind. A woman must not neglect her body or her brain, just as she can't neglect her beauty or her brain, or her body and her beauty... I have high hopes for you three... now get changed and go to the dorms. Class will start tomorrow." Kaguya reached into her pocket, and she pulled out a small coin.

A coin.

Momo, despite her fear, looked at it and remembered what it was right away. It was the same coin that had been used by Orochimaru to kidnap all of the best Pro Heroes, and if this woman had one, then she had some sort of connection to Orochimaru's tech.

'This is becoming a giant cluster fuċk... there are 4 Monster Foxes on this island, a freakishly strong woman, and a strong connection to the freak here... calm down Naruto... losing control right now won't end well.' Naruto forced himself to stay as calm as possible.

"Remember, while fighting is allowed, if a teacher things you are getting out of hand, you will be stopped. You girls all have potential, as do all students here... wasted potential is such a pity." Kaguya called back to them before she disappeared through the portal. When the portal vanished, Momo gulped and glanced at the two other visible females she was standing with.

Naruko slammed her fist into the ground.

"That bitch... I'll kill her and get it back... then I'll destroy this entire school, and every student in it... I'll make it rain their blood... no... I'll kill everyone but her... I'm going to keep her alive... I'll rip her arms and legs off... burn the wounds closed... those horns too... I'll break her, make her my pet... she's regret every laying her hands on my thing." Naruko was whispering dangerously, her eyes glowing red with each word she spoke. "Screw following Menma's orders... the second I get it back... I'll destroy this island like I did to that city... and we can search the ruins of this place for Mito and Kushina." Naruko hissed to Himiko, not even caring that Momo with within earshot of them.

Though, she was quickly walking towards where she could see the dorms were, because as it were, she was in a dangerous situation. She was going to need to speak with Naruto about this as soon as she could, because she knew she wasn't strong enough to handle this herself.

'She... destroyed a... that storm... it was her... at least when Mom killed... she had no control... but my si... this mother does it on purpose?' Naruto glanced back at Naruko with growing anger.

She wasn't his sister.

She didn't deserve the honor of having Minato and Kushina as her parents.

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