Naruto In My Hero Academia

Chapter 74 - Painful Escape

"Oh no... this isn't good... Menma is going to hate this... a lot..."

Naruko was dead, the exact same time that half the island was destroyed, Naruko woke up for a brief few moments, screamed in absolute agony for several minutues, and then she died. The news that his sister was dead, and Himiko did not know the cause, was going to be... well it wasn't going to be good for her in the slightest. Tomura would be, mostly, uncaring about this so she wasn't worried about that. The only thing that could have caused Naruko to die like that, would be if her Hoshi no Tama had been utterly destroyed. Naruto, when she kidnapped him, told her that was how his mother died... Kaguya had the Hoshi no Tama... did Kaguya die while holding it, and the Hoshi no Tama get destroyed because of it?

Was that the reason half of the island was gone, Kaguya messed with it too much, and it exploded?

Hoshi no Tama could explode!?

The way didn't matter so much as the fact that it happened, and now Naruko was dead. The strongest fighter in the League of Villains, was now dead and their fighting forces were so drastically reduced that it was unreal. Naruko was their living, breathing, weapon of mass destruction. Himiko looked out the window, and she saw utter chaos going on outside, students killing each other left and right now that all of the Kaguya clones seemed to be gone. Without the fear of Kaguya, all of the students had completely lost it, and thus Himiko needed to leave as quickly as possible.

-With Momo-

"Naruto... Naruto! Where are you... these girls are going nuts..." Momo ran with a limp, she had already had to fight off 3 students who had tried to take her life. She was running on instinct, guessing where to go as she tried to find her partner. Considering half of the island was now gone, and she had a feeling Naruto was to blame for that partially... of completely, she knew he had to be somewhere. 'That... or Naruko went nuts and destroyed half of the island...' Momo looked around for any signs of Naruto. "Naruto!" Momo called out as she ran towards a large pool of blood that was leaking from under the nurses office.

She had naturally ran towards a place where Naruto would go to grab something to wrap up injuries, considering Naruto might have been in a deadly battle while she was asleep.

With the number of times he gets seriously injured while fighting, that would be the first place he would go, before he collected her and ran out. Rushing into the nurse's office, she felt relief and worry fill her when she saw that she had perfectly understood Naruto's thought process. She was relieved that he was alive, naturally, but the small amount of pride that she felt that she understood him so well, was wiped out when she saw the condition he was in.

"Good... I knew you would come here, when you realized I was gone... help me out here..." Naruto spoke to her as he was tying up the stump that he had for a right arm with winces and grunts. "... damn bitch managed to shove one of her broken horns into my shattered arm." Naruto ġrȯȧnėd, looking at the arm that he himself cut off. All of the energy in his arm had been lost when he cut it off, so he was no longer fueling Kaguya's regeneration. He realized it when he came to understand that he was losing more stamina than he usually did when he suffered from severe blood loss.

Momo rushed to his side and she noticed that for the most part, he had already properly cut his arm off, but that didn't explain what had happened.

"What's going on Naruto!?" Momo had no clue what was going on.

"I got the information that we need... but got caught by Kaguya, we ended up fighting... I accidentally destroyed her with a punch that was too strong... at the last moment, she shoved the shattered remains of one of her horns into my arm... cutting my arm off should slow down her regeneration." Naruto let out a sigh as Momo completely tied off his arm. Naruto pulled out the documents that he had taken, before he ġrȯȧnėd in pain. He had lost too much blood, and after unleashing that punch, he had destroyed nearly everything in his body. He had no been prepared for the recoil of such a punch, because he did not know how strong it was going to be.

Using the full force of his Nine Tailed form, in the concentrated amount of just a single arm, fuċkėd him up more than he was prepared for.

Opening up her shirt, Momo created a backpack out of her stomach and ċhėst, before she stored the documents in them so that would not be damaged further.

"What about the other Kaguyas?" Momo questioned him, and Naruto drew a line across his throat.

"They started to die when Kaguya was turned into a smear... they started to rapidly age... I think Kaguya was supplying them with energy to keep them young." Naruto had noticed that the clones all started to age very quickly, the second that Kaguya was defeated. Her "death" (though she was still very much alive) was the catalyst needed to start their aging process.

Momo helped Naruto stand up, since he didn't have a lot of strength left to do that. She opened a second part of the backpack, and she grabbed Naruto's right arm from the ground, she put the arm in the backpack, before she went over to the freezer and started to fill the backpack with ice. The two pockets, the document and arm pockets, were seperated by waterproof barriers so that she could keep Naruto's arm and the documents. She was sure that if recovering Naruto's arm were possible, Recovery Girl would know how to do it. Once they got Kaguya's fragments out of the arm, and it was safe to reattach to Naruto, he would be back to full strength again.

"You idiot, why did you do this alone!" Momo wasn't asking him.

She was shouting at him.

"I wanted to get you off this island... we need to head to the water. You can make a raft, and we'll paddle back to Japan." Naruto instructed her as she helped him walk through the growing levels of destruction.

Without Kaguya, the students had nobody to fear... nobody was controlling them anymore. These villainous girls were going wild, and it was no longer safe enough for them to even try to stay any longer. Naruto wasn't in fighting condition, and she herself wasn't able to fight and protect Naruto at the same time. They were going to have to be content with what they managed to get, even though they knew that there was still more on the island for them to do. It was a bitter success, they completed the mission they were ȧssigned... but Naruto's personal mission on the island was going to be left for another day.

-In the Underground-

"... That boy... he's quite amazing..." Kabuto looked at the security footage of the fight between Naruto and Kaguya, analyzing the last move that Naruto used, and how his right arm had transformed into a golden-furred version of itself, with odd black markings. He even watched as the punch nearly completely destroyed Kaguya, and then proceeded to destroy half of the island... and continue all the way before it was stopped by something in Japan. The shock wave of the punch had split the ocean and sky. "Is this the true power of the Monster Fox Quirk?" Kabuto asked the computer monitor.

Orochimaru was smirking on it.

Small robots were walking around the lab, collecting all of Kabuto's research data, and the test subjects that he had were all being stored away for relocation, since this island was no longer a good work spot.

"That boy is no boy... he is a monster."

Kaguya spoke, having regenerated her head, neck, and 20% of her torso, along with part of her left arm, spoke from inside of a liquid filled tube. Kabuto had watched the fight, and when Kaguya's regeneration slowed down, he had went to collect her body and put her in a healing chamber. She would naturally regenerate over time, but since Naruto had cut off his arm, it would take a long time before Kaguya was back to fighting power. The amount of body that was restored was only thanks to the energy she was stealing from Naruto thanks to the horn fragments inside of his broken arm.

"He is Naruto Uzumaki... when I captured all of the best pro heroes, he did the impossible and fought them all off, and was the most important part in my defeat... I lost my body because of him." Orochimaru spoke from behind the monitor. He was killed by Naruto, only his memories existed now, in the form of computer programs that was scattered all across the internet. He was going to download himself into a new body, and take his revenge on Naruto, the second he could. That didn't mean he did not admire the boy's strength though.

It would seem Naruto had unlocked a secret of his Quirk that no Monster Fox user had ever managed to do before him.

He had used his Quirk with no hatred in his heart, if only for a brief moment.

"... He destroyed the 3 Hoshi no Tama I had on me... the girl is no doubt dead now. No doubt, my students are rampaging without me to keep them under control... my plans were ruined... I was going to reshape the world in my image... over 100 years of planning and stealth... ruined in less than 2 days because of him." Kaguya was emotionally numb because of her loss. Her Quirk wasn't working properly at the moment, and it would take her close to 5 years before her body naturally used it's energy to regenerate herself. She had been planning her world takeover for years and years, and it had been ended because some blond boy noticed what she was doing, and decided to get in her way.

Orochimaru, for a brief moment, felt some sympathy... but only because the exact same thing happened to him. He had nearly done it, after so many years of careful planning, he was hours away from destroying the world and replacing it with his image of a perfect one. Yet, in less than 2 days, Naruto had discovered what he was doing, and decided that he was going to get in his way.

They both had also lost their bodies because of Naruto.

"Well, it's a good thing that I don't have world domination plans." Kabuto just wanted to make the ultimate warrior, and he was just messing with corpses. Illegal actions sure, but he wasn't doing anything so grande as to force Naruto to get involved.

Kabuto blinked and turned around when he realized somebody was in the room with him.

"You two failed, because you never imagined somebody who could stand in your way... and because of your mistake, you have lost everything."

"You..." Orochimaru's eyes narrowed hatefully on screen, while Kaguya seemed confused. She wasn't sure who this man was that was walking into the room, but she was sure that he was somebody Orochimaru knew well enough to dislike. "... I told you that I wasn't going to join you." Orochimaru stated coldly, and there was a deep chuckle that came from the shadows.

Two ringed, purple eyes opened in the darkness.

"You became arrogant... and because of it... you learned Pain."

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