Naruto In My Hero Academia

Chapter 75 - The Demon Arises

"You're lucky I was able to save that arm at all, let alone attach it back."

"You're a miracle worker Recovery Girl." Naruto grinned as he looked at the right arm he had reattached to his body. Not only had Recovery Girl been able to take all of Kaguya's horn fragments out of his arm, and though his arm had many scars on it now, it was back where it needed to be. It was smart of Momo to not only save his arm, but keep it on ice in that backpack until they had managed to get back to Japan and rush it to Recovery Girl. It was also lucky that the semi-retired heroine knew not only how to use her Quirk, but was also an expert surgeon as well.

She whacked the side of his head.

"You're lucky, because I was able to use those crystal fragments in your arm to rematch the large amounts of your bones that were missing. Those crystal fragments were made of the same stuff as your Hoshi no Tama, and were compatible with your body." Recovery Girl had only been able to save his arm, because of the fact that the crystal fragments could be melded together with his bones to reform them. Otherwise, were it not for those crystals, his arm would have been unusable. She could reattach it, but it would be a completely useless arm. He would have been better off without the arm at all, if that had been the case. "... in fact, some of those crystals are the same as that supervillain used in his fortress awhile back." Recovery Girl referred to the crystals that Naruto had in the safe in his room, the crystal fragments that had one been his mother's Hoshi no Tama.

Naruto gripped his right hand into a fist, and started to wrap bandages around his arm, a deep frown on his face.

Right, Kaguya had 3 Hoshi no Tama's on her body when he had destroyed her, and they were tough objects. When she put her horn fragments in his arm, a lot of hoshi no tama fragments must have been lodged into his arm as well, destroying parts of his bones. That would mean, that when he destroyed them, he also destroyed...

"Are you okay?"

"... I'll be okay..." Naruto took a deep breath, unclenching his fist. He, with his own two hands, was the direct cause of his sister's death by destroying his Hoshi no Tama, and though she was a monster that could not be redeemed, the fact that he ended the life of his own flesh and blood... that was a thing now. He had become the very thing that he had always believed his mother to be, the person who killed his siblings.



Menma's roar of anger and pain echoed through the entire base, his face burning red in fury, more emotion than anyone had ever seen him portray. He slammed his fist into the nearest object, a table, and split it right down the middle. Himiko returning to the base with the news that she had failed was always bad enough, but coming back to the base with the news that Naruko had died on the mission. No, the very fact that his sister, the strongest person he knew, had died along was wrong.

"I didn't do it!"

"I know you didn't do it! You're not strong enough... it had to be him... it had to be him... he did it somehow... the only person who could have been stronger than Naruko." Menma growled and stormed off. With a mere touch of his body, he teleported himself to the building housing the Nomus that were being created. He looked around for the right Nomu, the one that was being designed to kill All Might and Naruto, and stomped right towards it. It was still a week away from being ready to unleash, meaning that his revenge was going to have to wait a week because of it. "How dare you... How dare you take her away! She was powerful, she was the perfect killing machine, she was our blood sister!" Menma started to kick trash cans around the room. He wasn't going to let the others see him in his rage anymore, they had already heard enough of that.

Any and all hesitation that he felt about having Naruto killed was gone.

His elder brother needed to die, he was the only person in the world that he knew could kill her, and while he didn't know how he did it, he knew it had happened.

"Child, calm yourself."

"Father... Is this Nomu ready for battle... strong enough to fight?" Menma asked as he looked at their ultimate weapon, though imperfect it may be at the moment. All for One, standing behind him with a slightly amused aura about him. "That Fast Forward Quirk, if you push it to the limit, the weapon can be used now... I can take it, and kill Naruto, right?" Menma, All for One could see, had his usual cool and calm aura of intelligent evil, brought to a crashing halt all around him.

Naruko, for all intents and purposes, had been Menma's one true partner in life... and now she was dead. He had lost the one true sibling he grew up with, this was the first time the boy had ever experienced loss in his life. He never had need for the emotions of sadness of grief, and he developed no ability to mourn in a calm way because of it. As he was now, he was more of a wild animal than even Naruko herself had been. His thirst for blood was beyond belief, it radiated off of him, and even All for One felt a shiver go down his spine when he heard the voice of his surrogate child.

This was no longer a boy.

This was a demon.

"I told you, Naruto Uzumaki and Toshinori Yagi needed to be destroyed... but you've lost your sister. You have to forever live with the fact that she has been killed. Just killing her killer, is that enough?" All for One calmly spoke, knowing exactly what he was doing. He knew exactly the effect he was going to have, with those so few words. A wide grin spread over his face when realization hit Menma.

"Naruto will live... I'll rip his hero title away from him, I'll steal away from him anything he can call a family. I'll watch as he surrenders to total despair, until the last breath I take. I will stain his hands with the blood of everything he loves." Menma knew exactly what he needed to do. Menma walked towards the Nomu's creation cell, and he opened it up before it was finished. He glanced at All for One, who said nothing and just nodded his head.

More Nomu could be created, easily in fact, but this child needed this learning experience to grow from.

'No, I guess I shouldn't call him a child anymore... this Demon needs to sink further into darkness.' All for One was glad that he had put more effort into raising Menma than he had Naruko. While he had taken the time to break her mind, and reduce her to the state of a battle ŀusting maniac, he had carefully put down the seeds of true evil into Menma's mind. After so many years, those seeds had grown, taken root, and suċkėd out any and all goodness inside of the boy. Leaving only true evil behind in it's place. "If you wish to take Nomu, you're more than welcome. Go, my son, make your father proud." All for One watched as Menma touched the Nomu, and both he and Nomu teleported away from the base.

A hero could create a villain with their actions, and a hero could create the next generation of heroes who were even greater than they themselves were.

A villain could create a hero through their evil deeds, but while a hero could create a better hero, a villain could create a demon if they took the time.

Now to see if his demon could do what it was raised to do.

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