Naruto In My Hero Academia

Chapter 77 - Heroes Across Time Part5

Not good.

"Eri-chan... stay behind me..." Recovery Girl stated as she hid the girl behind her, not that she could do anything in a fight. Eri's powers of Reverse would make her a great healer one day, so while taking care of the girl while Naruto was in class, she wanted to talk with the girl about pursuing a career one day in medical hero work. It would be a great use of her powers, and it would help her get control of them possibly. Now though, bringing a child to a training exercise couldn't have been worse. They were in the middle of a wide open area, but neither of them were anywhere near fast enough to get to the school building. All she could do was offer her own body as a shield to protect this innocent child.


Students had stopped their training, looking towards the dirt that had been stirred up into the air, alarms were going off through out the entire school. After the USJ incident, the school had learned from their past security weakness though. Blast shields and barriers started to drop across the windows and doors of the school, providing the non-hero students inside as much protection as possible.

They were the lucky ones.

When the dust settled, every student who laid eyes on the two beings that walked onto the grounds froze.

"That... that's the same type of monster that Naruto beat..." Izuku spoke when he laid eyes on the monster that nearly killed Naruto in one of their first lessons, but in the end was killed by Naruto. This monster though, this Nomu, it was bigger... it was visibly stronger. As it walked forward, soaking in the sunlight, he could see that it was pure white in body now, similar shaped. It seemed stronger, not just in stature, but the presence it had was unreal.


It was pure fear that kept the students frozen, this was like standing in front of a 100 foot tall tiger, a monster that you didn't need it to speak in order to know just how screwed you were. Bakugo, Todoroki, not even the oh-so confident Kirishima were able to do more than shake as they looked towards impending doom as it took only a single step towards them. Momo collapsed to her knees, holding her mouth with both hands to try not to throw up, and though she was invisible, you could see the puddle that appeared on the ground where Toru collapsed and lost control over her bladder. Those were normal reactions, because, this wasn't a Fight or Flight response from them... because they couldn't fight, and running away was impossible. That was the feeling in the air.

"Na... Naruto?" Mina asked when she saw Naruto walking next to the monster.

Naruto... but with longer hair, and wearing a suit.

"... That isn't Naruto... we need to run." Ojiro stated, his tail trembling.

He couldn't run either.

"Nomu... kill the healer." Menma stated as with a cold, analytical tone once more, his eyes showing not an ounce of emotion. In response to his words, Nomu raised his hand up and a bone spear erupted out of the palm of his hand. Nomu pointed his hand at Recovery Girl, and just like that, the bone vanished from his palm. There was a shrill whistle, before the bone was lodged in the middle of her ċhėst. Recovery Girl was only able to look down at the spear going through her heart, before she collapsed and revealed Eri behind her, shivering on her knees in terror.

Recovery Girl's body started to turn into dust and vanish.

"Recovery Girl!"

"Everyone, you need to snap out of it and run away!"

Naruto and All Might crashed between them, standing between the class and the duo of villains facing them. Naruto had already transformed into his 2-tailed form, fists raised up, while All Might looked at Menma with eyes that were hardened. Recovery Girl being killed wasn't good, and it happened before they could even register what was going on. Naruto looked into his younger brother's eyes once, just once, before he turned his eyes away and looked at the real threat that killed the beloved healing hero. None of the students were able to move.

"They won't be able to do that, you see, Nomu here has a Quirk that causes those around him to feel unbearable fear. It takes far more willpower than what a student has to be able to overcome this fear... Nomu... kill All Might, but leave Naruto alive... he has to suffer." Menma's words showed no love, nothing but pure disdain and hate for his blood. Naruto took a deep breath, but accepted the hate, and just raised his fists up.


"Naruto, take a massive size, and get the students to safety." All Might gave out an order.

Naruto ignored it.

"This Nomu is stronger than the last one... and the last one was as strong as you are... you don't have a lot longer until your time limit is up. Right now, the safest place for them is right here, being protected by us... so lets do this." Naruto raised his fists up... and he shrank in size, down to his single tailed form. He had taken those punches from the other Nomu first-hand.

This wasn't a fight his uncle would win alone.

All Might took a deep breath, as did Naruto, and then in unison the two of them placed the widest grins on their faces.

"Hey, younger me, why don't you take a step back, and allow me to take the fighting from here? That Nomu was created via a guy we were sent to the past with... this is our issue."

Landing on the ground in front of Naruto... was All Right himself, his own future self. Scruffy chin from a lack of shaving, more muscle, and general more experience. Menma's face changed when he saw his future elder brother, before becoming neutral.

"Where is All Better?" Naruto asked his future self.

"She's on her way... there isn't helping Recovery Girl now... but we won't let a single one of you die... right All Might?" All Right spoke with a grin, a twinkle in his eye too.


"... Kill my future brother too." Menma's words were colder than ice.

"Come and try it... One for All: 100%... and lets add in a little Monster Fox to the equation. This isn't an opponent we can take lightly after all." All Right spoke as he flexed his body, and powerful waves of power rolled off his form. His body transformed into his 1 tailed form, and his fur gained a slight yellow tips to it.

The battle started.

{Music: Naruto Shippuden OST 3 - The Power of Naruto Uzumaki}

The first shockwave appeared.

Then the second shockwave appeared, followed by close to 100 hundred more quick shockwaves as All Might and All Right rushed Nomu and started to lay hits into him. Nomu, as a show of power, was not only completely unaffected by the attacks, but was also to even throw his own punches and block the punches that were thrown at him.

"Well now, aren't you a tough one!" All Might shouted as blood flew from his mouth, a grin still on his face as he traded blows to the cheek with Nomu.

Nomu was sent flying with a kick from All Right.

"Looks like he can reverse the flow of power, he absorbs enemies strength and throws it back at them... some form of shock repulsion then!" All Right chased down Nomu as the creature landed on his feet, and the two of them started to trade blows once more. All Might joining in as craters appeared under their feet, the more they attacked, the more craters that appeared all around them.

Naruto was forced to use his own body to shield the other students from the fast approaching shockwaves.

'So... it seems this incomplete Nomu won't be enough... even with the Quirk Amplifier.' Menma thought as he watched the battle, unmoving as he sat down on a large chunk of the destroyed wall. His only reaction was his hair being blown back every time fists or feet collided. "Nomu, use more Quirks... use that Impact Recoil you have. Start using Prediction too." Menma ordered when he noticed that Nomu was just using pure strength.

So many Quirks, all for nothing when the beast using them had no intelligence behind it's attacks. Truly, a fighter that had to be commanded in order to be made full use of.


"1,000 Raging Maelstroms of Smash." All Right snapped his fingers, and blue fires started to pour out of his body and float in the air, taking the forms of spiralling flame fists. 1,000 flaming fists started to rain down on Nomu from all directions, but Nomu started to glow white as he started to dodge each and every flame, not a single one getting close to him.

"What's going on!"

"Eraserhead, Present Mic... don't try and interfere... start taking students and getting them to safety, these foes aren't interested in the students... they're interested in us!" All Might called out as he danced through the flames, chasing down Nomu as the glowing Nomu started to dodge his punches as well. Eraserhead glared at Nomu, activating his Quirk.

"Don't ȧssume that I forgot you were a teacher here... that should take care of your silly Quirk for now... it will be a couple hours before you have a Quirk." Menma, holding a gun, spoke harshly. Quirk Erasing Bullet prototypes, thanks to a certain failure of a yakuza, he now had a way to get around Eraserhead's pesky Quirk for awhile. It was too bad the bullets were just prototypes, and not permanent yet.

All Right and All Might continued to clash, and their fists hit each other when Nomu jumped up, dodging both of them.

He kicked both of them in the head, sending them flying, but they didn't go flying long. With a shockwave powered kick, All Might changed directions and went flying back at Nomu. All Right chose a different path though, instead he faded away from existence as if he turned invisible.

"One for All and Illusion powers... you've inherited a lot, haven't you Naruto... well then, I can't afford to look old and feeble now, can I!" All Might roared when he felt a foot on his shoulder, and Nomu in front of him was sent flying by an invisible punch.

All Right had used illusions to make himself invisible.

Nomu on the other hand, realized this as well, and started to dodge the attacks despite them being invisible. He reached out and grabbed a fist from All Might, before swinging his massive body and slamming Right and Might together, knocking the illusion out of All Right while slamming All Might into the ground.

Izuku's eyes widened when realization came to him.

When another hero with One for All came.

The other hero who inherited One for All, the other wielder... it was also Naruto! Somehow, both he and the future Naruto wielded the Quirk.

"Seems like he can predict the future, but only 1013 attacks a second, seems like to hit him, we need to throw more than that number attacks every single second. Think you can keep up?" All Right slammed his fist into his palm, done analyzing that particular ability of his opponent. It would seem that the Impact Recoil caused them to suffer from almost the full recoil of their own attacks. "Be sure not to punch his fists, when you do, you're attacks will be reflected back at you." All Right advised.

"Right! Time to let these fists show this villain just how harsh justice can be!" All Might grinned wider still.

Menma's lips narrowed, before he slowly stood up, dusting himself off.

The battle resumed.

Instantly, the battle started to shift in direction, with All Right shifting into second gear, and upping the number of tails to 2. Now, Nomu couldn't even begin to keep up with the rain of blows that came from the two Alls. All Right throwing punches that were so fast, that hundreds of attacks started to land. All Might's blows were being dodged, but for every attack dodged, they would be dodged into one of All Right's punches.

'It seems that Nomu could beat either of them separately... but together, they just can't be beat... they work together too well... it's like they are a single fighter, having two bodies.' Menma thought as Nomu started to get overwhelmed.

His First Quirk, Teleportation.

His Second Quirk, Extreme High Intelligence.

His Third Quirk-

"What's wrong, afraid you're pet will lose?" All Might asked as he stood tall and proud.

Menma placed his hand on the Nomu's forehead.

"This Nomu is worthless now... if it can't stand up to you... then there is no use for it to be the one to fight. Sad, I planned to use this Quirk with Naruko when she attained the height of her power... with my Quirks and her Quirks... we would have been the strongest villain to ever exist... even stronger than father." Menma spoke as Nomu started to turn into liquid, and get absorbed into Menma's clean skin. The skin that didn't have a speck of dirt on it anywhere, and Menma's body started to transform in response.

The Third Quirk, that he could only use one.

Fusion Amplification.

The ability to fuse another life form into himself, and then multiply their power by 10 times what it had been before. The power that was suppose to be used to fuse him with the strongest, his sister, so they could become the ultimate villain. He had never wanted to dirty his body by accidentally fusing it with some other life form. Menma's body was completely covered in the liquid, no longer was his skin or any part of him visible anymore.

The Quirk Amplifier fell to the ground where Nomu had stood, before the liquid on Menma's body hardened like a cocoon.



The hardened shell broke as quickly as it formed, revealing the new Menma, born from the fusion between himself and the Nomu. Menma's skin had become bright red, and his hair had turned pure white, with his height scaling up to 6 inches taller, muscles becoming even larger as well.

"Shit..." All Might whispered.

Menma raised his hand up, and a bone spear popped out of it, with a smirk on his face, he pointed it at Eri, glancing at Naruto as he did so. He raised his other hand up, and created another bone spear, and pointed this one at Mina. The girl still frozen as fear as teachers started to take away the other students as quickly as possible to a safe distance away.

"Two spears, these travel really fast... come on heroes."

The next .01 happened too fast.

Naruto, not future Naruto, rushed and jumped in front of Eri the second the spear was shot at her. Arms wide, ready to take the hit for her and die to protect her. Naruto watched as the spear came within 2 feet of his body, if he had tried to take her and run, it would have hit both of them, piercing through his body and hitting her.

He chose to save Eri, because he couldn't save both her and Mina... he apologized to Mina in his head.

He had to make the choice.


Neither he nor Mina were hit, All Might had jumped in front of Naruto, shrinking down to his normal form so that he would be able to get into the small gap. Toshinori was stepped in the heart by the bone spear, while All Right was stabbed in the gut by the spear as he protected Mina from the spear.

Naruto and Toshinori locked eyes, even as his body started to turn to ash and crumble away.

Toshinori smiled, not a grin, a smile, he reached out and rubbed the top of Naruto's head.


All Better landed on the ground, late to catch up to the fight thanks to her lack of speed. She had to watch as All Right started to turn to ash as well, and he gave her the same smile that Toshinori was giving Naruto.

"Don't worry... I'll always be here."

With that said, the two of them pointed to their hearts, before they turned into ash and got blown away in the wind.

"Don't think this makes us even Brother! You're going to watch as I destroy everything you love, I'll rid everything you love from you! You'll never be allowed to die a peaceful death!"


All Better walked over to Naruto as he stood up.

"What are you talking about? Everything will get All Better-"

"You'll rid everything I love from me, don't you know that everything will be All Right-"

"Now that I'm here!" Naruto and All Better shouted as he pounded their fists into their hands, grins on their faces, and tears in their eyes.

Menma's eyes widened, before they narrowed.

"Fine." Menma raised his fists up, and opened them to show red x's on his palms, showing not only did he have all of Nomu's powers, but he still had his own as well.

All Better's horn grew until it was visible through her ribbon, and it glowed, she looked at Naruto and nodded her head. A pained expression came over her face when green lightning coursed around her body, and she seemed visibly pained. Naruto nodded his head, before he grinned as he transformed into his single failed form.

"Lets do this Eri!"

"Right Papa!"

It was time for Round 2.

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