Naruto In My Hero Academia

Chapter 78 - Naruto the Symbol of Peace: End

The battle never ended.

Menma frowned deeply, furiously, when he was forced to defend himself against the attacks from Naruto and All Better, the two of them working with surprisingly good amounts of teamworks for people who had never worked together. With any touch of her hand, All Better's attacks would strip him away of one of his Quirks or worse, and he couldn't afford to take a single attack from her. At the same time, the more skilled fighter of the two was Naruto, who was aiming every single one of his attacks in ways that were far different than how All Right from the future had been attacking.

'I'll play around with them then... before I kill the girl.' Menma thought as he saw Naruto downgrade back to his normal form.

All Better jumped onto his shoulder with one foot, and just by his ability to see attacks before they happened, he knew she was going to throw a fake kick and try and touch his face with her palm. Creating a bone spear, he prepared to stab her in the face, changing his own mind about playing with the girl before killing her.

"They... they're actually fighting the monster that... killed All Might?" Izuku whispered as he watched the two fight with all they had.

They were fighting an impossible battle, All Might was the greatest, and if he died... nobody else had any hope of winning such a fight. Not to mention, this monster was now several times stronger than the Nomu that was even stronger than All Might. The scale of the enemy they were facing was just far too great for them to even stand a ghost of a chance.

All Better on Naruto's shoulder vanished when she was stabbed.

"If my future self can use Mom's Illusions... and I have part of her Tama in my arm... then no reason why I can't use them too." Naruto grinned as he held up his right arm and grabbed ahold of the bone spear, snapping it in two as he kicked Menma in the jaw. Menma didn't even budge from the kick, but his face jerked up enough to see All Better coming down from the air while spinning around, speeding up as she prepared to kick him on the top of the head.

Menma stabbed her in the abdomen before she even got close.

The illusion that was All Better faded away again, and a blue fireball was inside of her.

"What... that isn't what-"

"Not what you saw in the future eh!?" Naruto asked as the fireball exploded, consuming the both of them. Naruto grabbed Menma by the wrist, before throwing him into the fire. "You can see the future, but you only see it through your eyes don't you!" Naruto knew the answer as he threw Menma back into the raging inferno and ran back into it himself. "All I have to do is trick the future you, and the current you will be tricked too! What am I going to do next, do you know that!?" Naruto asked as he charged after Menma.

"How about me then!" All Better appeared out of thin air, and ducked underneath a fist that was aimed for her.

Naruto rushed at All Better, and passed by Menma.

She grabbed his hand and tossed him up, with him transforming. She grabbed the top of his hair as he transformed, and stood on top of him as he grew larger, and larger, and even larger still. Menma stopped moving and stopped looking into the future to try and see what they would do next. Naruto had a point, all they had to do was fool his eyes in the future, now that they knew how the Quirk worked. The Future vision ability was useless against opponents that could trick such an ability, and it was made worse by the fact that Naruto was somehow predicting which future visions he was getting.

"Eri, use your Quirk on me, I'm going to go all out, you better hang on!" Naruto called out to the teenager All Better on his head. She nodded her head firmly, using her Quirk as he gained more tails.



"He wouldn't dare... even Naruko can't control her actions in that-"

9 tailed, Naruto went full power, completely towering over Menma, gripping his fist and visibly losing control over himself. His size started to shrink down though, the tail number didn't go down. His red eyes flickered between burning red and bright blue, and his orange fur started to shimmer golden like his hair as he continued to switch back and forth between the two. Soon enough, he was back to his normal height, his body trying to force itself to go back to it's great size as he continued to use the full power of his Quirk. All Better hanging onto his back, arms around his neck and legs around his waist as she visibly struggled to hold back the transformation of his Quirk.

"Kill every-"

"Hey, voice inside my head, shut the fuċk up so I can beat the hell out of my little brother." Naruto, with All Better regressing his mind back to before his transformation could take hold of it, grinned as he called out loud.

"I'm stronger than All Might and you from the future, your power can't even touch me, even without my future sight." Menma raised his hands up, and prepared to block any attack that Naruto-


Blood spewed from his shoulder as his entire body was practically cleaved in half from shoulder to hip, his multiple Regeneration Quirks already quickly fixing the damage. He glanced behind himself, and saw Naruto standing behind him, with his body still flickering between a regular nine tailed fox form (but smaller) and a golden fox form. All Better was bȧrėly holding on, the speed must have nearly knocked her off. Naruto turned his head though, and looked him right in the eyes.

"Then I just have to be stronger than my uncle, and more powerful than myself then."

All Better blocked the punch.

His arm returned to normal, the Quirks he was using in his arm regressing back to only what he would have normally had. He jumped backwards, teleporting mid-jump even further away from that. Menma then took a step back, and noticed Naruto wasn't moving, and he saw Naruto's legs were pretty much shattered by his earlier movement. Menma smirked when he realized that Naruto had moved so fast, that he had broken his own legs in order to not destroy the school from the shockwave. By protecting everyone, he was breaking his own body with this strange transformation.

"... The ultimate sword, and the ultimate shield... his body is transforming so quickly, that your Quirk isn't capable of holding back the full bloodlust... and heal him at the same time." Menma noted as he glanced at the connections. All Better couldn't heal Naruto's body, his transformation speed was too high, and it was taking almost all of his power to just keep him at this level of transformation, while also using it for defensive purposes.

Naruto had his eyes closed.

He raised his right hand up, and gently gestured towards Menma with his pinky finger, before he quickly jerked his pinky.

The shockwave was immense, blasting 3/4ths of Menma's entire body to pieces instantly, the shockwave curving and traveling up into the sky before it could destroy anything else. Menma's body healed from the damage just as quickly as the damage took place, with Naruto's pinky being in an unusable state. Holding back so much power was doing more damage to him than if he unleashed it all genuinely.

"Careful... your body can't take much more." All Better whispered to Naruto, as she looked as another 2 students were carried away from the battle by teachers, who were eyeing the fight carefully. Naruto needed to be very careful not to hit even one person with any of the shockwaves, meaning he needed to absorb most of the power from his attacks into his own body.

Menma teleported up to the top of the school where he put a marker, and he looked down at Naruto from a greater distance.

Naruto wasn't there anymore.

Moving on broken legs, Naruto followed Menma the second he teleported, and landed right behind him the second he appeared. Naruto pushed his ring finger up against Menma, gesturing to the sky, and split the clouds in half when he destroyed the top half of Menma's body, his ringer finger destroyed by his own power. When Menma regenerated, Naruto touched him with his middle finger, and destroyed 80% of his body, and when he regenerated from that, he touched him with his index finger and destroyed another great portion of his body. Menma teleported away before Naruto could switch hands again, and this time he looked up to the top of the school building, seeing Naruto standing there with All Better hanging onto his back, staring down at him with eyes that showed great sorrow.

Great sorrow?

"... You're more of a monster than even Naruko and I... you have the same Quirk as her... no... she has more Quirks than you, but even with all of her Quirks... this power... how far did you push yourself to attain this power deep inside of yourself? This power, it isn't One for All. The Monster Fox Quirk has set limits, limits that can't be overcome through training." Menma actually smiled as he greated bone spears from every part of his body in preparation for when Naruto would move again, this time he would be ready for Naruto.

He looked into the future to see what Naruto would do next, no doubt Naruto had too much power to bother using cheap tricks like earlier.

He saw himself getting punched in the face.

"I'm not going to punch you in the face."

Now he saw himself getting blasted to pieces with fox fire.

"I will not burn you with fox fire."

He was getting ripped to shreds by claws.

"My claws will not harm you."

"How are you seeing what I'm seeing, tell me how you're doing that!" Menma shouted when he realized that every vision of the future he was having, Naruto was also having for some reason. "You have Mother's Quirk because of those shards in your arm... then... right now... You have Mito's Omniscience..." Menma realized without needing Naruto to answer it for him.

Naruto was seeing everything.

No wonder All Better's Quirk couldn't keep up with all the damage, Naruto's mind was being destroyed even now by the amount of information he was absorbing. Naruto was seeing all things, the past, the future, and all things in the present as well. As Naruto was right now, he knew everything that would happen in this fight, he had all knowledge over everything. Her power alone was what was keeping him together, and it was no wonder that Naruto wasn't attacking at all times, he was seeing all timelines, all possibilities, and everything that could and would happen. Trillions of thoughts were rushing through his mind at one time, unlike his own newfound future sight ability, Naruto was truly mentally one with all of creation at the moment.

"Menma... you lost." Naruto stated.

There was no anger in his voice.

"No, I see a way I can win... and it's standing right before me." Menma glanced over towards the younger Eri.

"If you attack her, then I kill All for One right now... I know his exact location, all of his strengths and weaknesses, and I can get there and kill him faster than you can even think about touching her." Naruto stated down to Menma, who stopped what he was doing and looked over at Naruto, who had eyes that were nothing but right at the moment. They were no longer flickering or sorrowful, they were without a shred of mercy, horrifying in nature. "The strongest decide what happens to the weak, in your own opinion. I won't seek revenge for my uncle, or for myself... they wouldn't want that. If you touch her though, I'll rip the last thing in this world you cherish away from you... I'll rip your Quirks away from you too. I'll leave you weak, alone, and without even your name. You'll be a nameless, hollow version of what you were... decide your choice now." Naruto stated as his eyes started to flicker again.

All Better was gritting her teeth, putting all of her efforts into trying to reverse the transformation.

Naruto's form stopped flickering between golden form and monster fox form.

His form was settling on his golden form, his body becoming cloaked in golden flames as he started to take steps on thin air, walking off the top of the school building and using space and time as his foot holds. Naruto's Hoshi no Tama, which was on the ground abandoned, shattered completely and disintegrated into nothingness when Naruto's foot touched the ground. Menma's eyes turned to that, widening when he saw Naruto's only weakness, vanish before his very eyes.

"What is-"

"Quirks are just human evolution itself... my Quirk is no exception, and there are two types of evolution. Spontaneous evolution is when the body suddenly and without reserve, takes something about itself and evolves to a stage further. I no longer need a Tama... and these fragments in my arm... I no longer need them either... my Quirk is human evolution... I'm just evolving it to the next stage... I'm no longer a Monster Fox-"

"When did you get..." Menma whispered when he realized Naruto was standing next to him, and he watched as Naruto ripped his own arm off and tossed it to the ground, the arm bursting into flames. A new arm grew from where the old one vanished, this arm made from pure golden energy itself, with black markings on it.

"-, I am now a Spirit Fox... and while I still have 6.2 seconds of Omniscience before All Better's Quirk reverts my memories of everything I saw with it's power. I want to tell you something." Naruto stated as he took a single step behind Menma, and All Better reached out and grabbed onto Menma, reverting his body back to the way it was before he had fused with the Nomu. The Nomu plopped down on the ground, and started to revert back to the criminal who had traveled back to the past with All Better in the first place.

He was dead.

Menma's X-marks on his palms started to disappear as well, and Naruto's body started to slowly stop glowing as well.

"I''m no longer a monster anymore... and I'm not Naruto the Reluctant Hero either."

Menma, and everyone else watching, saw as Naruto fulled returned back to normal with his new right arm still glowing, made of golden energy. They watched as he took several steps forward, his body no longer broken either.

"I am Naruto the Symbol of Peace, and I that will lead my generation into a better future in place of my uncle."

Story End!

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