Naruto: Journey Of The Strongest Teacher

Chapter 105 - Preparation for Training

General POV

Kisame was on the ground, clutching his ċhėst and laughing his ȧss off. Zabuza and Haku just stared between Ishizu and Kisame, not knowing which one was weirder.

Kimimaro looked confused, while Mei still has a smile on her face.

"What do you mean you've gone rogue?" asked Itachi while his Sharingan spinning angrily.

"It was some time ago just after Jiraiya left to fight Pain. I took the opportunity to have a delightful conversation with the current Hokage. I don't know what happened afterward, but I know for sure that the civilian council and Danzo jumped at the opportunity to brand me a rogue. My status as a leaf shinobi was removed and I am now a missing-nin," effortlessly Ishizu lied to everyone else.

"Now my little brother had two rogue Senseis," sighed Itachi..

"Oy, don't you compare me with that Snake. I have done nothing evil."

Ishizu felt somebody touch his shoulder.

Glancing behind, he saw Mei smiling at him.

"If you have no allegiance..."

Ishizu shook his head, knowing what the Mizukage wanted from him. Her charms wouldn't work on him.

"Sorry, but I don't want to become a Kiri Shinobi. If Kushina found out I left the village, she would just hit me for being not careful. If she found out I changed to another, she would kill me. I'd rather live with pain than not at all."

"That doesn't matter. Even if you are no longer a Konoha Shinobi, why don't you want me to go to Konoha? Utakata should be there and I'd rather have my Shinobi back," spoke Mei curiously.

"Because you don't want to enter Konoha while it is waiting for an attack. As of now, Konoha has 3 Jinchūriki, and the Akatsuki seeks all of them. They know who they are and they want them."

"3? I thought you only had 2?" asked Zabuza.

"I think you've heard the panic about Taki losing their Jinchūriki?"

"Didn't Akatsuki get it?" asked Kimimaro.

"Naruto and I had an encounter with her. Seeing her being treated so harshly, Naruto took her away. Unfortunately, Akatsuki's spy found her and now they are coming. If you move to Konoha, you will be seen as an enemy."

Mei looked at Kimimaro.

"Is my luggage ready?"

Kimimaro shook his head.

"Then we will depart once it is."

Ishizu could only sigh.

"Women. You tell them no and they still do it."

Kisame thanked Ishizu for everything and went together with Mei while Itachi called for the snake to go to Sasuke.

Ishizu stood alone, looking at the sky.

"Now is training time. I need to train those two for the upcoming battle and I know the perfect place."

While Ishizu left to do his things, there was another important conversation going on.

"Say... that... again," each word left Naruto's lips like a freezing breeze. One could feel the room temperature dropping by a few degrees.

"Jiraiya of the Sannin died fighting against the leader of the Akatsuki, Pain," repeated Tsunade.

Every word that came out of her mouth burned her throat, but she kept going. She had to do it.

"You mean to tell me that my first Sensei betrayed the village while my other Sensei died against the Akatsuki?"

Naruto's voice was calm, but everyone knew he was on the brink of destruction. One wrong world and it would rain disaster. What made the rest stunned was that Naruto knew about Ishizu Sasaki.

"Naruto, what do you mean you knew about Sasaki-san?" Sakura looked at him, confused.

She saw him and Naruto interacting just like normal.

"It happened when Horoka's forbidden Jutsu activated. Out of nowhere, Ishizu stepped in. I thought he would help us, but he used Wood Style to incapacitate me while he blackmailed Utakara into giving him the chakra of the Six-Tails. He knew, he knew! that Utakata was a Jinchūriki."

Realization hit Naruto like a brick.

"Now I know why we traveled to Taki to meet Fu. Everything he did was for his own self."

With those words, Naruto stormed out of the office. Nobody followed him.

Inside Naruto's home.

"Naruto-kun, with Jiraiya's death, we need you to finish Sage Mode. You need to be in perfect condition to fight Pain," spoke Fukasuke in a calm voice.

"Leave. I need my peace," responded Naruto through the closed window.

Many people came to Naruto's home to be rejected out. Even Hinata and Ino couldn't come inside.

[Knock, knock, knock]

I signed. Another one I had to tell to not disturb me.

"I don't care who you are, but I don't want you to come in."

", it is me, Naruto."

That was Karin. What did she want?

"What do you want?"

"I know that you don't want people to tell you to train, so I came to ask you about another thing. Do you remember you told me about the ruins of Uzo? You wanted me to show what was inside."

My eyes widened. Of course, there was that place. I had to get away from Konoha and clear my head.

General POV

"You are a genius, Karin. If you didn't love Fu I would have kissed you," spoke Naruto.

"W-what is going into you?" asked a confused Karin.

"I had enough time to think about it, but I came to the conclusion that Sage Mode wasn't enough. Even if I won my 'late' Sensei would call something like that plot armor and I don't want to leave everything for chances. Your suggestion helped me a lot."

Naruto ran before he stopped.

"And you are coming with me," added Naruto before grabbing Karin, and off they were.

Hokage office

"You want to what?" shouted Tsunade.

"Chill, Granny. I told you I want to go to Uzo, and I am taking Karin with me. I am good enough with Sage Mode and if the leader has the Rinnegan, I need to go to Uzo."

"But why do you have to take Karin?" asked Ino.

"When I was there with... him, he found a blood seal that hid a massive library full of knowledge. Last time I learned about the history of Uzo. The Uzumaki ghost I met told me to come again with another Uzumaki. Karin is perfect," explained Naruto.

"But Naruto-kun. If you combine your Sage Mode with the Kyuubi's chakra..." spoken Fukasuke but was interrupted by Naruto.

"I talked with the fox and he wasn't happy."


Back in the depths of Naruto's mind was the cell with the mightiest of the Biju. Currently, the fox was standing on its back legs with his front ones crossed.

"I refuse!" shouted an angry Kurama, moving his head away from Naruto, who was standing before the cage.

"Why not?" asked Naruto after another attempt failed to convince the fox.

"Because you already have my chakra. At least I am alone and have my peace when you use Sage Mode, but under no circumstances will I share my place with toad nature energy. No amphibian will share a mind space with me."

'One day you will crumble you tsundere fox,' thought Naruto.

Flashback end.

"No chance, but can't we open the seal a bit?" asked Naruto.

"Unfortunately, we need two components to open it. We have the key, but only the key holder can do it. Jiraiya can't do it."

"So as I am the next Sage I should automatically become it, right?" asked Naruto.

Fukasuke nodded.

"That would be correct if there weren't another key holder."

Naruto could tell by the toad's voice who he meant.

"It's him, isn't it?"

"Yes, Naruto-kun."

"Then I can leave with Karin, right?"

"If it wasn't such a special situation, then I would have said, but as we are racing against time, I will allow you to go to Uzo with Karin," Tsunade gave in.

'Is this karma or why do I have to go there now?' thought Karin before Naruto dragged her outside.

In the Dumpling Dynasty

"Come on, bitch. I bet you have more in your arsenal," a woman's voice resonated.

"Somebody should really teach you how to speak. No wonder you have no beautiful man by your side," countered another.

"Like all the ones you suċkėd out of their chakra with your lips? I bet I could get more men in bed than you!" challenged the first.

"Then you should start soon because I am way in front of you," replied the second with a smirk.

On the side, two pandas watched them fight.

"Do you understand them?" asked Yang Yang.

"No sister, I don't. Why do they want to compete with how many men they lay in bed? Just grab one and fuċk his brain out," responded Yin Yin.

"Too troublesome. They would scream and the sėx wouldn't be amazing if you had to hold them down. You have to seduce him, show him you are his and make him your pet. He will fulfill your every wish."

"Ha! You talk as if you had a man in your life. The only thing you ever had close to a man was our Sage who has to use the Rinnegan to get you off him," spoke a male voice.

The two pandas looked up to see a small panda sitting on a tree and drinking his lowly red wine.

Both girls turned to each other.

"He is right. We should find a nice male panda and fulfill our dėsɨrės," spoke Yang Yang.

Yin Yin smiled.

"And I just know the right panda."

Denku gulped before drinking up his last wine glass before sprinting away. After a while, a human male appeared at the scene.

"I thought the sisters were watching them?" asked the human before shrugging. Who knew where the crazy siblings were?

"Hey, you two. It's time to find out about your ancestors. Stop bitching around. You can do it later. We have a special place to visit."

In another area of *DD*

A tremendous explosion destroyed part of the flora and one could see a shadow chasing another.

"Both of you are crazy! 'Make him your pet'? What kind of thoughts run through your miserable brains? Also, you will never catch me!"

Another explosion followed by screams.

"Shouldn't we do something, brother Tau?"

"No need, brother Long. I enjoy it quite a lot. It is a change from the boring times."

"True. You are right."

Both enjoyed the scenery with a few dumplings and some herbal tea. Good times. The Dumpling Dynasty was as lively as ever.

Sometime later.

"Hehe, you have underestimated us, Denku."

"Finally he fell for the trap."

Both female panda's eyed K'Oed panda on the ground. Even now, in this state, he held his glass of wine in his paw.

"I know just the right thing," said Yang Yang as she whispered her sister something in her ear.

"Ohh, you are so evil, sister. I like it."

A simple stun trap caught poor Denku with wine as bait. If only he knew that his addiction would lead to this, he should have stayed sober.

Listen, kids, don't be an alcoholic or you can find yourself with crazy females like those two.

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