Naruto: Journey Of The Strongest Teacher

Chapter 106 - Assembly of the Uzumakis

General POV

"Naruto, can you explain to me why we are going to the ruins of Uzu again? Because I am sure that this is not just a vacation trip," asked Karin.

She wanted to go there as a vacation but she clearly recognized this wasn't Naruto's reason.

"Information wins the battle. The book Kabuto gave us about the remaining Akatsuki is going to be really important. Unfortunately, the book doesn't have any information about Pain. We only know he possesses the Rinnegan and there are 6 of him. I've seen the Rinnegan on... Sasaki-san, but I never questioned who they worked. The library in Uzu is gigantic, and it survived a long time. I bet there is some information about it."

"You are still mad about Ishizu-sensei?"

Karin knew the reason... hell, everyone knew the reason why Naruto was mad. His teacher broke the law, yet she didn't believe that Ishizu betrayed the village. She felt his chakra from the time she saw him.

Yes, he was fixed on the woman she saw in his mind, but Karin also saw how Ishizu felt about Naruto and the rest. His feeling for his students was genuine, and Ishizu would never leave Naruto or anyone behind. This was not in his nature.

But Karin saw Naruto didn't want to hear any of that, so she stops pressing the subject any further. It was only a matter of time before both student and teacher met. After a few days, both reached the water and continued on.

The whirlpools that sprung out from the water amazed Karin. She could feel a sense of homesickness. Something deep inside her was calling to her here.

"We are here," stated Naruto as he looked up ahead.

"Let's go."

On the other side.

"We are here, you two. Let's see if you are Uzumaki's or not. On the other side is a huge blood seal. Touch the wall and hope you can enter. I will have to go another way as I am not an Uzumaki and therefore can't enter the same way. I hope we will meet inside," Ishizu explained to the two before moving out.

Both girls shrugged and left to find the wall their leader mentioned.

They didn't show it on their faces, but both were excited to find something about their past. Tayuya remembered to have had a mother at some point in her younger day, but those memories were fogged because of the things that happened after Orochimaru found her.

Fuka, on the other hand, had no memories of her parents. She grew up in a brothel and was later trained in the arts of seduction. Thoughts about her parents never crossed her mind as she dubbed them unnecessary. This changed with her savior and master, who hoped that she was part of something big and she, too, hoped so because it would please him.

With Naruto and Karin.

"There it is. Come, Karin. Behind that wall is what we need to find," spoke Naruto as he touched the wall and disappeared, leaving Karin alone.

"You idiot. Don't leave me behind!" shouted Karin before touching the wall and also vanishing.

"So you think he meant this wall?" asked Tayuya, her eye roaming over the vast wall.

"Haven't you listened? Of course, it is this wall," Fuka scoffed at the audacity that her master was wrong.

"Then touch the damm wall and see if it works."

"Of course it will work. My master has taken me in because he saw me as an Uzumaki."

Fuka touched the wall and vanished. Tayuya stared at the barrier. She looked around to see if anyone was looking.

"Please let me be an Uzumaki. Please let me be an Uzumaki," prayed Tayuya before touching the wall.

In another place of Uzu.

Ishizu looked at how his body absorbed pure nature energy. Now that he could control the Wood Sage Mode, he could easily enter this place. This place was awesome for Sage Mode users.

"You came back?" asked a familiar voice as he was midway inside.

"Yes, I did, Kenji. But it is still not the time to move. I came here to ask entrance for the library."

Kenji's ghost formed raised an eyebrow.

"If I remember correctly, we forbid you from reading the books inside."

"I am well aware but I can look for specific books for the two girls I had with me."

This time, a smile formed on his face, and his form vibrated.

"Ah, I felt them enter the library. One who inherited the Chakra Drain technique and one with diluted Uzumaki blood that inherited the Genjutsu Corps' special ability. What do you want them to learn?"

"The one thing all Uzumakis are known for. Sealing. I want them to summon their chakra chains," responded Ishizu, hoping they would achieve it.

It was not like he needed them, but they would contribute a lot to his plan.

Kenji grinned.

"You really want no issues in that, right? Fine, I will allow you to enter."

"Konoka, do you hear me? I am back and I brought you a visitor," shouted Naruto through the library.

"Woah. What is happening?" asked Karin as she saw a book materializing before her.

"Karin Uzumaki, huh? Going by the blood you left on the wall, you are the last survivor of the Healing Corpse from Uzu. Welcome to the Uzumaki library," spoke a voice and both turned to find a woman floating with books around her.

"I am pleased to see you have returned, Naruto Uzumaki. I welcome you too, Karin Uzumaki. My name is Konoka Uzumaki and I am one of the two guardians of this place."

"It is an honor to meet you, ancestor," said Karin as she bowed to the elderly Uzumaki.

"No need for such formalities. What can I do for you?" asked Konoko, curious why they showed up.

"I need to work training and Karin will help me in finding a book that explains what the Rinnegan is and how it works."

"The Rinnegan? Well, I can point you in the direction where some books are, Karin. You stay here for a moment, Naruto. I will be right back," spoke Konoka as she disappeared.

Somewhere in the library.

"So I am inside?" asked the voice.

"That you are, Fuka Uzumaki. I hope you enjoy your stay in the library."

Fuka looked at the ghost.

"You must be Konok-san. The ghost of the library my master has mentioned."

"That I am. Your master, as you call him, is also here, but I am observing him very carefully. If he opens any book, he will be punished. But let's talk not talk about him. What I want to know is about you, Fuka. How can I help you?"

"My master wants me to learn about the special chains of the Uzumaki clan. He believes I can summon them," explained Fuka.

"Then let's go. Another Uzumaki will teach you this."

"What about Tayuya?" asked Fuka, concerned about her friend.

"Unfortunately no. Her blood is too dilated to activate the chains, but she has the genes for the Uzumaki Genjutsus. She will find what she seeks here. Now let's go."

"Who is that?" asked Naruto as he saw both of them coming back.

"This is Fuka Uzumaki. She came here to learn if she was of Uzumaki descent. She wants to learn to summon the chakra chains," explained Konoka, not mentioning that she was with Ishizu.

"Fine by me. Nice to meet you, Fuka. Name's Naruto Uzumaki."

Fuka smiled as she shook Naruto's hand.

"It is nice to meet you, young Uzumaki. I hope we both learn what we came for."

"Be quiet! The lesson has started. You will not speak until I say so. Do you understand?!" Konoka made both of them stand straight.

"Yes, Ma'ma/Hai-Teacher!" was the response.

In a large hallway of the library, Karin looked at the books.

"Wow, there are so maybe of them, but they only talk about the Sage of the Six Paths having it. Not a single one talks about how it is acquired. Was the Sage born with them? How can I find a book about the Rinnegan?" asked a frustrated Karin as she dropped yet another book that didn't have the information she needed.

Where would she find more information about the legendary eyes?

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