Naruto: Journey Of The Strongest Teacher

Chapter 18 - Should have read the instructions

Ishizu's POV

Hospitals. I hate hospitals. The nurse seeing me awake runs up to me and checks my vitals. " I am fine just tell your supervisor to get in".(Ishizu) She went out and a doctor came. "Sasaki-San you are awake. The Hokage told me to tell you that if you are feeling fine then you should go to the Hokage tower." I told it was ok and asked him how long I was asleep. "2 days you had almost no chakra we thought you died but a Hijūga confirmed you were still alive." After that, I asked where Naruto was and he told me he is at home. Still, I had something important to do.

After coming home from the hospital I went and looked at the storage scrolls I had with me. They looked untouched so nobody used them. I patted myself as right now I was the best Fuinjutsu expert in Konoha, as Jiraija wasn't here. I took the scroll about the 'Edo Tensei' out and read it. As I remembered it was a forbidden jutus created by Tobirama Senju, the Second Hokage. It used a special scroll to form a contract between the pure land and the living. As payment, a living sacrifice was used. You needed DNA of said person you wanted to reanimate as well as the four hand signs. I loved this jutsu so much because I could see that it was a pretty strong one. Just look at Kabuto who created an army out of those. I am not a fan out creating an army but knowledge of a said person is another thing. Just think what Orochimaru would do if he had information on the 1st and 2nd Hokage. You could bring an old monster back from the grave to teach you. Of course, they had to speak, so they needed to be willing.

I looked at the hair I got from the scroll as I never heard there is one left. 'It is red so I could assume it is from an Uzumaki'. I was glad it was not some random hair as I didn't want to accidentally reanimate Madara or some other madman. "Well let's see whose hair you belong to". I made the hand signs: 'Tiger' >'Snake'>'Dog'>'Dragon'. "Summoning Jutsu: Impure world resurrection" as I slammed my hands down my victim, a civilian who hated Naruto, was trying to scream while his mouth was gagged. Many different symbols appeared and slowly made their way to the civilian and a circle appeared around him as multiple papers attached to his body.

It was a bit different as thought as I couldn't see the person as he/she were now in a brown box instead of outside. It was engraved with an Uzumaki symbol. Before I could question why there was a box it was opened rather brutally. The front opened due to a foot and the next thing I see or rather fell as my eyes are closed due to pain is a hand gripping my trough. 'Well ****. Looks like I forgot about safety'. Next, I hear a female voice speaking: "You have guts to use a Jutsu I, myself, was a creator of. Did you believe you could control me or what? Tell me Shinobi from which village are you and who you are.

Don't even try to lie as I can fell if you lie or not". (Unknown) The grip weakened but it was still tight so I couldn't escape. 'Well hope she doesn't kill me' "I am a shinobi of Konohagakure. Jonin teacher and former student of the 4th Hokage. My name is Ishizu Sasaki". The woman processed the information. "Hmm, you didn't lie and fourth you say well it's been a while since a was in the living world. Look at me"(Woman).

I opened my eyes(they are red again as Ishizu has not activated his Rinnegan which he can retract) and saw a young woman with red hair. I recognized her. There were not many Uzumakis shown in the anime but she was well-known. "Ohh, by your look I assume you recognize me?"(Uzumaki) I tried to clear my through. "Of course. A woman of your power and such red hair isn't easy to not know if you lived in Konoha. Though you are not the first Uzumaki I have seen".(Ishizu) "You must have met Kushina-chan"?(Uzumaki)

"Yes, I knew her pretty well as I was her husband's student, former 4th Hokage Of Konoha".(Ishizu)

"Former what happened?" asked the now perfectly seen Mito Uzumaki.

"A lot happened after your death and our Hokage sacrificed his life to seal the fox back". Mito snorted: "The seal shouldn't break as I am certain my skills were master-level unless... ".(Mito) "Unless she was giving birth and an enemy knew, abducted and extracted the fox from her."(Ishizu)

Mito watched me carefully then sighted " I have many questions but we can discuss them later. Now to the more serious one. Why did you bring me back to life? This jutsu which my husbands' stupid brother created was to be only used during emergencies when Konoha was at the brink of destruction and I don't see or feel any problems".(Mito) "Well, it is because it has not yet happened. I have information that during our next Chunin exam we will be invaded by an enemy of Konoha".(Ishizu) Mito narrowed her eyes "And which enemy would that be"?(Mito)

"His name is Orochimaru. He was a former Konoha ninja and one of the Sanin. He also was one of Sandaime-sama's students, a former comrade of your granddaughter, Princess Tsunade"(Ishizu)

"I may remember him. He was the quiet one of the 3. There was also the pervert who couldn't keep his eyes of my granddaughter". I cringed "You must mean Jiraiya-sama. I must disappoint you but his antics are still known of today. Now we have different things to discuss. Orochimaru is also in possession of the Edo Tensei. He has an obsession with becoming immortal and used to kidnap children trying experiments on them". Mito's face darkened and I could feel her killing intend leaking. 'Wow, not even I could produce such amount, what a monster'. "You mentioned he also uses the jutsu, could it possibly be related to my husband and his brother disappearance out of the pure world"?(Mito)

"I am not one hundred percent sure how it works in the pure land but I am certain".(Ishizu) She looked at me as looking at a helpless child. "Ok, I could help you if you answer my final question. Why did you not go to the littles monkey if you knew his former student would attack?"

I panicked. '**** I didn't think she would ask and I can't lie as she is a walking lie detector. And half lies could be noticed too. Well, only the truth can save me'. "If you want the truth here you go. I believe that it is time for Hiruzen to retire. I know he is a good leader but he made many mistakes during his reign after the death of the 4th Hokage. Also, it would alarm Orochimaru if we would prepare for an invasion. Another thing is that Konoha has many dark ROOTS in them who will be a nuisance if the information is leaked. The last thing concerns a person. As you know that extracting a Bijuu out of a person results in death but you Uzumakis are truly monsters in that picture. Even after the extraction, Kushina held on and protected her baby with her body as the Kijuubi pierced her and her husband's body with its claw. Both she and her husband protected the baby. With his last strength, the 4th used the Shiki fuujin as he summoned the shinigami, splitting the Kyuubi's chakra into Yin and Yang. The yin half was taken with him and the Yang he put into his newborn son creating the third Jinjūurinki of the Kijuubi. He sealed it with the eight trigrams sealing techniques. He wanted that his son would be seen as a hero but Hiruzen failed as he was old and weak and the dark side of Konoha slowly grew stronger. An S-ranked secret about the boy got leaked and the damaged was irreparable. The village got told a lie that the boy was the reincarnated Kijuubi itself and hated him for it.

I protected him during his life but I am only one man and not God. So I believe that Saurtobi can redeem himself by defeating Orochimaru. Finishing what he should have done years ago. If he survives is not important for the village as a new Hokage who is meant for peace and not war should take his place. Your husband was a leader during peace times. Then the shinobi wars came and his brother and the Third came to be leaders. They lived their lives in a war so they were made for fighting. After the 3rd Shinobi war, Minato Namikaze emerged victorious from the war. He was made 4th Hokage and he was perfect. He was a kind soul and even melted trough the thick personality of Kushina. All that ended as he died and the 3rd came back. Being old he was outspoken by the civilian council who grew corrupted during the years".(Ishizu)

I realized at that moment that I have never spoken so free without anything hiding. I felt good.

A few seconds, then minutes, passed as I watched in silence as Mito digested the information. "You truly believe what you say and when I see it from your point of view I can't disagree. Now Sasaki-kun I will agree to help you in fighting off the Konoha nukenin but I have a request".(Mito) "And what would that be Mito-sama"?(Ishizu) "I want to have a look at the Uzumaki boy you mentioned before". (Mito)"Naruto? Ok, why not as long as you can sneak past the Anbu sure. (Ishizu)

Killing intent was used and my instincts screamed to run. "Don't forget who you are talking to Sasaki-San. I was Hashirama's wife and Fuinjutsu expert. Don't insult my skills. Now lead the way. I want to see my last relative"(Mito)

We made our way to Naruto's apartment. "Naruto, can I come in I have somebody that wants to meet you".(Ishizu) "Just come in the door is open".(Naruto) Coming through the door I could see a cleaned room. "Looks like he knows how to clean".(Mito) "I don't think it was him but his girlfriends". (Ishizu) "Girlfriend? Let's see what this boy has to offer".(Mito) Commit into the living room I could see Naruto looking at me as all of a sudden Mito-sama attacked Naruto. Naruto having gotten used to fighting got into a Defence position and blocked the punch. Well tried, as the fist connected with Naruto's crossed arms and send him flying back. 'What was that?'(Ishizu) "What the hell lady are you crazy or what? You come into my house and attack me all of a sudden if I can't defeat you I can't be called Hokage, dattebayo"!!(Naruto) "Hmm, your reflexes are good and your anger issues to go by as well as the last word I am certain that you are an Uzumaki as well as Kuchina's son. Forgive me for testing as I was curious why you didn't have red hair. I interrupted "I think his fathers' gens were more dominant".

General POV

Ishizu shouldn't have talked as Mito glared at him who quickly closed his mouth and backed a few steps away. "Good, I think you have experienced a mad Uzumaki before. Let's hope you don't interrupt me again or you will not live to tell your children".(Mito) Ishizu could only nod at her 'Never in my life will I ever provoke an Uzumaki. I still have nightmares of THAT day. Mito turned to Naruto. "Now as he is quit I want to look at my last relative".(Mito) Ishizu wants to speak up that Naruto was not the last Uzumaki but quickly shut his mouth as he saw the sharp glare Mito have given him saying: 'One world and you are dead'. "Relative who are you, lady"?(Naruto) "Oh, lady. Well, I am none other than Mito Uzumaki. Wife of the former 1st Hokage and an Uzumaki such as you". Naruto's eyes begin to shine "Really wow baa-chan you sure look beautiful for being old".(Naruto) Ishizu winced at that statement. He thought Naruto would have a little respect for her as having seen what Kushina and Tsunade did when either was called old or baa-chan. Mito only smiled: "Oh thank you but I am only young because I am a corpse reanimated by that fool behind me. I just wanted to see how the son of Kushina came out".(Mito)

Ishizu was on the floor beating it, silently, behind called a fool by her but couldn't do anything.

Naruto was only interested in his mother. "You knew my mother"?(Naruto) "Yes, when she was young. She was a very lively young girl always saying she wanted to be the first female Hokage. She dislike when other people called her out because of her hair".(Mito) Ishizu swallowed at that statement having a flashback at that horrible day of fist flying by a tomato covered Demon. Mito saw Ishizu pale at her sentence. "I see you made Kushina somehow angry and tasted the consequence"(Mito) Ishizu was than ignored again.

Naruto looked puzzled "Why did they insult her. Your red hair is the same as my mother's then how can someone say that it, is so beautiful. I wish I had such hair instead of this yellow one". (Naruto) Mito laughed "Oh what a cute boy you are. Tell me Naruto how has life been? I have heard about your burden as I can relate to being the first one in which a Bijuu was sealed inside".(Mito) Naruto was quiet for a moment and then answered: "It still hurts I can fell the sharp looks on me and the whispers about the demon brat" then he grinned " If it wasn't for Ishizu-niisan I don't think I could have overcome it. He protected me when he was at my side. I remember him feeding me when I was hungry and reading to me when I was bored. He started to train me when everyone else avoided me and bought me clothes when everyone else throws rocks at me. He made me into what I am today. I couldn't be happier.

Ishizu's POV

Ishizu's mouth opened at the world Naruto used. He felt guilty as he only started to train Naruto to use him just like others would use him, as a tool to grow stronger. What he didn't expect was to unintentionally start to care for Naruto. He started liking to talk with Naruto and was proud of him when he got stronger. 'When did I started to change? Is this the power of a protagonist or the famous "Talk no Jutsu" of Naruto? I knew of it but even though if this strange power exists it appears to me that not even the knowledge and power of a transmigrated soul, such as mine, could be strong to defend itself from this. What a powerful ability indeed. No wonder Obito and Sasuke changed to being good later'.

Mito smiled at Ishizu thinking: Maybe he is a good person after all. He radiates power but I could feel his greed for power the moment he summoned me. But now I only see a young man feeling guilty and he probably wonders when he starts to change from a power-hungry fool to a loving older brother. I see that the world is still not lost to evil'.

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