Naruto: Journey Of The Strongest Teacher

Chapter 20 - Making a new team

General POV.

After the talk with Naruto, Ishizu went to the Hokage to repeat the case of Mizuki. Naruto got his Hitai-ate headband from Ishizu saying that injuring a traitor Chunin form stealing a forbidden scroll was good enough to be enrolled as Genin.

Ishizu POV

Hokage office:

"Hokage-sama I want to suggest a team I want to take as a Jonin. I think if those 3 were together they would become the best. Of course, I need to talk with three other Jonin if they agree. I suggest I train them for one month. I also want to make a competition where after every month the Genin fight against each other to see who is the best. The competition will be good for everyone". (Ishizu)

Hiruzen rose his brow at the statement. "Ohh, you want to prepare them for the Chunin exam right? Which Genin do you want to be in your team?" Ishizu smiled and answered: "I want Ino Yamanaka, Hinata Hijūga and Naruto Uzumaki for my Genin team. The reason is simple. Naruto is a perfect frontline fighter. His Taijutsu is almost Chunin Level and his Ninjutsu is high Genin(after the scroll at high Chunin), the Yamanaka could be a good Genjutsu expert or medic as Naruto can't do a single one and Hinata will be the perfect defender for Yamanaka's special mind jutsus as well as fighting together with Naruto".(Ishizu) Hiruzen was thinking and after a minute told Ishizu. "Hmm, you have to talk this out with my son Asuma as he wanted the Ino-Shika-Cho combo, the Hijūga with Kurenai and Naruto, well I don't know if Kakashi wants him. Ishizu bid farewell and left.

Street of Konoha:

Ishizu was thinking about how to make his plan come true. He wanted to make a team that could soar through heaven and never be defeated. Truly a fitting thing to do for a soon to be God.

'Kakashi will be easy to persuade as he will most likely take Sasuke for Obito's sake. Hinata can probably convince Kurenai herself to let me train her or I will tell her than she can take her if she can convince Hinata to leave. Ino will be harder as Asuma wants her with Shikamaru and Choji. I hope she likes Naruto more so she will stay. Still, the thought about switching teams was good and maybe I can convince the Hokage to get Anko to teach Sakura so she won't be useless and provide something useful to the village.

The first stop would be the Yamanaka flower shop.

Yamanaka shop:

Inoichi and his wife were watering their flowers. They both were first afraid that their beloved daughter would become a fangirl like her friend Sakura and never train and doing a stupid diet. That changed when she met the Kijuubi Jinjūuriki, Naruto Uzumaki. Ino told her parents that she wanted to train and be a strong Kunoichi. It made her parents very happy. She also took her training seriously, started eating healthy and became one of the best students in the academy. So they were not surprised as one Jonin came into their shop and wanted to talk about their daughter. "What brings you to our shop Sasaki-San"(Inoichi). "Call me Ishizu please Inoichi-sama. I have come to talk about the Genin teams and I want to take Ino into my team. I want her to be with the Hijūga girl and the Uzumaki kid. I know that Asuma wants her in his team but I want to take her for 1 month and train her. I will make her strong and if he truly wants to be with the other two she can go". (Ishizu) Inoichi knew that Asuma was lazy and has also seen Ishizu's training with Minato.

Flashback no Jutsu

'Rasengan'/'Rasengan' two people shouted.

Both Minato and Ishizu clashes with both Rasengan's in hand at each other. From the smoke created you could see one person flying away. It was Ishizu. Minato stood a few feet away from his attack position. "Well, you made me move Ishizu-kun, I am impressed. I have learned this jutsu in 3 years and you took only 1". Ishizu lying on the floor was laughing: "Sensei, you just wait until I got my elemental chakra into this ball then you will be the one lying on the floor." Standing up he charged at Minato: "I am still not finished!" Ishizu ran at his Sensei only to collapse from chakra exhaustion.

Inoichi POV.

Ishizu left the shop smiling as the first problem was done. 'Now To convince the Hijūga patriarch'.

Hijūga residents:

Hiashi POV.

I was surprised. Not many things could surprise me. Seeing my daughter defeat her sister easily was unexpected. He wondered how his weak daughter, who couldn't hurt a fly a few months ago, defeated her sister easily. Of course, I asked her and she told me that she found her reason to fight for and that was to be with the Uzumaki. I was not blind. I saw the Uzumaki being trained by Sasaki Ishizu a good Jonin and former student of Namikaze. The Hatake kid fell into depression but Sasaki pushes through and I had respect for people with a strong will. I knew Naruto's parents and if he would be as strong as his father I was not afraid to let my daughter marry him. He had a long way to go before he was Hokage but if he could achieve it the Hijūga clan would be connected to the next Hokage and that was prestige. So I was not surprised as Sasaki came to my residents to ask my daughter to be in his genin team. "Give me a reason why I should give you my daughter into your hands Sasaki-san"?(Hiashi)

"There are many reasons why:

1. She loves Naruto and wants to be on his team. Both could grow strong together and their relationship would grow.

2. I knew you had Kurenai help Hinata in her confidence but she couldn't help her and here came Naruto. Of course, her changes happened because she was jealous of the Yamanaka girl who started to get feelings for Naruto and she saw her as a thread. Such emotions triggered her and she started to be more headstrong.

3. Politics. You know very well who Naruto's parents are and if he marries Hinata you could imagine what benefit it could bring the Hijūga clan". Hiashi nodded at the points Ishizu made. "Good I will tell Kurenai about it".(Hiashi)

Ishizu walked away from the compound having a smile on his face. He was 100% sure he could get his team together. He knew that Naruto could grow on his own. Now stronger than his canon part but Ishizu wanted to see his fruits blooming as he shows all that he is the best.

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