Naruto: Journey Of The Strongest Teacher

Chapter 24 - Start of the 'test' fight

General POV

It has been a month since Ishizu started to train his team. Every day, they did 3 D-ranks and after that, they fought each other or their Sensei. Over the month, you could see the improvements. Naruto and Hinata got better at working together and could fight a weak Chunin if they fought together.

Ishizu talked with Hiashi about Hinata. He wanted Hinata to learn a new technique he knew from the anime. Ishizu explained that instead of learning Kaiten she could learn a well-suited technique for her which he came up with. An ultimate defense so to speak. Ishizu called it the "Protecting Eight Trigrams Sixty-Four Palms." It would be a perfect jutsu to use for protection against long-range weapons. Hiashi was amazed and skeptical of how Ishizu knew so much about their style but Ishizu lied explaining that observing Hinata fight he theorized she will be perfect as a supporter and such a style would help her big times, and Hiashi should be the one training her in that jutsu. Ishizu explained Hiashi the theory behind the technique and how it could be used.

Over time, Ino got also better at Taijutsu. She wouldn't be an easy target if picked alone anymore. Ino also learned a few distractions Genjutsus to get a distance from an enemy. She also wanted to start medical Ninjutsu but Ishizu told her she should only learn it after the Chunin exam although she could start with healing minor wounds. The mystic palm technique was out.

Now 1 month had passed, and it was time for evaluation with other teams to see the progress. Ishizu was grinning as he wanted to show all other Jonin just how weak it compared their teams to his and that they should train their Genin more or they would die in a dangerous situation. He believed that the Jonin slacked off during peaceful times, but Ishizu knew that those times would soon come to an end. Ishizu considered the only Genin team worth fighting were from team 9 as they were Genin a longer time and could give his team a good fight. He disregarded the others.

Training ground 43: Ishizu POV

I wanted to talk with my team about the incoming fight.

"Ok team it is time for you to spar with the other Genin. I expect you do go out there and show them the power of Team 11. Don't disappoint me or I will send you to another team. I am sure you will win but expect the unexpected. Now I wish you all good luck." (Ishizu) The Genin nodded, and we separated.

1 hour later.

All the Jonin came together to discuss who will fight who. The only ones not present were Ishizu and Kakashi. As Ishizu calmly walking to them Kurenai shouted: "There you are Ishizu we have been waiting for you. Kakashi should come in a few minutes, or he will get punished for being lazy!" One could hear a lazy voice saying: "Hey I am here so no punishment for me." (Kakashi)

Ishizu took a small paper out of his pocket: "Guys as I was the one suggesting the fight I also made a list where I think everyone will test their strength to the fullest. We will show the one who loses where his weaknesses are and we Jonin can help the winner point out how he could have won faster." The list Ishizu showed was:


Hinata Hijūga vs. Ten Ten

Sakura Haruno vs. Ino Yamanaka

Nasaki Yamanaka vs. Kira Inuzuka


Shikamaru Nara vs Kiba Inuzuka

Chōji Akimichi vs. Shino Aburame

Sasuke Uchiha vs. Lee

(If there are other Genin, they are not important. Sai is reporting back to Danzo, and I didn't want him to fight as I have some personal vendetta against him.)

Some Jonin questioned Ishizu why exactly those Genin should fight each other.

Ishizu put fake glasses on to explain the reason:

"For the girls, it is like this. Gai, Ten Ten relies mostly on range weapon while Hinata is a close combat ninja. It is for both a challenge to beat each other. For Ten Ten, she needs to fight somebody who can defend against her weapons and for Hinata, it is for fighting weapon specialists.

I relate the second fight to both of the girls being former rivals. I suspect that Kakashi didn't train Sakura properly, so I want her to see the cruel reality of being a Shinobi.

The last fight will be between Yamanaka and Inuzuka as they are left behind. Next month we can switch the people.

As for the boys, Shikamaru is a thinker and Kiba is a brawler. Shikamaru has to come up with strategy fast as Kiba will attack immediately. Kiba, on the other hand, needs to fight an opponent who doesn't brawl with him.

The next fight is the same as the first of the girl. How can a range Aburame defeat a walking bulldozer?

The next will be a perfect fight to see a rivalry between Kakashi and Gai. Both are Taijutsu specialists and will not surrender easily. Although Sasuke can perform Ninjutsu, I am certain that Lee should not be underestimated.

All Jonin agreed with the teams.

The Jonin could see how Ishizu opened his arms to the horizon and shouted: "Now let's see who will be the best student and the best teacher. Let the fights begin!!"

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