General POV.

Later, all the Genin arrived at the training ground. It was a sand arena without trees similar to the Chunin exam but without spectator seats.

One Jonin stood in the middle of the arena as he was elected to be the proctor for the test fight. As Hayate, the proctor, saw that all people were present, he coughed a bit and spoke:

"All right listen up, I am Hayate Gekkou and I will be the proctor of this friendly fight. The Rules are:

You fight 1 vs.1. We have a list of who will fight who.

No killing! If you attempt to kill, I will disqualify you.

Giving up, becoming unconscious or when we Jonin see you can't fight anymore, will be seen as a defeat.

And the last thing, don't test us.

Now the girls will fight first.

Hinata Hijūga vs Ten Ten.

Come to the fighting stage."

Hinata shook her head: "Let's just fright. I want to watch Naruto defeat my cousin." Ten Ten was a bit sad that she couldn't win as easy as she wanted but she had confidence that the small girl had no chance against her. She knew from Neji that his cousin was a weak academy student who couldn't even hurt a fly so Ten Ten was ready to end this fight fast. "Well I warned you," replied Ten Ten. Hayate started the fight. Immediately Ten Ten started by opening her scrolls and threw a massive amount of ninja weapons at Hinata. Kunai, Shuriken, etc. Not something amazing as everyone knew she was a weapon expert. What was more interesting was that Hinata stood still and waited for the weapons to come at her. Next, she activated her Byakugan and used something only Ishizus's team and Hiashi knew of. "Protecting Eight trigrams formation," replied Hinata. With quick speed, Hinata moved her arms elegant in every direction creating a blue sphere around her blocking every weapon flung at her. Everyone except her team had big eyes, wondering how she knew such a Jutsu. The most surprised was Neji, thinking what this technique was as it reminded him of the Hijūga's Kaiten. Although Hinata blocked the weapons, the force of paper bombs, which Ten Ten threw still hurt her. Hinata had small bruises but looked rather fine. She looked at Ten Ten smiling: "I think you have to reconsider your words. You won't be able to touch me a single time. I don't think you have enough paper bombs so every other weapon you will throw at me will be blocked and I believe I have more chakra than you have weapons."

Ten Ten was not letting this go as she yelled: "Well, let's see about that!" As she opened more scrolls and more and bigger weapons came out, but no matter how much she threw, Hinata blocked them the same.

After 2 minutes of the same things happening, Ten Ten was finally out of weapons. Ishizu wondered where Ten Ten stored her storage seal because that was a lot of weapons used. From the look on Hinata's face, Ishizu saw that she had enough toying with her enemy. The moment Hinata saw that Ten Ten was out of weapons she sprinted with incredible speed for a Genin at Ten Ten. Ten Ten, realizing the danger of an incoming enemy, tried to flee, but it was too late. Hinata pointed her hand at Ten Ten's heart. It was over. The weapon expert dropped in the ground as she couldn't believe she just lost to a new Genin.

"You are a ranged weapon user. People with a wind affinity or someone fast can counter you. You challenged the wrong opponent. I win," stated Hinata with a strict voice. It was silent until the clapping of hands was heard. It was Ishizu and Naruto as well as Ino. Ishizu was clapping as seeing his student defeating Ten Ten was a significant boost for his fame among the teachers. Naruto was clapping as one of his girls won. Ino was clapping because she was happy for Hinata winning the battle.

"Wonderful, not only did you win with little injuries, but you also helped your future comrade realize a big flaw in her fighting style. I hope she thinks about it and will have a counter against close combat," Ishizu announced and Hajate declared Hinata as the winner.

The next was Ino Yamanaka vs. Sakura Haruno.

Both girls face each other. Sakura had a fearless face as she looked at Ino "Ino, I will make this easy for you. You can not win against me anymore. You have given up on Sasuke-Kun but I am still loyal to him. Abandoning him for Naruto was your worst decision ever so I will show you just how wrong you were. Your defeat will show everyone that love will win against everything." Ishizu facepalmed at that statement. 'My god is she delusional or something? Even in the anime, she was never at the level of Naruto and Sasuke. Right now she was no Ninja but a fangirl. Maybe I should send her to Anko so she will learn how a Ninja lives. Giving her to Tsunade helped, but she started too late. Her obsession with Sasuke is hindering her to reach higher levels, and only after Sasuke left did she train. Now, with some help, she can be stronger than in the anime.'

Ino had a tick mark on her head but she didn't respond to the provocation as she looked at the proctor giving him he "start it" look. "Go," shouted Hayate. Ino rushed at Sakura not caring about style as she didn't want to hear her former friend and fangirl talking. Sakura didn't even realize as she felt pain in her lower part of the abdomen, and the last thing she saw was Ino smiling as everything went black.

Nobody said anything. Ishizu looked at Kakashi: "Well, that was disappointing. Kakashi did you even train her? This should only happen if she was a civilian but not as a Genin. Ino one-hit Sakura and she is the weakest in my team." Kakashi shook his head: "I tried, but she always wants to stay with Sasuke and doesn't want to train. Maybe now she will see that love doesn't triumph above everything else."

Last fight Hinata Hijūga vs Ino Yamanaka.

No girl talked as both looked at the proctor. He shrugged and said go. Hinata engaged Ino, but the latter evaded her. Ino tried to keep Hinata at mid-to a long-range as she threw shuriken at the Hijūga girl but Hinata blocked them with her new technique.

Seeing the opportunity Ino made hand sights. Horse>Tiger>Ram>Monkey>Boar>Horse>Tiger "Katon: Gokoū no Jutsu".

A large fireball came out of Ino's mouth but Hinata used her protection technique to dispel the fireball. Hinata canceled the sphere as she still felt the heat of the fireball only to substitute as water bullets hit the log. Ino then took Kunai's, coated with poison, out of her pocket and threw them at Hinata. One of them hit and Hinata had a sour face as she knew that they were poisoned. Hinata had to go to the offense now as her time grew shorter. Hinata formed a plan. She rushed at Ino but the latter avoided her. After a whole minute cat and mouse Hinata threw a smoke bomb. Ino took some Kunai's and threw them the smoke. As the smoke cleared, she saw a panting Hinata on her knee.

Ino, seeing the chance to win, took a kunai from her pouch and rushed at Hinata only to realize that she sealed her fate. Ino wanted to attack a Hijūga in close combat. Even if weakened, Hinata could fight her, and that was the case. Ino was good at Taijutsu, but she couldn't compete with Hinata. Ino realized her mistake too late and tried to substitute herself as she saw that Hinata had no shadow. It was a clone but the real Hinata ambushed Ino with her Juuken. She could substitute a few times but Hinata calculated it and just kept close to Ino. Even if Ino blocked most hands aiming at her Tenketsus, she couldn't compete with the speed of Hinata and after a minute she dropped on the ground having lost the feeling in her legs. The winner was clear. Hinata Hijūga won. Hinata helped Ino up and unlocked her Tenketsu's as both walked to their Sensei only for Hinata to faint from the poison. "Don't worry I have the antidote," said Ino.

The fight amazed the Jonin. Gai was crying tears of joy at how youthful the girls were. Kurenai was conflicted as she saw Hinata's fight. On one side she wanted Hinata to lose her shy attitude and embrace the shinobi world but on the other side, she felt as she had failed Hinata. She thought that it was Ishizu who helped her grow up and not her. Of course, she didn't know that it was Naruto's doing as she never looked into it.

Kurenai walked to Ishizu: "Ishizu I see that you helped Hinata our if her shell." Ishizu looked at Kurenai: "Oh that. No, I didn't do it. It was Naruto's determination and Ino's rivalry for Naruto. Hinata needed to be giving a strict choice to a point where it was either one or the other. Naruto was her biggest reason to change, so she did according to it. Seeing Ino flirting with Naruto, a new Hinata was born to fight Ino off as a rival. So you could say Naruto indirectly helped Hinata. I believe you also want to ask if you can train her? If so then go ahead, I have no problem. You just have to convince that you can give her something I cannot." Kurenai smiled at the bold statement: "Oh. I believe I have something you don't but we will see."

With that was the first girl's match finished. Next, it was time for the boys to compete.

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