Naruto: Journey Of The Strongest Teacher

Chapter 41 - Fox, I have come to bargain

With the appearance of the Akatsuki as well as the state of Kakashi and Sasuke, Jiraiya's determination to find Tsunade skyrocketed. In the anime, Naruto only started to learn the Rasengan at this point, but now he already learned it and Ishizu told him about nature transformation.

At night

Jiraiya was sitting at a table drinking Sake. On the other side sat Ishizu as he drank the same staring at Jiraiya.

Jiraiya sighed, having something on his mind: "You know Ishizu, I had planned to train Naruto in the Rasengan during this time, but it seems you have trained Naruto more. You know that it will have consequences do you?"

Ishizu put his sake down. He knew that a day would come where somebody would question him about the training: "Hey, it is not my fault you never came to Konoha to help Naruto with his fox problem. I took him under my arm to train him so he could become like Minato-sensei and he learned like a book. I hated it to see how the civilians treated his son with such hatred." Ishizu took some Sake.

"Kakashi was a mess at that time and jumped into ANBU. I waited for the right time to approach and made him into a Shinobi he deserved to be. I can not imagine what would happen if he was left alone. He would have no friends and he could start hating the village. Worst case, he would leave and nobody would want that. So I started training him like you did Minato. By the way, you decided to train him in the Rasengan in that one month. Who could have known he could make it?" accused Ishizu Jiraiya.

Jiraiya was still not happy. "That's all good but now I stand here with nothing to teach him anymore. What should I do with him? He already learned the Rasengan in such a short time due to your training and he also can summon Gamabunta. He is a genius just like his father. So tell me Ishizu-kun, do you have an idea?"

Ishizu thought about it. At the moment, Naruto was one of the strongest Genin in Konoha. What could a young boy need at this time.

Yes, something that neither jutsu nor intelligence can give you.

Then he made a Kakashi smile: "You train him in information gathering."

"Naruto has two girls waiting for him in Konoha, but he is too shy to interact with them on a new level. Teach him how to interact with women and I will do the Shinobi teaching."

Jiraiya was still not impressed.

"Maybe he could help you in your research with his s.e.xy Jutsu?" asked Ishizu, giving the pervert something better. At the mentioning of that Jutsu, Jiraiya had a nosebleed and agreed on which training regime.

Next day.

"What is this Ishizu-sensei? Why do I have to make a clone to go with Pervy-Sage to the red-light district?" asked a curious Naruto.

Jiraiya held his shoulder: "Because your Sensei told me you have no ideas about how to gather information and also have a problem with females. I will combine both. Let me teach you the wonder of the female s.e.x." Jiraiya had a smiling face as he dragged the clone away while the clone was horror-struck.

Ishizu looked at the real one. It was time to make Naruto stronger and Ishizu had the right idea how to do it.

Abandoned place outside of the town.

Ishizu and Naruto stood across each other. "So Ishizu-sensei, are you going to show me how to do the elemental Rasengan?" asked Naruto.

Ishizu shook his head: "Too early for that Naruto. I have something else to do." Ishizu pointed his index finger at Naruto's stomach.

"We are going to talk to the furball." Naruto paled for a moment. "Are you sure, Sensei? I don't think he will appreciate you." Ishizu smiled: "Oh you have no idea what I could do to him if I was angry. Now, let's do it. Make a fist and try to imagine the place where the Kyuubi is."

Naruto did what his Sensei instructed and made a fist. Ishizu bummed Naruto's fist and closed his eyes. Both could feel their chakra connecting. This technique was only known to people who lived a long time ago. It was taught to the people by the Sage to connect with each other.

But the people grew greedy and wanted to use the chakra not to connect with other but to conquer. This was the teaching known as Ninshu. What Ishizu did was only a mere glimpse of what it fully could do. Here, it allowed Ishizu to connect to Naruto and the Kyuubi.

Naruto POV

Opening my eyes, I was met with a sewer. 'I do not understand why this is a sewer.' I looked around, but I couldn't find Sensei, so I walked around. "There you are, Naruto. Come, let us meet the big, bad, evil fox." Turning around Naruto saw my Sensei. "I hope you know how to navigate in this place," asked Sensei. I nodded and we walked to the place where the Kyuubi lives.

After some time, we reached the huge gates. I heard a deep voice: "So you gave me a visit, huh? What do you want?" I didn't like the way he talked, always thinking he was the most important animal here. Before I could say something Ishizu-sensei came before. "I came here and make a deal."

The Kyuubi roared as he slammed his claws against the cage: "You! Leave. Your presence reminds me of Madara Uchiha. I don't even know you and I already hate you."

Ishizu POV

I frowned. How dare he compare me to someone like Madara. I am much better than him. Maybe I am not as strong as he was now, but I surpass him in other things like trust issues. I am not dumb enough to let myself be controlled by some plants. "I don't care what you think about me. I am no Madara but I could be much worse if you piss me off."

I flared my Rinnegan as I stared into his red eyes. The Kyuubi had his eyes widened: "Those eyes. How could you have those eyes?" He roared.

"I awakened them. Did you think your father was the only one?" I explained to the fox who started to calm down from his tantrum.

The room was silent for a moment when the Kyuubi finally spoke: "How can you know who my father is human?"

I smiled, knowing I had awakened his curiosity: "I know so much more about your family than you know, but if you want to know more, you have to agree to my deal."

General POV

The Kyuubi thought about it for a while. He was curious as to how this human with his father's eyes could know so much about him. He remembered long ago when humans did not fear him. Kurama had a small slither of hope that this human could somehow understand him. If only a little. "Tell me what kind of deal do you have?"

Ishizu opened both his hands as he clapped his hands together: "The deal is as followed:

You help Naruto handle your chakra better. No messing around or whatnot. With it, Naruto can become the Hokage he always wanted to be. Now you think 'what do I get out of it?' See, if Naruto becomes Hokage his words are law and if he wants, he can set you free. Fuinjutsu can do many things and maybe there are some that can extract you without killing Naruto. I truly think that freedom is something everyone deserves no matter who, and you are not a mindless beast."

I took a breath.

"So summing it up: You give Naruto as much chakra as he can handle and we both promise on the Sage name that when the troublesome times are over, we will set you free. As a bonus, I will tell you my secret as to how I know you. So, do you accept?" asked Ishizu.

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