Naruto: Journey Of The Strongest Teacher

Chapter 42 - The Slave Contract

When Naruto's clone popped, Jiraiya wondered what happened and left to find the two. From the town, he heard that they saw a monster fighting a young man outside the town. He immediately sprinted there. In the middle of a crater stood Ishizu next to an unconscious Naruto as he breathed heavily.

"What the hell happened Ishizu? What did you do?" asked Jiraiya.

Ishizu took a deep breath. "Well, I can explain."

Flashback no Jutsu:

As Ishizu left Naruto's mindscape after Kurama agreed to the deal, he was hit with a fist and flew away. As Ishizu came out of the rubble, he saw a 4-tailed Naruto.

'Dammit, this fox used me to weaken the seal and now his chakra is leaking out. He got me good. Sure, it helps Naruto get accustomed to the chakra, but why should I be at the receiving end of it? And now I have to face off against a 4-tails Naruto. Well, a warm-up fight is it then,' thought Ishizu as he cracked his knuckles.

"Come, show me your power, KURAMA!" Rinnegan flared up as both engaged in a battle.

Flashback Jutsu end

"So, maybe I lowered the seal a bit so Naruto could get used to the fox chakra, but the stupid fox used it to let his chakra spill and I had a nice fight," explained Ishizu.

Jiraiya was not amused with Ishizu's idea to meddle with the seal. Although he knew Ishizu was a seal master, Ishizu was still not as good as Jiraiya or the Uzumaki's so after the fight, both fighters lay on the ground. Naruto as he lost against Ishizu and Ishizu from a mad Jiraiya.

A few hours later

The tree Shinobi got a hint where Tsunade could be so the went to the city. There they heard a report that a huge snake destroyed a building. Both Shinobi realized that it could only be Orochimaru.

Ishizu decided to tell Naruto of the incoming enemy. He disliked the stupidity of Naruto when he saw Kabuto, thinking of him as a friend rather than an enemy. So after finding nothing of Tsunade at the scene, Jiraiya went to a bar.

Ishizu, recognizing the place, put on a mask as he didn't want Tsunade to realize who he was. He had a good reason. The reason dates back a few years ago.

During one mission while Ishizu was a Chunin his whole squad was killed. He was the only one alive, but he was heavily wounded. By sheer luck he found Tsunade playing in a casino. Thinking she could heal him, he tried to blackmail her into healing him.

He temporarily sealed his wounds with his Fuinjutsu so nobody could see them and asked Tsunade to a gamble. The slug Sannin agreed but to Ishizu's and Tsunade's surprise, Ishizu started to lose his money. Both had different expressions on their conditions. Ishizu was dumbfounded because he was losing the money he wanted to use for blackmailing Tsunade. From his past memories, he thought he could easily win but something was not right.

Tsunade was suspicious because she usually never won except in specific situations and that was when something bad would happen. As a medic, Tsunade already noticed the wounds on Ishizu and smirked:

"You sure a going on with those injuries of yours. Even before your facial expression showed that you were in severe pain, I knew and now that your seals are not working you still fight on. I am impressed that you even have those special seals."

Ishizu coughed blood. It seems his death drew near so he looked at Tsunade and smiled: "Then let's make a final bet, shall we? If I win a game of poker, you will heal my injuries. I know of your fear, but I am sure your pride is much higher. I will give you a bonus and only if I survive. The bonus is that I will be your slave for 2 months. During that time you can order me to do whatever you want and I won't complain."

Tsunade's eyes widened by such a bold statement. "And what if I win? What could you possibly give me?" Ishizu took a deck of cards and placed them on the floor. "Then you can have everything on me. I am sure you checked your bingo book and saw my face in it. You could cash in the bounty and get rich. Now let's play."

Tsunade agreed and both started to play. Both had their cards and Shizune put the first card on the ground.

It was an Ace of ♥️.

Then a King of ♠️.

Tsunade has a happy face as she called.

Ishizu smiled: "If that is my last game, then I will try this."

Ishizu looked at Tsunade: "I go all-in."

"Then show me your hand!" shouted Tsunade.

As the Chunin threw these cards on the ground, they showed an Ace of ♦️ and a Jack of ♦️.

'He is crazy. The boy hoped for a royal straight flush?' thought Tsunade.

Before Tsunade could show her cards Ishizu fell on the floor unconscious due to the blood loss. Shizune panicked and begged Tsunade to help him but Tsunade ordered Shizune to something else.

"Put the cards down. I want to see if he has the devil's luck or not."

Shizune complied and put the next two cards down. They were the King of ♦️ and the last card... a 10... of ♦️.

She had the King of ♣️ and the King of ♥️, a four of a kind, but he defeated her with a Royal Straight Flush. Tsunade was brought back to reality as Shizune shook her, demanding her to heal the boy.

Although she hated to see blood, her pride didn't let her go. She took his body and they ran to a nearby house where she healed him. Shizune was shocked as she saw his body. He was bleeding from a lot of places. His liver was damaged and he had many broken ribs.

How he could talk was a mystery, but maybe it was due to the seals he had. She never saw them before.

Tsunade exited the room. She had done everything she could. His own body would heal him now. She still was shaking from the blood as Tsunade remembered her lover and younger brother lying dead next to her.

Ishizu healed quite good and when he woke up, he saw that the Sannin held up her promise. He had a grin on his face. "I told her that I will be her slave but I didn't mention when. May the day never come where I will be her slave." Ishizu made a note where he thanked Tsunade and vanished before talking to her.

Flashback Jutsu end

As Naruto saw Ishizu putting on a mask he asked him: "Ishizu-sensei why did you put on an Anbu mask?" Ishizu froze. Thinking it over, he agreed to tell Naruto the truth as lying was unnecessary and could backfire.

"She knows me as I met her a long time ago so she would go mad if she sees me. Just think about what Ino and Hinata would do if they got mad. So please don't mention my name," pleaded Ishizu.

Naruto paled but understood as he nodded. As they entered the bar, they saw two women sitting on a table. "Tsunade!" shouted Jiraiya as he went to greet his former teammate.

"What do you want, Jiraiya." Jiraiya looked hurt as he held his c.h.e.s.t where his heart was. "Oh, can't I come to see a friend?"

Tsunade just looked annoyed at Jiraiya. After a bit of talking, Jiraiya got serious. "I have come here to tell you that you have been assigned to be the next Hokage." Tsunade's eyes widened. "So he is dead as that snake said." Jiraiya's mood darkened: "So Orochimaru came to you. Tell me what did he want from you?"

It was a demand rather than a question. Tsunade didn't answer but took a drink. After the drink she looked at Jiraiya smirking: "He wanted me to heal his hands. I don't know what Sensei did, but it looked pretty serious."

Ishizu snorted under his mask: 'Hn, even if you are the best medic, I don't think your jutsus can bring back the souls of hands.' Tsunade heard the snort and looked and the masked man.

"And what do you have to say, Anbu?"

Ishizu wanted to tell her that she wouldn't be able to heal Orochimaru's arms but just shook his head not wanting to talk as she could recognize his voice. Shinobi had good memories. Seeing no response of the Anbu, Tsunade turned to Jiraiya. "I refuse. All Hokage died. Even the fourth didn't live long."

Ishizu could see that although Naruto was more m.a.t.u.r.e he still couldn't contain his anger about the mockery towards Hokages, especially his father.

"That's it! I am going to kick your ass!" screamed Naruto as he charged at Tsunade but was held down by Jiraiya. "Don't you dare say anything about the Hokages! They had protected the village their whole life until they died. You, on the other hand, left the village to drink and gamble. You are not worthy to be called a Shinobi, much less a legendary one. I challenge you to a fight, old hag."

Jiraiya had a horror expression while Ishizu just smiled at Naruto's outburst. Tsunade was ready to beat the kid but smirked. "Oh, and on what do you want to bet?"

Naruto took out his purse and threw it on the table. "My whole money. If you win, I give it to you but if I win you will apologize, you heard me?" Tsunade stood up. "Then come outside." Ishizu just shook his head. Even with the training he had, he stood no chance against a Sannin. Drunken or not.


Tsunade held up her finger. "I just need one finger do defeat you." Naruto grew angry as he charged at her with a kunai in hand. Tsunade dodges the kunai took it from Naruto's hand and struck him with her finger against his c.h.e.s.t. Naruto flew away.

Tsunade asked Naruto why he wanted to become Hokage and he answered that it was his dream and to protect the ones he loves. Tsunade was out of her mind as she remembered her lover and younger brother. Naruto saw the moment and he made a Rasengan. But this Rasengan was not the weak Rasengan he used in the anime. No, Naruto charged a small 'wind style Rasengan.'

It amazed Ishizu, seeing the progress Naruto made. 'When did he train with it?'

As Tsunade saw the elemental Rasengan, out of panic she struck the ground and Naruto lost balance. Naruto cried as he saw that he lost but Ishizu smiled behind the mask. 'Tsunade was so afraid of the Jutsu that she used two fingers.'

After knocking Naruto out, Jiraiya invited Tsunade to a drink. As both drunk Tsunade counted the money from Naruto. Ishizu used this time to talk, thinking the alcohol would affect Tsunades' perception.

"You know that you don't deserve this money. You were so afraid of that Jutsu that you used two fingers."

Tsunade just smirked. "So what? Not even Jiraiya saw it. If the boy can't even see if I cheated then he can't expect me to fulfill the deal."

Then she turned to Jiraiya who was clearly drunken. "I can't believe you taught him that Jutsu. It was even a new variant. I didn't know you could infuse elemental chakra into it?" Jiraiya with no limiters on his mind after the drinks started to laugh. "Hahaha, no, I can't do that. It was Ishizu who thought it to Naruto," said Jiraiya, pointing his finger at Ishizu.

Tsunade, hearing that name started to think. 'Ishizu, Ishizu..... wait, I know that name.' Tsunade turned to the masked man. Ishizu tensed as he only had one thought.

'Jiraiya, I will get you for that.'

On instinct, Ishizu struck the incoming fist with his. "Damm you, old hag. You hit like a monster," w.h.i.n.ed Ishizu as he observes his pulsating hand.

Tsunade has a grim expression. "Take off that mask or I will make more of your body hurt."

Ishizu sighted defeated: "Calm down. Don't hurt me. I can explain."

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