Naruto: Journey Of The Strongest Teacher

Chapter 50 - The Waterfall of Endless Happiness Part 2

Ishizu POV

Being back in my body was nice. Looking around, I frowned.

"It really is a good illusion. Even the air is nice to breathe.

I can't imagine any other person surviving this cave."

From my memories, I knew where I had to go and so I made my way to Naruto.

Opening the door to the house, I saw Naruto blowing out candles from his cake.

"Happy Birthday, Naruto!" Kushina and the others congratulated Naruto.

Look, your Sensei came back to congratulate you."

I frowned. There was no time for this.

We were running low on time.

"Yes, and now I will give him the best gift ever.

Naruto, come here, we will go."

Naruto looked curious.

"Where to, Nii-san? We have everything here.

Everything is perfect.

Come celebrate with us."

He was fully captive by the illusion.

Can't blame him. He had everything he needed and his life back in the real world is nowhere near as good but better gave a hard life than no life at all.

I grabbed him by his shirt and tried to make him realize it by himself.

"Are you dumb? This is an illusion. Wake up and realize that we don't belong here!

Kurama, tell this boy he is in an illusion."

There was silence.

"Husband, what is wrong with you."

The voice made me freeze. I heard that voice before when I was chained but hearing it now was different.

I slowly turned my head, but I didn't get the chance to see her when I felt a fist in my cheek.

"How dare you say this is an illusion? This is my life."

Somebody didn't like hearing the truth.

It didn't matter if he wanted or not. I would drag him back even if I had to fight him.

I smirked.

"You dare to hit me? Your Sensei?

Let's go outside and rule it out like Shinobi. If you won't listen, then I will punch it out of you."

Naruto ran outside before I followed.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and for the first time saw Kaguya Otsutsuki looking at me with concerned eyes.

She looked amazing.

It was unfortunate she was not real. I doubt her personality was even right as I never knew her before.

I smirked as I looked into her eyes.

"You just wait. I will defiantly make you my wife. I promise."


"Let's get this over with. I have no idea how long we were in this illusion, but I don't want to die." I said.

"Then I will finish it right now!" Naruto screamed as he charged with a Rasengan at me.

'This is an illusion, so I shouldn't be harmed. If so, I can do this!' I thought as I made a special form of the Rasengan.

"Take this, Naruto! Wind Style Rasenshuriken."

Both Jutsu collided and Naruto was lying on the ground, showing the winner of the charge.

"I will not give up. This is the life I have always wanted. You will not take it away from me!" Naruto cried as he stood up.

Naruto was fine, but I?

My arm hurt like hell.

This illusion was very good. Even the pain was real.

Still, it didn't matter. I would use the same tactic I did to make my other self believe this world was fake.

"So, Naruto, you have everything you wanted, right?

You say this world is perfect, right?"

"Then what of the promise you made to Sakura?"

He stopped.

"Don't you want to bring Sasuke back to Konoha as you promised?

Did you not want to defeat Yamamoto, for it was he who stopped you?"

"Sasuke is....??

Yamamoto is…??"

Naruto didn't understand.

Sasuke wasn't with the rest of the people.

There it was. The face my other self did.

"Where? Where is your rival? Where is Yamamoto?

Shouldn't Sasuke be in Konoha at the party?

If Yamamoto is dead, where did you kill him?

Tell me, Naruto?!" I shouted at him.

Naruto shook his head.

Kurama's charka started leaking.

"Fight it Naruto!"

The charka quickly expanded and 4 tails came out.

"Oh, god. Not this thing again. How often do I have to see you," I rolled my eyes.

The Mini Kurama looked before charging at me.

My Rinnegan glowed in all its beauty.

"Heh, Shinra Tensei."

The gravity force pushed Naruto away but quickly got up and charged a big Bijuudama.

"Again the same thing like last time? You never learn."

I waited for it to fire.

"Preta Path," I said before absorbing it.

I frowned as I felt my stamina depleting.

My attacks worked, but my body got weaker.

I had to get us out and get nice and cold water.

I could say the same thing about Naruto as the tailed beast bomb took some toll too.

I used this moment to shunshin to Naruto and gave him a strong hug.

This would serve the purpose of incapacitating him, slowly draining him of chakra and giving me the time to talk some sense into the boy.

After some time, the red chakra slowly started disappearing.

"What happened?" asked a weakly Naruto.

"No time to explain.

Meditate, Naruto.

Meditate with me so we can escape this hell."

The demand didn't work as Naruto regained his normal stated and shook me off.

It seemed he still wanted to stay.

"Naruto, tell me, where were you after we separated?" I asked before Naruto walked away, but not before I took his arm.

Naruto's eyes were filled with hate.

"It was called the Waterfall Of Endless Happiness. What does it matter? I have better things to do than to talk to you.

Now let me go, I have to go to my family."

I looked at him sadly.

"So you don't consider me as your family?

Who was it that cared for you during your childhood?

Wasn't it me who trained you into the Shinobi you are?

Is all this time I spent with you not real?"

Naruto stopped realizing what he said and tears fell down his face.

"I am sorry. I didn't mean it. I... I just wanted to see my family."

I smiled as I patted his head as I hugged him again.

This time a real hug filled with love.

"I know how you feel.

I saw my future wife and my old friends again."

Naruto looked at me.

"So she is the person you like?"

I nodded.

"Yeah, but Naruto, this world is an illusion. She, like everyone else, is not real.

I only saw her in my mind so not even I know how her personality truly is.

The cave and the waterfall brought us to a world where everything is like you wanted it to be.

Endless happiness made by our deepest

Po warned us that people never left.

Who wouldn't?

They stayed here as they didn't want to leave, but this is not our life."

Naruto's eyes widened, realizing the truth.

"So, how are we going to escape?"

I looked around.

"Come, Naruto, sit down.

We will meditate while thinking of our real home. This world is all happiness, but we need all emotions to form a character.

Happiness and Joy are not the only emotions that make us who we are.

Sadness, Hatred, Jealousy, and Envy and all the rest are all part of us.

All of them together make us who we are.

Think about everything we have done.

Think about the goals you want to accomplish."

We both meditated.

We heard people calling our names to come back and live a perfect life.

"Don't open your eyes, Naruto.

Those voices are not real. They want us to stay and die.

Think about Ino, Hinata and all the other ones who fought with you through life."

"Ishizu, husband, come back," a voice said to me.

I smirked with my eyes closed.

"Oh, I will, but you aren't real. I haven't even fought you for our marriage.

If you want me so bad than you are not my wife!"

The voice quiets down and as I open my eyes; I saw Po smiling at me as he handed us cups of water.

"Naruto, open your eye, we are back."

Naruto looked to me and hugged me.

"I know and I am sorry."

He shook his head: "No, you were right. It wasn't real."

We both then took the water and drank as if our lives depended on it.

Po spoke up as he clapped his hands.

"So you made it. I thought you would take longer.

How did you like the cave and the waterfall?

Pretty awesome, eh?"

I glared at him. I had to contain myself from not jumping on that guy and crushing his neck as it would look bad in front of Naruto.

Seeing me, Po just shrugged.

"Well, you did it. That's all that matters.


After that, I said goodbye to Naruto as he left to go to Jiraiya.

I turned to Po as I shouted at him.

"What was that?!"

He looked at me, grinning.

"What do you mean? Wasn't this a nice adventure?"

Out of anger, my Rinnegan turned on.

"To hell with you Po! This was like the Infinite Tsukuyomi. How is that possible?"

Po just smiled, not minding my outburst.

"I built both the Waterfall of Endless Happiness and the Cave of Deepest D.e.s.i.r.e.

But even I had problems making it for others to believe it was real.

So, I asked a friend of mine who had better experience.

Your future wife, Kaguya Otsutsuki.

We based it on the Infinite Tsukuyomi she created.

To be a complete Sage, one has to let go of the illusion of happiness.

No matter who you are and what you do, there will always be anger, sorrow, or hatred.

The land you walk on is filled with the blood of dying humans and it tainted the land.

If you can accept the truth and make the best out of it and not fall for the illusion than you can be a true Panda Sage.

And see, you did it. Now try gathering natural energy.

See for yourself how this little adventure helped you."

I sat down and started to gather nature energy.

I felt that my mind was clear and the speed explodes.

General POV

Po and Tau, as well as all the other Pandas, gathered around Ishizu as they saw Ishizu's body changing.

More and more nature energy was filling Ishizu and his faces morphed into that of a panda and he grew black and white fur from his skin.

Many pandas grew concerned as he was only a step away from turning into a panda, but Po stopped them.

Po had great confidence that his student would make it.

After a while, something that later would be known as a miracle happened.

The white fur disappeared and instead, Ishizu's left eye had a white circle around it.

Then the black fur vanished and on the right eye, a black circle appeared.

Both black and white rings around Ishizu's eye glowed, and on Ishizu's forehead, a Yin-Yang Symbol formed.

As Ishizu opened his eyes, his left pupil was black while his right was white.

Seeing this, Po shouted into the crowd.

*Rejoice pandas of the Dumpling Dynasty a new Panda Sage was born!*

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