Naruto: Journey Of The Strongest Teacher

Chapter 51 - The Tale of Wine Snakes and Dancing

Two figures stood across each other in the grass plain of the Dumpling Dynasty.

One was a human while the other one was a small panda who couldn't even reach to the human's waist.

Both of them engaged in Taijutsu and one would assume the large human would win, but it wasn't in this case.

The small panda was very agile, but his weapons were his pawns with which he struck the human in his arms.

The name of the panda was Denku. He was Ishizu's teacher in the attack style of pandas.

There were many attack styles dedicated to each species.

Denku was one who studied human anatomy and was the most knowledgeable of this style.

To learn the style, one had to understand human anatomy and use Sage Mode.

For Ishizu fighting against Denku was like fighting a Tsunade possessing a Sharingan and Byakugan who knew your whole body in and outside while giving Ishizu the most painful strikes.

The fight went like this.

Ishizu uses his speed to close the distance between them and aimed his punch at Denku's stomach, striking his solar plexus and trying to immobilize him.

Unfortunately, Denku predicted his attack but let it pass while waiting for the right moment to strike with fast motion into Ishizu's hand.

The fist connected with Denku and he flew a few steps back but looked unfazed by his student's attack.

Ishizu jumped back as he couldn't feel part of his body. He examined his hand.

It shocked Ishizu as he didn't understand what his teacher had done.

"What did you do to my hand? I learned medical Ninjutsu and know that one can cut the nerves if one is good in medical ninjutsu, but I don't think I could do that. I am questioning if Tsunade could do that so precisely."

Denku smiled as he walked towards his student.

"The human body is a wonderful thing. My technique is far superior to your Hokage's.

Even without the knowledge of human anatomy, one could damage the opponent, but it is better to know where you hit to get the best effect.

As you are a Sage now your next step is to refine it. Gather small amounts of nature energy into your fingers as I did.

If you strike an opponent with your Sage infused strike, the nature energy will transfer to the opponents immobilizing the area where you hit for a moment.

You can't gather much to turn somebody into stone, but enough to paralyze the arms and legs or any other body part you hit.

The attack style is very easy to combine with the defense style.

You can wait for your opponents to come closer and hit him at the same time as he does.

Combine it with speed style and you won't even need to wait for the opponent.

Just beware that your time as a Sage will shorten if you use it too long.

Now, enough with the training. Let us drink some good wine," said Denku as he showed a smile.

Tha's right. The small panda was a fan of alcoholic beverages. Especially since red wine was his favorite.

Ishizu smiled: "You like wine? What is with others, like sake?"

Denku shrugged.

"I have tried human sake, it was good but it can't compare with red wine.

Why do you ask?"

Ishizu laughed: "You definitely have to meet Tsunade. You both are a match."

"So what can you tell me about my fighting?" asked Ishizu.

"You have your Rinnegan and your Shadow Clones, so use them. To fight someone like me, you can't let me get close to you.

Use the Rinnegan to cover your blind spots with making Shadow Clones and use the clones to keep me away from you," said Denku as he drank his wine.

Ishizu POV

It was nice having some alcohol after a fight with my new teacher.

Denku was the panda who was the least annoying as he acted like a gentleman rather than a monk or the other bunch.

Denku showed me that only learning Sage Mode was not enough.

He also showed me how much I still have to go and that I should not rely on it too much.

It also stopped me from thinking I am invincible.

I had free time before I could have more Sage Mode training, so I visited Po to ask him a very important question.

Even during my training, I haven't forgotten about my other student.

It was time I helped him a bit.

*Hello, Ishizu. I thought you have forgotten about poor old Po.

What can I do for you?* asked Po as he saw his favorite human come to him.

*Do you think you can let me enter the Ryuchi Cave to meet the Snake Sage?*

*And why do you want to meet that little smoking girl?* asked Po, now curiously looking at me.

His stare was making me feel like a weak human. Technically, I was in front of him, but I started to sweat.

*I don't think the snakes are better than pandas it is just that I have a student I want to visit and maybe help him with starting his senjutsu training?*

Po's stare continued until he burst out laughing.

*Hahaha, I can't get enough of your face when you meet someone stronger than you. It feels like you want to run and at the same time you want to fight.*

I just sighed at his antiques. Po calmed down after a while.

*Sure, I can help you meet that little girl. One of my pandas will accomplish you to the cave.

He will wait outside.

Also, please say I want to see the Snake Sage dance again.*

I nodded without giving it any thought and left.

Outside, I expected Tau to appear and greet me, but I saw my new teacher Denku.

Denko raised an eyebrow.

"So you want to meet the old snake?

It sure will be fun to talk to her if she wants to, that is. Let's go."

We made our way into a tree where a small clear lake was.

"What is that?" I asked.

"This is a special lake that connects us with every summoning realm.

We use it to communicate with other species if we have something to discuss.

You just have to think where you want to go and then you will appear there.

Now come, let's meet her."

I held Denku's paw before we jumped inside.

Ryuchi Cave

The snake sage was having a boring day like usual when a portal appeared in front of her.

The black and white circles indicated a panda was coming.

'A panda is visiting? Why should they come?'

Out of the portal came one familiar face and a human she never saw before.

Ah, humans. She loved their species. They always sought power to destroy each other.

It was a mystery for the snake sage why they did it so when a human entered her cave she asked him questions about him.

Naturally, she was shocked to find out how disgusting the human in front of her was.

It enraged her to find out a human actually dared to transform into a snake.

A human monkey wanted to be one of them?

And not only that, he demanded from her to learn Sage Mode.

She couldn't do anything about the summoning contract he had with most of the snakes, including Manda, as it was none of her business, but she forbade the human to enter her sacred cave.

Seeing a human together with a panda made the Snake Sage think about the humans once more.

Why did the pandas, a clan who never interacted with humans had one with them?

"Hello Denku-san, it has been a while since you visited us. Tell me why do you bring a human with you?" asked the Snake Sage curiously.

Ishizu had enough encounters with important and powerful figures, so he knew the rules.

You shut our mouth and only answer if you were asked. He knew that women were very pushy about it, as he had experienced it with two Uzumakis already.

"Oh, he is special. He is our new summoner and our new Sage.

His name is Ishizu-kun."

Ishizu bowed to her.

The Snake Sage was having problems grasping what the panda said.

This was blasphemy! Did everyone want a human sage apprentice?

There was the Toad clan who already has one, although he was incomplete.

She also heard from her spies they want to make a new one.

She too had a candidate in mind, but she didn't want to select him as he was but a slave to the former human that visited her.

But now the pandas were faster than her?

Those who never had contact with the human world since the sage, were having one?

The Snake Sage turned her body towards Ishizu and the human gulped as she starred with her eyes into his own.

It felt like she wanted to tear out his soul.

"Speak, Sage apprentice. Why have you come to my cave?"

Ishizu bowed again.

"I have come here to ask the Snake Sage if your excellency will see if this lowly one's candidate for a snake sage is worthy."

Ishizu hated to speak so formally as it was beneath him, but in front of her, he wanted to succeed.

Even with his Rinnegan, he didn't think he could win, not to mention the other snakes here.

If a fight would happen, he would be outnumbered so better be friendly and avoid unnecessary trouble.

Ishizu had pride, but that was worthless if you were dead.

Be respectful to the elders, most people say, and they are right as most of them could kill you before you even realize it.

The Snake Sage's eyes widen.

"So you think you have someone who could be of worth to us?

The last time somebody wanted to learn Sage Mode, I kicked him out and forbade him to enter my cave."

Ishizu had to conceal his grimace as he knew who she meant.

"Yes, your Excellency. You probably know him and if not some snakes can tell you about him.

He is living under Orochimaru, his name is Sasuke Uchiha."

The Snake Sage started laughing.

"This is hilarious!

This is the best joke I have ever heard.

Your suggestion is a student of the very same human I threw out?

Why should he be worth to be trained under me?"

Ishizu tried not to cringe.

'Why are you laughing? Even Kabuto learned it, and he was more Orochimaru than anyone could ever be.

This freak literally injected himself with Orochimaru, gross.'

"I can assure you that Sasuke is defiantly not like Orochimaru. He is much better.

The only reason he is training under him is that he wants to get stronger and as soon as he is he will leave that man.

He is an ambitious young man who is unfortunately driven by revenge, which is pointless. I am sure you would have a better opinion if you meet him in person."

The Snake Sage glared at Ishizu. How dare he question her?

Still, somebody who is seeking pointless revenge?

Now that is something you don't hear a lot.

"Tell me, why is his revenge pointless?" asked the Snake Sage.

She was curious and loved hearing such tales.

"During Sasuke's childhood, his brother killed his whole clan while letting Sasuke the only one alive. Itachi, who is the older brother as well as the murder, told Sasuke to get stronger.

Sasuke swore to avenge his clan by killing his own brother."

"That is all wonderful, but where is the pointless stuff?" interrupted the Snake Sage impatiently.

"That lies in the problem that Itachi is a pacifist and only because of the pressure the village put on Itachi that he had to decide.

His clan was out for a civil war where a lot of people would die.

The village elders gave Itachi the order to kill the whole clan to stop the civil war from happening.

Although Itachi loved his clan he loved the village more, but still, he loved something more than the village."

"And what would that be?" asked the Snake Sage.

"His brother," Ishizu answered.

"He loved his brother more then anyone. More than his father or mother.

He accepted to kill everyone under the condition that the village would leave his brother alone as he was only a child.

The village accepted the condition and Itachi murdered everyone without mercy.

Unfortunately, the young Sasuke saw his dead parents inside his house.

Right in front of his brother.

Not knowing they did the Seppuku so Itachi wouldn't kill them with his own hands.

Seeing his dead father and mother, Sasuke asked his brother what happened as he didn't understand what was going on.

Itachi felt sad for he wanted his brother to live a happy life.

And at that moment he decided.

Sasuke should hate him for everything he had done and when he reached a certain strength, he would die under Sasuke hands.

That is the tragedy of the Uchiha brothers."


To both Ishizu's and Denku's surprise, the Snake Sage cried.

'I would imagine her to laugh but never did I thought she would cry because of a human problem.

Maybe Kabuto did the same and told her about his tragedy?' thought Ishizu.

"What a sad tragedy.

Let me meet this Sasuke Uchiha and I shall decide if he is worthy of becoming the Snake Sage."

Then a smile formed on her face.

"But he won't be the only candidate. Before you came, I had another one in mind for this position.

I want to see who will be the true Snake Sage.

The slave of Orochimaru or Sasuke Uchiha."

Ishizu was happy for Sasuke, but hearing he had to compete with Kabuto was something he wanted to change.

Killing him would be good.

"It is decided then. If I see that the Uchiha has the will to become the next Sage, I will train him and the slave.

There will be a fight between the slave and the Uchiha to see who is worthy of being the right one," announced the Snake Sage before she looked to Ishizu seemingly knowing what he thought.

"No cheating, human. You will not interfere with my decision.

If I hear you killing Kabuto Yakushi, I will personally come to the human realm and kill you.

Am I understood?"

Ishizu could only nod.

His hands were bound.

It would seem that Sasuke would eventually have to fight Kabuto.

"Now go. I will send someone to bring me Sasuke Uchiha and then I will decide if everything I said will happen," said the Snake Sage.

"Oh, I almost forgot. Sage Po asked me when you would like to dance with him," said Ishizu.

The eyes of the Snake Sage went wide and her face went red before she roared and jumped at Ishizu.

Denku quickly put his paw on Ishizu's shoulder and they disappeared.

"What was that?" asked Ishizu, baffled.

"Sage Po often comes to the Snake realm and teases the Snake Sage.

Her mother was a friend of Po and when she was young Po always asked her to a dance.

They are like stepfather and daughter," explained Denku.

Ishizu could only nod without understanding much.

Some Orochimaru hideout

"That is enough Sasuke-kun. You can go rest for a while," said Orochimaru as he watched Sasuke defeat his opponent.

Sasuke nodded and left the training room.

In his room, he saw a snake looking at him.

"Are you Sssassuke Uchiha?" the snake asked.

Sasuke nodded but was a bit surprised. He had seen Orochimaru summon snakes, but they never talked so when a snake spoke to him he was curious why she was here.

"I have a messsssage from the Sssnake Ssssage. Sssshe wantsss to meet you."

Sasuke thought for a moment and nodded in agreement.

It was getting boring. A change in scenery would do good.

Without any further waiting, he was summoned to the Cave.

Ryuchi Cave

Sasuke appeared before the Snake Sage.

He could feel the countless eyes of snakes looking at him.

"Are you the one who wanted to speak to me?" asked Sasuke, completely ignoring the rest.

The Snake Sage laughed.

"Is it confidence or arrogance I see in you?

How I love the latter trait.

Yes. I am the Snake Sage."

"What do you want?" asked Sasuke.

"A special human visited me and humbly asked if I could train you.

You should know him. His name is Ishizu."

Sasuke's eyes widened.

He didn't expect Ishizu to help him, even if he was no longer in Konoha.

"What does he want me to do?" asked Sasuke.

The Snake Sage smiled: "He thinks you are worthy to become the next Snake Sage.

I think he is wrong. Do you want to see who is right?"

Sasuke smirked: "Bring it on."

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