Naruto: Journey Of The Strongest Teacher

Chapter 53 - Souls of the Dead Part 2

Ishizu POV

Inside the hotel, I went to a bar in the hope to find more information about this Gerdo. The bartender was an old man with a small black beard who was very talkative.

"Hey man, I am new and I was looking for a room."

I handed him some money and he smiled.

"I have heard from two lovely ladies that there is a man named Gerdo who is abusing his wife. Is that true?" I asked him.

My question made the bartender frown.

"Oh yes, that guy. Unfortunately, he is a Chunin here in Ame and his wife is a civilian, as is his daughter.

He blames his wife for not producing a Kunoichi for Ame and Lord Pain, so he beats her up for being a failure of a wife.

Sometimes he comes in here for a drink or already drunk after a mission and rambles about his wife being useless and whatnot," answered the bartender.

And oh boy, if I wasn't the main character. The door to the bar opened and a man came inside.

"Hey, Kensuke. Give me some nice alcohol and as fast as you can!" shouted the man.

The bartender sighed and started filling some beer up.

"Are you perhaps Gerdo-san?" I asked with excitement.

"Huh? And who wants to know that?"

Rude and dumb. Easily to manipulate with compliments.

"Oh, I have heard you are one of the strongest Chunin in Ame. I wanted to say thank you for helping Pain-sama and Angel-san happy," I said while keeping my smile up.

His frown vanished and he boasted.

"Yeah, that's right. I am the strongest Shinobi after Pain-sama. Without me, they would have it hard to maintain the order."

"Then let me buy you some drinks for the great protector of Ame. To Gerdo-san."

And just like that, the man drank and drank and drank. The bartender didn't care as I paid and after 20 drinks the man was completely drunk.

"You know... that wife of mine... is so.... dumb. I... told her... to give me a... boy, but she had a.... girl and a civilian none the less. I have to.... go and beat some…. sense into her. Goodbye."

"Oh before you go, Gerdo-san. Here, take this book with you. I believe it will bring your family something good," I said as I handed him the poison book.

He opened it and the small poison attached to him. He just closed it, thanked me, and left.

'Now I have to wait 1 hour for him to be asleep.'

As I had no idea where that guy lived, I opened some of my chakra to make a clone with whom I switched and used a concealment jutsu to attach myself to Gerdo's back. His chakra would hide me from Konan, whom I knew was watching me until his death from being found out.

I watched from Gerdo's back how he entered his home and shouted for his wife to come to him.

Seeing his wife, I felt sad. She was beautiful, but she had many bruises and scars which were from domestic abuse.

Her left eye was bandaged but I could see the blue color under it.

"Where is my son you *****?" Gerdo shouted at his wife.

"W-w-we o-only have a daughter, dear," the wife answered with fear in her eyes, knowing he was drunk.

"I told you to bear me a son! You didn't listen. It seems I have to educate you."

He raised his hand and I already wanted to come out and kill this man, but before I could do so a girl appeared before him with her arms raised.

"Please, daddy. Don't hit mommy or Angel-san will be mad at you."

The girl protected her mother while tears fell down her eyes.

Gerdo laughed.

"That **** can do nothing in my house. Here I am God and what I say is the law."

He raised his hand and aimed at his daughter with such a force that even a Genin knew what would happen if such an attack hit her face.

She was a civilian, and he was a drunken Chunin who underestimated his strength.

Enough was enough. I didn't care if the poison took more time.

It was either wait or the death of the girl would haunt me for not helping.

Before he could hit his daughter's face, I grabbed his hand and twisted it in an angle the arm shouldn't be in.

He screamed as I broke his arm.

"You consider yourself as a God? Even your leader Pain isn't one. If you think you are God, then let me be the devil and punish you for you have sinned."

I didn't care what he wanted to say. With my left hand, I hit him in the back of his head rendering him unconscious.

I wanted to kill him so badly, but I needed his living body.

I took the body and sealed it inside a scroll.

"Are you really the devil?"

I turned around to see the girl hugging her mother.

The mother was confused but I could see she wanted to cry out with tears of joy seeing her nighmare was finally gone.

"You could say so. I am the one who watches over your God and if he ever tries to go overboard, I will put him back down."

"It seems my little stunt blew my cover, huh? He could have lived a nice hour before the poison took effect, but he had to lift his hand against his daughter.

Shouldn't you be God's ambassador, Angel-san?

Where were you when this little girl prayed to you to help her?

For her to be in peace, the devil had to do the job."

My taunts did not affect Konan.

"It doesn't matter who you are," spoke Konan with an emotionless voice.

I shrugged.

"It seems it doesn't as my mission is done. We will see each other again, orphan girl."

With that, I performed my reverse summoning and was gone before I had to fight her or Nagato's Deva Path.

"You are back? That means you completed your mission?" asked Tau as he saw me standing before him.

"It depends. I found the perfect candidate and the mission went well.

It was until I saw him raising his hand on his daughter.

Drunk as he was I saved the daughter.

I was found out because I couldnt't watch her die and protecter her in the last moment.

He was one of those people who are unnecessary to earth.

People like him should not live, so I did them a favor by getting rid of this trash," I said as I explained what had happened in Ame.

"Well, you got the body and the family has no abusive husband anymore. So I would say you passed," said Tau.

"Yes, and now it is time to bring back the first person for my special team.

I just hope she won't yell at me too much."

General POV

Ishizu placed Gerdo on the scroll before waking him up.

"Wh...where am I?" Gerdo asked, confused.

"You are here to be judged and I am the judge. Gerdo, for your crimes as an abusive husband, I sentence you to be used by the Edo Tensei to bring back someone from the afterlife.

No one is against it?

Then so be it."

Opening the scroll, I placed some hair of the person I wanted to bring back and I performed the Edo Tensei.

The screaming from Gerdo was like music to my ears.

The papers covered Gerdo and another person stood before me.

Someone I knew very well.

A girl with straight brown hair and brown eyes with purple markings on her cheeks.

The girl was at the age she died.

She opened her eyes and looked around, confused.

"What? Where am I? I should be dead... Kakashi!"

I chuckled as I saw her panic.

She turned around and saw me.

"Who are you?" she asked, or rather demanded.

I kept my mouth shut, hoping she could figure it out by herself.

She kept glaring at me before her eyes wandered to my head where she saw my blue hair.

"Blue... Ishizu-kun?"

"It has been a while hasn't it, Rin?"

"I-I should be dead. I know that Kakashi used his Chidori to kill me and..and OBITO."

'So she saw him before dying?'

"Why are you doing this, Ishizu?" asked Rin with a demanding tone.

That question interrupted my thoughts as she didn't use 'kun.'

That always meant she was not happy.

"What do you mean, Rin?" I feigned ignorance.

"I have read about this jutsu in a book of the Nindaime Hokage. This is a forbidden jutsu where one has to kill somebody to bring the dead back. Who did you kill to bring me back and why?" she asked.

My face grew cold.

"The person I killed was an abusive husband and to why? Well, of course for my strategy to work."

"What happened to Obito? I saw him in my periphery before Kakashi killed me."

Rin looked at me intensly. Can't blame her as she knew me all too well.

She hung around me when I was part of her team.

So seeing me not getting shocked by Obito's survival made her frown.

"You don't seem shocked by me saying Obito was not dead.

That means you knew, but how?"

"The 'How' is not important.

Obito is alive and as to what he is up to? World domination or enslavement are the best words to describe it," I explained.

I told Rin the truth about what happened to Obito. How he didn't die by the rock and how he was brainwashed to be Madara's pawn.

The questions about the 'how' I knew weren't going to be answered.

"If you don't want to say that then please tell me what is my use?" asked Rin.

"Excuse me?" I asked.

"I am not dumb, Ishizu. You brought me back for something, right?

I doubt you wanted just to meet me for some nice chat or say something like 'I am sorry.'

What do you need me for, Ishizu?" Rin's eyes glared as if she could see my soul.

Despite being just a soul in a dead body, she radiated a scary aura.

Not as scary as Kushina as she was not human, but still scary.

"You won't let this one go, huh?" I asked.

Seeing her shaking her head I shrugged.

"My goal is not new to you. I am planning to save my future wife and you will help me in controlling Obito if he decided to intervene. Him seeing you will make him lose his mind for a moment and that is all I need."

"Wife? No, please, not this again. Are you still talking about the woman on the moon?

There is no one on the moon, Ishizu" Rin said.

Believe it or not, but when I was young, I told my team I wanted to marry a woman who was sealed in the moon.

I never gave away the name, but I never lied either.

How Obito didn't question me after Madara explained his plan was a mystery to me.

Or maybe Obito didn't know about Kaguya?

"I don't need to hear this from you Rin. Your rage clouds your thinking.

If everything goes right, I will use my eyes to bring you back to life.

It was not Kakashi's fault that you died but Madara's. You deserve a second chance.

Kakashi and Obito can fight over you. I don't care."

"So I am just an object to you? Someone who you will forget when I lose my purpose."

My Rinnegan came up and I glared at into her eyes.

"You are my comrade, a friend I loved having around! Don't put words into my mouth.

If it was a years ago I would have felt guilty but while training I have accepted by mistakes.

Maybe I could have saved your life and Obito's as well as Kakashi's depression, but this is in the past.

Would people believe me if I told them that Obito survived and was brainwashed by Madara Uchiha?

I was weak! I had to wait for the right time.

Don't think I didn't cry after your death. I am human too.

I have a heart and emotions like any other.

Unlike everyone else, I knew that you would die and I couldn't tell anyone or people would think I was crazy.

Now that I have the strength, I will make everything right.

Minato and Kushina as well as you will come back to life. I lost too many people when I couldn't save them and now that I have the power I will use it to correct my mistakes.

I just hope that people will forgive me."

At the last sentece I dropped my head.

Rin smiled.

"So you still are the same boy I knew before.

Despite having such crazy dreams, you still care for us.

Kushina did good work in raising you.

And here I thought you changed."

"I changed," I replied.

There was silence until I spoke.

"I think that's enough. I have to train.

It was nice talking to you, Rin. I hope your enthusiasm can help Obito changed."

"Until next time, Ishizu-kun."

The coffin closed and Rin was gone.

I smiled at the place where she was before.

"It was nice talking to you, Rin."

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