Naruto: Journey Of The Strongest Teacher

Chapter 54 - Learning the 6 Paths

Inside the Dumpling Dynasty, a youthful man was attempting to blast a panda away, but the latter just stood like a stone, unmoving.

"Grr, again! Shinra Tensei," shouted Ishizu.

The big panda laughed as he felt the force but dispersed it.

"You can't be serious. This is one of the strongest attacks, and you take it as if it was nothing. There is some kind of hax for this attack to be so strong as to destroy Konoha."

The other pandas just laughed at the human.

"Don't be so sad, brother Ishizu. You know that each technique has to be trained for it to unleash its full potential.

Even if you know how the jutsu works, it still doesn't mean you can use it properly.

That is why brother Long helps you with the Deva Path," explained Tau.

"Come, brother Ishizu and try again," said brother Long as he ate his dumplings.

Now Ishizu was pissed.

"You want to eat dumplings? I think those are mine!" shouted the human before stretching his head and fixing it on the dumpling.

"Bansho Ten'in."

The dumpling vibrated in Long's hand, but the panda just smirked and placed the dumpling inside his mouth, gulping them down his throat.

"If you can't get me to move with your gravity, then how do you expect to get my food?" asked the big panda.

Ishizu glared at him, but he saw the basked filled with a good deal of dumplings before using Bansho Ten'in on them.

Long just rolled his eyes.

"Again? Nothing can get between me and my food."

Ishizu smirked.

"Then I will be the first one to do so. Stay away from my dumplings, Shinra Tensei," shouted Ishizu as he simultaneously tried to get the dumplings and tried to stop Long from advancing.

Tau watched how the Deva Path stopped Long for a second, just enough time for the Bansho Ten'in to work.

The human already had saliva dripping down his chin before they heard a war cry.

"NO ONE GETS TO EAT MY DUMPLINGS!!!" screamed Long as he broke the Shinra Tensei.

Ishizu's instincts screamed to favor his life rather than the dumplings.

Seeing the panda charging at him with full speed, Ishizu knew he couldn't dodge, so he somehow had to stop the charge.

It was life or death. If he couldn't stop the charge, the panda would roll over him.

Maybe not life or death, but having a massive panda running over you would break some bones.

So Ishizu put his arms behind his back, glared at the panda before pushing his arms out front, and with the best Ian McKellen's voice shouted:


The Shinra Tensei coming from Ishizu was the strongest he had ever made.

Tau watched how the unstoppable force met the immovable object.

"My dumplings!"

"You shall not pass!"

To Ishizu's surprise, Long made a big jump over Ishizu before grabbing the dumplings and eating them.

With a sigh, Ishizu dropped his head onto the ground.

"You actually did it," stated Tau.

"What do you mean I did it? I couldn't stop him," spoke Ishizu with his face in the dirt.

"Your mission was to stop Long. I never said for how long. You only started training and with more experience, you will do it," explained Tau.

With that, the training for the Deva Path ended.

A few days later, Ishizu started training another path. For the Preta Path, Ishizu made his way back to the Elemental Nations, precisely the Land of Earth, where he searched for rogue Shinobi to test his abilities.

Near a small town, a human and a disguised panda were seen.

"Daisuke Borutshuchi, B-rank rogue Shinobi of Iwagakure. Killed and r.a.p.ed a noble family after seeing the daughter of the head family and wanting to marry her. He was refused, and in his rage, he killed all of them. He has an appreciable amount of Ninjutsu and is mediocre with Taijutsu.

I am confused why humans act like that?" spoke Tau as he read the Bingo Book.

"I am not sure of myself. Don't try to understand humans. We all are different, so it is impossible to do so. He is sc.u.m, and like all of them, we should punish them for their crimes.

I picked him for being a good user of Ninjutsu. He will have a meaning in his life before I take his head," said Ishizu.

"So, how are you going to fight him?" asked Tau.

Ishizu smirked as they entered the town before stopping at a bar where Ishizu got the information the Daisuke was lurking.

"We are in a Shinobi town. Most of the people inside are like him so it doesn't matter if I kill him or others."

"Whatever but you can only use your Preta Path to absorb Ninjutsu. I forbid you to use other paths. Only Taijutsu may be used to defend yourself, but without Sage Mode. Now, go and have fun," said Tau.

Ishizu POV

Entering the bar, I saw how everyone glanced at me for a second and then turned around to continue their everyday life.

I scanned the room and in one corner I found the man I was looking for. He was alone, looking at the a.s.s of an adolescent girl who was dancing.

Starting a fight here would be easy, but I couldn't do anything besides the Preta Path and Taijutsu and trashing a favorite bar of many men would make me their target.

So I sat down at the bar and waited for him to get drunk and leave.

After what was like an eternity, Daisuke finally left.

Outside when he turned around a corner, and I followed him, my instincts screamed to dodge and I did.

It seemed that he knew I followed him and used the best strategy. Kill the one who wants to kill you.

"You think I let you follow me so easily. I don't care who sent you but you will end up like every other hunter who was sent after me."

I waited for him to end his monologue, but to my misfortune, he ran.

'****. Why does he run? I thought we would have an epic fight where I would play with him before killing him, but he just ran.'

2 min later

He was not fast. That I can tell you. I quickly caught up to him and engaged him in a Taijutsu fight.

He did some earth jutsu that I absorbed, but then I felt 4 more chakra signatures from each direction coming closer.

At first I thought it was reenforcement, but the face Daisuke made was not one of relief as a massive earth wall appeared covering both of us.

"Earth Style: Earth Wall"

"What the hell are you doing? I am still inside. Let me out!"

One of the 4 smirked.

"Change of plans. We kill you both and take your bounty for us. Now be still while we kill you."

Then all 4 of them released fire jutsus on us.

Daisuke screamed as the fire burned his body, leaving a recognizable but burned corpse.

I smirked as I activated my Preta Path and absorbed the fire, feeling my chakra refilling.

The chakra bubble created by the Preta Path was nice.

The 4 thought to find 2 corpses, but instead, they found themselves dead when I emerged unharmed and killed them quickly.

"What a wonderful display of the Preta Path, brother Ishizu. Using it to create a bubble to absorb the fire was a clever idea. Let us go back," said Tau, and we left.

A few days past and I was ready to get accustomed to another Path.

Learning the Asura Path was boring as I had to sit around and see how I could change my body parts. I remembered how Asura Pain used its body and when Edo Nagato made his hand into a laser cannon.

I had a basic understanding of how weapons worked, but it was Po who taught me about fire weapons.

I asked him how he knew, and he responded that he has seen enough weapons to understand them.

The laser cannon looked outstanding and combined with a Chibaku Tensei would make for an epic finish.

I already knew on whom I would use it.

For the Animal Path, I had to summon panda children who roamed around the Dumpling Dynasty.

It helped me train in using the Rinnegan with the Animal Path and it would be of enormous help when I would summon all the important pandas.

The 'cruelest' training was of the Human Path.

My mission was simple.

A bandit camp was destroying the surrounding villages and collecting their money before hiding it in some secret place.

I had to infiltrate the camp, and by extracting the soul I would need to find the money. It was a gruesome technique because I had to kill the person to get the information, but they were bandits so no problem with that.

After the bandit camp, my second mission was to infiltrate a wealthy house and stealing the money inside.

The difference here was that I was not allowed to kill anyone and could only search through the memories before putting the soul back.

Before the second part, I went into the forest and searched for animals before grabbing their souls and putting them back in.

After I was certain I could do it with no deaths, I began the second part and passed it.

The only thing to mention was that taking a soul was easier than putting it back inside, causing no damage except making the person unconscious.

The Nakara Path was an excellent interrogation tool. Nobody could see him, and the King of Hell knew if somebody lied before pulling their tongue out.

That is how I learned the 6 Paths, but wait. I knew that there was more.

Deva, Preta, Animal, Asura, Human, and Nakara were the 6 but there was one more.

The Outer Path.

The ability to bring the soul of a dead person back to life and summoning chakra chains that connected the Bijuus to the Gedo Mazo.

No wonder Nagato called himself a God.

With the Rinnegan he could control life and death. Still, it was also one of the most dangerous abilities.

I would have to discuss this ability with Po before doing it. It would embarrass me if I died by giving my life for some random Shinobi. I had to speak with Po about the usage of Wood Clones to go around the problem I was facing.

The Outer Path was one of the best, but also one of the hardest to master.

I smirked as I knew I had time to learn it. Turning around, I made my way to Po to discuss my problem.

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