Naruto: Journey Of The Strongest Teacher

Chapter 56 - The Special Containers Part 2

Ishizu POV

I was summoned by some pandas a few miles away from the fire temple. It would take a while before I reached my destination, so I made my way towards the temple.

I noticed the 3 chakra signatures following me and became curious.

I didn't know who they were, but they were targeting me.

One of them came very close to me and I saw from behind how a lovely lady greeted me.

"Hello, beautiful man. Do you want this lovely lady to give you a night you will never forget?" she asked me seductively.

I raised an eyebrow. I didn't expect her or anyone else from that group to show up.

I only knew her because she was the second person who kissed Naruto.

She looked just like in the anime. She had long coppery red hair and a sweet face.

Fuuka, that was her name. I wondered if she was from the Uzumaki clan and even if not there was one jutsu she used that fascinated me; Reapers Kiss.

Such a Jutsu would come in handy at the right time.

Still, I wondered why she was here?

Her sweet voice had no effect on me as I was immune to it due to a certain snake lady chasing me during my youth.

I also wanted to stay pure for Kaguya, so I kindly declined her offer.

I already felt the other two coming closer.

"Oh, but can you let me lick you for a second?"

I was getting annoyed. I had a mission to do and talking with her wasted my time.

"Enough with this time waste I have a boy to kidnap; Water Style: Giant Vortex."

Being so close to me, Fuuka had no time to react as the water crashed into her and pushed her off me.

Seeing that Fuuka has failed to seduce me, the other two attacked me from my blind spot.

"Shinra Tensei," I muttered.

I watched how the gravity attack pushed them into a tree.

Realizing that in all the time training, I never tried using the other ability of The Other Path.

I was talking about the black rods or chakra receivers one could use with the Rinnegan. Unlike the other paths, pulling some of them from my hands was very easy and not chakra consuming.

Before the two could get up I threw a few of the rods at their vitals, pinning them to the ground and immobilizing them both.

"Now that was not nice of you attacking a lady such as me. I hope your chakra tastes delicious."

Fuuka ran at me but stopped in fear when she saw me entering Sage Mode before I looked into her eyes with my Rinnegan and released my killing intent at her.

Usually, a Shinobi would only hesitate for a mere second before attacking, but the sheer difference in strength that I displayed made Fuuka realize how futile her attack was.

Fuuka fell on her knees and I could see cold sweat running down her skin.

"You have two options now. You either die like those two, a useless death, or you become mine for the rest of your life."

Tears fell down her eyes, and she couldn't speak because of fear.

"Nod once for death and twice for servitude," I said, and she quickly nodded twice.

"A superb choice. Remember this day as it will be the best you ever had.

Working under me is not bad. As long as you do your job you won't be treated badly."

I hit her in the back of the head and she fell unconscious.

I summoned the King of Hell and placed her inside.

I would later read her mind about what she knew and about her Kiss jutsu.

She would be like Tayuya, but with less freedom. She had to earn it.

The other two still struggled to move.

I heard their pleas for mercy, but today's mercy was reserved for only one person.

Fuuka was an exception, so everyone else who interfered would die and those two did.

Just like that, I put them out of their misery.

With that finished, I made my way toward the temple.

I sneaked into the temple and looked for Sora.

It was easy to avoid those monks as they were no sensors. I found one monk whom I thought was some kind of leader and ripped his soul out to see where Sora was.

'He is here but in a sealed area. No problem for me.'

I made my way towards the sealing array and looked at it with the Rinnegan.

'Hmm, for an array it is not bad. I would give it a 6 out of 10.

I could use the Preta Path to go in, but that would alarm the priest.'

Out of the smoke came a panda that was a head smaller than Ishizu.

She looked like any other panda with the difference that her fur on her face was snow-white with only the eyes having black fur around them.

Her name was Yang Yang and I immediately regretted not turning to the side as she jumped on me and gave me a bear hug that made me exhale the air in my lungs rather forcefully.

"Brother Ishizu, you finally summoned me! You always summon that boring Tau. Now you are here and I will hug you until you die," Yang Yang said.

This was one reason I disliked summoning her or her sister.

Only the elder pandas had seen a human and that's why she acted like a child having her favorite toy with her.

At least her personality wasn't so extreme as her sisters.

After struggling to get her off me, I succeeded.

"Huff, Yang Yang, please concentrate. I summoned you to help me, not for you to kill me."

"I told you to call me Sister Yang Yang. Now, my dear Ishizu, what can your sister do for you?"

I pointed at the sealing array.

"Somewhere inside is a boy. Find him and, if possible, take him out and bring him to be.

Don't kill him, are we clear?

If you can't enter, then signal me where he is and I will do the rest."

She gasped: "My, brother Ishizu, I didn't know you were into men?"

I grew a tick mark before grabbing her by the head and threw her into the barrier.

The reason I had no fear in activating the sealing array was simple and one reason I interacted with this particular panda.

Yang Yang could negate Fuinjutsus easily with no one noticing.

She landed gracefully behind the barrier, not making noises. She quickly speeds to every house to look inside.

With my Rinnegan, I watched through Yang Yang's eyes to see if she found him.

When I saw her opening one house I saw Sora inside sleeping.

'This is him. Now take him to me without waking him up,' I told her through our mental link. She knocked Sora unconscious before gently grabbing him and taking him out. As soon as Sora was out of his house, an alarm went off.

'****, they marked him so that an alarm would go off if he would leave his home.'

Yang Yang ran to me and dropped him off.

"There you go, sweety. I hope you have a wonderful night together," said Yang Yang.

I only thanked her, and she vanished in smoke.

I took Sora and ran towards a special place which I prepared beforehand near a cave. I raised an eyebrow as I felt the two chakra signatures following me. Both were very determined to get Sora back. Unfortunately for them, I had to extract the chakra now.

I couldn't go to *DD* because Po said it would be too easy, so he forbade me to do such things inside his land and I would not risk his wrath if I disobeyed him.

Near the cave was my base of operation. Once I entered multiple barriers activated, preventing anyone to enter surrounded the area which I used.

Some would call it being paranoid. I would call it thinking many steps ahead of your enemy. And look and behold as I placed Sora on the stone in the middle and prepared the extraction two people stood outside of the barrier trying desperately to break it.

I recognized the monk as Chiriku. The other guy should be the actual father of Sora, Kazuma.

"Give me back Sora or you will face the might of my ultimate technique," demanded the monk.

"I encourage you to try, but I would take care of the person next to you," I gestured towards the other one.

Chiriku looked and his eyes widened as he saw Kazuma.

"Traitor, so you finally showed yourself after seeing your own blood being kidnaped? I was right to never tell Sora the truth about you."

Kazuma frowned but looked at me with hatred in his eyes.

I smirked at the man who was Sora's biological father.

"What a laughable amount of killing intent. You don't care about your child, do you?

You only care what is inside of him, but fear not. He won't be that for a long time."

Their eyes widened at my words.

"No, stop it. You will kill him and he is not the Jinchūriki of the Kyuubi," Chiriku cried out.

"Oh, I know that," I reassured them as I put my special container with the number 9 out and placed it next to Sora.

"Let's see how full we can make you."

"Fuinjutsu: Six Roaring Pandas."

It was a Fuinjutsu I came up by myself.

I based it on the Gedo Mazo technique to extract the bijuus, but this one would do it without killing the host.

Slowly red chakra began flowing out of Sora's body while I directed it into the container.

As no bijuu was inside Sora, I didn't have to prevent any bijuu from interfering.

Chiriku and Kazuma attacked the barrier with everything they had in fear of losing Sora.

Both wanted to save Sora, but both had original reasons. Chiriku wanted Sora to live and be happy, Kazuma wanted Sora to use as a weapon.

But no matter what they used, the barrier didn't bulge.

It took 20 minutes before no chakra came out and that gave me the signal to stop.

The container closed, and I saw that one out of nine marbles shined. 1/9 of the chakra was collected.

That was a lot compared to how much Kurama had inside. He lost a lot during the fight with the Konoha Shinobi. It was not enough, but for now, it would be all right.

"That's it, spectators. The show is over, and we have a winner, and that is me. I am happy to say that the boy is alive and well.

Unfortunately, we will never see each other again you filler characters. If we do, I will quickly kill you."

I threw Sora's body to Chiriku, and the latter grabbed him, checking his pulse.

"He is alive, how?"

"That is a secret."

With that, I reversed summoned myself back to *DD*.

"So you did it," said brother Tau as he saw the container with me.

I gave him a thumb up.

"1/9 of the container is full. I am glad that it was this much."

With that, the first container was filled partially. 8 others were waiting.

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