Naruto: Journey Of The Strongest Teacher

Chapter 57 - Tayuya's Life Part 1

Tayuya POV

(Expect some inadequate words.)

My former life was shit. I don't even remember the faces or the names of my parents.

I do know that they sold me to Orochimaru for unknown reasons.

It was probably money.

He said I was special and as I was a tiny kid who had nothing; I believed his words.

He was my everything and I viewed him as a father, but I soon learned that I was not the only one.

I wasn't even the best. I thought I found a person who loved me, but I was wrong.

Nothing I did was worth his notice, and I soon realized that I was but an object to this bastard.

Escape was impossible because where should I have gone? The only people I knew were the snake bastard and people who worked for him like creepy eyes.

My role as a human was to be Orochimaru's barrier guard. We all had unique abilities, and mine especially was Genjutsu.

With 14 I killed lots of people as they always underestimated my sound Genjutsu.

Usually, people would think of a Genjutsu as one performs with eyes as the Uchiha do, but mine was with sound.

My flute was my weapon and my summons were my shield.

It hurt like nothing I've ever felt and I could feel something was inside me. Controlling every action I did.

Whatever it was, it held me tight to the asshole and made me unable to leave that shit hole.

Then we invaded Konoha and the asshole fought the 3rd Hokage.

To my knowledge, I was confident that our barrier would hold everyone out, but this belief soon shattered when I saw a person approaching it with a confident smile.

A smile that showed 'I know what I am doing'.

Kidomaru bragged first about him not being able to go inside, but he somehow teleported inside.

The mission was a success, but at a high cost.

The bastard... You don't know how happy I am saying it because I always had to address him as Orochimaru-sama or master.

F.u.c.k, I don't want to think about that. Whatever, something happened to him during the fight with the Hokage.

He got more violent and wouldn't even bother with us.

Then the most important mission came.

We had to retrieve Sasuke Uchiha, the last loyal Uchiha. A new vessel for the snake.

I never understood how a person would create such a Jutsu.

How crazy he must be inside his brain to think about the possibility to do so.

But who was I to ask him such a question back then? I was a nobody who would die someday.

The mission seemed easy at first. The Uchiha was greedy for power and power he would get from the curse mark.

He came willingly.

On our way back we encountered some Jonin and had to use our curse mark to fight them off.

They were strong, but our teamwork got us out. We were resting when some Konoha Genin came at us.

One after one had to stay behind so we could fulfill the mission. Deep inside I hoped for the others to die.

I doubted they had a wonderful childhood and were just like me who were used by that bastard.

Then it was my time to fight as Kimimaro came and took the Uchiha.

My enemy was a smartass Nara Shinobi from Konoha. He was good. He even broke through my Genjutsu by breaking his own finger with his shadow.

I was desperate to kill him, but then his reinforcement came. An enormous wave of wind came and the force should have killed me as I was on the brink of death, but somebody saved me.

Saved me? Would you believe it? All my life I depended on myself and would never think somebody would risk his life to save me.

Not even the others would save me.

Then I remembered. I doubted he did it as a Good Samaritan. Just like that snake bastard, he would use me.

I was under the control of the curse mark and cursed at him before my vision went dark.

He captured me and at that moment I knew he wanted something from me.

I shouted profanities at him, but he was unfazed. He looked at me with a strange smile. Not the creepy smile the bastard used when he saw a new experiment, but one filled with something else.

The next thing I thought he was a creep, but more of the perverted type. He assured me he wouldn't touch me indecent but I had none of that.

He subdued me and placed his hand on my curse mark. I felt a tingling sensation as if you squeeze something through a tiny hole.

A creepy silhouette came out and it freaked me out. Something told me that it was good but another part of me told me to let go.

I had no say in this as o heard the man speak Absence of all evil.

It was like heaven. After so long I could think clearly. I wanted to kiss the person in front of me and didn't care who he was.

I was free. The relief made me blackout again.

The next thing I saw, I was in some kind of labyrinth. I saw the man coming to me.

Describing the feeling with one word would be Unity.

It was like we were soul-deep connected. I could see his very thoughts. About everything.

About me.

He wanted me to be part of his team. He saw me not as an object but as a living being.

Equal exchange.

He would help me and I would help him.

I knew that this person would be my everything.

Present time.

"You want me to do what?!" Tayuya screamed.

"Are you sure you are not from the Uzumaki Clan? Your exhibit traits that are common. Like your red hair and your language.

My step-mother was also an Uzumaki and I bet she had the same tone of voice when she was young.

Now again. You need something to do.

You can't just do nothing and be weak."

"Yes, but what part of your damaged brain got the idea to send me to Suna?" asked Tayuya.

"Han, the Jinchūriki of the Gobi was seen near the border of Sunagakure. You know why I need to know where he is.

See it as training. Maybe you will get something out of it.

Also, it is not like you will go alone," explained Ishizu.

"That's right, Tayuya-chan," said a voice and Tayuya hugged the panda that appeared.

"It is so good to see you again, Yang Yang," said Tayuya with a smile as she rubbed her cheeks at the fur of the panda.

"So did you manage to talk him out of going for Kaguya? He is such a handsome man.

Such beautiful blue hair and red eyes. How can he not see your beauty, Tayuya-chan?" replied Yang Yang.

"You know I can hear your right?" asked Ishizu who didn't even look up from his book.

"Then you should know that Tayuya is s.e.xy. Look at this red hair. It is so smooth.

Look at those curves. Every man would give his soul for such beauty.

I know you have a fetish for dominant women as you inherited it from your non-biological father, Minato.

You think that Tayuya-chan is from the Uzumaki as she has a dominant personality like Kushina.

She would make a splendid wife."

Tayuya's face matched that of her hair while Ishizu's book fell out of his hands and his mouth was wide open.

"Hehe, was that a secret I read in your diary and told it? Ups?"

"Run, Yang Yang, and pray to Po I won't kill you."

"Gotta go, Tayuya-chan. I will see you when he calms down. Some husband he will be," said Yang Yang as she dodged the food that aimed for her face.

A Sage Mode Ishizu with his Rinnegan was not happy.

"I will kill you, you sniffing panda!"

Tayuya walked away from the two as she was far behind in the skills they displayed.

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