Naruto: Journey Of The Strongest Teacher

Chapter 58 - Tayuya’s Life Part 2

30 minutes later

Tayuya saw Yang-Yang walking towards her. She had some bruises from her 'fight' with Ishizu, but overall she was fine.

"Let's go, Tayuya-chan. To the Land of Wind."

In the desert

"How can't you have difficulties with this extreme heat?" asked Tayuya as she saw Yang Yang walking without stopping.

"Oh, I use nature energy to the heat out. If you could handle nature energy, I would give you some of mine, but you can't."

As they stood on a sand hill, Yang Yang stopped.

"A huge chakra signature is to our left. The possibility of it being the Jinchūriki of the Gobi is high."

Tayuya nodded, and they walked calmly toward the signature.

After 5 minutes, they found an enormous person meditating in the middle of the sand.

He wore armor around him with a furnace on his back.

"Who does he have that thing in his back?" asked Tayuya.

"Oh, Kokou the Gobi gives his Jinchūriki the Steam Release. She is very gentle in nature, but I don't know how the human is.

Do you want to approach him?" asked Yang-Yang.

"No way! I have no idea how he will react. What should I tell him? That I just wanted to find his location?

He will attack me and I doubt I can fight him."

"Then who are those people?" Yang Yang asked as she pointed at a group of 3 approaching Han.

One particular Tayuya recognized, making her frown as she remembered her.

"That Suna chick is here. She was the one who almost killed me."

"So, what are you going to do?" asked Yang-Yang, curious what the former Orochimaru slave would do.

"They know either way that I am alive. Last time I was almost out of chakra but now I want to see how I compare to her."

Yang Yang just shrugged as she performed a tiger seal. The female panda was gone and now stood a tall woman with beautiful white and black hair.

Tayuya stared at the transformation.

"What is wrong?" asked the female human panda.

Tayuya has to rub her eyes to make sure she saw right.

"This is still you right, Yang Yang?" asked Tayuya just to confirm the impossible.

"Of course it is me," replied Yang-Yang.

"How can you look so beautiful in human form?"

Yang Yang shrugged.

"You humans have a unique view on being beautiful. No panda would love seeing me like that.

Still, thank you for the compliment. It gave me an idea how to tease our Sage."

The conversation was interrupted when the heard Han's furnace steaming.

"The Jinchūriki is not happy seeing the Suna chick. It was an excellent idea not going to him," commented Tayuya before she used her flute to perform a Genjutsu on all of them.

"Genjutsu: Sound of Harmony."

The two rookies who came with Temari fell asleep while Temari struggled to be awake.

Han didn't seem faced by it, but he looked at Tayuya.

"Do you have a problem with me?" asked Han.

"I have no aim to harm you in any way. Though I have a grudge at that Suna chick."

That's when Tayuya turned to Temari.

A smile on her face.

"We meet at last, Suna chick. Last time you almost killed me, you bitch. I've come for revenge," said Tayuya before she heard a rumbling sound.

She had no time to turn around, but she was lucky for a tall woman to appear before her and holding Han off.

"My, what a rude boy. Attacking my friend with no warning."

Han's furnace steamed more, but no matter how much it steamed, he couldn't go through Yang Yang with brutal force.

A huge wind-wave appeared as Temari regained her composure and attacked Tayuya while the latter dodged.

"Not this time, bitch. This time I know how your attacks work and won't make it so easy for you."

Now, with the help of Ishizu, her training in Taijutsu went up.

Temari had it hard keeping up with Tayuya.

"Ninpō: Kamaitachi no Jutsu," shouted Temari as she used her Giant Folding Fan to create a massive wind attack.

Tayuya smirked as she made hand signs with her last being snake.

"Doton: Doryūheki."

A massive earth wall protected Tayuya from the wind.

While Tayuya was fighting Temari, Han attacked Yang Yang.

"You are strong," stated Han as he looked at Yang Yang.

"Oh, my. Unfortunately, I must say you are weak.

If you can't even defeat me than what about the rest from my clan?

If Denku was here, he would have paralyzed your entire body by now.

I am only mediocre in Panda Defense Style but it is enough for you it seems," commented Yang-Yang as she provoked Han.

"Then I will show you my power."

"Boys," Yang Yang rolled her eyes as she saw Han drawing power from Kokuo.

"I am not going to fight you in that form. It will ruin my beautiful fur.

If a boy wants to fight, then why not fight another one?

Fuinjutsu: Helping Hand," said Yang Yang as she slammed her hand on the ground.

Han with 3 chakra tails behind his back ran at Yang Yang through the smoke that she created only to be sent away flying.

"My dear sister Yang Yang. Why am I here?" asked a drunken male voice from behind the smoke.

Yang Yang ran at the panda and hugged him.

"Please, brother Denku. Help me. This bad human wants to abduct me," cried Yang Yang.

Denku has an empty wine bottle in his hand as he swung it.

"Get off me! I was having a delicate glass of red wine when you summoned me before being attacked."

"But brother Denku. He is evil.

He said he hates wine."

Denku frowned as he looked at Han, who, by now, was in Stage Two of his Jinchuriki cloak.

"Why are you fighting a Jinchuriki? You are not a fighter, Yang Yang."

Yang Yang pointed her finger at Tayuya.

"It is her fault."

Denku rolled his eyes before seeing in his periphery Han attacking.

"You own me 10 bottles of fine red wine, am I clear?" asked Denku.

Yang Yang only nodded in fat motion.

Han's fist connected with Denku's.

A scream was heard, but it came from Han.

The reason was that Han's fist broke on the impact with Denku's.

"You are a tough guy, aren't you? For saying wine is bad, I will teach you a lesson.

Also, I want to go drink again so would you excuse me?" asked Denku before he hit Han in various places.

Han's cloak disappeared before Denku grabbed him by the head.

"And off you go!" shouted Denku as he threw Han into the desert.

Then Denku looked at Yang Yang.

"Don't forget the 10 bottles of superb red wine and don't you dare ask Sage Ishizu for it," said Denku before leaving.

With the fight between the panda and Han was over Yang Yang looked to Tayuya who cheered as she stood victorious over Temari's body.

"Who is the loser now, bitch? That's right, it's you.

You are lucky I don't want to kill you. On the contrary, I want you to grow stronger."

Tayuya looked at the other two genin of Suna,

"He will come. Yamamoto will come and bring peace to this world," said Tayuya before stepping away from Temari and walking to Yang Yang.

"Let's go. We have nothing left to do."

In the Dumpling Dynasty

"What do you mean I have to buy you 10 bottles of red wine?" shouted Ishizu at Yang Yang.

"Please Sage Ishizu. It is only 10 bottles," w.h.i.n.ed Yang Yang.

"Do I look like a rich person to you? Wine is expensive," stated Ishizu.

"Why do you even want red wine? I bet it has something to do with Denku. He loves drinking it."

"Well, I had to summon him to help me fight the Gobi," answered Yang Yang.

"Han? Why did you have to fight him? I told you only to watch him and not to engage."

"But he attacked Tayuya, so I had to help her."

Ishizu sighed.

"I should have gone with you to collect some of his chakra.

Fine, I will see what I can do, but first I will talk with Denku about this wine."

Yang Yang paled.

"Noooo! Don't tell Denku about it. Ehh, yes, that's right.

He will have his birthday and I wanted to buy him 10 bottles of wine so please help me."

Ishizu frowned but he didn't know it was a lie so he bought Yang-Yang the wine.


"Why are you attacking me, Denku?" asked Yang Yang.

"Because I know you got the wine from our Sage. I am not stupid thinking you actually bought me the wine," answered Denku as he attacked Yang Yang while Ishizu sat under a tree with an empty wallet and watched the scene waiting for his turn on Yang Yang.

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