Naruto: Journey Of The Strongest Teacher

Chapter 60 - A Week with Naruto Part 2

During the time Naruto was inside the wall, Ishizu looked for other things. If such a massive seal survived the extermination, then maybe something else did.

With this Rinnegan activated, Ishizu found another chakra fluctuation, but when Ishizu reached it, he froze in place because he never expected something like this.

It was as if one would enter another dimension. At first, you see ruins and then all of a sudden there was a forest right in front of you.

His Rinnegan indicated a massive amount of nature energy coming from this place.

Like in a trance, Ishizu walked inside. To Ishizu's surprise, the raw and concentrated nature energy was being absorbed by his body.

Soon Ishizu panicked because he couldn't control the energy.

Something was off about this energy and it was resistant to Ishizu's control.

He was already too deep inside before he realized his mistake and could only watch as his body would turn to stone.

"So this is where I die? I, a Sage, being petrified by nature energy? What an ironic way to die."

Unbeknown to Ishizu, the nature energy changed his face but not into his regular Panda Sage Mode.

The raw nature energy synergized with Ishizu's Wood Style.

"What is happening? The nature energy stopped flowing inside me," asked Ishizu himself after some time passed.

He didn't see he had dark brown markings on his face, strongly resembling those of Hashirama Senju in his Sage Mode.

As he looked around, he heard a voice calling his name. Following the voice, he came to a mysterious place one would describe as beautiful.

But inside the pond was a small island with a tree. No flowers were blooming.

A bleak place.

It was as if the area around the tree was devoid of all life.

All of those were fascinating, but the most important thing was the transparent person floating before him.

"Hello, young Sage. It is a p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e to welcome you to this place.

My name is Kenji Uzumaki. Welcome to my paradise," the ghost greeted Ishizu.

Ishizu had mixed feelings about this person. He knew that some Uzumakis survived, maybe more than he thought he knew, but he never heard about ghosts.

So seeing this person floating near the tree that firmly screamed nature energy put Ishizu on the edge.

Not to mention that he looked like a ghost.

Kenji saw that Ishizu was taking his distance from him.

"I can not harm you, Ishizu-san. I am no longer a living person. You could call me a ghost or a soul that wanders the living world."

Ishizu frowned: "How do you know my name? I have never met you in my life."

Kenji smiled: "I give you a hint. The world 'connect' is what you seek."

Ishizu thought for a moment and then realized.

Connection two souls to learn from each other.

He used it with Tayuya.

It was Ninshu!

"That's right, Ishizu-san. I can use Ninshu too.

During my life in Uzu, I have stumbled on some old books from monks dating back many hundreds of years.

One of those books mentioned Ninshu and how to perform it.

It fascinated me. They called it the predecessor of chakra, claiming that it originated from the legendary Sage of the Six Paths.

Before humans misused it and fought with it.

I spent my entire life studying Ninshu and later also nature energy.

I formed this place after many years of work unknown to the rest of the world.

I build it upon the idea of the summoning realms that have abundant nature energy.

This place is a paradise for everyone who can use Sage Mode," Kenji explained before closing the distance between the two.

"The reason you came here was that you were drawn to this place like animals to water. You came in and unconsciously went into Sage Mode.

A unique version from the summons you practiced.

That of nature itself.

Knowing you had problems controlling it, I stop the inflow of energy to not petrify you. Look into the water to see," Kenji signaled Ishizu to look into the lake.

Ishizu looked down and saw he had dark brown circles around his eyes.

"Now, the question is, what do you want?" said Kenji.

Ishizu looked around: "I didn't know that such a place existed in Uzu.

I never came here to find something.

My student came here to see the remains of Uzu and learn about his clan.

I don't know what I can take from here with me."

Kenji smiled: "Ah, yes, the last Uzumaki Prince. Don't worry, he is safe.

He is inside the largest library of Uzu.

Of course, you can't enter. It is sealed with a massive blood seal I created. He will be inside for a while with my wife, so I will focus on you.

You say you can't take things with you, but why does it have to be material?

I doubt you need jutsu scrolls or some magical flower.

What you need is knowledge.

Knowledge is so much more valuable than books or items."

Ishizu sat down, listening to the old Uzumaki.

"What do you have in mind?"

Kenji sat down across from Ishizu.

"You have the basic knowledge about Ninshu but you are far from understanding it. Meditate under this tree and see if it will help you."

Ishizu nodded before crossing the lake.

As soon as he stepped onto the land, he felt a pressure on him. Something was weird about that tree. It was as if there was something inside.

No, not something, someone.

Ishizu sat down under it and closed his eyes.

Naruto's POV

When I walked through the wall, I found myself in an enormous library.

Large hallways filled with bookshelves with countless of books filled his sight.

"Man, I have never seen so many books in my life. I bet Sakura and Ino-chan could find something amazing here."

Walking for a while, I finally found the center where to my confusion a beautiful redheaded woman sat while reading a book.

"Uhh, excuse me? Do you know where I am?" I asked carefully.

It seemed my voice startled the lady because she dropped her book and looked at me.

Something was off about her. She looked like a normal woman, but she was translucent.

"So you are the person who came through the wall?

Tell me, child, what is your name?" asked or rather demanded the woman.

Her voice felt like I was speaking to a Hokage, so out of instinct I answered.

"My name is Naruto Uzumaki, ma'am."

She looked around for a moment before she frowned.

"I don't find you in any book. I would have labeled you an intruder, but if you can enter this library, then you must be an Uzumaki.

That means you were not born in Uzushigakure, weren't you?"

I shook my head in denial.

"I was told that my mother, Kushina Uzumaki, left the village when she was a child."

Again she closed her eyes before a smile appeared on her face.

Her dominant aura disappeared and I sighed in relief.

Uzumaki women are scary.

"So you are Kushina's son? Welcome, Naruto Uzumaki.

My name is Konoka Uzumaki.

I am the wife of Kenji Uzumaki and the builder of this place.

I am also a ghost if you think I am alive. Welcome to the major library of Uzu, last Uzumaki prince."

It fascinated me to see another Uzumaki besides Karin.

"Cool, you are a ghost. Can you teach how to become one?"

My question startled her.

"You are in the biggest library of the elemental nations, and the first thing you ask is how to become a ghost? From the knowledge I have about Kushina, I cannot say I am surprised."

"Did you know my mother when she was alive?" I asked.

She smiled.

"I do and I do not. I have lived many years before Kushina and we have never met, but I do know her.

The reason is this library.

This library has everything stored inside about the life of Uzu and its inhabitants.

I was managing the library when I built it, and even after my body died, I continued to store everything that happened in Uzu.

From the names to the likes and dislikes of every Uzumaki that has ever lived. From the moment someone is born until their death, the library makes a book to write a person's life.

That's why I also know that your mothers died protecting you from the Kyuubi. As even after Kushina left her birthplace, the book continued writing about her life until her death.

Your story is not written inside, as you were born outside of Uzu."

A book formed from thin air and Kokona took it.

"Only those with Uzumaki blood can enter this place. So when you entered, the library recognized you and it formed this book.

The library searched through your memories to make a story and will write inside the book until you die."

Konoka looked through the book before an enormous smile appeared on her face.

"I am happy that there is another Uzumaki alive. If you are a good boy, then please bring her next time to visit so it can make a book about her.

You don't have to worry about the books. It is impossible for somebody to steal them and nobody except you knows about this place."

I didn't care. As long as the books were safe from enemies, and no one except Uzumakis could come inside I was ok with it.

"So, after introducing the library, do you want something to learn from me, Naruto?

We Uzumakis love teaching the younger generation about our knowledge and even after death, I want to do it.

Tell me what you want?" Konoka asked eagerly.

I thought for a moment. "I have little time as my Sensei wants to leave in a few days."

Konoka interrupted me.

"Time is of no concern. Your teacher has other things to do and I will tell you when he is ready to leave.

The only things you need are water and food so you stay alive and don't die.

It would be a shame for you to die here because you forgot about human necessities."

"If that is so, can you teach me the history of Uzo and some Fuinjutsu?

My senseis are better than me and they are not Uzumaki's."

That got a reaction as many books came flying towards me.

"That is blasphemy! No one is better in Fuinjutsu than an Uzumaki.

Even if this Ishizu Sasaki was adopted by Kushina, you are her biological son.

Come Naruto, I will teach you everything you have to know.

They are level 10?

That is nothing for an Uzumaki. This will be a challenge for me to see to which level I can train you. Now sit down and read!"

Her change in character horrified me, so I nodded quickly: "Hai Konaka-sama."

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