Naruto: Journey Of The Strongest Teacher

Chapter 61 - A Week with Naruto Part 3

In the meantime, when Naruto was learning with Konoka, Ishizu was sitting under the tree meditating.

Suddenly, the branches of the tree came to life and slowly but gently wrapped around Ishizu until it covered his entire body in roots.

Ishizu POV

It was hard to explain the feeling I had.

The best words to describe it were 'warm' and 'safe'.

Like when somebody entered his home after a long time away.

I didn't know how much time passed until I opened my eyes.

What greeted me was an unfamiliar place.

I realized that I was not in my body anymore because I couldn't see myself.

I knew I was but I didn't know what I was.

I kept walking or floating or whatever I did to move forward to find some kind of life.

After a while, I stopped because I felt something breathing down my neck, so I slowly turned around.

And oh boy, I would never forget this moment.

What greeted me was something I never expected, and I expected many things.

A massive Ten-Tails stared at me with his eye.

It was smaller than I saw him in Naruto, but I nearly pissed my pants if I had any on.

I had nowhere to run, so my best bet was to attack it but before I could I noticed that I didn't even feel my charka.

I expected the Ten-Tails to attack me but he just stared at me or rather in the direction I was as if he couldn't find me.

'What is happening? Why is it not attacking me? Also, why can't I feel my chakra?'

"Who are you and how are you here?" a voice called out.

I followed the voice and on top of the Ten-Tails head was a small wooden cage.

Inside sat a woman.

No, not any woman.

My heart stopped for a second before starting to beat faster.

This was the first time I saw the women I loved.

A woman with pale skin and long white hair. Her eyes were pale and she had two horns on her forehead.

"Kaguya Otsutsuki?" I asked.

"I can not see you but I can hear you. Who are you and how do you know my name?" Kaguya asked.

'So she and the Ten-Tails really can't see me.'

I didn't want her to wait any longer, so I truthfully answered.

"My name is Ishizu Sasaki, my lady. I am a human who lives many years after your life."

Kaguya nodded, clearly satisfied with my answer.

"So you are one of those humans born with chakra after my foolish sons sealed me away?"

"Yes. Unfortunately, Hagoromo's use of chakra, called Ninshu, was misused by humans. I don't want to anger you but your creation, Black Zetsu, was also responsible for it."

Kaguya frowned as she crossed her arms.

"That is why I did not agree to spread chakra to humans.

I thought I could have peace on this planet, but some stupid Toad convinced my foolish son that I was killing humans and turning them into soldiers."

I was listening closely because I wanted to know if Kaguya was the same as the anime showed her.

Kaguya used the God Tree to make an army to prepare against her clan.

"I also heard that you wanted to create an army of what is known as white Zetsu. You say that it is not true?" I asked to confirm my theory of a parallel world.

Maybe the anime was right? Or maybe not?

Kaguya shook her head in denial.

"That is a false accusation. This was the belief of that narrow-minded Toad.

I won't entirely disagree, but I wanted humans to grow. With my power, I could make their bodies sturdier and safer.

Free of any diseases.

But before I could finish, my son attacked me.

My only mistake was fusing with the God Tree and creating the Ten-Tails.

This God Tree in particular grew by absorbing the blood of humans.

Fusing with it I lost my mind and my sons thought I went crazy.

I bet you also think they won against me because they were stronger, am I right?

No, even under the influence of the God Tree I still had some control left.

The only reason I lost was that I couldn't bring myself to kill my only life.

My love for them stopped me from killing those two.

And what were their thanks?

I created Black Zetsu intending to bring me back to life.

From that moment I was here. Sealed with this monster called Ten-Tails.

Now, I have told you my story.

What are you going to do with it?"

'I am glad it is not Kishimoto's version of Kaguya.

She has the personality of a princess, but she also cares for others.'

I looked around. I theorized that her inability to see me was because I was made of nature energy in this place.

I concentrated and a small blue line came out of my body and slowly reached Kaguya who gently took it and we formed a bond between both of us.

The scene changed and the white room was gone and instead a rainbow color room was there.

In front of me was Kaguya in all her grace and no longer inside the cage.

"It is good to be outside of that cage."

She looked at me and smiled.

"So you are Ishizu? You look handsome.

It is nice to meet you."

I bowed: "The honor is my."

Kaguya looked at me as if she was inspecting her prey.

"This Ninshu is certainly useful. Hagoromo was always good at inventing things."

I realized that while Ninshu connects two people both can feel emotions of the other.

I could tell she was interested in me, but she could also feel my emotions and thoughts.

"You are not like I remembered humans to be.

My last husband betrayed me and never loved me.

You are a man who is many decades younger than me, who I see for the first time.

I am surprised why you have such love towards me.

Tell me, why is that?"

The answer came to her immediately through the connection.

Her eyes widened:

"So a reincarnated soul?

We Otsutsukis's have something similar, though you are far different.

And you fell in love when you saw me in what you call a show?

From your emotions I can say your love is genuine, I can't deny it.

Oh, and you are the apprentice of my sweet panda friend, Po.

When you are back, tell him to prepare tea for me."

She vanished and reappeared before me, taking my chin, and looking directly into my eyes.

"Now, you want me to be your wife, is that right? But why should I agree?

I am a princess and for you to take my hand you have to deserve it.

I am not some damsel in distress willing to go to bed with any person I find.

I am not a whore.

You must earn your place as my husband.

And there is only one way.

Free me from the Ten-Tails and fight me.

If you win, I will consider you as my equal.

Be defeated and you will suffer the same fate my last husband had.

Do you accept the challenge?" asked Kaguya as a smile formed on her face.

My mind was calm. I have prepared for this many times.

I never thought it would be easy.

I looked into her white eyes with determination.

"I accept your challenge, Kaguya Otsutsuki.

I hope you will watch how I earn my right to be your husband.

I will surely conquer you!"

To my surprise, she lowered her mouth and kissed me on my lips.

"I shall wait and see for myself how you do it.

For now, this is goodbye."

She pushed me away and I appeared back under the tree.

"So how was your enlightenment?" spoke Kenji.

I looked at the tree more carefully.

"Now you know why this tree is so special, right?"

"I can't believe it. How is that thing here? It should be have been divided into the Gedo Mazo and the Bijuus.

Kenji smiled.

"This is a remnant of what was once the Ten-Tails. I found it during my travel.

I am not sure how it came here."

Kenji floated today the tree.

"I will also have to ask you to take this tree with you."

I was taken aback: "Why? Doesn't this tree help you contain this paradise?"

Kenji shook his head.

"It created this paradise but after Uzu fell, the tree absorbed the blood of the dead.

It wanted more and I had to contain its greed for more.

I know that you have something that can take it away so I hope you can help me preserve this place."

I understood and took out my nine containers.

Kenji performed a ritual where the tree grew in size before transforming into a massive ball of chakra.

"Now you have to put the chakra inside."

I had to close my Rinnegan because the massive chakra was hurting my eyes.

I opened my eyes and directed the chakra to the containers.

The chakra ball split into 3 parts, each part went into the 4th, 5th and 8th container.

The 4th container got 2 marbles full.

The 5th got also two marbles and the 8 got one marble full.

This was unbelievable how much this small tree had chakra inside.

"I think you should take your student now and leave before he dies of dehydration."

I turned around.

"What? Why?"

"My wife sometimes forgets about such things as she is also a ghost so she doesn't need to eat and drink.

Here, I will show you the way to the library but you are not allowed to read, am I clear?"

I nodded and Kenji created a path that I followed.

Before the stairs, Kenji spoke to me: "This is as far as I can go, Ishizu-kun. I was happy to meet you. I hope you got something useful from the time you were here."

I bowed: "I thank you for that time. I would say that nothing material could measure the happiness I feel right now, thank you very much."

Kenji laughed and vanished. I looked towards the stairs and walked down.

General POV


"Noooo! Why don't you have more water!"

"Now you have no strength to go back and eat. You will die here," said Konoka as she looked at the poor Uzumaki lying on the ground.

Naruto m.o.a.n.e.d in pain because he too forgot to bring more water with him on this trip.

Konoka's lectures were strict and the Uzumaki boy concentrated hard so his energy depleted fast.

"No problem, Uzumaki-san, this is why I am here. To guide my student so he can learn."

It was Ishizu who walked towards Naruto.

"So Kenji gave you permission to enter?" asked Konoka.

Ishizu nodded: "Yes, but I am forbidden to look through the books. I just came to take my student back with me. I hope he learned for you?"

Konoka smiled: "He wanted to learn history and Fuinjutsu.

Unfortunately, his food supply was over so he couldn't learn much.

If he visits again, I am 100% sure he will be better than you."

"And why do you want that to happen?" asked Ishizu.

"We have pride, Sasaki-kun. Even if you were a student of Kushina-chan, Naruto-kun is a true Uzumaki and he must be the best.

Tell him to come again and I will show you how I mold him.

Not even your Rinnegan will save you."

Ishizu smiled as he took Naruto over his shoulder.

"I will take him with me now. Goodbye, Uzumaki-san. Say goodbye to her, Naruto."

Naruto waved to her weakly before passing out. Ishizu ran up the stairs and saw that he was outside of Uzu.

After that, Naruto woke up, drank a lot, and both talked about what happened during their time.

Naruto explained to Ishizu how he learned the history of Uzu.

He was sad that he forgot to bring more water so he couldn't learn much Fuinjutsu but it was enough to challenge his sensei to a fight in Konoha.

Ishizu explained to Naruto that he met his future wife and that she challenged him to a fight for marriage.

Both thought that they spend a few days inside Uzu, but it was only a few hours.

When they replenished their energy both sensei and student made their way to Takigakure.

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