Naruto: Journey Of The Strongest Teacher

Chapter 62 - A Week with Naruto Part 4

The distance between Uzu and Takigakure was very long. It took 90 hours with rest to reach it. The problem was to find the Waterfall Cave under which one had to dive to find the village.

Ishizu had to summon Yang Yang to help them locate it.

"Hello, my precious. How are you?" asked Yang Yang as she clung onto Ishizu.

"Do I need to use a Shinra Tensei to get you off me or are you going to do it willingly?" Ishizu asked.

The panda girl thought for a moment before smiling.

"I still want to have you," Yang Yang said as she hugged Ishizu tighter.

"SHINRA TENSEI!" Ishizu shouted before the crazy panda could lock lips with him.

"Ungrateful but still available."

"Get to work Yang Yang and stop molesting me."

"I wonder how your wife is going to react when she finds out about this panda," commented Naruto.

"You have no idea. She is the sane one.

Her sister is far worse.

Sometimes I question myself if it is really worthy of being the Panda Sage."

Yang Yang shrugged and searched for an hour before finding the entrance and now it was time to be a true Shinobi.

On a tree, Ishizu pointed at a waterfall.

"All right. Naruto it is time for you to master stealth. Takigakure is under this waterfall and we have to infiltrate it with no one noticing us."

Naruto looked curious: "Why not go inside? Aren't we allies?"

Ishizu could only shake his head: "Tsk, tsk, tsk, Naruto.

We can not just walk inside a hidden village, even if we are an ally.

If somebody tried to enter Konoha without permission, ANBU would immediately detain them and would have a friendly chat with Ibiki.

It doesn't matter which village they are from.

Takigakure is also a hidden village so Taki Shinobi would question us how we found it, not to mention why we want inside."

"So why do we want to go inside, Ishizu-sensei?

You never told me the reason for doing this" asked Naruto.

Ishizu smirked: "Inside the village is a person who needs our help. She is very important, but you will recognize her immediately.

She has a tough life here and I hope you can convince her to come with us to Konoha."

Naruto didn't get what Ishizu meant, but they sneaked inside the village.


Sneaking into the village was easy. It was easy because Taki Shinobi were prideful that nobody knew where their village was.

Both Naruto and Ishizu used Naruto's perfect Henge to blend into the population.

"Who are we looking for, Ishizu-sensei?" asked Naruto, as he started to get bored.

"We are looking for a girl with mint green hair. She should live on a tree.

She tries to hide her real personality under a cheerful one, always wanting to find a friend.

But she is a fragile girl who needs our help.

That happens when you are being called a monster by the civilians."

"She is a Jinchūriki like me, isn't she?" asked Naruto.

Ishizu turned around.

"What made you ask that?"

Naruto shrugged.

"Well, dumb civilians and hate plus the fox told me he felt the happy-go-lucky beetle somewhere, so I asked him whom he meant and he told me that somewhere there is another one like me.

Is this the person you are looking for?"

Ishizu nodded.

"She is the Jinchūriki of the Seven Tails."

"Then follow me. I can feel her," said Naruto.

Both walked to a tree standing outside of the market.

There were no people around. An isolated place.

Just perfect for the likes of her.

Ishizu searched out with his chakra to see if anyone was observing them but Taki was full of themselves, thinking their village was hidden for enemies to come inside and talking with their weapon.

On the tree sat a young girl with darker skin color and orange eyes.

"You are like me! Chomei told me that he felt his kin. I did not know there were others like me," Fu spoke excitedly.

Naruto smiled: "Yes, I am like you. My name is Naruto."

With his hands, he made the number nine.

Fu smiled and did the same with the number 7.

"Chomei doesn't talk much but when he felt your chakra he informed me about one of his brothers is here. I was so happy to see you."

Ishizu listened as both Jinchurikis talked and he saw by Fu's micro-expressions that she hated living in Taki.

She had it worse than canon Naruto. In Konoha, Naruto had the 3rd Hokage and the ramen family.

And during his life, more and more people came to like him.

Fu had no one. The only one she could consider family is Shibuki, but he only wants her to stay a weapon.

During the talk with the Jinchuriki, Ishizu made a wood clone who went after Shibuki.

Ishizu didn't want the boy to interfere in his plan, so like any other who was in his way and had no connection with him had to die.

Searching some time the clone found the boy inside the house.

"She is unstable, Shibuki. We have to find another vessel for the Nanabi. The council demands it," spoke some old man.

"I don't know. She is just happy. That's all," answered Shibuki.

"She should be a weapon. As a weapon, she is useless if she has emotions. We should kill her and give a child the Nanabi so we can train her from the beginning."

'I get strong Danzo vibes from this old man. Maybe they are related?' thought Ishizu.

Under the pressure of the old man, Shibuki accepted.

Ishizu waited before the old man was gone before summoning a chakra receiver that killed the boy.

Afterward, Ishizu burned the body.

A quick, perfect Henge into Shibuki and the plan was ready to begin.

The plan was simple and would work.

Kill Shibuki, henge into him, tell Fu that he hates her and only used her to become loyal to Taki and that he never thought of her as a friend.

Tell her she has one day before her execution is ready.

The last part is stupid, but it will help dramatically.

Everything else was for Naruto to do. Fu would have no one in this village to love as the only person who had shown pleasant emotions betrayed her and even wanted to kill her now.

The news would devastate her.

Full with darkness, the light named Naruto would come and save her.

Naruto as another Jinchuriki would help her and Ishizu would suggest for her to come to Konoha.

Shibuki would then kill another Fu clone. Taki would fear leaking the information outside.

It would eventually leak because Zetsu is a pain in the a.s.s, but it would give Ishizu time before Akatsuki would move out.

And like that, it happened.

Ishizu killed Shibuki and the clone told Fu that he hates her.

Ishizu forced Naruto to remain hidden or the boy would have killed the clone.

It devastated Fu to hear from a person she considered a friend of such things. She broke down when she heard about her execution.

I created another clone who henged into Fu and both walked towards the Kage tower.

"That's it. We are going to take Fu with us. I won't let her be killed," Naruto spoke as he had enough.

"That's a wonderful idea, Naruto. I will make a clone that will be bait for Fu. With that we will be able to help Fu from dying," said Ishizu.

Fu, seeing hope in Naruto, immediately agreed to come to Konoha after hearing she would die in Taki.

Naruto was happy and the three sneaked out and left Taki without their Jinchuriki.

Now, Ishizu was not done with Taki.

For they stupidly they would pay.

He would show Taki their worst nightmare for what will happen if their Jinchuriki dies without sealing the Tailed Beast.

Shinuki Clone POV

My plan was simple.

I dragged the other clone to a tower where all civilians and Shinobi could see us.

I shouted to the village how Fu did a horrible job at being a worthy Jinchūriki.

The stupid crowd first cheered when I pressed a kunai at Fu's throat and before somebody sane could react I killed her.

The dumb cheered, thinking they were free of the demon.

Those who knew how important Fu was panicked.

Before somebody could make his way up to me I killed myself and sent the memory to the boss.

As the Shinobi panicked at the loss of the Nanabi, the trio left Takigakure.

At night when Naruto was sleeping, Ishizu made a sealing array. Out of a storage seal, Ishizu took a container with the number seven out.

'Now my dear Chomei, I don't want you to awaken your host, so you will also sleep little bijuu. I will just take some charka from you.'

The Fuinjutsu Ishizu made was based on the Waterfall of Endless Happiness.

People or Bijuu who slept would enter a dream-like state. During that time, they would feel nothing that is happening outside.

"Let's do it. Fuinjutsu: Dream of Endless Happiness."

Ishizu saw the smile on Fu's face and knew that it had worked.

"Now, give me your charka, Chomei."

"Fuinjutsu: Six Roaring Pandas," whispered Ishizu.

The red chakra started coming out of Fu. It would take longer as the seal was different from Sora's and it was a real bijuu this time. It took 6 hours until 4 of the 7 spheres were full.

That was enough.

Fu would feel weak for a brief time, but Chomei would regenerate the chakra quickly.

After that, Ishizu told Naruto that he should take Fu with him. She would be safe under Jiraiya and if she would be seen now in Konoha, people would suspect something.

By people, Ishizu thought of Danzo.

No way would he give that person a Jinchuriki.

Naruto was happy to stay with her. They bid farewell and both groups went back to where they came from.

Naruto and Fu left to meet Jiraiya and Ishizu reverse summoned himself back to *DD.*

Dumpling Dynasty

Po watched as Ishizu walked to him. The panda felt that something was different about the boy.

*So you came back. Tell me, Ishizu-kun, what happened? Something about you is off.

It is as if your soul is dancing.*

And it was like that. Deep inside Ishizu's soul, the small light which controlled the darkness grew in size.

Ishizu smiled.

"I visited Uzu and met some awesome people."

Po returned the smile.

*That is good to hear but that doesn't answer my question.

It is as if a barrier in your heart opened.*

*Well, there was this moment where I met Kaguya Otsutsuki.

Not in flesh, but in spirit.*

Po's eyes widened in shock.

*I proclaimed my love and she challenged me for my right to be her husband.

I accepted and now I will prepare to meet and fight her.*

Ishizu left a stunned Po before turning around.

*Before I forget. Kaguya told me to prepare some tea.

It appears she missed your delicious tee.*

Ishizu didn't see the face Po made as he told him the news.

'This boy is really something.

I have to prepare that special tea with an extra aphrodisiac,' thought Po.

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