Naruto: Journey Of The Strongest Teacher

Chapter 63 - The Second Chunin Exam

General POV

After getting the Kyuubi's chakra from Sora and the Nanabi's chakra from Fu, Ishizu found a good timing to fill another container. Shukaku, the One-Tails, was the first to be captured and sealed by Akatsuki.

If Ishizu had the containers during the invasion of Konoha, he would have used it but thinking about the past wasn't of any importance right now. This was one time where Ishizu had the time to get Gaara's chakra. Fu was saved, but Han was probably gone. Ishizu waited for the Chunin Exams which were held my Suna and Konoha to start.

Fu would not take part as she was with Naruto, so Akatsuki would hopefully not appear. The reason for Ishizu to use this time to go to Gaara was that many Shinobi who waited for Akatsuki heavily guarded Gaara. The best thing to do was to wait for the monk to appear whose mission was to extract Shukaku and use him as a scapegoat.

Ishizu would use the monk to get as much chakra now and if he needed, he would finish the rest later. During the time where the monk would try to extract the Tailed Beast completely, Ishizu would use this moment to take Shukaku's chakra instead.

The Chunin Exams started and Ishizu watched the filler with half-closed eyes almost falling asleep. He chuckled that a filler episode from Naruto would help him in his plan. Ishizu watched Ino and Hinata as they destroyed the competition. Ino grew more beautiful and would give Naruto a nosebleed if he saw her right now.

Hinata was also starting to develop, mostly her b.r.e.a.s.ts. When the second stage started where the genin had to cross the demon desert, Ishizu activated his Rinnegan to look for the monk. As it was a filler, Ishizu saw the episode, but it wasn't really in his mind, so he had no idea when it would all start. The only clue was that it was in the desert where Fu took part in. So Ishizu waited.

Finally, after some hours of observing the desert, he found a new chakra signature. Ishizu watched how the monk tricked Gaara to reveal himself and started extracting Shukaku. Silently, Ishizu sneaked behind the monk, unaffected by the barrier the latter created. Ishizu came prepared using a chakra mask so nobody could detect who he was. As soon as he saw the chakra chain piercing Gaara, Ishizu grabbed the chain with his own hand shocking the monk.

"Thank you, filler monk. You have made my mission much easier," Ishizu thanked his benefactor with a nod.

"Fuinjutsu: Six Roaring Pandas."

Ishizu connected his technique with the chain the monk used. That had the effect that Shukaku was not being extracted, but rather his chakra was being stolen.

"How could you come close to me? I have erected a barrier?" spoke the monk, baffled by Ishizu standing next to him.

Ishizu did not even look at the monk, but concentrated on his container being filled. Unfortunately, the process was much slower as he was using the chains of the monk as a medium so he had to stop after the single marble was half full. He didn't want to draw more attention as Neji cut through the monk's chain making them useless.

"Your usefulness is over, filler character. As a thanks I give you a quick death," said Ishizu turning to the monk and killing him. He would let no one alive who saw or heard his techniques.

A quick slice through the carotid artery and the monk was dead. Leaving the place, Ishizu took his mask off after making sure he was not being tracked only to get a direct hit of Murphy's Law by the appearance of the immortal duo.

'****, I have the worst luck to meet them. Why are they even here? Fu does not take part in the exam, or did they receive false information about her?' thought Ishizu as he cursed his bad luck.

'Cough 'Plot Convenience' Cough'

Kakuzu was the first one to speak recognizing him.

"Ishizu Sasaki, The Strategist, you have a big bounty. While we failed to find out target, you will bring a lot of money to our organization."

Hidan was not so calm as Kakuzu and just attacked screaming for his opponent's death.

"I don't care how much he is worth! We came her for nothing! I will sacrifice him to Lord Jashin!"

Ishizu evaded Hidan's scythe with little difficulty, but needed to substitute as he saw Kakuzu launching a massive fireball at both of them. Thank the log. Ishizu created a massive earth wall to separate the two form each other. The problem Ishizu faced was not Hidan nor Kakuzu. Hidan was one of the weakest of the Akatsuki, and the only thing of importance about him was his immortality and his blood ritual. He was more annoying than dangerous if one knew how his abilities worked and evaded getting hit.

The problem was them fighting together. With Hidan taking all the attention of randomly swinging his scyth, Kakuzu could attack from range and he didn't care if his attacks hit his partner as Hidan would survive anyway. Shikamaru did a good job in the series separating those two.

Ishizu needed to distance both of them like in the anime and deal with each one separately. Alone he could handle them, but together they were very dangerous. Fighting them now was also not something Ishizu wanted to do. Everyone had his time.

"Come to daddy and be sacrificed by Lord Jashin!" screamed Hidan as he attacked Ishizu who dodged each strike.

Then the latter put back on his mask so he could activate his Rinnegan. The earth wall would give him a few seconds before Kakuzu would break it, but that was all he needed.

"Bansho Ten'in," whispered Ishizu, forcing Hidan to fly towards Ishizu fast, where he decapitated the immortal in a quick slash. At the same moment, Kakuzu broke through the wall and expected the result in front of him knowing Hidan all too well.

"Kakuzu, help me up. He cut my head off! This heathen deserves to die!" Hidan's head screamed in rage while Ishizu took the head by the hair and spinning it around while grinning at Kakuzu.

"Do you want your dog back? Then fetch!"

Ishizu threw the cursing head into the horizon, powered by a Shinra Tensei. Kakuzu looked between Ishizu and the location where the head went. He was debating what to do before glaring at Ishizu.

"This is not over. The next time we meet, I will get your bounty," grumbles Kakuzu.

"Shu, shu. Go fetch your dog, Kakuzu. I let the body here so don't worry."

Kakuzu grunted, but he left in the directions where Hidan's head was. Ishizu deeply sighed as he survived the confrontation between the three. Still, Ishizu smiled as he had made a small seal on Hidan's head with which he could track him down later when the time was right.

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