Naruto: Journey Of The Strongest Teacher

Chapter 76 - A Fight with a Cat

In Konoha

General POV

Naruto watched how his Sensei bought many things from various shops. It looked like he was going to war. Naruto was curious and confronted his Sensei.

"Hey Sensei. Can you tell me where you are going?"

Naruto's voice startled Ishizu, who turned around.

"I am not going anywhere. Tsunade-sama would not allow it."

Naruto looked at the huge stuff he carried around and not even storing it in a storage seal. Totally not suspicious.

"Then do tell me why you are buying things as if you are going to war?"

Ishizu saw that Naruto would not let him leave, so he took him home.

"So? Tell me what secret do you have?"

Ishizu looked at Naruto.

"Our mutual friend confronted me and he needs some items as he is the one who is going to war."

"Who is his target?" asked Naruto.

"My prediction was right about him. He will engage with the Jinchuriki of the two tails, Yugito Nii, and sabotage the Akatsuki. He got information about the two Akatsuki members coming for her and wants to intercept. He couldn't stop them by Gaara, but he is going to fool them there."

Naruto consumed the information and nodded.

"A bummer that I can't help."

"Me neither, but he gave me some useful information. He told me that the Yondaime Mizukage died some time ago and he was the Jinchuriki of Isobu, the three tails. He will be back in a few weeks or months and I bet we can find him. So prepare for it, Naruto."

Naruto left after getting the information he needed, and Ishizu sighed in relief.

Sometime later

It was time for Ishizu to move. Yin Yin contacted him of her whereabouts and that she has found Yugito Nii, and Ishizu was ready to have a good fight. Making a wood clone to stay in Konoha, Yin Yin summoned him.

"She is a few hundreds of meters south. She is not alone, so be careful my darling," said Yin Yin as she made a blowing kiss. Ishizu immediately dodged it and Yin Yin vanished.

I was excited to fight someone strong, such as Yugito with my new strength. It was sad that I could not go all out since that would kill her, but strength is not everything in a battle. I went into Sage Mode as I approached her squad of genin.

Not hiding my presence, Yugito sensed me as she twisted around and stood before her team to protect them. I came out of the hiding place.

"Identify yourself," ordered Yugito with a sharp tone.

"My name is of no concern for now. I am here to test you and see if you are worth it. I am benevolent and will allow your team to leave since I don't want them to disturb the battle," I explained my made-up motive, which made me look like a villain who had honor.

I usually dislike lying to people. Learning Ninshu made it easier for me to connect to people without speaking a word.

If she was someone I could recruit, I would have bluntly stated the truth, not caring about the consequences. Unfortunately, little miss kitty cat was very loyal to Kumo.

"Never! We will fight for our Sensei," one of the genin's shouted.

I didn't even look at them or how they looked. It's not like I see them as side characters...I had enough encounters with people who I thought were just that, and I almost regretted it. No, they were children and should just leave.

I sighed as I looked at the Jinchuriki of the Two Tails.

"You decide if you let them stay with you or not. I cannot guarantee their safety once we begin. I also know you will not go all out if they are here, so why not make it easier for both of us?"

The Genin protested, but Yugito whispered something in their ears and told them to run, but not before saying that everything would be alright. How touchy.

Oh, everything would be like I wanted it to be.

"Now let's see how strong one of the two Jinchuriki of Kumo are," I cut off my villainous monologue, which I was getting the hang of because I saw a foot flying towards my head.

Dodging the foot next came the extended claws wanting to pierce my eyes.

I grabbed two kunais from my pouches and began blocking the onslaught. I could feel the determination in her the killing intent directed at me, but I shrugged it off.

That amount was pathetic. After encountering old fossils Onoki, angry Uzumaki's, and Senju's, I was practically immune to anyone else's killing intent.

"You are fast. Not many could deflect my claws," she said, as if her display of strength was anywhere near mine.

Ah, I couldn't help but smile underneath my mask. I shrugged before blitzing her, punching her in the stomach, causing her to fly away.

"This is speed. You are far from reaching my strength."

"You are still careless," she spoke as she got up.

Feeling a tingling sensation, I looked at my arm, which had two new holes in it. She must have fought a lot against A, so even if she couldn't block, she could still damage me.

I was slightly impressed since the attacks pierced my nerves. I was playing with her and believing there wasn't anything in her pockets that could kill me.

I was kind of careless, but with the power I had, I could afford it. I just showed her my arm as it healed back. Healing factor op.

"You were saying?"

"Then I won't hold back."

And that's when she transformed. Wonderful.

Instead of a young blonde woman, a giant blue flame-burning cat greeted me. If glares could kill, I would have made something that could prevent it.

"Ah, greetings Matatabi. It is nice to meet you. Let us see who is stronger, me or you," I greeted the Bijuu.

Matatabi's response was to jump up and firing multiple blue fireballs at me. I remained standing while I just expended the nature energy I had gathered outside. A greenish chakra cloak formed around me, which I called the Panda cloak.

'Only one bijuu attack and the cloak is gone? That just shows I have more to learn.'

The giant cat didn't waste time and jumped towards me. Claws extended from her paw before they were engulfed in a fire as she struck my head. I got into the defense panda style began blocking her attacks while she hammered down on me.

Her strength was formidable, and the fire was annoying since it made me sweat, so I activated my Rinnegan and I pointed my hand at her.

"Shinra Tensei"

It didn't matter if she was a giant cat or a small fly. Gravity took effect, sending her flying away. Since she was a cat, she caught herself in the air and got right back up.

"Come kitty kitty kitty, Bansho Ten'in."

A force dragged the cat towards me. She struggled for a second before pointing her face at me and fired more blue fireballs at me.

"Preta Path"

The fireballs got absorbed into me.

"Asura Path, chakra pistole."

Just before Matatabi could crash into me, my left hand transformed into a pistol as I shot the cat away. Seeing Matatabi struggled to come back at her feed, I saw she was struggling to keep up.

I couldn't blame her. Nobody could. Yes, she was a Jinchuriki and she would probably win against most Jonin or Anbu.

But fighting somebody who had a Rinnegan and Sage Mode, I was just out of her league.

Seeing that wasting time wasn't necessary, I decided to end this game by summoning some wood clones which went to make an array to extract as much chakra as I could before the immortals came.

"You will not defeat me, human!" Matatabi screamed in frustration as she charged at me. I smiled as I got into the position of the Panda Style Attack.

"We will see."

The moment she was near me, I jumped and hit her straight in the face. I wanted to attack her more, but I held myself back, seeing Matatabi transforming back into Yugito.

'Oops, I hit too hard. Well, she was strong, but now is the time to do the extraction.'

"Are you ready?" I asked the clone. They nodded, and I took the body of Yugito and brought her into the array.

Fuinjutsu: Dream of Endless Happiness.

With that, I was sure the cat was out.

"Now let us begin the process."

I got my container with the number 2 out and started, but a few children interrupted me.

"Fight us, you cowards!"

"Let's our Sensei go!"

"Please don't kill her!"

Guess Yugito's genin team was trying to steal my opponent.

"Don't worry. She will soon be back but I have to do it so don't disturb me or she will die," I said in a threatening tone to make them shut up and stopping them from attacking me.

Finally, I could begin.

"Fuinjutsu: Six Roaring Pandas"

Slowly the bijuu charka came out from Yugito and entered the container. Since the last time with Gaara, I made some fine-tuning to speed up the process, so it took only a few hours to extract about 90% of Matatabi's chakra.

She would live, and when the duo came, I would have already prepared my plan for the Akatsuki.

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