Naruto: Journey Of The Strongest Teacher

Chapter 77 - Ishizu and Yugito vs. Kakuzu and Hidan

Ishizu POV

Sealing the chakra away, I thought over my plan as I watched Hidan and Kakuzu coming closer. They were like 1-2 hours away, and hearing Yugito groaning made me sign in relief.

"What...where am I?" asked Yugito as her vision became clear and she saw me staring at her through the mask.


"Relax, woman. If I wanted you dead, you would not wake up anymore."

"What do you want? You beat me, s.u.c.k.e.d out my chakra. Do you want to defile me while I am conscious?" she spat at me and I felt offended by that.

"I do not practice raping young women. Now for what I want...I want to help you and Matatabi to survive," I stared at her revealing my Rinnegan.

Yugito was shocked that I knew her Bijuu's name. Inside Yugito, Matatabi narrowed her eyes as she saw the Rinnegan, the eyes of her father.

"What do you want from me, human?"

Ishizu saw the eyes of Yugito changing. It seemed that Matatabi took control of Yugito and was reasonable to talk.

"I came here to test the both of you because your next enemies won't be so benevolent to let you live. The coming enemy you are facing is too strong for both of you. You don't have enough information, but with me by your side, we can get rid of them. The question is, will you agree to help me or should I watch you die?"

Matatabi went back inside Yugito and both discussed the deal. Yugito looked at me before nodding.

"We have a deal, so tell me who they are."

"Akatsuki. An organization whose goal is to get the chakra from all 9 beasts. I won't tell you the exact plan, but you only have to know that they want to Matatabi and they get her by your death. The ones who are after you are called the Immortal Duo."

"What is your plan?"

And so I talked.

Time skip

I felt that they were near, so I needed to finish my talk.

"They are coming closer, so I make it fast. The one who is talking a lot is a true immortal. No physical attack can kill him. You can cut his head off and he will still be alive.

Don't let him get blood from you or he will use a Jutsu to kill you. He is not that strong, but his immortality is annoying. The other one is quiet and smart. He has 5 hearts due to a forbidden Jutsu he stole for him to stop moving we need to destroy every single heart. I will take him on so your only job is to avoid the scythe and we will win."

"I take the crazy guy and you take the quiet one, got it," summarized Yugito.

Just as I was finished, I saw both of them coming and I concealed myself.

"Hey Kakuzu, I see the ****. I will make this fast," said Hidan with a voice of arrogance.

"Than do as you said, Hidan. You know, time is money," grumbled Kakuzu.

Without further ado, Hidan attacked Yugito, but unlike other shinobi, she began to evade him.

"Come here, ****. Let me kill you!"

While Hidan was trying to get some blood from Yugito, Kakuzu too wondered why she tries to stall. The question was why, and the only answer he came up with was that she somehow knew his ability.

Before he could voice out his concern, he felt a hand coming through his c.h.e.s.t.

"A big mistake, waiting for your stupid friend to finish."

It was Ishizu who used the moment to take the first heart.

Jumping away, Ishizu looked at Kakuzu who was on the ground playing dead.

"I know you are alive, Kakuzu. Takigakure's forbidden jutsu is something very interesting. To have 5 hearts is something entirely different from your normal human. That means I need to kill you 4 more times so you won't move."

Kakuzu got up as he glared at Ishizu. "How do you know so much about me?"

"You know better than anyone that information is important. The moment I made myself an enemy by infiltrating the Akatsuki hideout and stealing some of the Ishibi's chakra was a moment I had enough information to fight against you. And right now I am in a good mode to fight," Ishizu said while preparing for a nice fight.

Kakuzu opened his back and 4 black monsters came out of his body. One fell to the ground. Looking at the mask, Ishizu confirmed it was the lightning one.

"You made a mistake waiting for your opponent to attack. This will be your doom," said Kakuzu as one of his masks attacked.

"Water Style: Great Water Pump"

"Earth Style: Earth Barrier," responded Ishizu.

The water crashed against the wall. Then Ishizu had to dodge an elongated arm coming from behind the wall.

"Katon: Zokuku."

"Futon: Ataugai."

Two masks fired the attacks, and they started to combine. Ishizu smiled as his eyes changed.

"Preta Path."

'He absorbed my Jutsu?' Who is this man to go unnoticed for so long?' Kakuzu thought.

He lived for a long time and he never heard of a person such as this man.

Ishizu smirked as he started attacking Kakuzu. Still, even only relying on the Rinnegan, Kakuzu was a tough opponent to fight. He was not some weak Shinobi that relied on a single Jutsu.

As Ishizu said before. Old Shinobi were dangerous, and Kakuzu was no exception.

Ishizu was not making himself look weak. It was because of another reason. Sure, Ishizu could kill Kakuzu if he went all out, but he still had to hold back for two reasons.

1. Collateral damage. If one fully powered Rasenshuriken would hit Kakuzu, the former Taki Shinobi would die definitely, but the radius of the explosion would affect Yugito, and if feeling the chakra signatures of her students; them too.

2. Information. Murphy's Law was active and everything could happen. Even if Ishizu killed both Akatsuki members, he still had the Kumo Shinobi. She was loyal to Kumo and would definitely tell the Raikage about him.

If Ishizu showed the power of defeating two S-ranked Shinobi without any difficulties after defeating a Jinchūriki, then everyone would search for him for various annoying reasons.

The best thing to do was to show the power that was reasonably strong, but not too strong.

"This is fun. I love fighting against opponents like you," laughed Ishizu. What made him frown was the smirked Kakuzu showed after a while on his face.

"What is so funny? Do you accept your defeat?" Ishizu knew something was wrong and his fears came true when he saw what was behind him.

Murphy's Law hit Ishizu pretty hard.

What happened was that Hidan saw one of Yugito's genin hiding and, since he wasn't a complete moron, took one of them hostage.

Yugito was in a dilemma. Either she stood surrendered or her student died. She surrendered and her leg got pierced with his curse.

Hidan was a true sadist who enjoyed his victim's suffering.

"You made me work so long. Die!" screamed Hidan as he positioned his blade near his heart.

"No!" screamed Ishizu. He had to stop Hidan, but Kakuzu used this moment to attack Ishizu with the other hearts.

"Shinra Tensei!" The attacks were blown away as Ishizu ran to Yugito. He hated himself for dragging this fight out and forgot about Hidan.

'I can not let her die. Everything I have worked for would be thrown into the trash if she dies. I will not this happen.'

As Ishizu ran to Yugito, his Rinnegan had a silver hue around it as he looked at Hidan as the fanatic wanted to kill the cat. Hidan stopped and looked at his scythe.

"What? I don't understand," said Hidan, confused.

"Hidan do it! What are you waiting for? We have to end this. The enemy knows about us so what are you doing?" shouted Kakazu at Hidan.

"I don't know what to do! How can this be!" screamed Hidan, before he was roundhouse kicked out of the ring by Ishizu.

'What was that? Why did he stop his attack and why the hell do I have a massive headache?' thought Ishizu as he went to Yugito.

Taking out a smoke bomb to hide from their view, Ishizu began thinking of an alternative plan.

Inside the smokescreen

"Are you all right?" asked Ishizu while he clutched his head in pain. Yugito nodded, but both of her legs were showing something else.

"He got lucky. It hurts. I can not stand, but you did something to stop him."

"Yeah, and whatever it made my head spin like crazy."

Kakuzu made his way to Hidan to help him up.

"Stop messing around Hidan and let's get the Jinchūriki."

"**** you, Kakuzu. I can't believe I forgot how to kill her. This is blasphemy. I shall atone for that by killing the other one with the cat!" Before Hidan could attack him by Kakuzu.

"No, we are doing this together. No more delay."

Deep inside, Ishizu was glad that Hidan stopped his attack. The reason would have to be found out later. Yugito could not fight anymore and his head was killing him.

"Listen, I have a plan for how you can survive this. You have to trust me. Either that or we both die," explained Ishizu.

Yugito saw that she was at his mercy, so she agreed to his plan. Placing his finger on his right shoulder, a small scroll popped out.


With a Ram sign, the scroll opened up, revealing a complex Fuinjutsu formation.

"Here, place his formation around your heart."

"What is that? I have never seen such a complex Fuinjutsu. Not even the seal to contain Matatabi isn't that complex."

"Well, because it had a different purpose and I am a much better Fuinjutsu expert than anyone in Kumo. Now do it or it's too late."

With a bit of hesitation, Yugito placed the seal over her heart. She felt as if a lightning bolt passed through her body before losing consciousness.

'Good. Now the only thing that's left to do is to stall them out until the seal is saturated.'

Creating a wood clone, Ishizu switched places with him before creating a wood shelter around him and Yugito.

From the outside, Kakuzu and Hidan show the wood clone coming out.

"I will defeat you!"

"Wood Style: Deep Forest Emerges"

"This is your grave," screamed Ishizu in an over-dramatic voice to sound as if he was about to go down.

Kakuzu used his hearts to pulverize the Wood.

Hidan chased after the clone and finally got blood which of course wasn't his since clones down bleed or not this one.

The blood was actually Yugito's but even when Hidan stabbed himself in the heart while the clone faked being stabbed, Ishizu was confident that the stab wouldn't hurt her.

Being certain Kakuzu burned the body from afar, not doing a mistake to come closer and lose another heart.

Having defeated the clone, Kakuzu opened the wood shelter to find Yugito lying on the ground; alone.

'He just left her? He died and left her here without protection? Something is wrong,' thought Kakuzu.

"Hidan, check if she is still alive," said Kakuzu, distancing himself from her and checking the surrounding for any ambush.

"She has a weak pulse. She ain't dead. I bet this guy thought he could win against the two of us."

They took the body, but Kakazu felt that something was not right. The fight was over too fast. His thoughts were broken when Hidan started annoying him by doing his prayer.

And true, they didn't account for Ishizu's famous Fuinjutsu and a certain ability of the Rinnegan.

Not too far from the Akatsuki was Ishizu, who used his King of Hell to protect Yugito after Hidan stabbed himself. This allowed her to survive the stab and not die.

"Man, that was a risky maneuver. Now your brats can open your mouths," said Ishizu while watching the Genin running towards their Sensei and inspected her.

"She is fully healed. How is that possible?" asked one of them, having seen Yugito tacking damage.

Ishizu smirked. He had a nice fight and even though the fight turned out different from what he expected; he gained a new ability that he had no clue how it worked.

Not only that, but it gave him a massive headache, which made it hard to think. It was as if something was forcefully put into his memory.

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