"Shisui! It turns out you are grilling meat."

Luffy found the source of the meat smell and found that it was Uchiha Shisui grilling meat.

The meat skewers in Uchiha Shisui's hand were sizzling with oil and fragrant.

"Hey, this barbecue method looks a bit familiar."Luffy found that Uchiha Shisui's way of grilling meat looked familiar.

He couldn't remember other things, but Luffy had a photographic memory of what he ate.

Uchiha Shisui smiled and handed the grilled meat skewers to Lu Fei asked by the way:"This is my original way of barbecue. Have you seen it elsewhere?"

Luffy took the meat skewers and ate it hastily. He had already forgotten Uchiha Shisui's problem.

Of course, Uchiha Shisui did not delve into such a small problem.

After a while, Luffy After finishing all the meat skewers, he touched his belly and said:

"Oops, finally alive again, hahaha."

This meat made up for the damage caused by Luffy vomiting blood just now.

Luffy burped, and then he had time to speak:"Not bad, can you catch wild beasts? You have seen that the cultivation of sebaqi is progressing very quickly."

"It’s faster than when I was practicing the Haki of Knowledge and Color. Zhisui shook his head modestly and said,"Maybe it's because I'm blind." There is no external interference, but it is more suitable for the practice of seeing, hearing, color and domineering."

"Thank you, Luffy."Shisui sincerely thanked him.

Uchiha Shisui has been helping others since he was a child. As an Uchiha genius, he basically does not need help from others.

Until Luffy saved his life and taught him so much.

Uchiha Shisui always felt guilty if he didn't do something for the other party. From

Luffy's chat yesterday, he overheard that he liked to eat barbecue.

Today, Uchiha Shisui worked hard. Hunting a wild boar.

In the process of catching the wild boar, Uchiha Shisui also discovered that the more he used the Haki, the more proficient he became.

Shisui found that after he got used to it, it was much easier to use than his eyes.

This made Uchiha Shisui feel even more regretful.

He cut down trees to make wooden sticks, skinned, cleaned, cut and other operations on the wild boar, and finally finished the barbecue.

If Luffy was nearby, he would be able to recognize this set. The method of making barbecue is exactly the same as that of Uchiha Bamboo.

Uchiha Bamboo was too lazy and didn't learn any powerful ninjutsu from"Shunshen Shisui". He only learned how to make barbecue

, so he obviously couldn't repay his life-saving grace..

This is the only thing Uchiha Shisui can do for Luffy at this stage.

Shisui sat quietly, listening to the sound of Luffy chewing meat with a smile, and felt very satisfied.

"Did something go wrong with today's mission?"When Luffy finished eating all the barbecue, Shisui asked.

He smelled the smell of blood on Luffy's body.

"ah? Task? oh oh."Luffy was stunned for a moment, fell back on the grass and said,"It's absolutely no problem."

"if......I mean if you run into trouble on a mission, maybe I can help with some advice."

Although Shisui has not fought against Luffy, based on the contacts in the past few days, Luffy is not a ninja although he is not weak.

He was fine in the previous missions, but he was actually injured this time.

Now that he has come to his"professional" Realm, Shisui couldn't hold it back anymore, so he tactfully reminded him

"Just put paint on Naruto's body, no difficulty at all."Luffy put his hands on the back of his head and said casually while looking at the sky.

"However, if you talk about the mission of a ninja, it sounds interesting. next time i——"

"etc! Who do you want to paint on?"Zhisui interrupted Luffy abruptly and asked nervously.

"Naruto! He is a thin old man with a gray beard."Luffy was afraid that Shisui didn't know Naruto, so he explained

"Apply paint?"

"Oh, yes"

"Nothing else?"

"What else needs to be done? The task is to apply paint all over him! That’s so interesting, haha."Luffy couldn't help but laugh when he thought of Hiruzen Sarutobi's face with red paint.

Uchiha Shisui was silent.

It turns out that Luffy has been keeping the paint bucket in his hand these days and leaves regularly. Is he going to paint the Hokage?

This What operation?

Shisui didn't understand, but he was shocked.

"you......Is there any profound meaning in doing this?"

He still wants to try to understand the reason why Luffy did this.

If he doesn't understand the reason, he can't give reasonable suggestions.

"ah? Is it difficult to understand that if you eat other people's food, you have to do other people's favors? However, it ends in two days."Luffy said excitedly while lying on the grass, looking at the sky.

"After it's over, I'm leaving here. Do you want to join my pirate group and come with me?"

Zhisui did not answer Luffy's question, but said in surprise:"In other words, in the next two days, you will have to paint the Hokage-sama?"

"yes."Luffy looked as if he should take it for granted.

"You said the mission was for a week, it has already taken four days, and there are still two more days to go. Isn't four plus two six? But there are seven days in a week"

"Ah, so there are seven days in a week? Then let’s go for three more days."Luffy suddenly realized

"You he......"Shisui was speechless for a moment, things were so bizarre that he didn't know what to say.

If someone else said that, Shisui would definitely think he was lying.

After these few days of contact, Shisui discovered that Luffy had a carefree personality, but he was magnanimous and had never told a lie.

I went to paint the Hokage for several days in a row, nothing happened, and I can still come back and eat barbecue every day?

Could it be that you smeared the paint on someone else?

As a member of the Anbu, Shisui knew the strength of the Third Hokage very well.

After asking a few questions, Shisui confirmed that what Luffy said was actually true!

In the past few days, the Third Hokage has been painted by him every day!

I'm not in the ANBU. Are the guards around Hokage already so stretched?

Being able to master the secret technique"Knowing Color Haki", Luffy's strength should not be underestimated.

However, the Third Hokage is a ninjutsu professor and is recognized as the strongest in the village. He won't be able to defeat him for four days in a row, right?

What's more, there are ANBU ninjas protecting Naruto.

If someone were to assassinate someone, the consequences would be disastrous.

"don’t worry. When you become proficient in seeing and hearing Haki, your perceptual abilities will be far beyond what you could see before, and your combat strength will also be enhanced. Want to take revenge on the person who took away your eyes?"Luffy asked strangely when he saw that Shisui's face was solemn and he was mumbling to himself.

"ah? no no. I have already said that Danzo is a high-ranking official in Konoha, and dealing with him will only cause chaos in the village. We just have different ideas about peace and there is nothing to take revenge on." Shisui explained.

For many years in Anbu, the word Shisui heard most was:"overall situation."

He was taught to think about the overall situation of Konoha, and he usually did the same.

When Danzo took away his Mangekyō Sharingan As he watched, Shisui thought to himself that this was a sacrifice for the peace of the village. This was the will of fire.

Wherever the leaves flew, fire continued to grow.

Since he had become a useless"waste", he might as well become a useless person."Nutrition"

Therefore, Shisui gave Itachi the other eye, and did not ask him to seek revenge from Danzo, but told him to protect Konoha Village.

"Since I can't find a way for my family and the village to coexist, Itachi is a genius beyond me. He must be able to find a better way!"

"Whether Uchiha destroys Konoha or Konoha destroys Uchiha, this is not the ending I want."

"I want everyone to get along well, but I really can't do it!"Zhi Shui thought of this, covering his head in pain, kneeling on the ground and growling.

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