Aburame's"tracking bug" easily found Luffy.

Luffy had never thought about hiding his whereabouts, nor did he know how to hide, and he didn't know any anti-tracking skills.

Aburame's extraction suddenly stopped.

After a few minutes, an inconspicuous little bug landed on his finger.

Aburame took the root and put the insect back into her body, and said to Danzo,"Sir! The target stopped in front."

Everyone looked forward.

It was already dark.

In the forest in the distance, there was actually a flicker of fire.

Shanfeng snorted and said,"What a poor performance."

Which ninja would suddenly stop to light a fire while escaping?

This kind of clumsy"little trap" is okay against genin. We have two kage-level ninjas and four jounin here.

This combination is enough to destroy a small country.

Will I still be fooled like you?

"Sir, there is another person beside the target. them......"Aburame took root and continued.

"They seem to be barbecuing"


The ninjas, including Sarutobi Hiruzen, were stunned.

They have never been in���I have seen this happen when attacking enemies.

The enemy was halfway running and suddenly stopped to barbecue?

This is as casual as a child.

It's totally against common sense.

Sarutobi Hiruzen followed Danzo silently, without speaking, as if he was an outsider.

Aburame took root and only reported the situation to Danzo.

"I don't know much about Genbe's ninja strength."Sarutobi Hiruzen glanced at Danzo.

Over the years since the establishment of the Roots, Danzo has been solely responsible for everything. Even Sarutobi Hiruzen, the Hokage, could not interfere.

Danzo stared at the light of the bonfire in the distance and said calmly:" Go and see who it is. Catch if you can, kill if you can."

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked stern and looked at Danzo seriously.

After Danzo paused for a few seconds, he said,"Master Hokage and I are supporting you from behind."

Aburame took the root as the leader, and the four root jounin saluted Danzo together, then suddenly dispersed and quickly disappeared into the woods.

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at Danzo standing quietly with his hands in his sleeves, and his eyes reflected The bonfire danced in the distance.

Danzo thought that the opponent relied on surprise and speed to attack, and the four ambush nins had not yet been in position, so they succeeded in painting Sarutobi Hiruzen's face.

Now, the offense and defense were changing.

In the dark, the other party is in the light.

It should be enough to send four jounin to arrest people, right?

Painting Naruto's body is not a big unrest. It is Uchiha who really brings unrest to the village.

This is something that the teacher, Senju Tobirama, has been worrying about all his life. I must fulfill the teacher's last wish and completely eliminate the Uchiha, the biggest factor of instability.

Danzo's face flashed with fierceness, and then he said calmly:" Let's go too, Hiruzen"......

Luffy looked at Shisui who was kneeling on the ground, covering his head and screaming in pain.

"Konoha's ninja must sacrifice for the village."

This sentence is like a"thought stamp", firmly engraved in the mind of every Konoha ninja.

Shisui didn't want to betray the village with his tribe.

That's why he wanted to use"other gods" to put an end to the tribe's rebellion. Thoughts.

Unexpectedly, Danzo suddenly took away his left eye.

Shisui thought that committing suicide at this time would not only weaken Uchiha's fighting power, but also cause him no need to explain why he lost his left eye. The greater hatred between Konoha and the tribe.

Shisui was willing to give up his life for the sake of peace between the two sides. In the days after his"death", Shisui still thought about it because he knew that the time to take action was very short. It

's close!

He doesn't want to see someone he knows die. He has never experienced this kind of dilemma, and he can always find a convenient way to deal with it. He punched Zhisui on the back of the head and passed out.

"It’s really annoying when a man always cries like this."

"If you have any worries, just take a nap and you'll be fine."

This action startled the four Jonin who had just come over and were hiding not far away.

"Internal strife?"Yamafeng expressed his confusion.

At this distance, you can see each other's appearance clearly without a tracking bug.

The four jounin were very curious.

Who was the person who painted the Hokage every day these days.

They observed Luffy carefully.

This boy was wearing a straw hat, a red vest, and blue shorts. There was a scar under his left eye. He couldn't feel any chakra fluctuations from his body. He looked really ordinary.

"it's him?"Nara Suzaku asked Aburame Tune.

The other two people also looked at Aburame Tune. Although they didn't speak, they expressed the same question with their eyes.

Don't you mistake the wrong person?

Aburame Tune looked serious. Said:"Even if the opponent uses transformation or clone techniques, they can't get rid of my tracking bug. You can’t go wrong! it's him!"

Shanfeng and Aburame Takegen are old partners. He noticed that the other party's expression was wrong and asked:"What's the problem?"

Aburame Tune didn't answer, and kept staring in the direction of Luffy.

Seeing that he didn't reply, Yamazaka followed Aburame Tune's gaze and looked over.

"That is? ?"

"That's Uchiha Shisui!"Nara Suzaku had served in the police force and was familiar with Shisui's appearance.

"He's not dead?"

"Was the information Itachi gave wrong?"

The Aburame took the root cautiously, stretched out her palm, and a black insect flew out.

"Things have changed. We'll wait for Danzo-sama's orders."

"It’s been a long time since we went on a mission together, Danzo."Sarutobi Hiruzen said with a slightly nostalgic tone.

Both of them were students of the Second Hokage Senju Tobirama.

They studied together and did tasks together when they were very young.

Danzo snorted and said nothing.

"etc."Danzo suddenly stopped.

Sarutobi Hiruzen also stopped and looked over.

On the tip of Danzo's finger, a small black insect disappeared in a flash.

Sarutobi Hiruzen knew that it was Aburame. The clan's voice-messaging bug.

This is a"disposable" bug that can't fly very far and can only transmit one sentence.

This bug is specially cultivated by the Aburame clan and used to transmit messages in team battles. His brows furrowed, and a trace of gloom flashed across his face.

Sarutobi Hiruzen thought to himself,"I don't know what words came from the front that made Danzo look so ugly."

"What's wrong?"

After Danzo didn't speak for a while, Sarutobi Hiruzen asked.

"Uchiha Shisui is still alive.

Sarutobi Hiruzen was stunned:"Where is he?""

Uchiha Shisui was very loyal to the village, and Sarutobi Hiruzen saw it.

Danzo took away Shisui's eyes, causing Shisui to commit suicide. Sarutobi Hiruzen was very dissatisfied.

However, he was dissatisfied, and there was nothing he could do. He could only mock Danzo occasionally.

Now that he found out that Shisui was not dead, Sarutobi Hiruzen subconsciously wanted to know where he was.

Danzo slowly raised his hand and pointed forward:"It's right in front, follow. Your attackers are together."

Sarutobi Hiruzen's pupils shrank sharply. The attacker in the past few days actually knew Shisui!

Are the two colluding!?

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