[Hmm~ I feel so uncomfortable. Why do I always feel itchy all over?

Ahhhhhhh… So annoying!

Are you going to let me sleep? ! ]

Lazy Sheep, who always slept after eating and did not wake up even after the Yamato cell implantation surgery, was successfully awakened by the strange feeling on his body.

As a result, my lazy brother got excited and countless twisted wood immediately rushed out of his body, bursting the culture chamber that held him.

Those wood continued to extend outwards and soon occupied every corner of the laboratory. All the culture chambers along the way were squeezed and deformed, and the experimental subjects fell from the culture chamber to the ground one by one.

"Huh~ much more comfortable~"

Lazy Sheep pulled off the mask on his face and took a deep breath.

"Something happened in the lab, go check it out!"

"Damn, where did these woods come from?! They blocked the entire passage..."

"Something is wrong, go report to Master Danzo!"

Noisy shouts from the Root personnel came from outside the lab, but the instigator, Lazy Sheep, was not panicked at all.

He even felt sorry for the nutrient solution that was all over the floor.

"What a pity, I haven't eaten enough of this stuff~

Alas... What a waste~"

Well... this is what my lazy brother said.

But soon, Lazy Sheep didn't care about feeling sorry for the nutrient solution that was all over the floor, because he noticed the experimental subjects lying on the floor.

I only heard Lazy Sheep talking to himself.

"Hey~ Aren't these the friends who shared the food (nutrient solution) with me?

... They don't seem to be in a good condition..."


Listen, people... no, sheep, don't you? !

My lazy brother actually thought that such a horrible thing as being captured as an experimental subject was sharing food with him? !

Please, not everyone is as perverted as you, Lazy Sheep? !

(╯°Д°)╯︵ ┻━┻!!!

"They seem to be dying~

But… why do I feel that I can save them…"

Lazy Sheep continued to talk to himself, following his feeling and inserting his fingers into the mouth of an experimental subject.

Somewhere, a special energy flowed from Lazy Sheep's fingers into the body of this experimental subject.

With the injection of this energy, the cells of this experimental subject quickly merged with Yamato cells, not only did the vital signs gradually return to normal, but he also mastered Wood Release without knowing it.

The other fifty-eight experimental subjects were also treated by Lazy Sheep in the same way, and were pulled back from the brink of death.

"Well… who is this uncle?

I Why haven't I seen him here before... New here?"

Finally, Lazy Sheep found Yamato in a corner, who was still unconscious after his cells were extracted and stuffed into the culture chamber.

It has to be said that this guy is really miserable. In order to increase the survival rate of the experimental subject, the old guy Shimura Danzo wanted to extract all the cells in Yamato's spinal cord.

Yamato can hold on until now, in addition to the wood escape having a certain effect on repairing his own injuries, it is all thanks to the nutrient solution in the culture chamber.

Fortunately, my lazy brother's rampage just now did not affect Yamato's culture chamber, otherwise he would probably die before Lazy Sheep found him.

Frightened, Lazy Sheep immediately broke the culture chamber and put Yamato He took him out and immediately put his finger into Yamato's mouth.

"Hmm... Uncle, your situation seems to be worse than others."

If the energy that flowed out of Lazy Sheep's body when saving other experimental subjects before was just a small drop of water;

Then the energy that Yamato took out of Lazy Sheep's body this time can at least fill a large basin.

Oh, I forgot to say...

In Lazy Sheep's self-perception, the amount of special energy that saved them in his body... can at least accumulate a sea.

If converted into the general unit of the ninja world, it would be about... 150 Kakashi?


"Where am I?"

"My head hurts~"

Soon, the experimental subjects who were saved by Lazy Sheep all woke up, and they all looked around blankly.

"You are awake~

You were in a bad situation just now, and I saved you~

By the way, my name is Lazy Sheep, what are your names?"

Lazy Sheep jumped over and greeted the experimental subjects enthusiastically.


Experimental subjects: ⊙_⊙…

No one answered Lazy Sheep's question, and a group of people cast all their eyes on Lazy Sheep.

Lazy Sheep: Õ_Õ…I feel that something bad will happen next…

Experimental subject A: "He said it wasHe saved us."

Test subject B: "This breath... yes, it's him."

Test subject C: "So, he really is..."

"Father!" ×59

Lazy Sheep: (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))? !!

"Hey, hey, hey! Don't yell at me, I'm still a pure little virgin~"

Lazy Sheep shyly covered his face and shouted at the test subjects.

"We are at most good friends who enjoy delicious food together... You can't just recognize our relationship~

By the way, you haven't told me your names yet..."

The fifty-nine test subjects looked at each other, and then said in unison.

"Please give me a name, Father!" ×59

Lazy Sheep: Σ(っ °Д °;)っ? !!

"I told you I'm not your father!!!

(╯°Д°)╯︵ ┻━┻!!!"

Lazy Sheep collapsed.

"Don't you have your own name?!"

"They don't remember. When they became experimental subjects, all their previous memories were washed away."

Yamato, who woke up at some point, with a slightly pale face, slowly walked to Lazy Sheep, looking at this unique sheep with a complicated expression.

"Logically speaking, you shouldn't have any previous memories, but...

I can feel that it was you who saved us, thank you."

"Hey~ Uncle, you're awake!

My name is Lazy Sheep, what's your name, uncle?!"

Lazy Sheep looked at Yamato with anticipation.

"Hello, Lazy Sheep, my name is... Yamato."

When Yamato said his name , his voice was obviously much quieter.

"Uncle Yamato~ Hello~"

Finally, he met someone with whom he could communicate normally, and Lazy Sheep seemed very excited.

"Wait... Uncle, what do you mean by 'experimental subject'?"

Congratulations to my lazy brother, I have successfully found the blind spot!

"... This is the laboratory where Danzo Shimura conducts human experiments.

Maybe the Hokage... Sarutobi Hiruzen is also involved."

After saying this, Yamato's expression became more complicated.


Lazy Sheep nodded repeatedly, and then asked innocently.

"What does human experiment mean?"

Yamato: 눈_눈...

"It means to conduct experiments on you, with a high mortality rate."

Lazy Sheep: Σ( ° △ ​​°|||)︴? ! !

[emmm... the mortality rate is very high? ! ]

"Then those who were taken away before..."

Lazy Sheep vaguely guessed their fate, but he dared not say it out loud.

"Yes, if nothing unexpected happens, those who were taken away were abandoned because of the failure of the experiment... They should be dead now, and their bodies have been secretly handled."

Lazy Sheep: (°ー°〃)...

Before this, my lazy brother always thought that they were full and left first...

"Too much... too much!

How could these people do such a hateful thing?!

... It's a hundred times, a thousand times more hateful than Gray Wolf!"

My lazy brother... is angry! ! !

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