The most difficult thing in this world is fate.

Maybe one day, you will meet the right person at the right time.

Unfortunately... the place is wrong.

Tsunade suspected that she probably drank fake wine last night, which made her see a dense jungle suddenly appear in the distance overnight when she just left the hotel.

What's even more weird is that she can faintly sense some breath of Wood Release from that forest.

[What's going on? My great grandfather ran out of the coffin? !

Or... there are other Senju people in the ninja world besides me, and that person has successfully awakened Wood Release? ! ]

At this moment, Tsunade's brain, which had been paralyzed by alcohol for a long time, was completely awake.

Going to the gambling house for entertainment can be put aside for now. The most urgent task is to find the person who casts Wood Release to verify Tsunade's guess.

So Tsunade carried Shizune, Shizune held the pig... the two of them and the pet rushed to the distant forest at a rapid speed.

In a hurry, Tsunade didn't realize that their route just passed the casino in this village, and the owner of the casino happened to be standing in front of the door.

As a result, when they ran, the casino owner who witnessed the whole process was stunned for a moment...

"Fuck?! Wake up!

The big fat sheep ran away, and she hasn't signed the IOU yet!

... Hurry up and chase her!"

The thugs in the casino woke up in a daze under the roar of the boss, and hurriedly picked up their own things and chased in the direction where Tsunade left.

Don't get me wrong, they were holding a bunch of freshly written IOUs and ink pads...

"Big fat sheep... Ah, Tsunade-sama!

Please sign the IOU before you leave!"

"Yes, yes, you sign the IOU, so our boss can go to Konoha to ask for money...

Fuck~ This woman ran too fast, I can't catch up at all..."

Can't catch up, can't catch up at all~

There's no way, they had to give up.

Because of this debt evasion incident, Tsunade's reputation as a "fat sheep" has experienced an unprecedented decline in the entire ninja gambling industry...

Of course, this is a later story, let's turn the scene back to the scene again.

You should have guessed that the only person who can use Wood Release to create such a large forest overnight...

In the current ninja world, only my lazy brother and his fifty-nine cheap sons can do it.

Well, maybe Yamato also contributed to it.

"The successor of Wood Release appeared in Konoha Village, openly hunting down the third generation Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen"...

This kind of eye-catching thing has long been spread throughout the ninja world. Logically, Tsunade should have known about it a long time ago...

But Tsunade really didn't know!

Since leaving the village, Tsunade has never paid attention to the information of Konoha.

Well... Shizune knows something, and she originally planned to tell Tsunade.

But the problem is that Tsunade's daily life now is gambling, escaping debts, drinking...

She is a group of people who follow the rules of the three points and one line. How can she have time to listen to the little girl Shizune's nagging? !

This has led to Tsunade still not knowing that a wooden man with a sheep face and a poop head appeared in Konoha and almost beat Sarutobi Hiruzen to death...


The scene then shows this suddenly appeared forest.

In the middle of the forest, Yamato and fifty-nine experimental subjects are sitting in a huge house with serious faces.

Judging from the heavy expressions on their faces, they must have encountered a big problem.

Yes, they did encounter a big problem.

The sheep... are lost again!!!

It was a sunny morning, and the fifty-nine experimental subjects who woke up refreshed all asked the same question:

Where is Dad? !

And the person they asked was Yamato who took the initiative to keep watch last night.

Yamato: ⊙_⊙...

To be honest, Yamato really didn't know where Lazy Sheep had gone.

He only remembered last night...

Lazy Sheep, who was drooling in his sleep, suddenly stood up straight in an unreasonable posture (refer to Allen's performance in Shameful Iron Fist for details), walked over with his eyes closed and knocked him down with a punch...

Yamato didn't know what happened afterwards.

After knocking Yamato down, my sleepwalking lazy brother left and disappeared.

Fortunately, there was a faint connection between my lazy brother and everyone's mind.

They were able to follow Lazy Sheep's steps all the way to here.

But as soon as they got here, they found another problem. The connection between them and Lazy Sheep... was suddenly disconnected.

Everyone was at a loss and had to rest on the spot and discuss the next step of "finding dad".

This forest and house also appeared because of this.

Well, the forest was created by the joint efforts of fifty-nine experimental subjects;

As for Yamato… After being rescued by Lazy Sheep, Yamato’s Wood Release strength has been unprecedentedly enhanced, much stronger than other experimental subjects;

But somehow, Yamato’s Wood Release can only build a house…

Coincidentally, Lazy Sheep is in the hotel where Tsunade stayed last night; and just upstairs from Tsunade…sleeping soundly.

Why did the connection between the experimental subjects and Lazy Sheep suddenly break?

That was naturally the work of my lazy brother.

My lazy brother’s experience these days can be roughly summarized as follows:

Wake up from sleepwalking → find lost → very hungry → look for food → come to the village → eat and drink → find a place to sleep.

As a result, my lazy brother found that every time he lay down on the bed, a deep call came from his mind inexplicably:

"Where is Dad?"

"Where is Dad?"

"Where did you go, Dad?!"

Lazy Sheep: (▼皿▼#)! ! !

As the biggest representative of eating and sleeping, my lazy brother immediately blocked the voice in his mind and slept soundly in bed.

As a result, he slept well, but worried the experimental sons who came along the way.

All the experimental subjects were worried about losing contact with their old father...

Even a few filial sons suspected that my lazy brother had been killed.

"Brothers, we can't wait any longer!

Father is now in danger and is waiting for our rescue... Let's fight!"


Everyone should be able to sense that before losing contact with father, he should be in the village ahead...

In any case, find father first... Let's fight!"

"For father!!!"



The emotions of the experimental subjects were completely mobilized, and they were excited for a while, and they wanted to rush into the village immediately to rescue their old father who was "murdered".

At this moment, Tsunade and Shizune arrived here, releasing their vast chakra to the outside world.

"Who is using Wood Release here?!"

Experimental subject: (⊙o⊙)! ! !

[This woman is so strong, could it be... that she killed our father? !


"Brothers, fight her!"

Yamato: (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))? ! !

Yamato still knows Tsunade, the princess of Konoha.


It's too late, the experimental subjects have already rushed up.

The battle is about to start!

And my lazy brother...

He just woke up and was about to go out for breakfast...

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