God has mercy on me, Tsunade just asked a question.

Although due to the momentary urgency, her question may indeed lack a little courtesy.

However, there is no need for dozens of people to rush out and attack her without saying a word? !

And looking at the expressions on these people's faces, it seems that they have some unsolvable hatred with her, Tsunade...

It's obvious that they want to kill Tsunade!

And when these people made a move, Tsunade was shocked again.

All she saw was the same Wood Release~

When did the Wood Release unique to her great grandfather, Senju Hashirama, become popular among the people? !

It's strange, it's emotional, but Wood Release is not a joke.


"Stop it, Wood Release* Four Pillars Family Technique!"

Yamato, who came to mediate, was kicked away by Tsunade. The fifty-nine experimental subjects who rushed up to attack Tsunade were protected by the big house built by Yamato.


In the village~

"Wow~ This three-color meatball seems to be delicious, and this seafood soup is also very good...

Boss, another serving✧(◍˃̶ᗜ˂̶◍)✩~"

The shop owner's inner thoughts:

[I didn't expect that there are sheep that can speak human language in this world... I really learned a lot today. 】


"Sir, Tsunade-sama, these little guys don't know you, and they attacked you in a moment of impulse... Sorry~"

Yamato kept apologizing to Tsunade with his head on the ground, and almost knocked his head to bleed.

If Shizune hadn't stopped him, Tsunade's hemophobia might have attacked in the next second, and she would have lost her fighting power;

Yamato would have set a historic feat of killing Tsunade by herself.

"Oh~ it's you, I recognize you, you are called Tian... Tenzo, right?

Why don't you stay in Konoha and run here?

Also, these guys who can use Wood Release... are they all from my Senju clan?"

Yamato: (' - ' *)...

"... Tsunade-sama, don't you know? I'm no longer a ninja of Konoha."

The bounty order for Yamato from Konoha Village has long been spread in the ninja world, and Tsunade, one of the three ninjas of Konoha, didn't know about it...

Shouldn't it be? !

[Not a ninja of Konoha... a traitor? !

Hey, hey, hey~ Is it really appropriate for you to say such things in front of my Konoha Princess Tsunade? ! 】

Tsunade: ⊙_⊙……

"Tenzo, are you going to betray the village... What's going on?

You'd better give me a reasonable explanation."

"Well... that, Lady Tsunade, I may know what's going on."

Shizune quietly walked to Tsunade and raised her hand.

Tsunade: →_→……


"Some time ago, there was news from Konoha that a huge wooden man appeared in Konoha Village and hunted down the Third Hokage in public;

Soon after, a bounty order for Tenzo was issued..."

Tsunade: ꒰๑•⌓︎•๑꒱ᵎᵎᵎ

[Hunting down an old man in public? !

Tenzo, when did you become so brave? !

And has your Wood Release become so powerful? ! 】

Tsunade looked at Yamato with doubt in her eyes. To be honest, she really couldn't believe this news.

"Ahem~ Don't misunderstand, Tsunade-sama. It's not me who is chasing after Sarutobi Hiruzen, but..."

"It's our beloved father!" ×59.

Tsunade: (°ο°)~

That's right~

Tsunade said that Yamato doesn't look like someone with that kind of strength.

"Tenzo, what exactly is going on... I hope you can explain it to me in detail."


In the village.

"Hmm~ It seems that I'm running out of money. I have to find a way to make some money~"

Lazy Sheep, who was thinking about how to make money, suddenly looked up and saw the slogan posted outside the gambling house:

《Make a small bet for a big profit, and make tens of millions a day! 》

So my lazy brother ran to the gambling house owner who was standing at the door and feeling sad.

"Uncle, can you really make tens of millions a day here?"

【Hmm? ? ? A little fat sheep, and can still talk? ! 】

The owner of the gambling house was stunned for a moment, but soon his face was full of professional smiles.

"Of course, if you are lucky, you can even make more~"

"Oh, I understand."

My lazy brother ran into the gambling house without hesitation.

Behind Lazy Sheep, the owner of the gambling house rubbed his hands excitedly.

[I didn't expect that a big fat sheep ran away, and soon another small fat sheep came to the door automatically... Hehehe...]



The old man actually colluded with Shimura Danzo and conducted human experiments behind his back? ! "

"So they are not members of my Senju clan, but like you, they have merged with the body cells of my great grandfather..."

"... Well done, why didn't you kill the old man and Shimura Danzo? !"

After listening to Yamato's story, Tsunade was indignant at what Sarutobi Hiruzen and Shimura Danzo did, and felt sorry that these 59 experimental subjects were not from her family.

"So the reason you came here is to find the person who rescued you from the laboratory, right?"

Yamato: "Not a human, but a sheep."

Experimental subjects: "Not a sheep, but our beloved father."

Tsunade: ⊙_⊙...

"Okay, okay, no matter whether he is a human or a sheep... are you sure he is in the village?"

Experimental subjects: "Idiot woman, I said it was our beloved father!!! ”

Tsunade: (▼皿▼#)!!!


A powerful punch shattered the ground for dozens of meters around, and the scene suddenly fell silent.

“Shut up, all of you!”

Experimental subjects: (꒪⌓꒪) …

“Oh…” ×59

Yamato wiped the beads of sweat on his forehead and smiled cautiously.

“Yes, Lady Tsunade is very observant~”


Tsunade squinted her eyes and nodded, feeling very pleased.

“In that case, let me help you find that lazy… lazy sheep~”

“Ah…is this…is this a bit too much trouble for you? ! ”

Yamato was overjoyed to get Tsunade’s help, but he still politely refused.

“It’s okay. I just want to meet the man you said dared to beat the old man and Shimura Danzo to death… What kind of person is he?

I, Tsunade, have good relationships in this village, so it’s not a problem to find someone~”

Shizune: (ー ー゛)…

[Tsunade-sama, when you say you have good relationships… do you mean that there are all kinds of people chasing you for debts every day?]

“Uncle, you really didn’t lie to me. You can really make a lot of money here~

You are a good person. Thank you~

… I will definitely come again! ”

Lazy Sheep, who made 3 billion with 50 taels of capital, greeted the gambling house owner enthusiastically before leaving and expressed his sincere gratitude to him.

Gambling house owner: (*꒦ິ⌓꒦ີ)...

The moment my lazy brother walked out of the gambling house, the gambling house was completely declared bankrupt.

Gambling house owner: [I even lost the IOU that Tsunade didn’t have time to sign... wuwuwuwu~]


“Father! ”×59

“Lazy Sheep, we finally found you~”

Lazy Sheep just walked out of the casino, and the next second he bumped into Tsunade who was returning to the village with a group of experimental subjects.

[Wow~ What a cute sheep (ᵒ̴̶̷̤໐ᵒ̴̶̷̤)! 】

As we all know, girls have almost zero resistance to cute things... including Tsunade.

The next moment, Tsunade, who was completely smitten by Lazy Sheep’s cute appearance, made a shocking decision.

“Lazy Sheep, come and be my pet~”

Lazy Sheep: ⊙_⊙……

Others: 눈_눈……

“……Although I don’t know who you are yet... But I’m sorry, I refuse.”

Lazy Sheep decisively refused.

“Huh? ! "

Tsunade was instantly depressed, but she suddenly remembered that the guy in front of her seemed to have just walked out of a gambling house...

We are like-minded~

So Tsunade, who was mysteriously confident in her gambling skills, immediately shouted.

"Lazy Sheep, let's gamble!

If I win, you will be my pet;

If I lose... then from now on, I, Tsunade, will listen to you!"

Shizune: (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))? ! !

For some reason, Shizune suddenly had a very bad feeling...

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