Uchiha Huoyao's cool operation completely opened the door to a new world for the Uchiha people.

It turns out that the Uchiha family's Susanoo can be played like this~

But think about it, the ability of the Uchiha clan's Mangekyo is the embodiment of their own will, so by the same token...

The third force that resides in the Mangekyo, Susanoo, can naturally change accordingly according to the user's will.

"Let me do it this time, I have a bold idea."

Seeing that Shimura Danzo in front of him was resurrected again, an Uchiha clan member stood up, and then...

"Danzo old dog, eat my ruthless whipping technique!"

Countless tentacles stretched out across the sky, covering the sky and the sun, and finally tied Shimura Danzo and his black Susanoo tightly.

Snap! Snap! Snap! Snap...

More tentacles quickly extended to Shimura Danzo's body, whipping his Susanoo fiercely;

With each swing of the tentacles, a part of Shimura Danzo's Susanoo would shatter, until his Susanoo was left with only a fragile skeleton...

The tentacles suddenly contracted, driving Shimura Danzo and his Susanoo to fly back to the Uchiha, and finally hit the ground heavily.


A bottomless pit suddenly exploded on the ground. If Shimura Danzo and his Susanoo could hold on a little longer, he would have become the first legend in history to break through the earth and reach the Pure Land.

If the Pure Land of the Ninja World is really underground...

Unfortunately, Shimura Danzo has now turned into a pile of meat paste, and he can't even be put together like a human being.


The Uchiha people stood by the pit and waited for a long time. They had clearly detected the chakra reaction of Shimura Danzo.

But strangely, until now, Shimura Danzo has not appeared in front of everyone again.

"Run away?"

"No, no... I can still detect the chakra reaction of old dog Danzo. He is in the pit now."

"Then he is afraid so he dare not come out... What should we do?"

The Uchiha clan members turned their heads to look at their clan leader, waiting for him to come up with an idea for everyone.

I saw that Uchiha Fugaku's face was also very bad at the moment. He walked to the edge of the pit with a dark face, leaned over and shouted at the darkness below.

"Danzo, old dog, are you trying to escape the revenge of my Uchiha clan in such a ridiculous way?!

Konoha's Hokage assistant, Root leader, Konoha's Anshi Danzo Shimura!

Do you still have any dignity as a ninja?!

Come out quickly!

Don't let me look down on you, bastard!


Facing Uchiha Fugaku's provocation, Shimura Danzo, who was hiding at the bottom of the pit and dared not speak, said:


It seems that you will look up to me if I go out.

Ninja's dignity? !

What dignity can be more important than my life...】

Uchiha people: 눈_눈...

"... Chief, I think that old dog Danzo will not come out if you scold him like this."

"Yes, Chief, you are scolding people... It is an insult to the word 'swearing'."

"Excuse me, even if I bring a dog to scold... It is much more lethal than your scolding."


Uchiha Fugaku: ☄ฺ(◣д◢) ☄! ! !

Ever since the death of the Uchiha clan members, the chief of the clan, Uchiha Fugaku, has become less and less prestigious. Any clan member dares to joke with him.

And the culprit of all this is...

[Rebellious son! ! ! ]

Uchiha Fugaku glared at the unfilial son standing beside him.

Itachi: ⊙_⊙? ? ?

“Dig for me! We must dig this old man Danzo Shimura out of the ground today!”

Uchiha Fugaku gritted his teeth and gave the order, and then he was the first to control Susanoo and start digging.

Other Uchiha clan members followed suit, bent down and started digging for Danzo Shimura, and then…

The latest famous scene in the ninja world appeared - Uchiha digging!

“Fuck… why haven’t we dug it yet?!”

“It’s all Luan’s fault, he hit the old dog Danzo too hard.”

“That’s right, it’s all Luan’s fault!”

Uchiha Luan, who had transformed into a tentacle monster before: (ー_ー)!!

A group of Uchiha clan members continued to dig underground, cursing, but they had dug more than ten meters deep, but still hadn’t dug to the bottom of the pit to find Danzo Shimura.

A group of people gradually lost their patience.

In order to calm their anxious emotions, they also took the culprit Uchiha Luan outside and beat him up.Beat up Dai Xiaozi as well.

Uchiha Luan: (*꒦ິ⌓꒦ີ)...

Itachi: _(´ཀ`」 ∠)__ ...

At this moment, the Black and White Zetsu, who had disappeared before the battle, suddenly appeared behind everyone.

"You can't do this, let me do it."

The body of Black and White Zetsu turned black in the blink of an eye, and it was obvious that Black Zetsu had completely mastered the control.

Black Zetsu swaggered through the passage that the Uchiha people made way for. When he came to the edge of the pit, he raised one hand and stretched out his index finger to the bottom of the pit, and then shouted four words in an extremely arrogant manner.

"You~ come here!!!"

Black Zetsu's taunting power was full, and the Uchiha people around him wanted to rush up and beat him, but fortunately, just a second before they were about to take action...

Whoosh! ! !

Uchiha people: ⊙_⊙? ? ?

What went by so fast?

After several seconds, the Uchiha people realized that the person who jumped out of the pit just now was the Shimura Danzo they had been searching for.

At this moment, Shimura Danzo seemed to have triggered the red-eye special effect, and was beating Black Zetsu to the ground with a ferocious look.

"Ahhh~ Hurry up, I've caught Shimura Danzo... Aaaaa!!!

You guys should hurry up!!!"

Black Zetsu, who had no power to fight back under Shimura Danzo's hands, kept urging the Uchiha people who were standing around in a daze.

The next second...

"Hit him!"

The Uchiha people beat Shimura Danzo and Black Zetsu together to the smoking ground.

“Shimura Danzo!

We haven’t finished fighting yet, don’t run if you can!”

After sacrificing six more Mangekyōs, Shimura Danzo finally escaped the encirclement of the Uchiha clan by himself, and fled for his life.

Shimura Danzo, who was escaping for his life, was smart this time. He didn’t play with Susanoo.

That thing was too big and too easy to be discovered. It was far less convenient than running away alone.

Behind Shimura Danzo, a group of Uchiha clan members also put away Susanoo.

They didn’t dislike the inconvenience of Susanoo’s large size, but because…

It consumed too much. The chakra and pupil power in their bodies were no longer enough to support the consumption of summoning Susanoo for a long time.

In this way, the war between Shimura Danzo and the Uchiha clan officially entered the fourth stage - the physical pursuit war.

During his escape, Shimura Danzo found that no matter how fast he ran or how well he hid, the Uchiha could find his trail accurately in the blink of an eye, and then chased him madly. Just like a dog-skin plaster that couldn't be shaken off! If he continued like this, he might really be caught by them. Shimura Danzo knew that he had to find a way to break this embarrassing situation... After a while, Shimura Danzo knew that a turning point had come, because a figure appeared in front of him, and that figure was approaching him quickly! Shimura Danzo's eyes suddenly burst into a bright light, and he shouted desperately to the person who came. "Hiruzen save me!!!" "Danzo save me!!!" Sarutobi Hiruzen's cry for help sounded almost at the same time, which made both parties who met each other quite... collapsed.

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