"Uzumaki Naruto, you are standing there right there!!!"

"What the hell?! Uncle Fugaku, calm down!"

"I'm calming down, your grandma... grandma! You change my son's gender back!!!"

It was about time to go to bed at night, but the villagers of the Hidden Rain Village witnessed the birth of a century-famous painting - "Fugaku Chasing (Chopping) Naruto Under the Moon".

From the fact that Uchiha Fugaku could lift up the Kusugakumo-kiri, which was four and a half times as long as himself, and slashed wildly behind Naruto's ass non-stop, it was enough to see how angry he was at the moment.

It was a kind of grief and anger that exceeded the limit that normal people could bear;

As a father, Uchiha Fugaku dared to run to the home of Whitebeard father to steal his exclusive weapon, and then chased and chopped Whitebeard father's beloved eldest son all over the street with Kusugakumo-kiri.

Uchiha Fugaku's inner thoughts:

[Who understands, my family? I just asked Uzumaki Naruto to take care of my children because I had too many trivial matters in the clan, but I didn't take care of any of them...

The third child in our family has become a third child! Damn!! 】



The sharp blade passed directly over Naruto's scalp, and he was so scared that he sped up his pace to escape.

"Help! Someone is trying to murder your beloved leader~"

Seeing Uchiha Fugaku carrying Kusukimei catching up again, Naruto, who had already reached the limit of speed, had to let out a cry like a wolf howling.

Who would have thought that Naruto's shout would attract a large group of Uchiha family members with red eyes.

Naruto: (|| ๐_ :) ... Naruto really didn't pay attention. He ran and ran to the residents of the Uchiha family. Who should the people of Zhibo help? Of course, there is no doubt that the gangsters of their dear clan ~ Although they still don't know why their chiefs are having eight meters in the middle of the night, they can cut Naruto in the eight -meter sword, but ... who can refuse this good opportunity? "Got it! Just watch it, clan leader~"

"I promise to complete the mission!"

"Little Naruto~ Don't blame me, everything is to follow the orders of the clan leader of the Uchiha clan... Hehehe~"


A group of Uchiha rushed towards Naruto from all directions with red eyes and howling.

Naruto: ヾ(Ő∀Ő)ノ? ! !

After that, while dodging the slashing of Kusukome, Naruto used all his strength and spent a lot of effort to get out of their encirclement, and continued to run without stopping for a moment.

The people chasing him behind him also changed from Uchiha Fugaku alone to a surging wave composed of the vast number of Uchiha clan members.


After being chased by a large group of Uchiha for several streets and several turns...

"Where is that brat?!"

"Report to the clan leader, Naruto must have run into the night market."

"Night market? What night market?!

Is there a night market in the Hidden Rain Village?!

By the way, why are there so many people in this night market...


Come out for barbecue?!

Come here to eat barbecue in the middle of the night...are you sick?!"

The Uchiha angrily scolded the clan member who kindly stood up to answer his questions, and then waved his hand and shouted at the clan members behind him.

"Everyone, go in and search! Search hard! Search thoroughly!!!

We must catch that little bastard Uzumaki Naruto today no matter what!"

After saying that, Uchiha Fugaku, holding Kusugawa Kirei, stood outside the gate of the night market with his sword drawn, not moving an inch...

Is he preparing to block the gate? !

Fortunately, Uchiha Fugaku had never been to a night market before, and he didn't know that there were other exits to the night market in the Hidden Rain Village besides this one...

"Huoyao, take a team of people and surround the entire night market for me!

Until we find that brat, no one is allowed to enter but not leave!"

Well, as the clan leader, Uchiha Fugaku doesn't need to know how many exits there are in the night market.

With the hard power of the Uchiha clan...not even a fly can fly out of the entire night market.

The Uchiha clan's actions soon caused a commotion among the villagers who were still playing in the night market.

But the commotion was settled in an instant by Uchiha Fugaku's words.

"I, Uchiha, will pay for all the expenses tonight!!!"

The wealthy Uchiha Fugaku said,The Chiha clan doesn't need this little money.

"We found Naruto! The one wearing the orange jacket is Naruto!"


Naruto immediately took off his jacket and threw it far away, quickly blending into the crowd.

But soon after blending into the crowd, Naruto ran into Deidara and Kurotsuchi who were also at the night market.

"Hey~ Naruto, you're here to visit the night market too?"

Deidara greeted Naruto enthusiastically, but what he was waiting for was not Naruto's equally enthusiastic response, but...

"Naruto is here! The one with yellow hair is Naruto!"

Naruto threw Deidara, who also had yellow hair, out with his backhand.

Deidara: (꒪⌓꒪) ? ? ?

Kurotsuchi: Σ(っ °Д °;)っ? ! !

The flying Deidara was instantly pinned to the ground by a group of Uchiha.

"Brother Deidara!"

So, there was another person chasing after Naruto and trying to kill him...

"The one wearing the black shirt is Naruto!"

Naruto tore his black shirt to pieces.

"The one without clothes is Naruto!"

Naruto ran forward and kicked the Uchiha who shouted to the ground, quickly took off his outer robe and put it on himself, and even tore a piece of cloth to wrap his iconic yellow hair.

Naruto thought that no one would recognize him now, right?

As a result...

"Brothers, be careful! Naruto has mixed into our team... Everyone has opened the Sharingan, and the one without the Sharingan is Naruto!"

Naruto: (눈益눈) !


Who the hell is this? !

Do you have to be so smart? !

Naruto, who had tried every possible means to sneak into the Uchiha search team, beat down the Uchiha clan members around him and immediately ran away.

[… Host, this system has something to say but I don’t know whether it should be said or not. ]

“Hama~ If your words can save me, just say it boldly;

If not… you better keep silent!”

[Do you remember that you have a skill called Thousand Changes? ]

Naruto: (ー ー゛)…

After a while, Naruto, who had transformed into the appearance of the second pillar, returned to the original path and walked swaggeringly to Uchiha Fugaku, who was standing at the gate of the night market with Kurogiri.


Naruto respectfully shouted these four words to Uchiha Fugaku, and then…

Kurokumokiri chopped down on his head! ! !

Naruto: (((o(*°▽°*)o)))? ! !

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